Lego 2K Drive Episode 6

  • 2 months ago
Family Friendly Gaming ( is pleased to share this video for Lego 2K Drive Episode 6. #ffg #video #funny #wow #cool #amazing #family #friendly #gaming #love #cute

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00:00:00Hey guys, how are you doing, how are you doing, how are you doing?
00:00:07Pottery family from the gaming and playing some more Lego 2K Drive.
00:00:16Alright, no one actually finished that for me.
00:00:25So, I'm going to find another place on the map, I'm going to go, it's kind of down south
00:00:43I think.
00:00:45Let's go there.
00:00:47Yeah, he got that unlocked, so that was good.
00:01:17Alright, I'm going to go there.
00:01:47There we go.
00:01:55Must be Gone Batty?
00:01:56Oh, come on!
00:01:58Come on!
00:02:04Where's that one?
00:02:07Hell's Horsepower.
00:02:10Where's Gone Batty?
00:02:17What is this?
00:02:27Oh, my controller's about dead.
00:02:34My controller's almost dead, I'll be right back.
00:02:37Don't get me a dead controller.
00:02:54Yes, I got a new controller.
00:03:05Up, up, up, up.
00:03:07I'm going to take a turn and go here and go here and go here and go somewhere else.
00:03:21I can't just go do the races I want to go do.
00:03:30What is this Gone Batty going to be?
00:03:41Sweet, you're here.
00:03:43Check it out, my bots are my wingmen.
00:03:45If you're going to party later, I need their epic assistance.
00:03:48Would you be the most awesome person to find them?
00:03:51Please, dude.
00:03:54Hey, Adrian.
00:03:56Right now, if you catch me cruising to the animated zone, that's where they like to chill.
00:04:00Where's the animated zone?
00:04:33I've never done this before.
00:04:50That's that one.
00:04:59Oh, there it is.
00:05:09Yes, you did, thank you.
00:05:13Where'd it, where'd it go?
00:05:17It just jumped off of me?
00:05:21Well, that's annoying.
00:05:23Did I hit something?
00:05:34I don't care about the vehicle, I just care about getting these bats.
00:05:38I don't think so.
00:05:46Hey, Frost Fissure.
00:06:07Why do they keep leaving me?
00:06:08Because I land?
00:06:22So it looks like if I land on the ground, they're going to...
00:06:34You can't land.
00:06:39Yeah, once you touch the ground, I don't know how I get down there without landing.
00:07:00Okay, that's one.
00:07:12Remember, wasn't there something weird with flying?
00:07:32Right there, there, and there.
00:07:35You know what I'm saying?
00:07:38How do I...
00:07:40Oh, man, if I jumped...
00:07:52What in...
00:08:01Where'd you go?
00:08:27Got him.
00:08:29Okay, you gotta aim up.
00:08:33Yes, Ember.
00:08:37American Dragon, how you doing?
00:08:41Yeah, I played Skyward Sword, not the remake, but I did play it.
00:08:52Ah, that's better.
00:09:13Not gonna make it!
00:09:15Oh, come on!
00:09:19How do I get that one to go?
00:09:29The Harrap ones are probably easier.
00:09:37Well, welcome back.
00:09:44American Dragon.
00:10:39Ah, I'm so sad.
00:11:01I wonder if I can get that thing hammered.
00:11:10I hope so.
00:11:11I have a...
00:11:16No idea.
00:11:42Both times I almost make it.
00:11:45I'm doing good until I have to try to do this, and it's not working.
00:11:52I mean, I'm wondering if I need to go over and try to get to that fly thing.
00:11:58That might be what I'm supposed to do.
00:12:25This thing.
00:12:32Why doesn't that work?
00:12:59No, it doesn't work.
00:13:22I don't know how you do that.
00:13:47I got four of six.
00:14:16Okay, five of six.
00:14:24Yes, princess is three years old.
00:14:26Actually, we had that video for a little bit.
00:14:54I still had...
00:14:56I still had some left.
00:14:59But I guess I got too low.
00:15:01I'm trying...
00:15:02The bats do replenish it slowly.
00:15:06So I'm trying to let them replenish it, but...
00:15:16Let's get over.
