مسلسل احلام ودموع 3 الحلقة 119 مدبلجة HD

  • 2 months ago
مسلسل احلام ودموع 3 الحلقة 119 مدبلجة HD
00:00In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
00:30Come on, where are you?
00:33I'm here, Mom.
00:34I was just cleaning up the rooms upstairs and arranging a bed for the guests.
00:38Silky went to the beauty salon to book an appointment at the hairdresser's.
00:41Alasdair, you've been married for eight months.
00:43What do you think? The wedding is just around the corner.
00:45You need to take responsibility and help with the housework.
00:47Where's the pink curtain? We need it for the rituals.
00:50Well, actually, I...
00:53Here you go, Grandma. Here's the pink curtain.
00:56I took it and ironed it. My aunt taught me how to do it.
01:00I'll help you.
01:07Wait a minute, Grandma.
01:09Give me a job if you like.
01:11I can help you.
01:14But we don't ask our guests to help us.
01:18You're here to attend the wedding.
01:20Have fun.
01:21And then you can go back to Canada with your father.
01:25That's the solution.
01:27I don't want to go back to the past, Noor.
01:34What are you doing?
01:36Look, the wedding will take some time.
01:38But it will be solved, I'm sure.
01:40Don't worry.
01:41I noticed that you've been working hard since you came back here.
01:45Minty, life is really strange.
01:48I wish I had a son,
01:50even though he has a wonderful family.
01:53That was my dream.
01:55And I'm doing my best to make it come true.
02:00Not everything we want comes true, Asma.
02:04There are dreams that never come true.
02:11All our dreams are ruined because of you.
02:13Do you think you can laugh at us?
02:15Do you think you can insult us?
02:17You're an insulter.
02:18Give us our money back and get a divorce.
02:20Alya, calm down.
02:22I'm tired of listening to you.
02:24I won't deal with him.
02:25How will you deal with him?
02:26Let me hit him and get out of here.
02:29Where are you hiding?
02:30Do you think you can insult us, take our money and run away?
02:33Or do you want to get drunk and ruin our future?
02:36Look, I'm calling the police.
02:38They'll make you hide in jail.
02:40I'm watching all your cameras.
02:41They'll make you regret it.
02:42Believe me, they won't have mercy on you.
02:44The police won't have mercy on you.
02:45They'll keep torturing you until you tell them the truth.
02:47No, no.
02:48His father is a terrorist.
02:50Let me go.
02:51I understand.
02:52Take care.
03:07This is a small compensation.
03:09You ruined our plan.
03:11It's not what it looks like.
03:13What do you mean?
03:15Look, I'm ready to do anything for our love.
03:18This is our guarantee.
03:20Is this for love?
03:21Of course.
03:23For our love.
03:32Thank you.
03:33You're welcome.
03:35Love makes you happy.
03:36It's the basis of all our relationships.
03:38Love is the reason for our existence.
03:40We can't live without it.
03:41Do you think marriage is about love?
03:43I think it's about love, right?
03:45Tell me your love story in detail.
03:47Where did you meet the groom?
03:48I'm listening. Tell me.
03:53My marriage is a tradition.
03:55It looks like you're hiding something from me.
04:03But I have to do something to encourage him.
04:06You know, in my opinion, the love story in the movie Verzara is the best.
04:10And I even feel that it's suitable for the only people who can live like that.
04:14My dad always told me that love stories exist in every neighborhood in Punjab.
04:19I mean, there's a love story in every street and every neighborhood.
04:22Love is everywhere, and that's the best part.
04:25Yes, in schools, colleges, and shopping centers.
04:28Even in ice cream shops.
04:33Ice cream shops, huh?
04:37Tell me, what's the problem with those shops?
04:41Do they want to be an ice cream shop, Bawan?
04:43Really? How did you know about an ice cream shop, Bawan?
04:46When I was in Canada, my dad showed me all the ice cream shops.
04:51An ice cream shop, Bawan.
04:54You know what? This is a special place.
04:56And a lot of people love each other.
04:58That's why Uncle Dibak will know about it.
05:01And this place is even better than my grandparents.
05:05I don't know why I feel like you're hiding something from me.
05:08Why aren't you talking?
05:09Maybe because we don't know each other yet.
05:11What do you say we go there?
05:12Are you crazy? Now?
05:15My grandma will beat us up if she finds out.
05:17And on top of that, I can't go right now.
05:20You're right.
