
  • 3 months ago
00:00I'm older than you. I'm older than you.
00:01I told everyone to be quiet.
00:03Don't tell me. Tell me by name.
00:04Who do you want to shut up to?
00:06Mr. Armaan, don't argue with me on everything.
00:08You don't have to be a lawyer for everything.
00:09I'm not a lawyer. Just give him time.
00:11Don't be a lawyer.
00:12I'm not giving him time.
00:13Don't try to be humanitarian.
00:14We also have humanity.
00:15We know what we're doing.
00:16Don't think you're morally superior to us.
00:17Mr. Armaan, please.
00:18I haven't said anything to you.
00:21Shut up.
00:22No, seriously.
00:23You go with a spark.
00:25What spark?
00:26She's telling me to shut up.
00:27You have nothing to do.
00:28So what's the point of crying?
00:29She's crying for no reason.
00:30She's trying to make us laugh.
00:31That's what I said.
00:32She's trying to make us laugh.
00:33What did she say?
00:34What did she do?
00:34She was crying because she got saved.
00:36Not because Neeraj is leaving.
00:38Yes, that's why she was crying.
00:40That's the truth.
00:41You guys don't understand the importance of your audience.
00:44What's the point of the audience?
00:46Shut up and talk to her.
00:47What did she say?
00:48I'm not talking to you.
00:49You're the one who's talking.
00:50Don't tell me by name.
00:50I'm the one who's talking.
00:51I'm not quiet.
00:52I'm the one who's talking.
00:53Tell me by name.
00:54I cry when I want to cry.
00:56I laugh when I want to cry.
00:58I cry every day.
00:59I don't have to tell you.
01:00We tell her to make us laugh.
01:02We tell her to make us cry.
01:03We don't say anything.
01:04We tell her to shut up.
01:05You shut up.
01:06Ranveer, you're right.
01:07But this is not the time.
01:08This is the time to teach the lesson.
01:09No, no.
01:10This is not the time.
01:11No, no.
01:12One second, Ranveer.
01:13One second.
01:13Somebody is broken.
01:14You'll teach the lesson right now?
01:15She's not broken.
01:16She's happy.
01:16She's safe.
01:17She's not happy.
01:18She's too fragile, Ranveer.
01:19I don't need lessons from you.
01:20I'm talking to her.
01:21I will say what I want to her.
01:22Oh my God.
01:23I think you really need lessons from me.
01:25I don't need lessons from you.
01:27I'm older.
01:28That's why I'm telling her.
01:29If you don't understand the situation,
01:30who will?
01:31I've understood.
01:32Don't make me understand the situation.
01:33Sit down.
01:34You're saying, teaching her a lesson.
01:35Don't try to be holier than thou.
01:36Teaching her a lesson?
01:37Is this the lesson you teach?
01:39Yes, exactly.
01:40She mimics you when she's having fun.
01:42No, seriously.
01:43She mimics me when someone else is sulking.
01:45Don't ever mimic anyone.
01:47People change like Girgit.
01:48Don't talk too much.
01:49Girgit is no one older than you.
01:51Oh, thank you.
01:52I'm not Girgit.
01:53I'd rather call you a snake.
01:55I'll bite you.
01:56I'll bite you hard.
01:58It's not bite.
01:59It's dust.
02:01In my language, I call her stink.
02:04It's not stink.
02:05It's sting.
02:07You stink.
02:08She doesn't sting.
02:09Excuse me?
02:11Excuse me?
02:13Look who's saying the bushy man.
02:16From top to bottom, bushy bushy.
02:19Some people's decisions were final.
02:21You have to be good in front.
02:23You have to be good in both.
02:25At least take good decisions.
02:27Don't talk double meaning.
02:28This man is arrogant.
02:30He should leave.
02:31That's why I'm sending her.
02:32No, no.
02:33That's not the case.
02:34She's a kid.
02:35If she leaves this week,
02:36her confidence for the rest of her life is ruined.
02:40You start...
02:41No, it's not good.
02:43Vishal, please listen to me.
02:44I'm talking to you.
02:45And secondly, I wanted to show that
02:46at least she has a few votes.
02:48My decision was
02:49to save Neeraj and send Shivani.
02:51Because I was closer to her.
02:53But she started crying in the middle
02:55because everyone was saying Shivani.
02:57At least to show that
02:58at least someone is not taking her name.
03:00That's why I said that.
