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#johncleese #fawltytowers #bbc https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5domZkB-eRa6BuFOO8OXaQ
A Touch of Class: Basil is delighted when a member of the aristocracy chooses to stay at the Fawlty Towers, snubbing the normal guests who frequent the hotel. What Basil does not know, however, is that the man is not a Lord but a confidence trickster who attempts to steal his collection of rare coins. As Basil's desperation to keep such an 'upstanding' guest increases, he becomes increasingly tolerant towards the man's behavior, only to have the guest arrested in a police raid on the hotel.
Starring: John Cleese, Prunella Scales, Andrew Sachs, Connie Booth
00:23One double room without bath the 16th 17th and 18th
00:27Yes, and if you be so good as to confirm by letter, thank you so much. Good. Bye
00:31Have you made up the bill for room 12 basil? No, I haven't yet. No. Well, they're in a hurry
00:34Polly says they didn't get their alarm call
00:38And basil, please get that picture up. It's been there for a week. It's been there since Monday civil Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday
00:44Good morning
00:46Man well, there is too much butter on those trays. Okay, there is too much butter on those trays
01:01No, no, no, senor. I'm not not on those tries. No sir. Oh, no
01:10I'm mucho burro Ali. Okay. I'm mucho burro Ali
01:16Monty Kia, what? Okay? I'm TK a burro is is
01:21he or
01:27Poor favorite moment, I
01:30Nothing dear. I'm just dealing with it. He's been good. How you say?
01:35Mantiquilla solamente dos dos
01:38Well, don't look at me you're the one who's supposed to be able to speak it don't two pieces to each
01:49I don't know why he wanted to hire him basil because he's cheap and keen to learn there and in this day and age
01:56I learned classical Spanish not the strange dialect. He seems to have picked up
02:02Train a monkey morning. Miss Gatsby morning. Miss Tim's. Good morning. Good morning
02:09Basil yes, dear. Are you going to hang the picture? Yes, I am dear. Yes. Yes. Well when I've when I
02:16Well, why don't you do it now? Well, I'm doing this dear. I'm doing the menu
02:19You've got all morning to the menu. Why don't you hang the picture now?
02:23Well, that's all right. I won't do the menu
02:25I don't think you realize how long it takes to do the menu, but no, it doesn't matter
02:27I'll hang the picture now
02:28If the menus are late for lunch, it doesn't matter the guests can all come and look at the picture till they are ready
02:39Thank you, dear, thank you so much. I know where I'd be without you
02:51Could we have our bill, please?
02:53Can you wait a minute? Well, I'm afraid we're a bit late for our train. We didn't get our alarm call
03:04I'm so sorry. It's not all done by magic
03:07No, I'm not doing the menu dear. I'm doing the bill for these charming people who are in a hurry
03:11I'm sorry to cause all this trouble. But the reason we're late is we didn't get our alarm call
03:18Because I forgot I am so sorry, I'm not perfect
03:23Hey, well, perhaps you'd pay my wife. I have to put the picture up
03:27There aren't any dustbins to be cleaned up
03:37Bye, see you again
03:43Don't forget the picture Basil. I won't dear, leave it to me. I'm going out now. I expect you to be out when I come back
03:49Drive carefully, dear
03:52Morning, Major
03:54Morning, Vaughty. I do apologize for the tardiness at the arrival of your newspaper this morning, Major
03:58I will speak to them again. See if something can be done. Ah, more strikes, dustbin, post office
04:03Makes you want to cry, doesn't it? What's happened to the old idea of doing something for your fellow man? Of service!
04:08I mean today people just... Mr. Paulson! Yes, I'm coming, I'm coming, wait a moment
04:13They treat you like dirt, you know, of course, it's pure ignorance. We're the class of... Ah, Dolly Vera made a hundred. Did he?
04:20Yeah. Did he really? Good for him. Good old Dolly.
04:24Thank you, boy. We'll only stay until Sunday. Right. Thank you
04:33Yes, yes
04:55Ah, I thought you were going out, dear
04:58What's this?
05:00I decided, Sybil, to advertise. How much did it cost? Oh, er, fifteen? Forty. Forty?