05:22After you tied the knot, they won't let the bride leave the house, right?
05:26And you know all this?
05:28That's not all I know.
05:29I also know that our family always ran away to Bawan's ice cream shop we talked about.
05:34You really know everything about us.
05:37I hope we know everything about your life, too.
05:42That's why I came here.
05:44So that we can get to know each other better.
05:46After all, we're a family.
05:49That's right.
05:50Minty, if you'll excuse me, I want to eat my ice cream, please.
05:53No, Asman. I don't want to eat right now.
05:56It's not up to you.
05:57I'm going to go get the ice cream for us.
06:00Listen to me, my sister.
06:01I want to eat ice cream. I'm so hungry.
06:03I promise I won't be late at all.
06:05Don't tell anyone. Let's keep it a secret, okay?
06:08But, Asman.
06:10Okay, my love. Okay.
06:11If you don't eat ice cream today, your mood won't improve.
06:16And how am I going to eat?
06:18Can't you see the time?
06:19The shop won't be open now.
06:21It's true that the shop is closed, but my heart is open 24 hours a day.
06:29Okay, tell me.
06:30Is it possible that this ice cream shop will take us to Canada?
06:37I'm sure God will give us a sign.
06:49I'm going to buy ice cream for my dad, too.
06:52Can you hear me?
07:07Where's my phone?
07:09Excuse me?
07:11Excuse me?
07:14I found it.
07:26Sorry, but I'm late.
07:28I was going to buy ice cream.
07:29I took what I wanted.
07:30I'm sorry.
07:32Sorry, but I'm late.
07:34I was going to buy ice cream.
07:35I took what I wanted.
07:36Here's the money.
07:37Thank you.
07:47This ice cream is mine.
07:58Hello, Alya?
07:59You won't believe what's in my hand now.
08:01Looks like God gave us an open sign for our future.
08:04I'll come to you right away.
08:10By the way, you're really smart.
08:13When I'm angry, or even when I'm upset about anything,
08:18you know how to cheer me up and buy me ice cream.
08:21And there's another surprise that will blow your mind away.
08:29What's this?
08:31Hold on.
08:32Someone put them on the fridge and they're gone.
08:35The Canadian dollar?
08:36Yes, the Canadian dollar.
08:38Oh my God!
08:39Is this really a sign from God?
08:41Yes, it's a sign from God.
08:42I hope he shows us the way and helps us achieve our dreams.
08:45Yes, of course.
08:46He'll show us the right way.
08:47This is the solution to why my dad won't take me to Canada.
08:50Do you see the way?
08:52Do you remember the movie we watched?
08:55Jot First Jotty?
08:57Do you remember what the hero does?
08:59He marries a Canadian girl so he can get citizenship.
09:02And we have to do the same.
09:05I don't understand.
09:06I mean, you find a Canadian girl, and I'll find another Canadian guy.
09:10And you get married and go to Canada.
09:12And I get married and travel.
09:14And then we can continue the plan.
09:17Whoever put this spirit in me will break your head.
09:20If you say that again, I'll kill you.
09:24You and I were created for each other.
09:26And nothing keeps us apart except death.
09:28Do you understand?
09:32I'm not going to say this.
09:35Why am I away from you?
09:38Or even see you with another girl like her?
09:46Didn't you see anyone over there?
09:50There were two pieces of ice cream on the table.
09:52And they were very close.
09:53So I thought they were couples.
09:54Not ice cream.
09:55So I put the money, took the ice cream, and left.
10:00My love story is very special and unique.
10:02Have you ever experienced love like this before?
10:10What's wrong, Minty?
10:15But I don't feel like eating anymore.
10:18Minty, tell me.
10:20You can tell me and open your heart.
10:26Why don't you leave him with me?
10:29Okay, I'll leave him with my mom.
10:37Where are you going?
10:39Sit down.
10:41How can I sit?
10:42You know how a mother feels.
10:43We have to prepare everything before the wedding.
10:45No, sit with me.
10:46Just a little.
10:48You have to calm down.
10:50I know you want to make me happy.
10:52And you have to grind the turmeric for the rituals.
10:54And you have to prepare the rest of the food.
10:56You have to prepare all the food too.
10:58This is not for the guests and their preparations.
11:00You have to arrange everything by hand.
11:02And I know this very well.
11:05But my aunt,
11:06why don't you want to accept my help?