03:02what do you think?
03:03That we don't have a heart?
03:04Ranveer, she's a kid.
03:05She's a kid who needs to learn something right now.
03:08Don't talk to anyone right now.
03:10People are still standing.
03:14What was he trying to teach her?
03:16You need to draw a line there.
03:19I'll do it legally.
03:20I'm a very good lawyer.
03:21Go to hell.
03:22First, I did it to make her laugh.
03:24I agree.
03:25Second, when she got mad at me,
03:26I said what I said in front of her
03:28so that the teacher's attitude
03:29towards me would stop.
03:30Even I told her to stop.
03:31That's all I have to say.
03:33Keep hitting the teacher
03:34and keep saying this and that.
03:35That you know,
03:36she's a 22-year-old girl
03:37and we can't say anything.
03:38So, I told her to stop.
03:39That's all I have to say.
03:40That's all I have to say.
03:41That's all I have to say.
03:42That's all I have to say.
03:43That's all I have to say.
03:44She's a 22-year-old girl
03:45and we can't say anything.
03:46That's all I have to say.
03:47That's all I have to say.
03:48And I stand by what I did.
03:49No, you are not wrong.
03:50I'm not saying you are wrong.
03:56Nine people want us
03:57to leave this house
03:58and everyone is against me.
03:59Sister, this is not good.
04:02this will happen with everyone.
04:03Shivani, this will happen
04:04with me too.
04:05This will happen with her too.
04:06Shivani, for you,
04:07Neeraj has just become a friend.
04:08When they tell me
04:09to choose between Armaan
04:10and Payal,
04:11for me,
04:12the husband is on one side
04:13and I'm on the other.
04:14If I choose Payal,
04:15I will choose Armaan.
04:16If this...
04:17Shivani, you have to understand
04:18that this will happen
04:19one day or another.
04:20But Sana,
04:21she has a vindictiveness
04:22very badly.
04:23Her attitude is very bad.
04:24My only point is
04:25that she is acting like a mad person.
04:26What does she think of herself?
04:27Whatever she is,
04:28see, whatever you are,
04:29you can taunt her later.
04:30You can scold her later.
04:31It's not about taunting.
04:32You can do whatever you want.
04:33It is so revengeful.
04:34What can I do?
04:36Because there are people
04:37who can't take it sportingly.
04:38For her,
04:39it's a new thing.
04:40When you were entering
04:41the game,
04:42she said
04:43that she has seen
04:44all the seasons.
04:45But when she beats herself,
04:46that too...
04:47I agree.
04:48I'm giving her a discount.
04:49But there is a way.
04:50She didn't have
04:51any bad intentions.
04:52I didn't say that.
04:53I said that too.
04:54I'm also saying the same thing.
04:55I said that
04:56at such a time,
04:57I'm telling the truth,
04:58I've been told
04:59that some people
05:00get manipulated.
05:01Everyone is shouting.
05:02So I told everyone
05:03that everyone shut up.
05:04She said about Ranveer
05:05that he's older than you.
05:06You're saying shut up
05:07when you're sitting idle.
05:08No, everyone was saying
05:09that I'm older than you.
05:10Tell everyone,
05:11don't think I'm weak.
05:12You're very strong.
05:13Don't think I'm weak.
05:14You're very strong.
05:15Don't always believe me.
05:16You're very strong.
05:17When I told everyone,
05:18I meant everyone.
05:19Tell everyone.
05:20I'll just give advice.
05:21It's not my place.
05:22Believe it or not.
05:23But you...
05:24I respect Ranveer.
05:25You too.
05:26And you too.
05:27Please don't think
05:28for a minute
05:29that you're more human
05:30than I am
05:31or other people are.
05:32I don't think so.
05:33Don't think
05:34that we're the epitome
05:35of morality
05:36and we're demons.
05:38I said it
05:39on your behalf.
05:41You don't have to do that.
05:42You look the same.
05:43I'm a serpent.
05:45I agree.
05:46You are a serpent.
05:47Thank you.
05:48You speak so fast.
05:49You don't even mean it.
05:50You use some words.
05:51It came out in the flow.
05:52It came out in the flow.
05:53I just meant
05:54everyone be quiet.
05:55Give me some time.
05:56That's what I meant.
05:57No, no, no.
05:58That is not true.
05:59Speak in Hindi.
06:00The words in Hindi
06:01are a little...
06:02Yes, yes.