05:07I have told you where we advertise. Sybil, I know the hotel business. No, you don't, Basil. Sybil,
05:13we've got to try and attract a better class of person. Why?
05:17Losing tone. Making money? Yes, yes. Just? Yes, but now we can try and build up a higher class of clientele
05:25Turn away some of that riff-raff. So long as they pay their bills, Basil. It's not all that matters to you, Sybil. Money!
05:31This advertisement is a waste of forty pounds. One moment, one moment, please
05:39Well? My dear woman, Sir Richard and Lady Morris arriving this evening for two nights. You see, they saw our advertisement in Country Life.
05:45I wish they were staying a week. Well, so do I. Might pay for the ad, then.
05:49Sybil, look, if we can attract this class of customer, I mean, the sky's the limit. Basil, twenty-two rooms is the limit.
05:56Have you, have you seen the people in room six?
05:59They've never even sat on chairs before. They're the commonest, vulgarest most of...
06:19Got a room?
06:22I beg your pardon? Got a room for tonight, mate?
06:26As you'll have to see, sir, a single? Yeah. No, make it a double. I feel lucky today.
06:34Hello. Good morning.
06:40Only joking. No, we haven't. What? We haven't any rooms, could there? Number seven is free, Basil. What? No, er, Mr.
06:46Tone is in number seven, dear. No, he left while you were putting a picture up, Basil.
06:52Just one case. In the car, the white sports.
06:57Fill this in, would you, sir? If you can.
07:03I hope you enjoy your stay, Mr. Brown.
07:06Ah, Manuel, would you fetch this gentleman's case from the car outside to take to room seven?
07:13Oh, he's not easy for me. What? He's not easy for me to understand. Ah, it's not easy for you to understand. Manuel,
07:21we're training him. He's from Barcelona.
07:24In Spain.
07:26Fetch the case from the white sports car to room seven, please.
07:40Pronto? He's impossible. What? He's impossible to understand. He's perfectly simple. Manuel,
07:46if you go and fetch my luggage, which is in the white car, and bring it to room number seven.
07:52Señor, habla espanol. Oh, solo un poco, lo siento. Pero he olvidado mucho. No, señor, habla muy bien, muy muy bien, formidable.
08:01Gracias, gracias. Lo voy a coger ahora.
08:08Well, if there's anything else, I'm sure Manuel will be able to tell you, as you seem to get on so well together.
08:14Ah, key.
08:21Hello, dear, just doing the picture. Don't forget the menu. I beg your pardon? Don't forget the menu. I thought you said you want right, I'll do the menu.
08:52You could have had them both done by now, if you hadn't spent the whole morning skulking in there, listening to that racket.
08:58Racket? That's Brahms. Brahms' third racket.
09:08The whole morning? Two bars.
09:13Ready to order? Yeah. What's a grail frit? Grapefruit.
09:18And a creme pot rouge? Portuguese, tomato soup. I'll have the grail frit.
09:25Now, parm carousel. Lamb? Casserole. Oh, sounds good. Does it come with a smile? Comes with sprouts or carrots?
09:32Oh, a smile's extra, is it? You'll get one if you eat up all your sprouts.
09:47I beg your pardon? Oh, hello. Can I have some wine, please?
09:53The waiter is busy, sir, but I will bring you the cut des vins when I've finished attending to this gentleman.
09:58Oh, fine. No worry. Oh, good. How nice. I trust the beer is to your satisfaction, sir?
10:05Yeah. Fine. Ah, good. May I wish you bon appétit.
10:14Senor, would you fetch the wine list, please? Si, senor.
10:19The wine list. Si. The what? Vino. Senor. No, no, no. The list.
10:26There, there. The list.
10:29Look at that list there. The red cross. Look there.
10:35There. Ah.
10:38Do you need help?
10:44Have you got half a bottle of the Beaujolais? Yes. Oh, fine.
10:49Right. Give him the wine. Give him the wine. Manuel? Another grapefruit for table 12, please.
10:54Manuel? I do beg your pardon. I do apologise. I'm so sorry. Thank you. I'm so sorry.
10:58Throw it away.
11:06Throw it away. Throw it away. Throw it away.
11:11Throw it away. Now!