00:15:24Okay, I don't want to take that path.
00:15:27I just have to find the right path I can take to get him back.
00:15:32This is the last one I need to get.
00:15:41Ah, you bum.
00:15:45I was trying to time it if I could get some speed going.
00:15:48I thought maybe that would be better.
00:15:51That might be another way, a little speed going.
00:15:54I don't want to go over that house, maybe.
00:16:14Come on bat, we're right here.
00:16:35Missed it again.
00:16:43Maybe I'm taking the wrong...
00:17:03Couldn't make it over that thing.
00:17:12The hill is giving me trouble.
00:17:26There we go.
00:17:29Maybe, maybe, no, no!
00:17:32My charge just vanished all of a sudden.
00:17:35I thought I had it that time.
00:17:59Just make it over this hill.
00:18:06He's right there.
00:18:15Why is my experience of this game this consistently?
00:18:56I just can't...
00:18:58I can't make it.
00:18:59It just will not reach.
00:19:01I don't understand.
00:19:03He's not like...
00:19:05The others were recharging.
00:19:07I don't know what recharges and what...
00:19:09Some things recharge, some things take away.
00:19:13This one's the hardest one to get over.
00:19:37Hey Josh.
00:19:42A bat flies right by me.
00:20:01I'm like so close every single time.
00:20:06It doesn't quite get here.
00:20:08I don't understand what I'm missing.
00:20:10You can't go straight over that house.
00:20:13You can't go around like there.
00:20:15And you can't go around the road.
00:20:20I don't know what other path to take.
00:20:35Very, very frustrating.
00:20:37That's how I describe this game thus far.
00:20:48Come on, man.
00:21:04See, I just...
00:21:06I come flying past but he...
00:21:09He just...
00:21:10He leaves the second I touch the ground and I can't quite make...
00:21:14The ground.
00:21:15No, the problem is you can watch.
00:21:22Oh, okay.
00:21:23I'll run the whole time and then I'll run out.
00:21:25Because then he builds it.
00:21:26The bat will build it back up.
00:21:44Okay, Noah says just to run the charge consistently.
00:21:47So we will show him what happens when we do that.
00:21:55Missed him.
00:22:03Well, people babbling all the time kind of irritate me.
00:22:12So we'll do it the full thing, right?
00:22:14Like Noah says.
00:22:20Didn't make it this far.
00:22:24So Noah was wrong.
00:22:31Did the vehicle really matter?
00:22:36Okay, how do I...
00:22:41I can't...
00:22:42Then I have to quit this and start all over.
00:22:52Wait, where did the bat...
00:22:55I went right by the bat.
00:22:57He just did not join me.
00:23:23I don't even understand anymore.
00:23:25It worked with the others, but it won't with this one.
00:24:23Ah, so, so close.
00:24:52Come on.
00:24:58Why is he not turning?
00:24:59He didn't...
00:25:01Adrian, it was the last bat, but somehow I hit a button and now it just threw away all
00:25:20my progress.
00:25:22All right, do any of these have better air?
00:25:36Up four.
00:25:55Up six.
00:25:58But it's heavy.
00:26:05Yeah, well, I failed it, so...
00:26:17Let's see what happens.
00:26:18Let's see how...
00:26:19Let's see how this one does.
00:26:35Oh, wait, maybe that's it.
00:26:38What's my...
00:26:48My feather?
00:26:50Is that what it is?
00:26:57I don't see a feather.
00:26:58Maybe this one's got a feather.
00:27:17Oh, maybe I need something that's light.
00:27:26This is very heavy.
00:27:31Very light.
00:27:46Okay, I want to test this.
00:28:03That might be it.
00:28:04That might be...
00:28:08I think I just need to change my vehicle to something that's light.
00:28:12Let's try and try this.
00:28:20Okay, let's talk this guy again, see if we can do this better.
00:28:24Maybe certain vehicles are required.
00:28:35Let's see how this works.
00:28:59Still doesn't make it.
00:29:00Come on!
00:29:01But I go flying way past it.
00:29:04I lose the guy.
00:29:11I mean, I should start with the one I kept failing at, so if I can see if I can get him to work.