06:03I really made a mistake
06:04and I'll think about it
06:05next time
06:06that I'll speak in Hindi.
06:07I'm sorry.
06:08I apologize for this.
06:09Do you know
06:10what she said?
06:12No one said anything to her.
06:13Chandrika said
06:14that she cooks
06:15for 600 people.
06:16Do you know what she said?
06:17She doesn't look like
06:18she can cook.
06:19Then I said
06:20she looks like
06:21she's a drunkard.
06:27Are you my nephew
06:28or niece
06:29or are you making fun
06:30of me?
06:31Who are you?
06:33And if I say
06:34that you're saying
06:36do you know
06:37what she'll say?
06:38We're here
06:39for you.
06:40And the audience
06:41that's left
06:42this is going to be
06:43like a shot for her.
06:44The audience is with us
06:45and we'll do
06:46what we're doing.
06:47You're making fun of me.
06:48Maybe she wasn't
06:49making fun of you.
06:50She thought
06:51you were making fun
06:52of her.
06:54She's very cunning.
06:55She said
06:56you're making fun
06:57of the audience.
06:58This is everyone's
07:00I'm making fun
07:01of you
07:02so how did I
07:03say anything bad
07:04to the audience?
07:06Not for the audience.
07:07I didn't say anything
07:08bad to the audience.
07:09Everyone's voting
07:10for the audience.
07:11This is all cunning.
07:16Welcome to
07:17BP Pet Care.
07:18Today, the garden
07:19has been transformed
07:20into BP Pet Care.
07:21And here,
07:22you'll play
07:23the role
07:24of the workers
07:25who take care
07:26of the pets.
07:27This work
07:28will be for
07:29the household duties.
07:30The game is simple.
07:31You have to work
07:32in the pet care
07:33and earn points.
07:34And from that,
07:35you can buy
07:36your favorite
07:39Because at the end
07:40of the work,
07:41on the duty board
07:42whose name
07:43the duty will be,
07:44he will do
07:45the same duty
07:46for the whole week.
07:47Every time
07:48the gong will ring,
07:49pet care will open.
07:50And then,
07:51three households
07:52will start taking
07:53care of the pets
07:54in the pet care.
07:55Taking care
07:56of the pets
07:57means keeping them
07:59The pets are happy
08:00when you gossip
08:01about the household
08:02with them.
08:04You brush them.
08:05You entertain
08:08You take them
08:09for a walk.
08:10During this time,
08:11there will be
08:12a pet care manager
08:13who will supervise
08:14these workers
08:15and see
08:16if the workers
08:17are working
08:18properly or not.
08:19When the pets
08:20start making noise,
08:21the round will
08:23And then,
08:24the manager
08:25will pay
08:26the workers
08:27according to
08:28his will.
08:29The manager
08:30has points
08:31in his drawer.
08:32The workers
08:33can even negotiate
08:34with the manager.
08:35The manager
08:36can buy
08:37any duty
08:38he likes
08:39and write his name
08:40on the duty
08:42in front of
08:43that duty.
08:44You have
08:45to use all the
08:46points given
08:47by the manager.
08:48That means,
08:49the more points
08:50a worker gets,
08:51the more
08:52duties he has
08:53to do.
08:55let's start.
08:56Good luck,
08:57Big Boss.
08:58Thank you,
08:59Big Boss.
09:00It has started.
09:01It has started.
09:02Everybody, come.
09:03In the first round,
09:04the manager will be
09:06And the workers
09:07of this round will be
09:09Sana Makbool
09:15Hello, sir.
09:16Hello, sir.
09:17Where is the last
09:19Do you want me
09:20to fire you?
09:21He is here.
09:22He will get
09:23us fired.
09:24Come fast.
09:25Hello, sir.
09:26Didn't you ring the bell?
09:27We will start
09:28once it rings.
09:32How are you?
09:33Do you know
09:34that everyone
09:35here has
09:36combed their hair?
09:37I will comb
09:38your hair.
09:39I will
09:40remove your hair.
09:41We have to
09:42take him for a walk.
09:43I will
09:44cut his nails.
09:45I will cut
09:46his face.
09:49Who is he?
09:50Who is he?
09:51He is Sai Ketan.
09:52Sai Ketan?
09:53Your friend
09:54Ketan is crying.
09:56I will call him.
09:57No, no,
09:58wait a minute.
09:59Is he crying?
10:01he is crying.