11:15Throw it...
11:21Sorry. What do you mean, throw?
11:27Sorry about that. No, I like a bit of cabaret.
11:31You left your sketch. Oh, sorry. It's very good. Do you sell any?
11:35Enough to keep me in waitressing. Ah.
11:38One half bottle of Beaujolais.
11:42Someone at reception, dear.
11:49Yes, yes, well, yes.
11:51Well, I was wondering if you could offer me accommodation for a few nights.
11:54Well, have you booked? I'm sorry? Have you booked? Have you booked?
11:57I know. Oh, dear. Why, are you full?
12:00No, no, we're not full. We're not full. Of course we're not full.
12:05Well, I'd like to... One moment, one moment, please.
12:09Yes? Single room. Your name, please. Could I have your name?
12:13One second, please. Hello?
12:16Ah, yes, Mr O'Reilly. Well, it's perfectly simple.
12:18When I asked you to build me a wall, I was rather hoping
12:21that instead of just dumping the bricks in a pile,
12:24you might have found time to cement them together, you know,
12:27one on top of the other in the traditional fashion.
12:30Could you fill it in, please? Oh, splendid.
12:33Ah, yes, yes, yes. But when, Mr O'Reilly? There, there, there.
12:38Yes, yes, yes, but when?
12:41Yes, yes, yes, yes. Ah, the flu. Yes.
12:45Both names, please. Yes, I should have guessed, Mr O'Reilly,
12:49that of the potato famine, I suppose. Yeah, I beg your pardon?
12:52Would you put both your names, please? Well, would you give me a date?
12:56Yeah, I only use one. You don't have a first name.
12:59You know, I'm Lord Melbury, so I simply sign Melbury.
13:05Go away. I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting, Your Worship.
13:10I do apologise. I seem to have accepted your forgiveness.
13:12Now, is there something, something, anything that I can do for you, anything?
13:16Yes, well, I have filled this in. Oh, please, don't bother with that.
13:19Now, a room, a special room, a single, a double, a suite?
13:23Well, we don't have any suites, but we have some beautiful doubles.
13:25No, no, no, just a single. Just a single, absolutely.
13:27How very wise, if I may say so, Your Honour.
13:30With a bath? Naturally, naturally. Natural more.
13:36Well, I shall be staying for one or two nights. Oh, please, please.
13:46Well, it's rather grey today, isn't it? Oh, yes, it is rather.
13:49Yes, of course, usually down here it's quite beautiful, but today is a real old rotter.
13:58Still, it's good for the wheat. Oh, yes, I suppose so.
14:01Oh, yes, I hear it's coming along wonderfully at the moment.
14:04Thank God. Oh, I love the wheat.
14:05Oh, there's no sight like a field of wheat waving in the, waving in the...
14:13Well, how are you?
14:15I mean, if it's not a personal question. Well, it is a personal question.
14:17Lord Melbury, let me get your case.
14:19Oh, yes, thank you very much. They're just outside.
14:21Thank you so much. I won't be long now.
14:27Well, you know, it's been a good, good morning.
14:30If you just put your address down.
14:32May I, may I introduce my wife?
14:33Yes, we have met.
14:35Ah, my wife, may I introduce His Lordship?
14:37Thank you, Basil. We've sorted it out now.
14:39Splendid, splendid.
14:41Could I deposit this case with you? It's just a few valuables.
14:44Valuables? Of course.
14:46Please, let me take it now and have it put in the safe straight away.
14:48Er, Sybil, would you put this in the safe, please?
14:50I'm just after the kitchens, Basil.
14:52Yes, well, if you're too busy.
14:54Nice to have met you, Lord Melbury. Hope you enjoy your stay.
14:56Thank you, sir. I'll do it then, then I'll do the picture.
14:58I'll put this away in one moment, Your Lord.
14:59Thank you, Manuel.
15:01Would you take these cases to room 21?
15:06Take to room 21.
15:09No entender.
15:11Prende los casos en...
15:13Oh, it doesn't matter, I'll do it.
15:15Thank you, Manuel.
15:17Oh, I think then...
15:19Wait, wait, wait.
15:25In there.