00:29:16If I can get him to work, I know I can do the others.
00:29:22I could try the other path.
00:29:31Missed him.
00:29:32Oh, come on!
00:29:38Come on.
00:29:43Missed him again!
00:29:46This is becoming fun.
00:29:49Come on!
00:29:56All I do is miss him.
00:30:10I went right by him!
00:30:13Collision detection broken!
00:30:27How's that?
00:30:33I really hope we don't lose power the way this is acting.
00:30:39I don't think I've got any progress.
00:30:40No, I haven't done anything.
00:30:43How did...
00:30:44Come on!
00:30:46The three times I've gone right by the bat, and it's like it's not grabbing him.
00:30:50I don't understand.
00:30:51Do I gotta hit him?
00:30:53Head on or something?
00:30:57I can't be moving.
00:31:11Yeah, I just...
00:31:14I don't understand why it just fails every single time.
00:31:19extremely light, and it's like, nope, we're going to fail with that too.
00:31:22Where's this one?
00:31:49Controller just same with right trigger?
00:31:52What is this?
00:31:54Hold on.
00:32:06How did...
00:32:07How did I not know that?
00:32:12By the time they tell me that this whole right trigger thing, it's like, wait, what?
00:32:24Oh my goodness!
00:32:36Now we got him.
00:32:38This whole right trigger thing is weird.
00:32:40Now that I know about it.
00:32:42I went way over last time with this guy.
00:32:47I don't really need right trigger for him, but...
00:32:51Where you at, buddy?
00:32:54Oh, my friend!
00:33:37So right trigger is awesome, it gets me down here, but then I gotta find the right point
00:33:42to let go so I can actually land, because the landing is kind of important.
00:33:47I found...
00:33:48Yeah, half an hour I've been messing with this one thing.
00:33:52Well, going back and forth between places and messing this one up.
00:34:19I'm getting it little by little now.
00:34:24Well, not going up that hill.
00:34:29Got a Lego character on my vehicle.
00:34:38Oh, there's one right here.
00:34:46How did that miss?
00:34:50The stupid bat about hits me.
00:35:15So, right trigger is like using the bat to fly you.
00:35:41No, they said it finally pops up with a message that says hit right trigger to control your
00:35:49descent with the bat.
00:35:50And I was like, wait, what?
00:35:53No, it didn't.
00:35:55Yes, Adrian, why on the Xbox controller jumps you in this game?
00:36:07There it is.
00:36:08Oh, drats.
00:36:11I tried to grab the bat in the air.
00:36:19I finally gotta just sit there and wait a few times for it to go over you.
00:36:32See, that right trigger, I'm just floating.
00:36:34I'm not using my...
00:36:35You see this?
00:36:37Here comes the problem, though.
00:36:40You can go way overshoot it.
00:36:45One to go.
00:36:48Yeah, I'm pretty sure you can jump on the PlayStation Switch.
00:36:50I would think so.
00:36:52Yeah, in this game.
00:36:53I don't know why it would only be Xbox that lets you jump.
00:36:56Probably all of them let you jump.
00:36:59Where'd the bat go?
00:37:03There it is.
00:37:23You rescued all my bots.
00:37:25See how epically happy they are.
00:37:27Much thanks, yo.
00:37:32Okay, we don't want jetpacks over there.
00:37:38Something else I won't ever use.
00:37:43Oh, okay.
00:37:58Okay, can I finally do this race now?
00:38:10I so badly want to finally do this race.
00:38:15What's this?
00:38:24I guess we'll do this one first.
00:38:26Thanks, Adrian.
00:38:34Hollow and manual.
00:38:36On a horse or in a carriage?
00:38:39Like the headless horseman?
00:38:42Alright, finally get to a race.
00:38:49I can't believe we had to do two separate little mini-game events before we could do this race.
00:38:55It was like...
00:38:58And it doesn't tell you until you get to the race.
00:39:00And they're like, oh yeah, go do this other thing.
00:39:02And you're like, wait, what?
00:39:04Excuse me?
00:39:05Excuse me?
00:39:06I gotta do something else?
00:39:08Okay, can we start the race now?
00:39:19Oh, I have to change my vehicle back.