11:08If God sent me to you,
11:10there must be a reason for this.
11:12I didn't know it was you, Minty.
11:14You have a beautiful, sweet, and kind assistant
11:17who loves you from the bottom of her heart.
11:20What will you lose?
11:22Minty, where is the oil?
11:27This is for the massage.
11:29My aunt,
11:32Dad said this oil is used by my grandmother
11:34to relieve the pain in her legs.
11:36After all this effort,
11:37I'm sure your legs are hurting.
11:39Let me see.
11:40My dear, girls don't touch their legs.
11:42Okay, I know that.
11:43But I'm not your daughter now.
11:45I'm your assistant.
11:46That's why I have to do what you tell me.
11:48Don't worry about sleeping.
11:50My aunt,
11:51you need rest every once in a while.
11:54What's wrong with the bride's mother?
11:55She should rest a little.
11:56You should rest, my aunt.
12:02Get up.
12:05Sit here.
12:08Where did you learn all this, my daughter?
12:11You know our customs.
12:12Even though you weren't raised here,
12:14you didn't learn it here.
12:16From my father.
12:17I saw all of Punjab with my father's eyes.
12:19And he taught me everything.
12:23You know what?
12:24Dad showed me the beautiful picture of the family I dream of.
12:27And I came here to make this dream come true.
12:29Even your father used to tell me a lot about you.
12:33And when I saw you,
12:34I felt like I've known you for years.
12:36I was bored of the imaginary reality I lived in.
12:39That's why I came here,
12:40to see you
12:41and get closer to my family.
12:43You are my family.
12:50I missed you so much, my aunt.
12:53I missed you so much.
12:54So much.
13:06I hope your dreams come true, my daughter.
13:08I don't want you to get tired of me.
13:10Or be tormented.
13:17My aunt.
13:19Your help is always welcome.
13:21Just order me around,
13:22and I'll do everything you ask.
13:24So, tell me, what are we going to do now?
13:27You don't usually feed me with you.
13:29Looks like you love me more.
13:31No, that's not love.
13:32I'm trying to be brave.
13:33Because if I stay like this,
13:35my family will marry me and leave us.
13:38I won't let them.
13:40You know that your father and my father
13:42don't have chemistry.
13:43They don't get along at all.
13:45So, how will they agree to our marriage?
13:48It's obvious that you won't take me to Canada.
13:50What's in my hand?
13:52By the way, my family won't wait for you all their lives.
13:54You don't know, maybe something miraculous
13:56will happen when we get married.
13:58So, you think their hostility is bigger than our love?
14:01I will take you by force.
14:03And in your eyes, too, merchant.
14:08So, you mean what you said to me?
14:10Listen to me carefully.
14:11Love and fear don't come together.
14:14Imagine if I...
14:19Yes, my daughter.
14:25A plane to your house.
14:27What? What happened?
14:28This is my daughter.
14:29She said her husband wants to commit suicide.
14:33Wants to commit suicide?
14:35Looks like the whole family came to me.
14:41Yes, my daughter.
14:42I feel that my mother is not happy with this marriage.
14:45As if she doesn't love the boy at all.
14:47It's normal for everyone to be confused before marriage, my daughter.
14:51But I'm sure
14:52that tomorrow, after marriage,
14:53you will love him and get used to him.
14:58Give it to me.
15:02Honestly, I'm wondering
15:03what kind of guys you love, my beautiful daughter, Asman.
15:07And who will be the one to share his fate?
15:14The most important thing is to be a man.
15:17And happy.
15:19And most importantly,
15:20he must love you from the bottom of his heart.
15:25And do his best to make you happy.
15:33Wake up, husband!
15:39A brave man with a strong heart
15:41who is ready to fight for the world,
15:43for her, my daughter.
15:44A man who cares about you.
15:46A man with a big mind,
15:47who is also conscious
15:48and who doesn't make mistakes.
16:01Arman, enough!
16:02Leave me alone!
16:03You idiot!
16:04What's wrong with you?
16:05What's your problem?
16:06Leave me alone!
16:07What's wrong with you?
16:08Get down!
16:09I want to die!
16:10Leave me alone!
16:13Can't you hear me?
16:15What's wrong with you?
16:22Don't think about her again,
16:23or you won't know what to do.
16:25What's wrong with you, idiot?
16:26What's wrong with you?
16:27I can hear you.
16:28Why did you save me?
16:29I can't live without her.
16:31Who do you mean by that?
