Signs of a Psychopath S08E08 She Said She Didnt Care

  • 2 months ago
Six months pregnant Martine Bernard's family reports her missing; days later, her father vanishes as well; when officers interview Martine's husband, Cassandritz Blanc, they find a calculating psychopath willing to do anything to cover his tracks.


00:00I mean, she sat there for four or five days, six days.
00:30So it's no deal, man.
00:33You know, you killed your son.
00:35I know.
00:43I would kill again.
00:44You're dead. I'm alive.
00:46I don't think it was wrong.
00:48The thing inside of me, it's like, the appetite.
00:52It's like a little fish.
00:55You hungry?
01:03I'm shaking.
01:04Like, this is my dad.
01:06My dad who does everything in his power to take care of us.
01:10Joanne Bernard and her family are searching for her father, 68-year-old Roosevelt Bernard,
01:16who went missing shortly before 2 p.m. yesterday afternoon.
01:20She claims her pregnant sister, 22-year-old Martine, is also missing.
01:25Now police say the prime suspect in both disappearances is Cassandra Blanc, Martine's husband.
01:50Your wife come in?
01:52I actually really tried to talk her into coming here.
01:56She brought me a little luck.
01:59You want to come?
02:00No, sir.
02:01I told her, I mean, your father is missing.
02:06It's really serious because it's your dad and no one knows where he is.
02:10She has an issue with her mom and her dad.
02:14I feel as though they don't have a good relationship.
02:16She has an issue with her mom and her dad.
02:17I feel as though they don't have a good relationship amongst each other.
02:36I was on my phone listening to music the entire time.
02:40I had the headphones to the side like this.
02:43I hear knocking.
02:44A strange man knocked on the door and, you know, spoke to him and all of a sudden he's gone.
02:49Mr. Bernard was gone.
02:51Did dad say if he knew?
02:52No, sir.
02:54Right off the bat, one of the first things he tells us is that he's setting up the stage
02:59for his two victims having some animosity between them.
03:03That his wife and her father were somehow at odds.
03:07So he's laying the groundwork for the rest of the story that he's about to narrate.
03:12He thinks he's really smart and he thinks he's got it all figured out and all under control.
03:17I forgot to mention this.
03:19This is actually really important.
03:21That was a white van.
03:23I would say two, three minutes I checked out to see if everything is okay
03:29and they were not there anymore.
03:31You know that nowadays there's video like everywhere.
03:35The video that we've seen, we never saw a white van.
03:40But we did see other things.
03:42You know what I mean?
03:43And one of those other things is your car.
03:45After you just told us, I think three times, that you left, you never came back until called by the police,
03:52we see your car.
03:53We see your car.
03:54After you just told us, I think three times, that you left, you never came back until called by the police,
04:00we see your car.
04:01My vehicle was never at the house.
04:04At all?
04:05At all.
04:16All right.
04:17Unfortunately, I was notified that we did find dad.
04:26Dad's deceased.
04:30So we have to speak with Martine tonight.
04:34Because she's family.
04:36She's not answering anybody's phone calls.
04:38She's blocked about the whole family.
04:40We have to talk to her tonight.
04:44I'll let her know.
04:46Upon being told that they found the body of his father-in-law, the lack of reaction, the lack of surprise,
04:54he maintains this posture, leaning back like not a care in the world, hearing what should be devastating news,
05:00and it's not devastating to him at all.
05:16A woman's body found in Fort Lauderdale has been identified as Martine Bernard.
05:21She was pregnant and had been reported missing.
05:24Her husband is in police custody.
05:26He's also a suspect in the death of her father.
05:30Your wife is missing currently, or hasn't been seen for a day or two?
05:35My wife is missing.
05:37Well, here's what's going on.
05:40Are you two having marriage problems, or not at all?
05:46I'm not sure.
05:47I don't know.
05:48I don't know.
05:49I don't know.
05:50I don't know.
05:51I don't know.
05:52I don't know.
05:53I don't know.
05:54I don't know.
05:55I don't know.
05:56I don't know.
05:57I don't know.
05:58I don't know.
05:59I don't know.
06:20So, basically, I woke up and I saw a woman at my door.