00:39:25Does that work?
00:39:27Am I in trouble?
00:39:28No, I guess not.
00:39:49Oh, boy.
00:40:17Fire and lightning, y'all.
00:40:47Get out of here!
00:41:02One more lap!
00:41:10It was though, wasn't it?
00:41:22Oh, there's a shortcut there.
00:41:36I remember.
00:41:49Alright, first place.
00:41:5922 flags.
00:42:01I don't know where the other one is.
00:42:03Well, I did good with these vehicles, so...
00:42:05Maybe light's the way to go for me.
00:42:07I beat him by four seconds, so...
00:42:10Maybe I don't need heavy.
00:42:14Of course, it could depend on the race, too.
00:42:21That'll be lots of cash.
00:42:30Yep, social car thing.
00:42:48Guess it took away my thingy.
00:43:13Gotta climb the mountain.
00:43:16Well, not climbing the mountain that way.
00:43:24Nope, can't go through there.
00:43:46Oh, yeah.
00:44:04Right on the side of this castle.
00:44:09Can we finally do this race?
00:44:13Yes, we can finally do this race.
00:44:16High stakes.
00:44:26Baron Von Rose.
00:44:31Let's go.
00:44:37Hmm, that's U-turns.
00:44:56Don't be in a rush.
00:45:08I wish her talking wasn't so quiet.
00:45:18That was at two.
00:45:29Here we go.
00:45:54Come on!
00:45:57Come on!
00:45:58I got stuck on a bad, bad spot.
00:46:02I was in first.
00:47:58Oh, great, fifth.
00:48:27Got there.
00:48:41By the skin of my teeth.
00:48:43Fighting for first place.
00:48:46An organ donor truck.
00:48:50Honk to heal.
00:48:56I need one more flag.
00:48:58Hmm, but I have no idea where this race is.
00:49:10Oh, level 22.
00:49:24Ooh, a certificate.
00:49:43Check your map to find...
00:49:51What's this?
00:49:54Chasm Crossing, rather than this one.
00:50:27Well, let's go.
00:50:30Chasm Crossing.
00:50:31Let's cross this chasm.
00:50:49Middle names?
00:51:00I gotta get 24 flags.
00:51:02I really hope it doesn't, like, get to level 30 or something.
00:51:10Oh, it's right when he starts.
00:51:51I'm doing horribly on this one.
00:52:49Come on.
00:53:08I need focus.
00:53:37Okay, come on.
00:54:07I'm gonna get you!
00:54:22You're out in front!
00:54:39I do everything fast.
00:54:48Oh, first place.
00:54:55Oh, yeah.
00:54:58Once I finally...
00:55:01Finally got to some races...
00:55:0424 flags.
00:55:08Water evaporator.
00:55:11Sacrificial boosting.
00:55:14I beat max speed.
00:55:17Hey, he gave me a boat vehicle.
00:55:22Yeah, kind of...
00:55:24Kind of those race car, drag racing boat.
00:55:45I beat you.
00:55:46That's all that matters.
00:56:04I didn't say, yeah, I hit 24, he said 24.
00:56:20Guy 3.
00:56:29Where is Guy 3?
00:56:46Where is their arena?
00:57:04Oh, here we go.
00:57:15It's up there.
00:57:44Ah, avoid the acid.
00:58:03Good pro tip.
00:58:05That's a boost.
00:58:08Avoid what?
00:58:10The boiling acid.
00:58:11Yeah, well...
00:58:17It's like we gotta watch out for the UFOs, so...
00:58:29No, but they're talking.
00:58:31They're talking really low.
00:59:17I get stuck on his back and then they put me...
00:59:19Thank you.
00:59:23Thank you, thank...
00:59:24Oh, okay.
00:59:32I fight my way back up to the front.
00:59:47Do it.
01:00:16It's okay.
01:00:41Yeah, I've gone through that one before.
01:00:54I know those things are explosive now, so...
01:01:00Those kind of black and red things.
01:01:09Stuck there for a second.
01:01:12Oh, there's stuff in my eyes.
01:01:49Come on.
01:01:53It's getting worse.
01:02:10Oh, he just barely got him!
