Die Polizistin Ember Manning ermittelt im Fall eines Feuers in einem Ferienhaus. Als sie von einer investigativen Journalistin, die einen True-Crime-Podcast betreibt und behauptet, der Brand stünde mit einem ungeklärten Verbrechen aus ihrem Podcast in Verbindung, kontaktiert wird, ermitteln die beiden Frauen gemeinsam und langsam aber sicher nimmt der Fall größere Dimensionen an, als sie anfangs dachten.
00:00I'm a detective. I'm basically a human lie detector.
00:03You're always looking for connections, aren't you?
00:05I would say that is a facet of the job pitch, yeah.
00:07I do a podcast on crimes against women and girls.
00:13Don't fight those crappy-belly uncles and don't let go.
00:16Missing and abused girls aren't rubbish to be hidden from tourists.
00:19I'm invisible.
00:20He's a predator and he needs to be stopped.
00:24You stay away from my daughter, do you hear me?
00:26I'm starting to think you're a spider.
00:28Tell him it weren't at the heart of all this.
00:30This is not a game.