nobody's house episode 1

  • 2 months ago
nobody's house episode 1
01:13Dog barks.
01:15All right, that's it.
01:17Come on, mate.
01:27It's creepy.
01:29Don't be silly, darling. It's just old.
01:31Yes, old and cheap.
01:33Oh, nice trees.
01:36Oh, this is lovely.
01:41What are you doing?
01:43Oh, nothing, nothing at all. Just checking.
01:46Here we go.
01:48Details, darling.
01:52Here we are.
01:54This is the hall area, of course, where we are now.
01:56The shop is there.
01:58It's a lovely place to serve.
02:00Four bedrooms, two attics, usual offices.
02:03Great possibilities have that.
02:07Well, as you said, it is cheap.
02:09No wonder. I think it should be cheaper now I've seen the inside.
02:12It's not pompous.
02:14It's got a sort of funny feeling.
02:19Why don't you look around?
02:21I'll wait.
02:23What's the matter?
02:25Nothing, nothing. I'm just...
02:27Dog barks.
02:29Sorry, darling.
02:31Well, excuse me.
02:33I'll be, um...
02:39Funny show.
02:41I was scared.
02:43You know what some people are about old houses.
02:45Imagine all sorts of silly things.
02:47What do you think?
02:51You wanted an antique shop.
02:53It's got a great atmosphere, hasn't it?
02:57We can call the whole thing off, if you like.
02:59I'm probably being stupid and selfish.
03:02Darling, that office in London's going to drive you crazy if you stay there much longer.
03:06Getting away from it all and opening a little business somewhere is a good idea.
03:10I'm just not so sure that an antique shop is the right sort of business.
03:13But there's money in antiques.
03:15You have an amateur's knowledge, Peter. Nothing more.
03:17Look, it'll take time, I know.
03:21All right. I give in.
03:25Mum! Dad!
03:27There's a huge garden out there.
03:29And all those trees and flowers all over the place.
03:31And it's a stable. Can we have a horse?
03:33And there's obviously plenty of dirt.
03:35Look, your face is absolutely flat.
03:37So you like it, then?
03:39The garden, yes, but the house, yeah.
03:41But you haven't really seen it yet.
03:43No, you go upstairs and explore. Your mother and I'll look around down here.
03:45You take Wally with you? Wally!
03:49Watch out for any rocks in the corridor.
03:53I suppose if we splash white paint over everything, it won't be so bad.
03:57White paint? Why is it that nurses have this thing about everything being white?
04:01Well, it's clean.
04:03Like a hospital, yes, but this is an antique shop.
04:05I mean, look at the...
04:07genuine wood carving and...
04:09shelves and display.
04:11Look, furniture.
04:13Yeah. It's got a beautiful old-world charm.
04:15Which would be improved by a coat of new-world white paint.
04:20But why should you have first choice?
04:23Because I'm the oldest. Not much.
04:25And the biggest. Wally!
04:33No, I'll definitely have this room.
04:35What if I don't let you?
04:37I'll thump you.
04:39Oh. All right, then.
04:41Oh. You chose.
04:43Oh, yeah, but I mean... You said you definitely wanted that one.
04:45What is that?
04:47It's the wind.
04:51It's the wind, Teddy, not your breath.
05:03What's it like down there?
05:05It's fantastic.
05:07It's a huge old cellar.
05:09It's been fixed up as a workshop by someone.
05:15Careful, darling. It's as black as pitch down here.
05:18Why did you turn on the light?
05:20Don't be silly, darling.
05:26Well, you can't argue that this doesn't need a lick of paint.
05:29Look, let's get one thing straight.
05:31The shop and this cellar are my territory, right?
05:33The rest of the house is yours.
05:35Are you going to use this place?
05:37Of course. I shall need a workshop for my...
05:39repairs and renovations.
05:41You know perfectly well that if you start messing about
05:43with saws and chisels and things,
05:45you'll need repairs and renovations.
05:47Repairs and renovations.
06:01What was that strange noise?
06:03I don't know.
06:05That's where all that wind come from.
06:07Perhaps Mr Jacobs has come back and left the front door open.
06:10Probably caused by an old blue somewhere.
06:12You know, these old house...
06:32See anything?
06:34It's all junk and stuff.
06:36I know that, silly, but is there anything up there?
06:39Oh, come on, there's something.
06:43Take it.
06:45What is it?
06:47It's a picture.
06:49Couldn't you find anything else up there by that stupid picture?
06:52There's all sorts of things, I told you.
06:54Probably a can full of priceless antiques that Daddy keeps there.
06:57Priceless antiques? Don't be silly.
06:59Come on, it's a picture of this house.
07:01Oh, yeah.
07:03Look, it says,
07:05Cornerstones, built 1885,
07:07on the site of Bernese Workhouse.
07:09What's the workhouse?
07:11Well, the workhouse was for poor people.
07:13In the olden days, if you had no money,
07:15they put you into a workhouse.
07:19It's just a noise.
07:29Mr Sinclair?
07:31Mr Sinclair?
07:47Mr Sinclair, have you seen...