16:33There's a girl.
16:34And we love each other very much.
16:36I looked everywhere,
16:37but I couldn't find her.
16:38We have to go to my aunt's party,
16:40but where did she go?
16:41My dear daughter,
16:42you gave them to me,
16:43and I forgot to return them,
16:44or you put them somewhere and forgot.
16:46No, Grandpa,
16:47I can't forget that.
16:48I think my watch is stolen.
16:50That means I'm going to start
16:51the investigation right away.
16:52No way, Grandpa.
16:53If a police house was robbed,
16:54how are you going to
16:55get people to believe us?
17:03I was able to get the watch,
17:05but how am I going to get it back?
17:09Oh God,
17:10I hope no one suspects me.
17:28Where did they go?
17:29Maybe I didn't look hard enough.
17:31Let me help you find them.
17:32Right, Grandma?
17:33Yes, yes, dear.
17:34Help me find them.
17:36when was the last time you saw Siga?
17:38When we went to Brito's house last week.
17:40Yes, that's right.
17:41Now I remember where I was sitting.
17:44I'm sure.
17:45On this sofa.
17:46Do you remember, Grandma?
17:47I was sitting on this sofa.
17:48Do you remember?
17:49Yes, yes.
17:50Okay, don't worry.
17:51Let's look for him here.
17:52Come on.
18:04What should I do?
18:06The family may believe me now,
18:08but my father…
18:10No, no.
18:12My father loves me very much
18:13and he will never suspect me.
18:31No way!
18:32Look, I found them here!
18:36Well done, dear.
18:40Did you find them?
18:41They were here, weren't they?
18:42We were all worried for nothing.
18:45This girl is a cop
18:46and she solved the case.
18:48Isn't that right, Grandpa?
18:49Yes, yes.
18:51I looked everywhere for her,
18:53but I couldn't find her.
18:55What's wrong?
18:56We found her in front of your eyes.
18:58She was here.
19:00My dear.
19:06Thank you, my dear.
19:07You solved my problem
19:08and you found my name.
19:10At the same time,
19:11you are the cause of all my problems.
19:13Canada's plan failed
19:14because I took your name
19:15and I left with him.
19:17Thank God,
19:18we finally found her name.
19:19Get ready,
19:20we have to go to the party.
19:22And Alya,
19:23you should get ready too
19:24because you are always late.
19:27I won't be late.
19:28Five minutes,
19:29and I'll be there.
19:33you are always late.
19:34I won't be late.
19:35Five minutes,
19:36and I'll be there.
19:37My dear,
19:38I really like this dress.
19:40It's amazing.
19:41Thank you.
19:45Can I wear it today?
19:46Of course.
19:47The dress is beautiful
19:48and it looks good on you.
19:51My dear,
19:52come and help me.
19:53I can't reach the clouds.
19:59we are wearing the same color.
20:00Isn't it nice?
20:02The clouds need to be fixed.
20:03Do you have a pillow?
20:05I don't have anything.
20:06I'll get one from my room,
20:10How do I know
20:11who you are
20:12and why you are not happy
20:13with this marriage?
20:14Her family is pressuring her
20:15and they are going to marry her
20:16to someone else.
20:17Who is this girl?
20:18And why didn't you tell us about her,
20:20How can I tell you?
20:21You are the reason
20:22for all the problems.
20:27And why should I be
20:28the reason
20:29for your distance from your lover?
20:30Tell me,
20:31what did I do wrong?
20:32My brother,
20:33I love my daughter, Delon.
20:35But because of what happened
20:36between you and her family
20:3720 years ago,
20:38my daughter can't talk
20:39to her family
20:40and she has to agree
20:41to this marriage.
20:42And she can't do anything
20:43because her heart is burning.
20:44And now,
20:45I'm going to die.
20:48I can't live without this girl.
20:52I won't let them.
20:53I have to do something.
20:55I won't deprive her
20:56because she is blind.
20:58I have to marry her.
21:00Even if I have to kidnap her.
21:05What happened?
21:06Are you asking me what happened?
21:08my life is over.
21:09My daughter's wedding
21:10is today.
21:11And her wedding is in a few days.
21:12And what's the problem?
21:14Don't worry.
21:15My daughter will be yours.
21:16And your life is precious to me.
21:19what are you going to do?
21:20Tell me, brother.
21:25We're going to kidnap her
21:26for our daughter.
21:32what do you mean?