01:02:19Hey, I see Josh got in.
01:02:28Well, I understand he's wanting to get out of the house.
01:02:32Third medal.
01:02:344x4 adventure.
01:02:36Melee draft.
01:02:39Guy three.
01:02:43No, he's saying he got to get out of the house.
01:02:45Shopped at two grocery stores.
01:02:47Got some lunch.
01:03:20How are we getting up there?
01:03:52I want a Bentley, I'm insured.
01:04:14They named Jeff Carla.
01:04:16It's like...
01:04:17My name's not Carla.
01:04:40Just one race.
01:04:49Sky Cup Grand Prix.
01:04:50Is there going to be a lot to do in there, or is this going to be one race?
01:04:52Just running to find out.
01:05:11Oh, it's untested.
01:05:33I gotta go here before I can get the last area they said.
01:05:49I made that jump.
01:06:10Rocket ship.
01:06:19It's a big ol' rocket ship.
01:06:35That's like a slingshot.
01:07:03He's launching me in the hamster ball.
01:07:09Why do I think he's just going to jump?
01:07:12He's just going to go bad.
01:07:15Alright, I was going to say...
01:07:44Oh no, I don't have enough money.
01:08:02What'd I say?
01:08:23Yeah, it didn't change.
01:08:35Well, the light stuff's been working, so...
01:08:41What have been working?
01:08:56That almost worked.
01:08:59Whoa, okay.
01:09:04This is a wild one.
01:09:05I'm trying to figure out where it even goes.
01:09:32Yeah, mines.
01:09:56Ah, I did it again.
01:09:57Same spot.
01:09:58Come on, I can't...
01:10:01Can't just keep putting me in the same spot that I keep failing at.
01:10:08It did.
01:10:32That was practical.
01:11:00Oh man.
01:11:17Oh, come on.
01:11:41Every time you do a...
01:12:15It's okay.
01:12:16It's okay.
01:12:17I got one more lap.
01:12:25I still can't take this one turn.
01:12:44Just, he wouldn't turn there.
01:13:00I go from first to last.
01:13:02I don't think I'm going to have to redo this race, it looks like.
01:13:09If it'll let me change.
01:13:39Alright, fourth isn't horrible for a first try.
01:13:44I think I should be able to do it.
01:14:03Alright, let's see here.
01:14:14That's like the McLaren.
01:14:48Collect that one.
01:14:54Let's try this again.
01:14:56Let's see if we can win tonight.
01:14:58I'd like to if I could.
01:15:00I'd love to be able to finish this one off.
01:15:14Yeah, a lot of racing games always do that, they always start you last.
01:15:23I almost had it.
01:17:16Come on.
01:17:45Come on.
01:18:09Come on.
01:18:37Come on.
01:18:54One more lap.
01:19:01Sure a tip.
01:19:11Shadows eat avacons at last.
01:19:14Except out the best.
01:19:22Right there.
01:19:40No, come on, we're at the end.
01:20:00I was in first.
01:20:02Oh, good grief.
01:20:05I can't believe it, I was in first.
01:20:07Sitting there in first by myself and then they hit me with a missile right at the end.
01:20:13Total bad luck.
01:20:17Just one more shot.
01:20:19I've got credits next too if I can finally get through this.
01:20:24I'm getting better every time.
01:20:34Yeah, I've been hanging around that first, so.
01:20:58Oh, come on.
01:20:59We're all the way back here.
01:21:06Come on.
01:21:24Come on.
01:21:52Come on.
01:22:04That's what I'm doing wrong.
01:22:21Come on.
01:22:51Come on.
01:23:16Right off the track.
01:23:40Trying to get that thingy.
01:23:42Oh, I have full charge.
01:24:11Come on.
01:24:13They did this to me last time.
01:24:15This is only lap three, but same thing.
01:24:18Someone hits me with a missile.
01:24:27Come on, buddy.
01:24:31I was in two places.
01:24:59Got to go away from that guy with his...
01:25:19No, get...
01:25:20No, no.
01:25:30Come on.
01:25:32Oh, yes.
01:25:35Let that...
01:25:36Just two.
01:25:40That was super tight.
