• last year
नवप्रवेशित छात्र-छात्राओं का किया गया स्वागत एवं उन्मुखीकरण, तीन दिनों तक चलेगा कार्यक्रम


00:00Hindi is compulsory for all classes, you have to study Hindi.
00:19In this, look at the marking.
00:21There are two major papers,
00:23And all the papers are in the first 100.
00:26Whatever the paper is, it will be in 100.
00:28This will happen because when the result will be made,
00:33everyone will be divided by 100 for the convenience of the result
00:36and your percentage will also be taken.
00:38So, in the credit, everything is related to 100.
00:41Every paper will be of 100.
00:43So, major, minor, open,
00:46whatever it is, the three-hour exam I told you,
00:49business, and foundation,
00:53I took the Hindi class,
00:55every paper will be of 100.
01:05Out of 100, 70 will be your theory,
01:0970 will be your theoretical theory,
01:12and 25 will be your CSAT exam,
01:15which is called CCE,
01:17Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation.
01:21It will depend on your presence.
01:24There will be 30 marks in every subject,
01:27in which your CCE exam and assignment,
01:31in two types of cases, 30 marks will be distributed to you.
01:34Presence is compulsory and its numbers are given to you.
01:40If you are absent, those numbers will be minus
01:43and that will affect your result completely.
01:46And that result will force you to think in the fourth year
01:49that if I would have gone,
01:51if my father would have agreed,
01:52then my marks would not have been less.
01:53If the marks are less,
01:54then in the fourth year,
01:55everyone will face problems.
01:59And especially,
02:01if you miss a CCE,
02:03if you don't get a practical mark,
02:05then you will know that you will not be able to do it,
02:07you will not be able to get the knowledge.
02:09So, what will happen?
02:11You will get an A-B grade in the master's exam.
02:13A-B means absent.
02:15Absent means,
02:16the whole year of the master's exam will be ruined for you.
02:19You have to keep this in mind.
02:21There are only seven subjects.
02:23You have two major papers,
02:24and the minor has been opened.
02:26After that,
02:27you have a business,
02:29you have a tent project,
02:30and you have a foundation.
02:35Hindi, English, and the other subjects.
02:37There are only seven.
02:38What was there before?
02:39If you have studied chemistry,
02:40there are only three papers.