21:33Kidnap her?
21:34Why are you worried?
21:35Let him teach you.
21:36I don't say a word
21:37and you regret it.
21:39It's solved.
21:41Look, my sister.
21:42You can tell me
21:43if there is any problem
21:44and I will help you.
21:47No, Asman.
21:48There is no problem, my son.
21:49Don't worry.
21:51Come on,
21:52get ready quickly.
21:53It's going to be difficult
21:54with the appointments.
21:57Are you sure?
21:58Here, I brought the dabous.
22:01you have to dance
22:02at the party today.
22:03Do you agree?
22:04Yes, of course.
22:05I will dance.
22:07That's right.
22:10this huge Indian wedding
22:11that you wanted to see,
22:12will come true today.
22:14And you know,
22:15there will be a lot of people.
22:19and relatives.
22:20I mean,
22:21you will meet everyone today.
22:22I would love to meet them.
22:24Let's go.
22:25But, Alia, my daughter,
22:26why aren't you wearing
22:27the dress I gave you?
22:29Because the clouds are gone.
22:31Let's go.
22:32The clouds are gone?
22:33But how?
22:35It's okay.
22:36They are gone.
22:37We are late.
22:38Let's go.
22:39Come on.
22:40Come on.
22:41Come on.
22:42Come on.
22:43Come on.
22:44Come on.
22:45Come on.
22:46Come on.
22:47Come on.
22:48Come on.
22:49Come on.
22:50Come on.
22:51Come on.
22:53Come on.
23:07It's really beautiful.
23:08It's really beautiful,
23:09my dear daughter.
23:11I hope you don't get
23:12the bad feelings today.
23:19Wow, Minty.
23:20The design is beautiful.
23:22Can I tell you something?
23:23I'm really happy
23:24about the wedding.
23:25I've been wanting
23:26to attend a wedding like this
23:27for a long time.
23:29Should we write your husband's name?
23:31Write his name in English.
23:32What's his name?
23:34I know.
23:35This is my cousin
23:36who lives in Canada.
23:37And of course,
23:38her name is in English.
23:39Are you here for a tour?
23:42Honestly, I came here
23:43for the university project.
23:45How are you, brother?
23:46Nice to meet you.
23:53I didn't tell you
23:54about his daughter, did I?
23:56That's right.
23:57What was her name?
24:02She's a beautiful girl.
24:03We met once.
24:05I loved her with all my heart.
24:10After hearing
24:11all the nice things about us,
24:12I want to get to know her.
24:14But you have to be careful
24:15that he doesn't know
24:16he can't say
24:18that Asman is his daughter.
24:31And this is my daughter,
24:35How are you, uncle?
24:36Hello, my daughter.
24:38Hello, uncle Ashok.
24:39Hello, my daughter.
24:41Ashok is my best friend,
24:43and he helps me
24:44manage the organization.
24:48Shuri, Nuka,
24:49when are we going
24:50to celebrate
24:51with the beautiful girl?
24:52Of course.
24:53As long as she's happy
24:54and gives us a sign.
24:59I gave it
25:00to the person
25:01who took my heart.
25:02Screw your heart.
25:03I've got the story.
25:04We're going to go there
25:05and kidnap the girl,
25:06and you're going to marry her
25:07and she won't leave you alone.
25:08That's it.
25:09Got it?
25:10But, Arman.
25:11Don't worry.
25:12I'm your brother.
25:13Please, Arman.
25:14Think again.
25:15What, brother?
25:19It's like you're going
25:20to a fight,
25:22Are you going
25:23to fight someone?
25:24Oh, come on.
25:25You're exposing me.
25:26I'm going with him.
25:27What's going on?
25:28Okay, tell me.
25:30Did you practice today?
25:31It means go practice.
25:38I told you a thousand times
25:39not to mess with my face.
25:41This is so they won't
25:42hit you in the eye.
25:43No, darling.
25:44They won't hit me in the eye.
25:45Trust me.
25:46Are you going
25:47to attend the wedding?
25:48No, sweetheart.
25:49I'm going to the theater.
25:52And the name of the theater
25:53is No Returning,
25:54No Surrendering.
25:56No, not like that.
25:57What was the name?
25:58Oh, God.
25:59I can't leave you
26:00because fear and love
26:01don't go together.
26:03Fear and love
26:04don't go together.
26:05Fear and love
26:06don't go together.
26:07Fear and love
26:08don't go together.
