تہمت لگانا

  • 2 months ago
عدت کیس ،،،
00:00When I heard about my Nikah, I told people that when I left my home, I completed my Nikah in my home.
00:09After that, when I left my home, I could have married the next day if I wanted to.
00:13I did it after 5-6 or 7 months.
00:16The true Islamic law is that you should complete your Nikah in your home.
00:23After completing my Nikah, I came to my mother's house.
00:27I did my Nikah there for a few months, and then I completed my Nikah in my home.
00:32I am saying this with my hand on my heart.
00:34Khan Sahib did not see my mother's face before her Nikah.
00:39She stayed in that house and completed her Nikah.
00:43After that, she went to her grandmother's house.
00:45After staying at her grandmother's house for a long time, she got married to Khan Sahib.
00:48I have never seen such a pure wife in the world.
00:53She is the purest wife in the world.
00:56Those who accuse innocent and honest women of adultery,
01:03they will be cursed in this world and in the hereafter.
01:06And they will be punished severely.
01:09That is, on the Day of Judgment, the day when their tongues, hands and feet will bear witness to their deeds,
01:16that day Allah will give them a complete and just reward for their deeds.