01:25:42Just barely got past him.
01:25:44Shadow Z Beast.
01:25:46Cheating the...
01:25:49I don't know what that means, but okay.
01:25:51Double jump.
01:25:52Double jump.
01:25:56I beat Shadow Z just like...
01:26:06What kind of announcers are they?
01:26:30Is it gold?
01:26:45Thanks, Kevin.
01:27:13Obviously, you don't.
01:27:16I think we're just going to leave him.
01:27:19How are we going to save him?
01:27:20I don't know.
01:27:30I'm not sure, but he'll be fine.
01:27:33I just made a dick.
01:27:56Thank you.
01:28:31Okay, then.
01:28:36I wonder.
01:28:42Level up.
01:29:04Of course.
01:29:34Well, go faster?
01:29:37I can skip, but...
01:29:39I don't want to do that.
01:29:42It's going so slow.
01:29:45My eyes!
01:29:48Okay, all right.
01:29:49If you can at least make a game, you can at least make your credits go faster.
01:29:54Or let us make them go faster.
01:29:56I mean, come on.
01:30:01Leadership, ha ha.
01:30:03Art director.
01:30:06So it took me an hour and a half to beat it.
01:30:13Tonight's stream.
01:30:14And now, we get very slow credits.
01:30:21Another game beaten.
01:30:34Another one done.
01:30:39Next, next, next, next, next, next, next.
01:30:42I guess Tuesday I'll probably go back to Zelda.
01:30:47Gg, gg, gg, gg, gg, gg, gg, everyone, gg.
01:30:52Maybe it won't be like forever long.
01:31:01I think that's some kind of visual thing.
01:31:09Narrative lead.
01:31:11narrative narrative lead I want to make sure you see everyone's name I like the
01:31:18one that there was that Forza game where you could actually fast forward it can
01:31:22then go faster Forza Horizon you can do that you can sit there and like press a
01:31:26button and it would go faster and it's like oh yeah I like this one's go faster
01:31:32it's funny that that a racing game you go so fast you have such slow credits a
01:31:51Josh said hi princess by the way I forgot I was racing
01:32:02the voice cast
01:32:13Renee did shadows and Fern Fernando swerve
01:32:25what does an office manager have to do with making this game under
01:32:32development allies vice president of recruiting a whole recruiting team
01:32:41really well the office manager we got put the office manager here office
01:32:49manager office manager Tantalus lower on Tantalus finally media a keyword
01:32:58studio I hope they have a post credit scene because if I go sit through all
01:33:09this and they don't have one I'm gonna be extremely irritated with them because
01:33:16honestly these are probably the most boring credits I've ever seen even movie
01:33:21credits go faster than this
01:33:27we have special thanks maybe they didn't kill and they don't think they include
01:33:34everyone another hun under the Sun a wicked witch another keyword studio you
01:33:43have two keyword studios the studio head cuz to the head is out there doing all
01:33:49kinds of work on this game the programmers I get Wow that's all I had
01:33:55you see that that's all the people huh she's easy Jesus thanks Adrian thanks
01:34:04Kevin thanks rival Taurus tore us games oh two or two to Russ they want to talk
01:34:12to Russ over at the Denver Broncos to Russ to two Russ games the CEO
01:34:18production program the programmers I get but special thanks I went Wow they
01:34:23don't have a lot of people work on this game the multiplayer group production
01:34:33game programming yep you're at software engineers and some big red something Oh
01:34:46Lego it was coming up so slow just like a big red square so Lego worked on this
01:35:00game I guess too they had a head of Lego game wouldn't be Lego games you
01:35:06haven't just like you only have one game I'm head of Lego game I have only one
01:35:10game brain zoo studios how many different developers worked on this
01:35:17zero event to like three four now I guess they put their brains in the zoo
01:35:25or something Mo Mo Mo's that's interesting name Mo clean cut yeah well
01:35:35I will say one thing they're not putting a lot of people on here that's that's
01:35:38actually better than a lot of them they're like here's the people who
01:35:41brought us lunch one day the here's the uber driver that drove us to work like
01:35:45what they have to do with the game frame machine huh
01:35:55they're machines in the frame production animation where Rob Summers Summers Dave
01:36:10Bondi technical art is that different the regular motion I don't understand
01:36:22lighting in a video game like some make any sense to me we get the lamps out no
01:36:30I don't think so there's VFX Eva VFX see there's a VFX artist when they have a
01:36:38senior VFX is on point creative they're doing 3d art is there a 2d art in this
01:36:51game at all I wouldn't think so but I'm just curious I guess that could be to