06:25Who was this?
06:26I've never met her before, never seen her in the day of my life.
06:31She told me, why don't you check the text message that she sent you?
06:35And I opened the text and I read it.
06:40And it's basically Martine just saying she's had enough.
06:46She basically was like, you know, I did it.
06:51Did what?
06:53Like, she was responsible for her dad's death.
06:59In the text message, she said that she wanted to kill herself.
07:06The incredible part at this point is seeing how confident he is in this lie
07:12and these incredulous stories that he's telling.
07:15And he's like, I'm going to get away with it.
07:18All of a sudden, he's changing his story.
07:20I was trying to protect her, but she supposedly killed her dad.
07:24He's now placing blame on his wife, which is typical of psychopaths.
07:28They fail to take responsibility for anything in their life.
07:32Another thing she gave me, like threw at me, was the gun.
07:37And I'm looking at it like, holy ****.
07:42Because I've never touched a gun before.
07:45I've never had a gun.
07:48I've never purchased one, never had one.
07:52What was your understanding was that that gun killed both her father and her?
08:08You're at the police department.
08:10They got you sitting here handcuffed to a table, and you haven't even asked me why.
08:14When you went back to your apartment and you parked the car down at the end,
08:17they waited and they watched.
08:19They saw you come out.
08:21You go down and get the dumpster.
08:24They've already pulled her out of the dumpster.
08:27They're doing search warrants to go into the house.
08:31And obviously, she's been dead more than five or six hours.
08:37What happened?
08:40Just need some chocolate cookies.
08:47He's so focused on having these cookies.
08:51We know from neuroimaging and clinical research in psychopathy is that
08:57some psychopaths can become so myopically focused on what's right in front of them,
09:03they sort of have this deficit in their information processing system
09:08because they're so overwhelmed with all the information that they need to now process
09:13to make up a lie or continue on their path of deception.
09:17Can I ask you a question?
09:20So, with people, you know, with people, not saying that it applies to me,
09:26but, you know, with people...
09:30People that, you know, are in situations where they've, you know, murdered or whatnot.
09:38Is there a possibility that they could get out?
09:43What are those circumstances?
09:47An innocent person would never ask, while their wife and father-in-law were just found dead,
09:53hypothetically, if there are any circumstances where someone could get off on a murder charge.
09:59There are psychopaths that could be lawyers or politicians or salespeople.
10:06They can fake it well enough that they can relatively make it in the world.
10:11He is not a good psychopath.
10:14He thinks he's got control of the situation.
10:16He thinks his lies are believable.
10:18He doesn't even understand that his psychopathic tendencies are just shining straight through at this point.
10:24I can tell you how. You're ready to let it go.
10:27Just let it go. What happened?
10:31Cassandra, what happened? How come?
10:37Where did it happen?
10:45My life is done.
10:49I'm going to get raped in prison.
10:55His concerns are all about himself. About, you know, poor me. What's going to happen to me now?
10:59I mean, this shows you how callous he is and how egotistical and self-centered.
11:06It's all about him. It has nothing to do with guilt, remorse.
11:11What started an argument, it hurt me a lot.
11:18Because, for Susan Westbrook,
11:22my best friend,
11:27he would always say things to her.
11:31I felt like he always tried to mess up what we had together.
11:36I felt like that's all he wanted to do,
11:40was to just mess up our marriage.
11:44Anytime we had an argument,
11:47she would go to him
11:50and open up to him.
11:53And I told her that's really disrespectful.
11:58He's shifting this narrative now to paint himself in sort of like a victim light.
12:03His wife did something to him and, you know, that caused him to harm her.
12:08He's trying to act like someone that's sad, that's crying.
12:14I don't even think there's any tears coming down his face,
12:17but he's trying to project what he thinks is an image of someone that's sad and upset.
12:23I told her, you're hurting me, and she rolled her eyes.
12:29I don't care, and she said it.
12:34I asked her three times to make sure.
12:40I went to bed, you know, in pain,
12:43and woke up in the middle of the night.
12:46And I looked at her sleeping.
12:50Got the gun.
12:57And I shot her while she was sleeping.
13:06What part of the body?