15:27Don't wait in there.
15:30I do apologise, Your Lordship.
15:32I'm afraid he's only just joined us.
15:34It'd be quicker to train a monkey.
15:47Oh, do please follow me.
15:49I mean, if you're ready.
15:51There's no hurry.
15:53Oh, yes, yes, no, fine.
16:00Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you.
16:02Would you mind moving to that table?
16:04Could I ask you please to move to that table over there?
16:07I'm so sorry to trouble you.
16:09Thank you so much.
16:11This is Lord Melbury's table, you see.
16:13Lord Melbury, when he stays with us, he always sits at this table.
16:15Why did they put us here, then?
16:17An oversight on my wife's part, I'm so sorry.
16:19He's only just arrived, you see.
16:21Would you mind, Polly?
16:23Would you help these people move, please?
16:25Thank you, thank you so much.
16:27Come on, come on.
16:30Ah, Lord Melbury.
16:32Do please come this way, your lordship.
16:34I have your table over here by the window, as usual.
16:37Just here.
16:39Thank you, thank you.
16:41Thank you very much, yes.
16:43Oh, my God!
16:45Oh, my God!
16:47Oh, my God!
16:49He's killed me!
16:51Get on with your meals!
16:53Thank you so much.
16:55Thank you.
17:00Thank you.
17:06Ah, Lord Melbury, I really must apologize again.
17:09Oh, no, no, no, please, please, think nothing of it.
17:11Oh, but it was...
17:13No, no, no, no.
17:15Smallest of accidents could have occurred anywhere.
17:17Yes, but I mean it.
17:19No, no, I've forgotten all about it.
17:21Well, that's most...
17:23You're really...
17:25Your lordship, would you allow me to offer you dinner here tonight as our guest?
17:27Oh, that's extremely kind of you.
17:29Yes, there is one thing.
17:31Good, good.
17:33I was wondering, can you cash me a small cheque?
17:35I'm playing golf this afternoon.
17:37Oh, delighting.
17:39I'd rather not go into the tarp.
17:41Absolutely, I mean, how much?
17:43If it's not a rude question.
17:45No, well, could you manage 50...
17:47Oh, a hundred?
17:49A hundred?
17:55Oh, yes, I mean, will a hundred be enough?
17:57I mean, 150, 200, 160?
17:59Oh, now, let's see.
18:01It's dinner tonight, a few tips.
18:03Oh, and it's the weekend, isn't it?
18:05Would 200 be all right?
18:09Oh, please!
18:11Oh, tremendous!
18:13Oh, I'm so happy!
18:15I'll send someone down to the town straightaway
18:17and have it for you here when you get back.
18:19Yes, well, that'll be splendid.
18:21Oh, thank you, thank you a lot.
18:23Thank you so much.
18:25Oh, not at all.
18:27I mean, my privilege.
18:29What are you doing?
18:31I'm kissing you, dear.
18:33Well, don't.
18:35I thought it might be nice.
18:37I heard about lunch.
18:39What? Oh, that? Oh, think nothing of it.
18:43It was the smallest of accidents.
18:45Could have happened anywhere.
18:47Anywhere? First you move that nice family
18:49in the middle of their meal,
18:51and then you attack Lord Melbury with a chair.
18:53Look, Sybil, I've had a word with Lord Melbury about it.
18:55He was quite charming.
18:57It's delightful to have people I bet staying here.
18:59A couple of engagements, a couple of hunters,
19:03Well, I've never seen such tatty cases.
19:05Of course you haven't!
19:07It's only a true upper class that would have tat like that.
19:09That's the whole point!
19:11Oh, you don't know what I'm talking about.
19:13No, I don't, but don't ever move guests
19:15in the middle of a meal again,
19:17and get that picture up.
19:19Sorrowful rat.
19:24Would you do me a favour?
19:26When you're down in the town this afternoon,
19:27would you just pop,
19:29just between ourselves, don't mention my wife,
19:31pop into the bank and just...
19:57Come on.
20:28Could somebody answer that, please?
20:34Is there nobody who can answer that?
20:36There must be someone.
20:39Not you.
20:41Oh, God.
20:43Oh, God.
20:45Oh, God.