26:09Fear and love
26:10don't go together.
26:11Don't worry, sweetheart.
26:12Yes, mom.
26:13Please, be happy for us.
26:14Why do you want
26:15to go every day?
26:16Because the heroine
26:17of the theater
26:19Come here.
26:20Do you want something?
26:21Let's practice.
26:23What do you mean
26:24by love, mom?
26:34I wish my daughter
26:35could meet her love.
26:43Yes, dad.
26:44Come here, sweetheart.
26:45Let's go.
26:48Let's go.
26:57The girl we saw
26:58at the airport
26:59turned out to be
27:00his cousin, Pak.
27:01I think Arman
27:02was trying to
27:03make fun of me for him.
27:06This is Asman.
27:08And this is Alya,
27:09the daughter of Officer Ikam.
27:10Oh, hi.
27:19The heroine of the theater
27:21The heroine of the theater
27:25It's unbelievable
27:26how they've got together
27:27after all these years.
27:29Ikam doesn't know
27:30that he has a daughter.
27:31And these two girls
27:32don't know
27:33that they are
27:34also cousins.
27:44Yes, sir.
27:45I hope you won't be disappointed in front of my father that he saw me and Arman at the airport.
27:57My sister Selki!
27:58I'll be back in a minute, okay?
28:04My sister Selki!
28:06When will the party start?
28:08I can't wait anymore!
28:09You know me, I'm so excited!
28:11Come on, it'll start in a minute.
28:12Congratulations, my love!
28:15Look, it's so beautiful!
28:16Yes, it's perfect!
28:18I mean, look at the bride, it's amazing!
28:21I have an important job, I have to go.
28:24But I won't be long, I'll be back.
28:26Take your time, we're waiting for you.
28:29What? When are you going to stay? Come on, let's start, guys!
28:33Come on, let's go!
28:34Let's go!
28:43I love you!
28:44I love you!
28:45I love you!
28:46I love you!
28:47I love you!
28:48I love you!
28:49I love you!
28:50I love you!
28:51I love you!
28:52I love you!
28:53I love you!
28:54I love you!
28:55I love you!
28:56I love you!
28:57I love you!
28:58I love you!
28:59I love you!
29:00I love you!
29:01I love you!
29:02I love you!
29:03I love you!
29:04I love you!
29:05I love you!
29:06I love you!
29:07I love you!
29:08I love you!
29:09I love you!
29:10I love you!
29:11I love you!
29:12I love you!
29:13I love you!
29:14I love you!
29:15I love you!
29:16I love you!
29:17I love you!
29:18I love you!
29:19I love you!
29:20I love you!
29:21I love you!
29:22I love you!
29:23I love you!
29:24I love you!
29:25I love you!
29:26I love you!
29:27I love you!
29:28I love you!
29:29I love you!
29:30I love you!
29:31I love you!
29:32I love you!
29:33I love you!
29:34I love you!
29:35I love you!
29:36I love you!
29:37I love you!
29:38I love you!
29:39I love you!
29:40I love you!
29:41I love you!
29:42I love you!
29:43I love you!
29:44I love you!
29:45I love you!
29:46I love you!
29:47I love you!
29:48I love you!
29:49I love you!
29:50I love you!
29:51I love you!
29:52I love you!
29:53I love you!
29:54I love you!
29:55I love you!
29:56I love you!
29:57I love you!
29:58I love you!
29:59I love you!
30:00I love you!
30:01I love you!
30:02I love you!
30:03I love you!
30:04I love you!
30:05I love you!
30:06I love you!
30:07I love you!
30:08I love you!
30:09I love you!
30:10I love you!
30:11I love you!
30:12I love you!
30:13I love you!
30:14I love you!
30:15I love you!
30:16I love you!
30:17I love you!
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30:19I love you!
30:20I love you!
30:21I love you!
30:22I love you!
30:23I love you!
30:24I love you!
30:25I love you!
30:26I love you!
30:27I love you!
30:28I love you!
30:29I love you!
30:30I love you!
30:31I love you!
30:32I love you!
30:33I love you!
30:34I love you!
30:35I love you!
30:36I love you!
30:37I love you!
30:38I love you!
30:39I love you!
30:40I love you!
30:41I love you!
30:42I love you!
30:43I love you!
30:44I love you!
30:45I love you!
30:46I love you!
30:47I love you!
30:48I love you!
30:49I love you!
