Boulder Real Estate Old North Boulder Neighborhood

  • 15 years ago The area between Broadway, Folsom, Iris, and Edgewood/Balsam streets is now commonly called the Old North Boulder neighborhood. See more useful Boulder real estate market information at Prior to the time that land was developed beyond Norwood, this area was North Boulder. Now with development stretching to the far reaches of the Dakota Ridge neighborhood, the Old North Boulder neighborhood is really a very central residential opportunity. I’ve spent many days exploring on foot, the roads and paths around central Boulder, and if you do the same you’ll come to realize just how close everything is in this part of town. It’s only a few blocks between local landmarks such as Vics and Ideal Market, over to Pearl Street, or up to Salberg Park. The two sister shopping centers, Ideal Marketplace and Community Plaza are home to many local favorites. Ideal Market has a long history that spans well beyond the age of the current shopping center, and it became an anchor for the other shops back in 1958. The Community Plaza shops on the south side of Alpine were built just two years later in 1960. Other businesses such as Alpine Barbers, Radda Restaurant, Breadworks, Marie’s Restaurant, The Boulder Wine Merchant, and the Pekoe Sip House give residents of the Old North Boulder neighborhood a plethora of opportunity for meeting most shopping needs without much travel. What a great concept in the days of higher gas prices and strong desires to conserve natural resources. One of those local businesses that’s been thriving in the area, The Pekoe Sip House, has a decade long history in the area. It was originally founded as the Tea Train in Longmont. After many accolades, and eventually being voted as having the Best Tea, and being the Best Tea House in the Denver Metro area in 2000, Tea Train evolved into Pekoe Sip House and moved to Boulder under the new name in 2003. Schools that service the area include Casey Middle school, Colu...