01:36:55the right Wow look at all the 3d artists it's a whole page and still going
01:37:08it's like an onion it's got layers and looks like a lot of I don't know Chinese
01:37:14Japanese people you said 2d art oh there we go to the arts let's really look
01:37:21that worked on to the arts all those other people director of business
01:37:31development VP of business development VP of business operations general
01:37:34manager prologue it's a company I guess prologue to company I have no idea
01:37:50could this go any slower the help network what did they have to do with
01:37:59this game did they help are they helping virtuous
01:38:12virtuous game chips is like nickname virtuous games oh here's more 3d artists
01:38:27are these all the same people as before are they just working two different
01:38:31companies or Wang Jen is doing Lego again no I can't believe it Oh 2k well
01:38:45it was the big red box again what okay what did the president you can't do with
01:38:55this game they say make it I mean live services okay I guess you'd play it
01:39:07online play online so I guess I would put that the chief marketing officer
01:39:13with Melissa Bell what did you have to do with making this game I really
01:39:17understand this about video games they put everyone and their mother in here
01:39:19and I'm like did you actually participate in the game at all did you
01:39:24do anything did you bring them Subway sandwiches or something I mean what what
01:39:31did you do did you help write the story did you come up with I really hope that
01:39:42I'm gonna give me every single voice actor in every single possible country
01:39:47hate that I hate that just like okay here's all the French people here's all
01:39:52the casting Egyptian people and I'm just like senior user research principal
01:40:05user research what did these user researches have to do with it it this
01:40:11has gone so slow it's trying to put the system asleep
01:40:16senior producer associate producer QA administrator quality assurance look
01:40:27three people four people and entirely were QA maybe that's why there are so
01:40:34many glitches in it remember those glitches I found me that's why there's
01:40:39so many glitches cuz they only had four people test the game Oh marketing and
01:40:46communications wait I want to know there's a PR firm who contacted me about
01:40:52this game that says the copy I was gonna go I wonder if I'd find the person in
01:40:55here who like sent me a copy I don't think they probably put the PR firm in
01:41:10here because they probably know you don't tell after who they're but PR
01:41:16firms they're gonna use Korea senior marketing manager one person lots of
01:41:23managers than there see that head of Asia marketing director manager
01:41:29executive director manager manager assistance manager executive executive
01:41:35executive manager Wow go-to-market now we're in media artists 3d artist and
01:41:45there so what so 2k had some people to who did some animation after all those
01:41:50animators probably sell it to museum they probably buy it for yeah 175,000
01:42:02oh this is I told you about one of the things that's on Seattle right yeah they
01:42:06had a capital letter a on this this giant like like this giant white
01:42:12rectangle capital letter a and it was like big red a was the name of the
01:42:19$185,000 right next to it was like a lowercase a in red and they were like
01:42:25small red a $150,000 this is what the museum paid some artists to do and I'm
01:42:32like dude I could do the whole alphabet and do it in a bunch of different colors
01:42:36too and make make millions performance marketing analysts 2k growth and
01:42:50partnerships what growth and partnership I didn't contact me about that they were
01:43:01like hey I want to pay you to play it you should have business development
01:43:07corporate strategy 2k data let's have the vice president because I'm sure he
01:43:18was doing lots of stuff making this game yeah he's probably over all these other
01:43:27people though oh they have AI in here and applied AI team that's why things
01:43:39were so broken oh wait 2k had some quality assurance to Vegas QA look the
01:43:45senior vice president he was playing the game uh-huh and the vice president was
01:43:49playing the game and the senior director and the quality assurance director
01:43:53support team there's a project lead for the assurance age rating specialists
01:44:13all right now they actually had they had some QA testers in here now they're
01:44:18gonna give us the IT support people worked on their computers maybe if they
01:44:22have problems Vegas localization I wish I could like skip it and get to the cut
01:44:34scene but I don't know if I would lose the cut scene if I skip it Madrid so