20:47Oh, God.
20:49Oh, God.
20:51Oh, God.
20:53Oh, God.
20:55Oh, God.
20:57I'll have to get it up.
20:59That's my holiday, do it then.
21:01Hello, Forty Towers.
21:03Hello, Forty Towers.
21:05Hello, Brenda.
21:07Basil, it's six o'clock.
21:09Ah, Polly.
21:11Did you cash it?
21:13Mr. Fawlty.
21:14Good, good.
21:15Could I have a word with you?
21:17Could I speak to you in the office for just a minute?
21:18Oh, Polly.
21:19It's very important.
21:20Later, later.
21:22Yes, I'm just going, dear.
21:23Thank you.
21:24Thank you so much, Polly.
21:26Ah, good evening, Major.
21:27Evening, Forty.
21:29Ah, the usual?
21:31Oh, why not indeed, yes.
21:34Why not?
21:35I've just been watching one of those nature films on television.
21:38Oh, yes?
21:39Did you know that the female gibbon gestates for seven months?
21:44Seven months?
21:46Well, I never.
21:47Here you are, Major.
21:49Oh, my word.
21:50Ah, good evening, Mr. Waring.
21:52A gin and orange, a lemon squash, and a Scotch and water, please.
21:58Is there any part of the room you would like us to keep an eye for?
22:03We'll be over there, then.
22:07Well, well.
22:08Evening, Fawlty.
22:09Ah, good evening, Lord Melbury.
22:11Yes, anywhere.
22:13Lord Melbury, may I offer you a little aperitif as our guest?
22:16Oh, that's very kind of you.
22:17Dry sherry, if you please.
22:19What else?
22:20What else?
22:24Oh, I don't know what.
22:25Je ne sais quoi.
22:29Ah, there you are, Sybil.
22:30Good evening, Major.
22:31Good evening, Mrs. Fawlty.
22:33There you are, Your Lordship.
22:34Oh, thank you very much.
22:36I see my little collection of coins tickles your interest.
22:39Oh, oh, yes, yes, yes.
22:41Old British Empire, of course.
22:43Used to be quite a hobby of mine, a little investment, too.
22:46Yeah, quite.
22:47Talking about...
22:48Did you manage...
22:49Oh, yes, yes.
22:51There you are, Your Lordship.
22:53Oh, thank you.
23:03Oh, yes, you know, these sorts of things,
23:05their values soared this last couple of years.
23:08Have they?
23:09Oh, yes.
23:10Now, you take my advice.
23:11You get them revalued and insure them for the full amount.
23:13Yes, yes, I will.
23:15You can't take any risks nowadays, I'm afraid.
23:17No, no.
23:18Well, I must be off.
23:19Oh, thank you very much, Your Lordship.
23:20Oh, Basil.
23:21Yes, I'm just talking to Lord Melvedia.
23:23Uh, gin and orange, lemon, squash and squash.
23:26I do apologise.
23:27I was just talking to Lord Melvedia.
23:30I was, um, I was thinking.
23:32You see, I am having dinner tonight with the Duke of Buckley.
23:37Do you know him?
23:38Uh, not personally, no.
23:41Well, he's a great expert, you know, Sotheby's and all that.
23:44You see, well, if you like, I could take them with me,
23:47ask him to have a quick look at them,
23:48and you can find their current value.
23:50Would you?
23:51Yes, yes, certainly, yes.
23:52Now, I'll be off in a few moments, you know, it's really soon.
23:56I'm talking to Lord Melvedia.
23:58Gin and orange, a lemon, squash and a Scotch and water.
24:02All right, all right.
24:08Oh, Mr. Fawlty.
24:09Was that Lord Melvedia?
24:10Has he gone?
24:11I rule.
24:12Mr. Fawlty, I must speak with you.
24:14Can't you see I'm busy?
24:15Please, it's very important.
24:16I can't.
24:17It's very important.
24:18I'm just dealing with something important out here, civil.
24:20Thank you.
24:21Yes, yes, all right, yes, yes, well, well, yes, yes, right, yes.
24:25It's about Lord Melbury.
24:27He's not Lord Melbury.
24:28He's a confidence trickster.