30:50I love you!
30:51I love you!
30:52I love you!
30:53I love you!
30:54I love you!
30:55I love you!
30:56I love you!
30:57I love you!
30:58I love you!
30:59I love you!
31:00I love you!
31:01I love you!
31:02I love you!
31:03I love you!
31:04I love you!
31:05I love you!
31:06I love you!
31:07I love you!
31:08I love you!
31:10I love you!
31:11I love you!
31:17He came for me!
31:37Where are you taking her? Stop!
31:39Where are you taking her? Stop!
31:41What are you doing? Where are you taking me?
31:43Leave me alone!
31:45It's not possible!
31:47Where are you taking her?
31:49I'm going to call Ikan!
31:51Hello, Ikan?
32:08He's so stupid, and he'll always be stupid.
32:10He came to take me, and he took my place.
32:13Didn't he see me?
32:15No, he's still making fun of me.
32:17And he can recognize me by my smell.
32:20But if he finds out that this is Arman,
32:24he'll be in big trouble.
32:26Oh God!
32:32Stay away! Let me get off!
32:34Who are you to say that? Stay away!
32:36How dare you kidnap me from my house?
32:38Let me go, you idiot!
32:40What are you doing? Calm down.
32:42You want me to calm down so that you can kidnap me?
32:44I told you to let me go, you idiot!
32:46What? I'm the idiot?
32:48I risked my life and came to help you
32:50so that you wouldn't ruin your life.
32:52Really? And who are you to help me?
32:54A stupid person like you can only ruin people's lives.
32:57No, no. Watch what you're saying.
32:59It's like I ruined your life.
33:02You're ruining my friend's life.
33:04He's crying for you and he'll die for you.
33:06But you're a coward.
33:08You couldn't kill him for the love of your life.
33:10What friend? What love?
33:12I don't love anyone.
33:14Come on, Juggi, my friend.
33:16Your lover who was going to kill himself for your love
33:18and you didn't even know him?
33:20But Mr. G didn't confess that he loves you
33:22in front of his father, so you promised him to kidnap you.
33:24And Niyal, who gathers two heads in halal, understand?
33:26What is this nonsense?
33:28Who is this Juggi? I don't know anyone by that name.
33:30And I don't have anyone in my life.
33:32Why don't you confess that you love me?
33:34Stop talking nonsense and take me home.
33:36You really don't know who sent me to kidnap you?
33:38No, I told you I don't know.
33:40That's why I'm still adamant
33:42that you girls don't know how to love at all.
33:44You're all liars and cheaters.
33:46You don't understand what he's doing.
33:48This guy is doing it for your happiness.
33:50We're more faithful than you, thank God.
33:52And do you know what's going to happen to you after this deal?
33:54I told you I don't love anyone.
33:56Take me home.
33:58No, stop it.
34:00Noa, calm down.
34:02Now you and the groom will understand.
34:04That's what I promised him.
34:08Calm down.
34:10Who could it be?
34:12Go and follow him.
34:14Who could it be?
34:16It's definitely one of Suki's men.
34:18And he sent him.
34:20That's what I'm afraid of.
34:22Come on, pay the price.
34:24Find a solution, please.
34:26Yes, Ashok, please find a solution.
34:28Red motorcycle.
34:30Calm down, please.
34:32He shouldn't escape from you.
34:34I noticed the last two numbers.
34:38And the last number is 30.
34:40Watch out.
34:44Please don't worry.
34:46I blocked all roads and exits with Moga.
34:50He can't escape.
34:52And please send me his picture on WhatsApp.
34:54Yes, just a moment.
34:58Arman, did you go there?
35:00There's no room.
35:02I'm sorry.
35:04I hope the police catch you.
35:06They'll put you in jail and beat you.
35:08Not just you, but the girl who ran away with you, too.
35:10Why don't you find another man?
35:12Why do you keep showing up in Arman's face every time?
35:14He can't.
35:22Grandma, sit here.
35:26Drink some water.
35:30Grandma, don't worry.
35:32Everything will be fine.
35:34Take care of her.
35:36Okay, calm down.
35:38Ikam will definitely come back.
35:40Oh God, I hope she comes back home safe and sound.
35:42Mom, who could have taken her?
35:44I don't know, dear.
35:46The poor girl was very excited about the party.
35:56The next day
36:16Get down.
36:18Where are you, Juggie?
36:20Juggie, come here.
