• 3 months ago
The Prime Minister of Great Britain said something like this to the Chief of Army Staff
00:00News Update 200.
00:16I am at your beck and call, Zamaan.
00:19Presently, we will give you another update.
00:22It is much of the time seen that each nation has its own standards and regulations.
00:26A ruler gets back to the country.
00:29A ruler expands his bank balance.
00:31An equity satisfies equity.
00:33A ruler fills his own pockets.
00:36A ruler contemplates the prosperity of individuals.
00:39There is no difficulty for our subjects and everything looks great for our kin.
00:44Regardless of whether food is ready in somebody's home, nobody is left eager.
00:49In the present time, there is no nation or ruler that isn't in that frame of mind of
00:53expanding its bank balance or isn't expanding its bank balance.
00:56Each nation has its own particular manner.
00:59Every nation has its own particular manner.
01:02Somebody hopes everything works out for individuals.
01:04Somebody helps the country.
01:06Somebody burdens the country and eliminates its waste.
01:09Somebody forces charges on the country and makes it unimaginable for it to live.
01:14It becomes like this that individuals flow food and drink closes.
01:17There is no cash for clinical treatment.
01:19It becomes hard to meet the costs of the house.
01:22The power bills increment.
01:23The increment increments.
01:25Power bills go up.
01:27Charges and expansion are expanded on everything in order to build our bank balance.
01:32Tomorrow we get power or not.
01:34Yet one such episode we tell depends on the way that when the top of the military went
01:38to the English top state leader, he said, he expressed something like this to his top
01:42state leader.
01:43Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, head of the regal military, mentioned in a gathering
01:48with the English top state leader after his retirement that I am currently old.
01:52There is no kind of revenue after retirement with the exception of benefits.
01:55I live in a leased house.
01:57If it's not too much trouble, designate me a house and some horticultural land with the
02:01goal that I can use whatever is left of my life calmly.
02:04The head of the state listened calmly and afterward answered, Mr. Montgomery, you are
02:09to be sure our public legend.
02:11In the universal conflict, you have delivered superb support of the crown of extraordinary
02:15England, which is received by the entire country.
02:18However broad, sir, you have been paid a sensible compensation consistently for this
02:22public health.
02:23Presently, you are resigned and no support of the state.
02:27Regardless of not playing out, the English government is giving you a sensible benefits
02:33Mr. Montgomery, as top state leader, I'm the caretaker of individuals freedoms and I have
02:37no right under the constitution of the country to spend public duty cash for myself or any
02:42other person.
02:43I am sorry to you, hearing the disavowal.
02:46They were not disheartened subsequent to hearing it, but rather they were cheerful
02:49on the grounds that they perceived that even now the ruler depends on equity and equity
02:54is made.
02:55At the point when there is a decent ruler, the nation creates.
02:59In the event that there is a ruler who makes individuals and the subjects endure, then
03:04at that point, individuals are disheartened when they regard the ruler on the grounds
03:07that their lives are going through issues.
03:09They have many issues.
03:11That is the reason one time they picked their ruler, yet the following time, the weight
03:15of scorn expansions in their souls and brains, since they are hanging tight for the following
03:19period, loses their own perspective, their own style and the help of their own country.
03:24For the assistance of the country, for the prosperity of the country, it picks the ruler
03:28under its assistance.
03:30Furthermore, she loves a ruler who will serve the country before very long and support the
03:34country and foster his country.
03:36Not that he is such a ruler who continues to get back to the nation, so the country
03:40lives in a difficult situation.
03:42The head of powers was not disheartened.
03:44Mr. Montgomery returned cheerful.
03:46Also, to watch the video, buy into our channel, remember to like and share the video, with
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03:55any problem.
03:56See you in the following video.
03:57AI News Update 200 Good Luck.
