• last year
Here's a Full Episode of The Short-livid Action League Now The Series.


00:00action league now the series starring the flesh he's super strong and super
00:07naked thunder girl she flies like thunder stinky diver a former Navy
00:14commando with an attitude as bad as his odor and melt man with the power to melt
00:22today's episode monster mashed they're the stuff of your worst nightmares
00:29twisted freaks of nature vile mutants who make you want to scream but enough
00:35about the action league in this episode they fight some really scary monsters
00:40dateline attic Museum of ancient history where a brilliant bauble is blatantly
00:47burgled I'll be rich richer than Merv Griffin the next day
00:58well guy analysis in layman's terms it got ripped off we're just lucky you
01:04didn't open that sarcophagus and trigger the mummy's curse hey there's a dead guy
01:10in here no I was afraid of this you've awakened the spirit of the undead run
01:15while you still can I'm not afraid of any mummies curse but I I just remembered I
01:20have a dentist appointment me too later
01:35action league now presents rags to riches with the whereabouts of the
01:43hijacked gem unknown our heroes make a crucial discovery I found it the opal
01:52the remote let's watch over our scooby rerun Alicia meanwhile at action
01:59headquarters we don't recover that jewel we'll be in more trouble than a round
02:04peg at a square dance frankly I'm worried frankly I'd be more worried
02:08about the mummies curse you're right I'm being foolish now if you excuse me
02:15I'm late for a dentist appointment
02:29and so as a marauding mummy searches for vengeance the action league searches for
02:37something to watch for a limited time only you could buy your very own Egyptian
02:42opal just like the kind you find in er museums it's the mayor and he's got the
02:48opal and look it's that mummy person
02:53it lives cold steel band-aid boy
03:01again maybe not hey mister I'm so dead and you're not I'm about to get mad
03:18okay I'm mad will a miffed mummy make mincemeat out of our zeros I mean heroes
03:32will the mayor make a million on a museum marvel quantities are limited
03:38order now find out in the action swiped conclusion of action league now it's time
03:46to go behind the plastic we asked melt man what was his most terrifying real
03:52life experience it was a time stinky took his flippers off
03:56Gucci mama it almost melted my face action league now jewel taken a mummy
04:04awakened as a familiar foe auctions off an opal an enraged relic takes on the
04:11wuss squad not 99 not 89 but just 79 cents the mummy was the opal he saw on
04:25the telly let's follow him from a safe distance no one throws the flesh into
04:30pottery and gets away with it did I say 69 cents 59 cents if you call now
04:41okay for you only 49 cents up there the opal opal schmopal we must get the mummy
04:53back into a sarcophagus and then recite the incantation okay make me your best
04:58offer I got it keep away from King Tut got it you want a tape head go get it
05:10Oh jerk I am now he can sleep another 3,000 years that mummy packs a wallop I
05:23owe you an apology I should have listened to you chief no no I can admit
05:29when I'm wrong you know what my problem is I just don't listen I've got you now
05:35mr. mummy
05:37and now it's time for ask the league where real kids ask real questions of
05:58fake superheroes what do you guys do for fun when you're not out fighting
06:01monsters I hit the pool flex likes the cops of Rays and Melty he likes to cook
06:11Dateline rec room National Tennis Center where the action league plays for
06:17charity with action celebrities Sly Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger
06:22yo nice form Thunder babe that's Thunder girl I may play action heroes in the
06:30movies but you guys are the ones who really keep the world safe
06:42okay okay keep your pants on jerks get this get that one of these days
06:51somebody's gonna appreciate me moments later here's your stupid ball wait that's
07:00no ball it's an egg of the rare and deadly South American jumping spider
07:14actually now presents Melty dearest we find our heroes held at bay by an angry
07:24arachnid don't worry I learned how to handle a situation like this in
07:33entomology school
07:43gross spider spew fascinating spewing is how the jumping spider shows affection
07:49he seems to think you're his mother really he likes me he really likes me
07:56later at action headquarters and the ink see we see spider went up the spout
08:03again I hate the garb in your porridge mate but you ain't see wait see spider
08:08there's a deadly wedding predator my precious wouldn't hurt a fly listen up
08:15you clowns this is tour he's an exchange superhero from Denmark he'll be
08:20staying with us a while I look forward to the many years of learning your ways
08:24of superheroing nice meeting you blasted melt man now what am I supposed to tell
08:33the Danes bad Spidey you know mommy doesn't like it when you mutilate our
08:38northern European friend oh that's okay mommy still loves you
08:46hello action league now just wanted to stop by and take you off the helping out
08:55at the tennis tournament so much for free movie passes look no man I know you
09:05have feelings for this but he's my baby I can't give up my baby chief my
09:17research on jumping spider shows that the mother is fiercely protective of her
09:21young that's true we are no melt man the real mother will she look anything like
09:27that yes actually and as we used to say in entomology school run
09:42is this the last hit on the action website find out in the action spewed