01:44:41they had QA Madrid to Jose manana I like that name that's a good name
01:44:53all these QA testers someone who's got like a nickname there inter that's an
01:44:58interesting little nickname I N T R inter special thanks
01:45:11I guess they I mean do people in Madrid play games differently than those of us
01:45:18in the US I'd like to play a game like this I play like this and I don't touch
01:45:23the buttons on the front that is just just just tap here could you put buttons
01:45:27here please
01:45:35Shang do QA well now we're getting all the QA testers uh these are the people
01:45:41who missed the mistakes I found IT support so one person worked on their
01:45:51computers they have a problem yeah all these other people were testing this one
01:45:56person's like if your stuff's broken I'll go take care of 20 people
01:46:04Oh customer service okay I'm utterly confused customer services like after
01:46:17the interleasing our problems with the game what do they have to do with making
01:46:22it were they fielding questions when the games being developed hey even though I
01:46:29can't play this game yet could you tell me about boosting Wow it's like their
01:46:37entire departments 2k technology the chief of staff I guarantee you a lot of
01:46:55these people did not have anything new with his game and I want them to like
01:47:00contact me if I'm wrong be like no I'm a system administrator I was I was making
01:47:06sure that this happened with the game okay tell me about it oh really tell me
01:47:14more site reliability Oh the manager of security I'm sorry what did he have to
01:47:41do with making this game that's security at the building warf warf we
01:47:51need you warf paging warf we make sure you have we have your name right in the
01:47:56game IT and security team Amy McNeil so so Amy McNeil helped us get this game
01:48:11it wasn't for Amy McNeil McNeil this game was never been created memoriam
01:48:17means he's dead Steve Saxon's dead oh he's dead Jim 2k people team the HR
01:48:27human relations do not make games they might hire people but why are you
01:48:34putting them in the game Oh diversity equity inclusion team oh my good grief
01:48:41why are these people here I mean they are racist sexist breeder phobes why are
01:48:48they here why are you putting those people here operations finance these are
01:49:02the people taking all the money when you pay them for the game they helped you
01:49:06get the game now now maybe just just just maybe maybe the finance people
01:49:12brought in money so the game could be made that is possible it's kind of
01:49:17periphery although I don't think it has much to do with the game being made the
01:49:22legal team workplace services these are the people bringing you sandwiches and
01:49:31soup and crackers take to legal publishing business affairs employment
01:49:39because we have to have legal people in the employment field privacy three people
01:49:47in privacy two people in music licensing I would think music licensing might be a
01:49:55little more important than I don't know the legal department hey we hire all
01:50:02these lawyers let's put them in the game or they're gonna sue us take two
01:50:07operations didn't we have operations although that was right that was 2k
01:50:10operations now we're in take two because take two participated so much in this
01:50:14game we already had Asian business development somewhere else we're falling
01:50:22asleep again twice now the never-ending credits oh they take to digital sales
01:50:38team we're take to legal team we already had a legal team like what we have more
01:50:46their workplace services team I would like a meatball sub on rye please and a
01:50:59diet caffeine free Pepsi please hey what's your name again it's Bob okay Bob
01:51:06we're gonna put you in the game you're me in the credits yeah I'm in the video
01:51:11game just the credits baby drivers I guess is the baby's born when they made
01:51:19the game thank you for joining us on this whimsical ride there's plenty more
01:51:25to do so snap in for safety and get back out there you better have a credit scene
01:51:32here you better have a post credit scene or I'm gonna be irritated after reading
01:51:37the legal team and the HR team and the diversity people why are they there fade
01:51:47to black you said there was a mid-credit scene a post-credit scene
01:52:07no where was my post-credit scene that liar okay all right fine I am done with
01:52:36this game done done done I'm done um superstars of the stream are gonna be
01:52:43Kevin gaming channel you're in you or was her Josh Horne American Dragon Jake
01:52:49long frost glacier you're looking a superstar the stream I thank everyone
01:52:56for watching hope you have a wonderful rest your day