13:08The head.
13:11How many times?
13:13Just once.
13:16I felt so bad.
13:19I didn't mean to do that.
13:23But I knew I did.
13:27And if anyone found out, that's it. I'm done.
13:33A single bullet to the brain is a very deliberate act.
13:37It's not reflective of intense emotions.
13:41It's not disorganized. It's execution style.
13:44So his statement that he didn't mean it, or he didn't intend to do this,
13:49is really not born out of his actual actions.
13:53At that moment, when she rolls her eyes,
13:56he sees himself in the mirror for who he is,
13:59as this unimportant, unlovable, irrelevant individual,
14:05and that's something he cannot tolerate.
14:08Deep down inside, he does not have a whole lot of respect for women.
14:12He doesn't like when women around him don't do what he wants them to do.
14:16And ultimately, that he's able to objectify them and get rid of them.
14:21They're as disposable as a piece of Kleenex.
14:27You killed her last. Monday night, Tuesday morning.
14:31Where do you leave your wife's body?
14:34Just right there? For Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday?
14:38It was smelling really bad.
14:42You're composing.
14:45You know you killed your son. I know.
14:51I think when detectives confront him or tell him,
14:54you know you killed your son, right?
14:56He, matter of fact, says, yes. Like, he knew, but he didn't care.
15:02And I think that's because other humans, you know, are only there to serve their needs.
15:08To Blanc, it's just another object.
15:10His complete callousness around the fact that not only did he kill his wife,
15:14but he killed his unborn child is remarkable.
15:18And my first thought is that he was getting rid of the competition.
15:24He knew that within months, his wife would give birth,
15:28and suddenly her focus would completely change.
15:31The attention would no longer be on him,
15:34and it would be all about his son and not about him.
15:41I tried so hard to get her up.
15:45I couldn't. She was heavy.
15:51She's, you know, pregnant. I felt bad.
15:55But I was so scared of the consequences as well.
15:59And I, you know, tried to see if I could cut her head, cut her hand.
16:06I took the dumpster. I saw it, and then that's when the idea came.
16:12I can just bring it upstairs. It has a wheel.
16:17It's big enough. I can just lay it down, put her in.
16:23Even the way he kind of play acts, how he had to lay the garbage container down
16:30and slide the body in is also just bone-chilling in terms of how cold it is.
16:39I mean, we cannot put ourselves in his shoes.
16:43That's an impossible thing for any of us to empathize with
16:48because it's beyond our capacity to do so.
16:52So is there anything else that I haven't asked you yet?
16:56So is there anything else that I haven't asked you that you want to get off now as well?
17:04I was responsible for her father.
17:27When you went over there on Saturday.
17:31Yes, sir. It's selfish, but that's how I was thinking.
17:35It's something that has to be done if I don't want to be, you know, in prison for my teeth.
17:43The callousness involved in killing his wife, who was pregnant,
17:48and while she's sleeping in bed next to him, then to kill her father
17:53just as a way to try to pawn off the responsibility for the murder is just so callous.
17:58It shows that he has no remorse or empathy whatsoever.
18:09The opportunity came. My heart started racing.
18:12I just said, one, two, three, and then I just did it.
18:19And all you see is he falls.
18:23My heart was racing.
18:27And then he started, he's still breathing.
18:33And I panicked and I just did it again.
18:37One's heart races for different reasons, right?
18:39I mean, your heart can race out of anxiety and fear, but it can also race because of excitement.
18:45There's something very empowering about making the decision to kill somebody,
18:49pointing a gun at someone's head and then pulling the trigger.
18:59Where did you leave him?
19:01By the grass, yes.
19:04So what did you do?
19:07Tried to turn it into ashes.
19:15So I got the idea because I knew that if he came up deceased by another deceased person,
19:25it would cancel each other out and no one's responsible.
19:31You orchestrated this plan, right?
19:34If one deceased person killed another deceased person, they cancel each other out.
19:39I'm correct, right?
19:46You're good. Do you need anything?
19:51A second chance.
20:16I gave her respect, so much respect.
20:20I showed her love, I showed her what it means for someone to really love you.
20:26You know, she said she didn't care.
