10 Most Absurd Forgotten Matches In WWE History

  • 4 months ago
Memorably unmemorable clashes that put smiles on faces but forgot all about the heels...
00:00I, Simon Miller, love nonsense, and I actually have a t-shirt that I wear sometimes that
00:05says Goofy Wrestling For Life, and this ain't no saying, I totally mean it.
00:10WWE has always embraced such things too, even when they don't mean to, because sometimes
00:15they put on matches and everyone looks around like, what the flub is going on?
00:20So please do hit that subscribe button and prepare yourself, because this is the 10 Most
00:24Absurd Forgotten WWE Matches.
00:2810. John Cena vs Shinsuke Nakamura, with the winner getting Jinder Mahal
00:33Even though John Cena had basically done it all in WWE when 2017 rolled around, when we
00:39learned that he could face someone like Shinsuke Nakamura, we all started to do the dance of
00:44joy, because in many ways, this was like a dream fight.
00:47You could even spin it as WWE's most important performer of the generation taking on one
00:51of New Japan's, which is why it was hilarious, when they did clash, whoever was victorious
00:57was going to take on Jinder Mahal.
00:58Now I get that sounds like a swipe at Jinder too, but I do not mean that in any sense.
01:03It was just so strange, because the week prior, Mahal had basically just been, well, an opening
01:08dude, and now he was the WWE Champion and no one had been given time to catch up.
01:14So basically everybody was asking, well how the hell did he get into this position, and
01:18I'm still a bit salty, that at that year's Survivor Series, we were supposed to get Mahal
01:23vs Brock Lesnar, but The Beast didn't want to do it.
01:27Or he went and hindered Jinder.
01:31Umaga, Viscera and Kevin Thorne vs Doink the Clown, Eugene and Kane
01:37What the hell was going on in the mid-2000s when it came to WWE, and who the hell came
01:42up with this fever dream?
01:43For some reason though, the WWE did decide, well we are about to relaunch Saturday Night's
01:47main event, we need a match, so they put these six people against each other, and once
01:54again you have to ask yourself, why was Doink the Clown still around in 2007, and if he
01:59could appear there, where is he now?
02:01It was around the same time that WWE also booked Matt Hardy vs Evander Holyfield in
02:06a boxing match, which kind of sums up the era, and if you do care, this ended when the
02:11Big Red Machine chokeslammed Viscera, and given how big this was, it actually took it
02:16pretty well.
02:17It's just so strange to watch though, because none of these people, aside from maybe Umaga
02:21and Kane, were treated seriously at all, so you lay there, and you kind of start freaking
02:29Bret Hart vs The Undertaker
02:30No, we are not talking about their 1997 series, which was totally awesome, we are actually
02:35talking about 2010, after Bret Hart had come back to the company, and definitely shouldn't
02:41have been put in matches like this.
02:43Existing to help move forward the Nexus storyline, obviously as soon as people found out about
02:47it, they were super-duper pumped, and then before the bell even rang, here was Wade Barrett's
02:53crew, and they basically just beat up The Undertaker until Kane made the save.
02:59And if you're wondering where the Hitman went during all of this, we're never going to know,
03:03because he just vanished.
03:05This was of course because of Bret's condition, and nobody should have been touching him,
03:09but surprise surprise, everybody went boo after this did go down, because deep down
03:15in your tum-tum, of course you want to see Bret vs Taker, it was always brilliant.
03:21Bret Hart vs The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels
03:24These days triple threat matches are everywhere, and they're more of a storytelling device
03:27than anywhere else, but back in 1997, they got a bit of a woo-har out of people.
03:33If you can believe it too, we did have one of these, one month before the Montreal Screwjob,
03:39where indeed it was Bret Hart taking on Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker.
03:43And if you're wondering why people don't make a bigger song and dance about this, it's because
03:46it happened when the cameras were off, so it doesn't count, and it actually ended when
03:51Bret Hart pinned Shawn.
03:55As you would expect too, it was a really fun brawl, and WWE started to use the finish that
04:00they would use for the next 30 years.
04:02Because after the Deadman has hit the tombstone and Triple H has pulled him out of the ring,
04:06the Hitman was like, alright, if he's down, I'll just steal the pin, and he was successful
04:12at that.
04:13So it's no wonder that does feel really old, because it's been going on for decades, but
04:17seriously, you should check this out, your eyes won't believe it.
04:21The Legion of Doom vs Money Inc
04:22If you're not used to old school wrestling, this will blow your brain, but back in 1992
04:27the Legion of Doom were the tag team champions, and very sadly they were going to have to
04:31take a sabbatical, mostly due to Hawk's personal problems.
04:35Vince McMahon was the person that informed them of this and said, look, why don't you
04:38just drop the titles or give them up and then you can walk away, but the LOD decided, no,
04:44we don't want to do that, and we think that makes us look weak, so they came up with this
04:49For you see, given that Money Inc were the brand new heel tag team, that of Ted DiBiase
04:53and IRS, and we had a house show in Colorado, Animal and Hawk were more than willing to
04:58drop the titles there, as long as Earthquake and Typhoon as well as Secessional Sherry
05:04This did indeed happen, meaning Money Inc became the brand new tag team champions, but
05:08at the same time the natural disasters turned face, because now we needed a new match to
05:13WrestleMania and of course the Legion of Doom wasn't going to be here, and all of this didn't
05:17happen on TV, so if you tuned into the show next week, it was like, what the hell is going
05:23There was also another sub-story in the sense that Jimmy Hart turned his back on everyone
05:26here to join up with this brand new pairing that had a bunch of money, all of it, was
05:32just so damn confusing, LOD should have just given up the belt.
