F.E.A.R. Game-play Part 9 is about interval 5 'Extraction' mission 'Bishop'. It is full of action with a slight hint of horror. Splendid combination & really remarkable :D
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#Fear #FearGameplay #FearPart9 #FearInterval5 #Interval5Extraction #Bishop
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#Fear #FearGameplay #FearPart9 #FearInterval5 #Interval5Extraction #Bishop
00:00Hello everyone, this is CrazyComedyD and I'm back with another episode of the FEAR gameplay and this is the Interval 5 Extraction and maybe this is the first part, Bishop or it can be the only part of this interval.
00:12Okay, the situation remains up, missing team have been found, FEAR technical officers on scene, conducting forensic analysis. FEAR mission coordinator has detected prints of stun gunner signal in the area.
00:22Okay, RMI can't personally presently uncounted for, mission FEAR combat operative will attempt to intercept Feral.
00:29Okay, so I'm still looking for that guy, Feral, Paxton Feral, most probably.
00:34And uh, not a bad situation, no, not a good situation actually.
00:41Cause I'm lacking bullets.
00:47Okay, they're giving me armor but I need bullets.
00:59Okay, they're giving me medpacks.
01:06I have grenades but I need bullets.
01:11Okay, they started to shoot me.
01:42They said the hostage was secured, so I don't know if he's alive or not, maybe he's being killed in the crossfire or something.
01:55Okay, that guy is dead.
02:09Nope, nobody's seeing me.
02:25Okay, so, two dead.
02:36I'm guessing another one is here somewhere.
02:49Okay, you are here.
02:56I'm guessing now everyone is dead.
03:00Okay, there's a shotgun, but I don't need a shotgun.
03:10I'm using this.
03:12Okay, are there grenades? No, it was just a flower.
03:14Okay, these compartments are...
03:20Okay, there is a red light blinking in the phone maybe.
03:32Okay, I have a new message.
03:35Okay, I need to go up, but okay, this is the place.
03:49Okay, I cannot take any of the grenades.
03:55Okay, I got some bullets, nice.
04:00Got a medikit, that is also nice.
04:25Okay, my armor is gone.
04:29And I need to take a medikit now.
04:45Okay, they're giving me this machine gun that I'm not using and it's too much, but I'm using the other one.
04:55I'm not like getting flexible availability of ammo of this gun, but it is doing the work.
05:04So that's why I'm not like changing it to the another one, but it's much more powerful than the...
05:19This place looks quite, you know.
05:39Okay, saving checkpoint and here's blood everywhere.
05:46There's a dead guy here.
05:55And there can be those like invisible enemies, you know.
06:21Okay, so they saw me.
06:34Okay, one is down.
06:55Okay, one died, another one left.
07:03Need to use another medpack.
07:15Okay, he's dead.
07:31Oh man, that was close.
07:36Like real close.
07:37Okay, they're also using the gun, machine gun I'm using.
08:04Okay, there's another hostage.
08:26Okay, I'm not getting any sniper ammo, so maybe I should change it to this shotgun.
08:33I don't know.
08:39Maybe this is the best option right now.
08:45Okay, there's a medpack.
08:47I mean medkit.
08:48I'm always saying medpack because I just finished playing Dead Space and it's called medpack
08:54there, so that's why I'm always referring to medpacks.
08:57Okay, there's a left, there's a right.
09:18Okay, there's nothing.
09:41Okay, so they're trying to box me in.
09:45Right, I'm already in the box because I'm alone and there are like so many people.
09:53And like, I don't have too much bullets to fight them, but I'm trying my best.
10:03Okay, there's nothing I can get.
10:25Okay, I'm getting medpacks.
10:31All around me.
10:34Okay, this is the place why I didn't continue to go forward.
11:16Nicely done.
11:18Okay, there are other people there and I'm gonna wait for the slow-mo to grow.
11:53Okay, I'm gonna use this one.
12:29Okay, so running out of bullets, that's what's happening.
12:39Yeah, it's always good to see me.
12:52You will be amazed what I faced to come through all that, like, oh man.
13:02What a nightmare.
13:05Okay, escort demolition experts.
13:07Okay, so come on, follow me.
13:21Now there must be enemies.
13:27Yes, I'm gonna show ya.
13:36Okay, there he is.
13:49Okay, where's the other one?
13:53Okay, here he is.
14:08Okay, saving checkpoint.
14:35Okay, so...
14:43Yes, held up great, nice.
14:48That was really necessary.
14:52But I still need ammo that I'm not getting.
15:14This place is quiet as hell, but it's not gonna be quiet soon.
15:23Okay, there is a bleeping.
15:37Okay, they are giving me...
15:39Okay, they're not giving me, this is the guy...
15:41Like, these are the guys that I killed.
15:45Like, you know, went to the downstairs place.
16:00Okay, do I need to go to the lift, or...?
16:04Yes, I need to go to the lift, there is nothing else left here.
16:20No, I didn't have to go to the lift.
16:30My flashlight isn't working.
16:35Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man.
16:38The girl was coming, like...
16:50Okay, so, rejoin Holiday and Bishop on the roof.
16:58Oh man, I thought maybe when I went into the lift, maybe the interview was gonna end, but no.
17:06It didn't end there.
17:12Oh man.
17:20Maybe a while before I can get a ride out of there for you.
17:22I just said.
17:23I just said.
17:48Okay, I don't want any enemies right now.
17:54Okay, do I need to go down?
17:56Yes, there is no other way.
18:05Dead bodies everywhere.
18:09Oh man.
18:11I'm not gonna go down, impossible.
18:20Okay, saving checkpoint.
18:46Okay, I didn't need to break that.
18:48It was not necessary.
18:50Okay, I have now full Medicaid in my inventory.
19:03Okay, I'm looking at the enemies.
19:31Oh man.
19:33This game is quite fantastic and I'm like regretting why I haven't played it like, you know, earlier.
19:51It was long take though.
20:01Okay, there's also another guy.
20:27Okay, I'm gonna go back.
20:31I'm gonna fall back, but not for long.
20:56I need to use one.
21:02Okay, there must be another guy.
21:17Okay, nice.
21:18Getting ammo now.
21:28But obviously not a good sign.
21:31Because when they are giving you ammo, there must be a big fight.
21:49Oh man.
21:51Oh man.
21:54Oh man.
22:00Oh man.
22:18Oh man.
22:37Okay, so everyone here is dead.
22:42Need to go that way, not gonna go that way first.
22:48Okay, so that was the way.
22:54Okay, they're gonna say target sighted, but the target is not sighted after all.
23:43Okay, that guy is dead.
23:54Took care of everybody.
23:59Okay, they're all using this gun now.
24:11Okay, there is armor.
24:14I think I need to go down.
24:25Okay, I can go that way.
24:28And also this way.
24:30Okay, though both places are the same, it was over here.
25:23Okay, where is your gun?
25:27I don't know, maybe I have to take it.
25:54Okay, so taken everybody's gun.
26:40Okay, I'm guessing, I'm guessing, I'm guessing.
26:53Okay, this is the place I'm gonna be forwarding, so there's another place I'm gonna go now.
27:15Okay, nice.
27:19Quite comfortable with the bullets.
27:27Pretty much happy with the bullets I have.
27:39Okay, there's a health pack.
28:04Okay, so the Interval 5 first part extraction is complete.
28:10And I'm gonna see you next week, same day, same time.
28:13Till then, keep your prayers.
28:15And ciao.