07:53Have you seen everything you've...
07:55Mr Sinclair?
08:01Is there anybody there?
08:21I agree that this room needs a good lick of white paint.
08:23I like the wallpaper.
08:25You what?
08:27Wallpaper, it's all the vogue now.
08:29You'd have to pay a fortune for a design like that.
08:31Yeah, I realise that, darling. It looks terrible in here.
08:33I like it.
08:35And if you're going to have your way in the shop,
08:37then as we agreed, the rest of the...
08:39Come on, Lockie.
08:41If we paint the daydream white...
08:43Mr J?
08:45Mr Sinclair!
08:49What was it?
08:51Who locked me down there?
08:53Was it those children?
08:55No, no one locked you in there, Mr Jacob.
08:57If it wasn't you and it wasn't the children...
08:59What on earth's the matter?
09:01Oh, nothing, nothing. I'm all right.
09:03It's just that...
09:07It's the ghost, you see.
09:09No, no, the ghost.
09:11I should have told you, warned you.
09:13Everyone around here knows about it.
09:15This house is haunted.
09:17It's been empty...
09:19No, it's been empty for years now.
09:21Anyone who lives here is always driven away in the end.
09:23I should quite understand if you've changed your minds.
09:25I was foolish to bring you here.
09:27I think we'd better go.
09:29How much will you accept to take it off your company's hands?
09:31Oh, Jane, I don't...
09:33You're not scared by silly stories of ghosts, are you?
09:35Of course not.
09:37Well, how much?
09:39You mean you want it?
09:45Well, you know the price.
09:47We'll give you half.
09:51Well, you can keep it.
09:53I don't know. I'll start to consult with my partner about that.
09:55On second thoughts, I...
09:57Agreed. On one condition.
10:01When you leave, don't come to my company to sell it for you.
10:03We have no intention of leaving.
10:11Well, then, we'll discuss the details in my car.
10:13I'll wait for you in the office.
10:15I'm in the car.
10:21You're incredible, darling.
10:23I knew there was some reason
10:25why he was so keen to sell this house.
10:29What if it's true?
10:31Don't be silly, darling.
10:33Come on, let's get the children.
10:35Tom, Jimmy, come on.
10:39We've got quite a bit to do before we move in here.
10:43What's the matter?
10:45Well, it's nothing to do with what Mr Jacob said about the house.
10:47It's just that
10:49now that it's come to it, I
10:51wonder if we were wise to make this move.
10:53It's pretty drastic.
10:55Moving out of the rat race?
10:57Away from the dirty, smoky city
10:59to the nice, clean...
11:03Green countryside?
11:05We'll be happy here.
11:07I shall be happy.
11:09As for the children, it'll be marvellous for them.
11:13Children, walk!
11:15What have you been doing?
11:17Well, she started it.
11:19Never mind.
11:21Come on, let's go and get some lunch and then Daddy and I
11:23will settle matters with Mr Jacob.
11:25You mean you were staying?
11:27What did I tell you? Everybody's happy.
11:29Right as usual.
11:31I just hope the ghost is happy to have company.
11:33Oh, just some silly
11:35note or story, darling.
11:37There's no such thing as ghosts.
11:39Come on, you hungry?
11:41I'll just lock up.
11:43Come on, lad.
12:33That picture looks all right up there.
12:35I think it would look better up there.
12:37Well, that picture I just...
12:39Well, it's the one the kids found in the attic.
12:41I just hung it up.
12:43But first you don't succeed.
12:45Must have fallen down.
12:51You wanted that room.
12:53Shut up.
12:55I'm staying here.
13:23Oh, stupid.
13:45Are you doing anything?
13:47Hang on.
13:49I need the sticky tape.
13:51Oh, thanks.
13:53What does he want now?
13:55Nothing more, thanks.
14:41I'll just sort of pop round
14:43and see if everything's all right.
14:45It's fine.
14:47Well, it's found to be chaos at first.
14:49Oh, of course.
14:51Cup of tea?
14:53Oh, that's very kind. Thank you.
14:55Jane? Jane?
14:59Cup of tea for Mr Jacobs, darling.
15:03Just throw those things off that chair, Mr Jacobs.
15:05Oh, thank you.
15:07Don't mind if I carry on, do you?
15:09Oh, no, no, you carry on with whatever you're doing.
15:11Don't mind me.
15:25I put sugar in. Is that all right?
15:27Oh, that's fine.
15:29Thank you.
15:35Yes, sir, I just thought I'd pop round...
15:37Pop round and see how we're getting on.
15:39Um, have there been any...
15:43What do they look like, these ghosts of yours?
15:45Oh, well, nobody's actually seen them.
15:47I mean, they're just rumours.
15:51Well, nothing odd has happened.
15:53Oh, good.
15:55On the other hand...
15:57Accidents, things not being quite where one thinks they should be.
16:00Moving, you mean.
16:02Probably just me. No, me too.
16:04Imagination. A strange house.
16:06Or, um, poltergeists.
16:10Spirits that throw things about.
16:12Move things?
16:14You mean ghosts that you never see?