24:30I beg your pardon?
24:31Mr. Brown told me.
24:33Mr. Brown's from the CID.
24:35They've been watching Melbury
24:36because he's pulling some big con trick in the town.
24:38They're going to arrest him as soon as he leaves here,
24:40so as not to cause you embarrassment.
24:41But he asked me to tell you so that you wouldn't...
24:43Oh, how nice of you.
24:44Oh, please, Mr. Fawlty.
24:45I don't know what other tales Mr. Brown of MI5
24:47has been impressing you with.
24:48He's a con man.
24:49Oh, yes, of course, it stands out a mile, doesn't it?
24:51He's so common,
24:52unlike that cockney git whose ulterior motives
24:56will soon, no doubt, become apparent to you,
24:58poor, innocent, misguided child that you are.
25:01Basil, what's going on?
25:02Nothing, my dear, nothing at all.
25:03Mrs. Fawlty.
25:04Now, look.
25:05Yes, Polly.
25:06I don't know what she's...
25:07Mr. Brown is from the CID.
25:09He showed me identification.
25:11They're watching Melbury.
25:12He's a confidence trickster.
25:13I see.
25:14What do you mean, you see?
25:15Let's have a look at these valuables.
25:17What are you doing, Sybil?
25:18Sybil, I forbid you to open that safe.
25:20Sybil, I forbid you to take that case out.
25:22Sybil, do not open that case.
25:24I forbid it.
25:25I have forbidden it.
25:26I never thought I would live to see the day
25:28when I would appear at the Redwood.
25:30Trusts to us.
25:31Case of valuables.
25:32In trust.
25:57I'll call the police.
26:00They're already here.
26:01Mr. Brown's outside.
26:04Someone at reception, Basil.
26:14Ah, um, all right.
26:19Uh, good evening.
26:22I believe you were expecting us.
26:24No, darling, I was expecting somebody else.
26:25Sir Richard and Lady Morris.
26:27Yes, yes, them as well.
26:28I'm sorry?
26:29How did you know?
26:31Oh, you're Sir Richard and Lady...
26:32Ah, I do beg your pardon.
26:33I was just thinking...
26:39Uh, would you mind filling this out, please?
26:41Oh, yes.
26:42We've given you room...
26:44Ah, Fawlty.
26:45Mr Fawlty to you, Lord Marlbury.
26:48I beg your pardon?
26:49Oh, nothing, please.
26:50Forget all about it.
26:51Ah, well, let's see.
26:52Check for 200 pounds.
26:53Ah, thank you so much.
26:57And now, about my priceless collection of coins.
26:59Oh, yes, do you still...
27:00Do I still want you to take them to be valued by the Duke of Buckley, my lord?
27:03Oh, yes.
27:04No, I don't.
27:05Because we just heard that the Duke of Buckley is dead.
27:08Got his head knocked off by a golf ball.
27:12Well, how are you, Lord Marlbury?
27:14How are you, then?
27:16All right, mate?
27:17How's me old bucker?
27:20Any valuables to deposit, Sir Richard?
27:22Any bricks or...?
27:24I do apologise for...
27:26You bastard!
27:29We've given you room 12, but if you ever look in the park, I'm sure you'll like it.
27:32We have your bags brought out too.
27:34May I introduce your wife?
27:35Hello, Lord Marlbury.
27:42Please think nothing of it.
27:50Do please excuse me one moment.
28:10What are you doing?
28:11We're leaving.
28:12Oh, don't. Please stay.
28:13You'll like it here.
28:14I've never been in such a place in my life.
28:23You snobs!
28:25You stupid, stuck-up, toffee-nosed, half-witted, upper-class piles of...
28:41Just one.
28:42Sorry, Mr Fawkes.
28:43Just one.
28:53Sorry, Mr Fawkes.
29:03Well, I'd better put the picture up.
29:08Thank you, Polly, for the...
29:13Well done, Manuel.
29:19Sorry about that, Mr Fawlty.
29:21Can I buy you a drink?
29:22No, no, I'd better put this up, I suppose.
29:27A gin and orange,
29:29a lemon squash,
29:31and a scotch and water please!
29:48Thank you.
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