36:22Look at this.
36:24Look at this.
36:26She's wearing a pink dress.
36:28Look at the color at first.
36:30But you still have time.
36:32I don't think this girl is right for you.
36:34Forget about love.
36:36Wait a minute.
36:38Who did you kidnap?
36:40She's not my girlfriend.
36:42I don't know her.
36:54The next day
37:04You're still here?
37:14Aren't you the idiot who came with that man who had a gun?
37:16Don't you know anything about life other than threats?
37:18No, I know.
37:20Calm down.
37:22I've been through a lot in my life, dear.
37:24Do you need to talk about love in front of me?
37:26You're making me nervous and you're talking nonsense.
37:28Don't be an expert in love.
37:30An expert in love?
37:34That's a little better.
37:36At least it's better than being stupid.
37:38No, you're also stupid.
37:40Weren't you the one who attacked my dad?
37:42No, I was just...
37:44There's no need to say anything.
37:46I know. People like you are the ones who ruined the reputation of our country.
37:48And ruined the reputation of the youth.
37:50Do you want to get out of your house?
37:52Wait a minute, Anse.
37:56I was going to get the gun and you two wouldn't let me.
38:00And you.
38:02What did you do, man?
38:04What did you do?
38:06I asked you to get me the one who's wearing a flower.
38:08This doesn't mean you can get me any girl who's wearing a flower dress.
38:12You idiot.
38:14This girl isn't my girlfriend.
38:16Excuse me, what do you mean she's not your girlfriend?
38:18You should have given me more details.
38:20She said she's wearing a flower dress and I didn't say anything else.
38:22And why didn't you focus a little?
38:28And on top of that, the number is wrong.
38:32Now I understand.
38:36I'm telling myself why they're not solving the problem.
38:40What are you doing, you idiot?
38:42How do you want me to know that the number is wrong?
38:44The whole road is in my head.
38:46My head hurts, man.
38:48Your head hurts, right?
38:50I'll show you.
38:52What do you mean by that?
38:54Come on, explain it to me.
39:04Hello, Jogi?
39:06Menti, listen to me. There's a little problem.
39:08Why? What happened?
39:10You're going to kidnap girls from the middle of their house and you're going to kill them yourself.
39:12Jogi, I'm your girlfriend.
39:14Are you crazy?
39:18He was your friend?
39:22He came and kidnapped Asman instead of me?
39:24No, my God.
39:30Look, brother.
39:32Listen, I want you not to worry.
39:34With Ikan, nothing will happen to Asman.
39:36She's precious to us.
39:38Of course, he'll find her.
39:42Why didn't he disappear?
39:44And where are they now?
39:54Menti, please come here.
39:56I'm in the garage.
39:58What do you mean? Now?
40:00Come on, Dad. Let's look around.
40:02Come on, son.
40:04And I'm going, too.
40:06No, Jogi.
40:08I can't see you.
40:10If you go now,
40:12you'll be in big trouble.
40:14I know him very well.
40:16He's stupid and he doesn't know how to act.
40:18He doesn't need anyone to hold him.
40:20Oh, my God. What should I do?
40:22He's getting bored.
40:24And what does he tell me?
40:26I'm Kareem and my name is Arman Gil.
40:28He told me that he loves me and that he could know me from among millions of people.
40:30And he couldn't meet me at the party.
40:32It's simple. I'll show you, Arman.
40:34I want to go home.
40:42I'll give you your life.
40:44Or if you find it.
40:46It's not possible. If your friend loves a girl,
40:48you go and kidnap her?
40:50Give me back my house.
40:52You can't run away.
40:54I told you to give me back my house.
40:56Come on, take me.
40:58I'll take you.
41:00What are you doing?
41:02You don't love me anymore?
41:04Arman, let's go home now.
41:06Listen to me.
41:08I don't want to listen to anything.
41:10I'll give you back my house.
41:12What are you going to do?
41:14Why do you keep putting me in ridiculous situations?
41:16I'll be with you in 10 minutes.
41:18Really? What 10 minutes?
41:20Now you have to explain to me who the girl you kidnapped and ran away with is.
41:22Did I run away?
41:24No. No, my soul.
41:26Do you know how much I love you?
41:28I don't think of anyone else. Are you crazy?
41:30I didn't kidnap her for me.
41:32Then who did you kidnap her for?
41:36Get out.
41:38I know people like you, but I'll show you.
42:00I love you.