09:49conclusion of actually now actually now oh what a tangled web the action league
09:58has weaved as it was a woman you know what I mean don't panic she only wants
10:07her young well she's not going to get him there must be some reasonable way to
10:15resolve this well I don't know if it's reasonable or not but I have an idea
10:19welcome to Lola today's topic eight-legged babies with two mothers who's wrong who's
10:27right and who wants to fight I'm the real mother Lola give me one good reason why you should be
10:37his mother okay that's a good reason the end
10:53and now more ask the league hey actually what's the worst monster you've ever
11:00faced that's easy a monster truck actually now presents the wrath of spotzilla we find
11:15our heroes at patio park accepting the Nobel Prize for being the best superheroes in the
11:22world that stings get it off me blasted I'm proud of you guys have some fun you deserve it
11:33tell me stinky is it difficult being a superhero not when you've got the looks of George Clooney
11:42and the reflexes of a jungle cat you want a boogie Thundergirl come on I'll teach you how to
11:57clog dance watch me bust a move while melt man's clog dancing fails to impress Thundergirl it
12:09does get the attention of the bloodthirsty behemoth known as spotzilla asleep in his
12:16subterranean chamber since the dawn of the Mesozoic Age spotzilla awakens with only one
12:22thing on his mind death and destruction okay that's two things so sue me so what do you say
12:31let's clog oh my gosh no okay well we could always just do the hokey-pokey
12:36hokey-pokey idiot it's spotzilla
12:55so how do you know when danger is about to strike it's like a sixth sense Leslie I can't explain it
13:05all I know is it's never let me down
13:07blasted that thermal freak caught us with our pants down but chief I know flesh your pants
13:21are always down no chief I was just wondering what about stinky he's gone flesh gone and there's not
13:29a blasted thing any of us can do to bring him back it just doesn't smell the same around here
13:34without stinky don't go soft on me melt man that homicidal mutant is heading right for the World
13:40Cup soccer championship soccer superstar Andre Lacroix the dazzling French striker from France
13:48is putting on quite a show today he goes left right left right we don't protect these people
13:57we'll have a real international hot potato on our hands don't worry chief I may not have a face but
14:03I do have a plan hey there spotzilla come to melty that's a good boy now fetch come on boy
14:12that's the stick
14:19don't worry melty I'll use my super strength to stop him wait I don't have super strength
14:27Oh gross don't worry guys I do have super strength with the fate of millions hanging
14:42in the balance can our super strong super naked superhero hang on the mighty flesh large and in
14:51charge stay tuned for the next action flexed installment of action now it's time to check
14:59your action IQ in the action League adventure mad dogs and Englishmen stinky diver gets a pooch
15:05of his own what is the name of this maniacal mutt is it a pom-pom be fluffball or see smelly put on
15:16your action thinking caps we'll have the answer later on in our show and now the answer to our
15:22action IQ test in the action League adventure mad dogs and Englishmen what is the name of stinky
15:29divers doggie a pom-pom be fluffball or see smelly the answer see your smelly just like me
15:40action League now when last we left our story we found stinky diver stinky digested thunder
15:48girl turned to roadkill and melt man milk bone as Spots illa prepares to unleash his fury at
15:56the World Cup soccer championship can a super strong super naked superhero stop the bloodthirsty
16:04behemoth I guess I gotta work on my biceps
16:09with the action League annihilated nothing can stop Spots illa from his appointment with evil
16:38only one option remains we've got to evacuate now you've done it you've got me mad I've been
17:00in worse jams than this uh-oh well maybe not myself get a new job we failed millions of
17:20innocent people are going to die and it's all our fault we don't deserve medals we're we're
17:27action losers maybe not Thunder girl what do you mean I may not have a body but I have a plan
17:34stopping a monster before he kills everyone don't worry Thunder girl just lower me onto his back and
17:46I'll do the rest careful now okay easy does it hey look it's Andre Lacroix sexy French striker
17:57hi Andre up here we meet again Spots illa well Andre dribbles left he dribbles right he gets
18:10eaten alive by a ferocious prehistoric monster
18:22it's got to be around here somewhere
18:27that monsters neater than a barracuda at a bar mitzvah you called it chief come on boy where is
18:34it nice monster nice evil mutant killer monster that tickle spot I've got it hmm that feels good
18:48doesn't it spotzilla yes that's what you'd like isn't it that's what a good monster likes yes
18:55that's right I guess all he needed was a little love don't make me puke
19:06blasted I'm proud of you guys you're not action losers you're action winners I'm putting these
19:12Nobel Prize medals back where they belong ouchies whoa I don't know chief it doesn't feel right
19:20without stinky here stinky stinky where in the world did you come from believe me you don't wanna
19:33know blimey I'm exhausted let's just say I'm pooped the end
19:51that's all the action for today action fans join us again next time for more
19:58adventures with the action league they're plastic they're spastic they're fantastic
