Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links - When Kaibaman Meets Rush Duels x Luke Summons Kaibaman (Street Replay Duel)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links - When Kaibaman Meets Rush Duels x Luke Summons Kaibaman (Street Replay Duel) #yugioh #yugiohduellinks #duellinks
00:18Rush dueling against Luke is always a blast.
00:21As your future king, I promise I won't let you down, Yuga.
00:25Here we go!
00:27Get ready for the rush!
00:29Here I go! It's my turn! I draw!
00:32I'll set a monster! I'll set a monster!
00:35I'm gonna set a card! With that, I end my turn!
00:39Here goes! It's my turn! I draw!
00:43I'm setting a card! I set a card! I'm setting a card!
00:48I'm ending my turn!
00:50Here I go! It's my turn! I draw!
00:54I set a card! I set a card!
01:00Light Sorcerer!
01:04Time to battle! Go!
01:06I attack you directly!
01:10Keep it coming!
01:12Light Sorcerer, attack!
01:15You won't win that easy!
01:17This duel's only getting started! I end my turn!
01:21I'm gonna end this quick!
01:23My turn! I draw!
01:26Sports Dragon Slugger!
01:31Show yourself!
01:33I summon a monster!
01:40I Tribute Summon a monster!
01:46I activate my monster's effect!
01:49Let's battle!
01:51Take him down!
01:53My monster attacks!
01:57Nothing I can't handle!
01:59I'm ending my turn!
02:01I'm gonna speed up this duel!
02:03It's my turn! I draw!
02:05I'll set a monster!
02:07With that, I end my turn!
02:09I'm gonna end this quick!
02:11My turn! I draw!
02:14Come on out!
02:16I summon a monster!
02:21I activate my monster's effect!
02:25Come on out!
02:27I Special Summon a monster!
02:33Check this out, bro!
02:35I summon a monster!
02:40Check this out, bro!
02:42Tribute Summon!
02:47I activate my monster's effect!
02:51I activate my monster's effect!
02:55Let's battle!
03:02Nothing I can't handle!
03:04This duel's mine!
03:06My monster attacks you directly!
03:09You think I wouldn't be ready for that?
03:12I'll use this card I set!
03:14I activate my trap!
03:16I activate my trap!
03:20I got plenty of tricks saved for later!
03:24I end my turn!
03:26Here I go! It's my turn!
03:28I draw!
03:29Here I come!
03:31I summon a monster!
03:36I activate my spell card!
03:38Magical String!
03:41I activate my monster's effect!
03:45Nothing will block my way!
03:47Not confusion, pain, or sadness!
03:50Maximum Summon!
03:57Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord!
04:15I activate Magnum Overlord's effect!
04:18Reflection Charge!
04:21Magnum Overlord is skyrocketing to the stratosphere!
04:25Maximum Charge!
04:28I'll use this card I set!
04:30I activate my Time to Battle!
04:33Time to end this!
04:35This is it, Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord!
04:38Maximum Burst Road Slash!
04:41Maximum Burst Road Slash!
04:53Wow! Every time we duel, you have a new strategy to play!
04:57Keep dueling, Luke! You're still on your highway to victory!