05:37Jeff Hardy and Bradshaw vs. Farouk and Matt Hardy
05:39In 2001, Vince McMahon was out of control, not only did we have all that stuff with Trish
05:45Stratus, but we also had a story where Linda McMahon was in a wheelchair because she had
05:51been comatose.
05:52Some tradition still did remain though, especially when it came to the Royal Rumble and the tag
05:56line, it's every man for himself, which is why we took two separate tag teams and broke
06:01them up.
06:02It was kind of cool because when Matt and Jeff went at it, they turned back the clock
06:05and also said, this is a window into what wrestling will be in the future, and when
06:10Bradshaw and Farouk were in there, they absolutely kicked each other's ass.
06:14This is why it was so funny though, because even though they'd been putting this thing
06:18against their will, they still decided to take it really seriously.
06:22Good for them.
06:23It all changed at the end because it turned out the Hardys were still in cahoots and Jeff
06:26helped Matt win, but then you were like, well, you're an idiot, Jeff, because in the
06:31record books, it's still going to say that you lost.
06:34This is why it was absolutely absurd, but actually fair play to everybody in this because
06:38they didn't play it for laughs and they told you you should care, that feeling and emotion
06:43came out the TV and lo and behold, we actually gave a damn.
06:47Number four, Johnny Gargano versus Dexter Lumis in a love her or lose her match.
06:51I mean, the clue is in the title and imagine if this happened in the real world, but in
06:56August 2021 down in NXT, a consenting adult was told, listen, I know you're in a relationship
07:03with Dexter Lumis, but he is going into a match and if he doesn't do very well, you
07:08guys got to break up.
07:09No, I actually struggled to say this with a straight face because it is absolutely ludicrous.
07:13And of course, the damsel was Indi Hartwell.
07:17The best part about this is Dexter did lose and then Indi Hartwell went, well, I don't
07:23I'm going to stay with him.
07:24So she just did.
07:25It is only fair to say that the story was actually really good and some of the best
07:28stuff these two got up to, but it was also a waste of your time and a waste of your life.
07:34It's like me saying to you now, if you run in this door, I will give you $1 million and
07:39you run in, I just turned to you and go, nah, I can't be bothered.
07:42Number three, Kofi Kingston, Zack Ryder and John Cena versus The Miz, R-Truth and Kevin
07:49And Mick Foley was a special guest referee, it's like Reddit booking.
07:52Even better, this went down in the UK during their 2011 tour, where I think somebody decided
07:58we need to inject some fun into this situation.
08:01They did.
08:02The real joy is that it started off as just Ryder and Kofi taking on The Awesome Truth
08:06when all of a sudden, Foley's music hit and he just walked out, he's like, oh, hello,
08:11Great Britain.
08:12I fancy being a referee.
08:14All right.
08:15Miz and Truth didn't like this at all because they felt like it was another conspiracy.
08:18So they had an ace up their sleeve when all of a sudden they introduced Kevin Nash and
08:23you can imagine the reaction to that.
08:25Turns out this was just a game of one-upmanship with the baby faces having the final say because
08:30they then said, welcome to John Cena.
08:32And once again, everyone went crazy.
08:34Given this was a house show as well, it meant the rules didn't apply.
08:38So everybody just went out there to have some fun.
08:41If you were a part of this, you know, it felt like a happening.
08:44Mostly it was a nice reminder that when WWE wants to have fun, they can have fun.
08:49Those three letters, F-U-N, are the most important part about sports entertainment.
08:54Number two, Chris Jericho, John Cena, Mark Henry, The Big Show, and Roman Reigns versus
08:59The Authority and The Wyatt Family.
09:02I mean, this happened on Smackdown, crazy time it was.
09:06And look at the teams too, because it did mean that you had Seth Rollins and Corporate
09:10Kane wearing his trousers, teaming up with Bray Wyatt, Erick Rowan, and Luke Harper.
09:15And even looking at that, you're like, nah, I don't think that works.
09:18On the other end of the ring too, we had John Cena, who was just coming off his massive
09:22beating by Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam, as The Big Show and Mark Henry, well, they weren't
09:28doing much of anything.
09:29Clearly WWE didn't think this was anything big either, because they didn't advertise
09:34And once again, if you sat down to watch the 3rd of September, 2014 Smackdown, it was just
09:40there, even though it was pumped with star power.
09:42It didn't have any fallout either, so we just did it, because we felt like we should do
09:48And the real shame, is this when you can start to see the wheels coming off The Wyatt Family.
09:51I don't think WWE ever knew what they should do.
09:54Number one, The Street Profits and The Viking Raiders versus Tozawa and a bunch of ninjas.
10:01All you need to do is listen to that title again, and you will remember why the pandemic
10:06era was absolutely nuts.
10:08I mean, it's bad enough that it's down in the performance centre, I mean I can't handle
10:11these matches now, but you also have to ask the question, why is Tozawa a ninja, where
10:17did he get these other ninjas, and why the hell are ninjas in wrestling to begin with?
10:20They also get absolutely wrecked by The Street Profits and The Viking Raiders, and this is
10:24so stereotypical, you'll think you've transported yourself back to 1985.
10:29Nobody remembers this for obvious reasons, and it's never been explained, which also
10:33goes for that match, where The Street Profits took on The Viking Raiders, and it ended when
10:38they were chased away by a monster.
10:41And I'm not making that up, it actually happened, you can google it, but take it from me, don't.
10:47Now please do leave a comment below and let me know of any absurd matches that we don't
10:51talk about anymore, and secretly these are the best wrestling matches.
10:54Then please do like the video, share the video and subscribe, there's also a video on the
10:58screen right now, so give it a click.
11:00Come follow us on social media at OneCultureWWE and SimonMiller316, and if you'd like to
11:05check out the website, I think you should.
11:08Thank you for joining me as always, you're good good people, see you soon.