16:16All such things do exist.
16:20Well, I mean, you must have heard about them.
16:22Mr Jacobs!
16:24Oh, it's all right.
16:29He moved my tea!
16:37He moved my tea!
16:39You just picked up...
16:57You just picked up...
16:59You just picked up...
17:01You just picked up...
17:03You just picked up...
17:05You just picked up...
17:07You just picked up...
17:09You just picked up...
17:11You just picked up...
17:13You just picked up...
17:15You just picked up...
17:17You just picked up...
17:19You just picked up...
17:21You just picked up...
17:23You just picked up...
17:25You just picked up...
17:34They're fast asleep.
17:36They must be tired after all these little things.
17:39They've been very good.
17:41That won't last.
17:43Come to bed, darling.
17:45I'm sorry.
17:47It wasn't your fault, darling.
17:51Come on, darling, you're tired!
17:53Yes, that's what's up.
17:55Are all nurses bossy?
17:57Only bossy ones.
17:59That's what we've been after, isn't it?
19:05Hey, wake up all y'all, my house's been burnt down!
19:08There's a fire in the cell here, Great Lummer.
19:10My house has owned fire.
19:23It wasn't turn, it was me! Do something, there's a fire in the cellar!
19:40There is, there's a fire!
19:57Go get mum and dad!
20:00Mummy! Daddy!
20:08Come on, Eddie up!
20:11Come on, do something, put it out!
20:14There's a fire in the house, there's a fire!
20:16Daddy, there's a fire in the cellar!
20:25Come on, put it out!
20:27Eddie up! Come on!
20:34Put it down, there's a fire!
20:36Tom, are you alright?
20:37There's a fire!
20:41It's alright, it's alright.
20:46It's alright, come on.
20:48Thanks to Tom and Gilly, we'll get them upstairs.
20:50It's alright, I can go.
20:53No, it's alright now.
20:55How on earth did you find out about the fire?
20:57I don't know, mum. I must have been dreaming.
20:59Then something suddenly woke me up and I went into Gilly's room.
21:02Then we smelled burning.
21:04Thank goodness you did!
21:06Come on now, let's get you a hot drink.
21:08I think we could all do with one.
21:10Oh, don't worry about that.
21:18Night, darling.
21:21Come on, Gilly, come in here.
21:23Did someone come into your room or was I dreaming?
21:26I don't know.
21:27If they didn't, we must have both been having the same dream.
21:30Of course you weren't dreaming!
21:32I woke you.
21:34You nearly burnt me house down.
21:36Your house?
21:37I've lived here long before they built this place.
21:39I have.
21:40Used to live here in the old workhouse,
21:42till I caught plague and snuffed it.
21:44Snuffed it?
21:45I died, you know.
21:47You still don't get it, do you?
21:49I'm a ghost.
21:52And I don't like strangers coming here.
21:54I'll frighten them away!
21:56Well, you don't look very frightening to me.
21:59Well, loaded it's been playing all them tricks on you today then, eh?
22:02That wasn't frightening.
22:03Well, I can do much worse than that.
22:05Well, this is our house and we're staying.
22:07I was thinking of letting you stay anyway.
22:10Oh, very kind, I'm sure.
22:11On one condition.
22:12What's that?
22:13Well, let me come and talk to you in there.
22:16Talk to you in there?
22:17Gets a bit lonely here all by yourself.
22:19OK, but mustn't let anybody see you.
22:22That'd spoil everything.
22:23You've just got to be our ghost.
22:25Right, done.
22:26What's your name?
22:27I don't know.
22:29Never had one.
22:30Was an orphan.
22:31So you're just nobody?
22:33What callin' that?
22:46I don't know.
22:47Never had one.
22:48Was an orphan.
22:49So you're just nobody?
22:50What callin' that?
22:52What callin' that?
22:53I don't know.
22:54Never had one.
22:55Was an orphan.
22:56So you're just nobody?
22:57What callin' that?
22:59What callin' that?
23:00I don't know.
23:01Never had one.
23:02Was an orphan.
23:03So you're just nobody?
23:04What callin' that?
23:05I don't know.
23:06Never had one.
23:07Was an orphan.
23:08So you're just nobody?
23:09What callin' that?
23:10I don't know.
23:11Never had one.
23:12Was an orphan.
23:13So you're just nobody?
23:14What callin' that?
23:15I don't know.
23:16Never had one.
23:17Was an orphan.
23:18So you're just nobody?
23:19What callin' that?
23:20I don't know.
23:21Never had one.
23:22Was an orphan.
23:23So you're just nobody?
23:24What callin' that?
23:25I don't know.
23:26Never had one.
23:27Was an orphan.
23:28So you're just nobody?
23:29What callin' that?
23:30I don't know.
23:31Never had one.
23:32Was an orphan.
23:33So you're just nobody?
23:34What callin' that?
23:35I don't know.
23:36Never had one.
23:37Was an orphan.
23:38So you're just nobody?
23:39What callin' that?
23:40I don't know.
23:41Never had one.
23:42Was an orphan.
23:43So you're just nobody?