• last year
With the nWo in full swing, there seemed no way that WCW could lose the momentum they’d built. Huge stars appeared on TV weekly as Nash, Hall, Syxx, Hogan, Savage, Flair, Bret, and Sting were red hot and would drive ratings high. Starrcade would deliver WCW’s highest butyrate in 1997 as well.

Now head inside that operation with one of the engineers of the nWo, Kevin Nash. Join Kev for this 3-hour journey into WCW and hear about putting all the pieces together and playing the game of wrestling politics to perfection.

Nash is open and honest as usual and holds no opinion close to the vest. It all goes on the table and if you ever wondered what was going on inside the company during the glory days of the nWo…wonder no more!!! From the contracts to the characters…it’s all here in this edition of Timeline: The History of WCW!


00:00:00it's not like they're gonna pick us up and throw us a fucking round so what's
00:00:04gonna happen we're gonna bounce you fuckers like let Scott do his shit let
00:00:10you know let the wrestling guy do some wrestling with you fuckers I'll come in
00:00:14we'll get a little fucking heat give a little shine fucking we'll go do the
00:00:18finish no reason start this thing get out there they motherfucking just if they
00:00:25charge us I'm like I was pissed I laid it in out there too now when something
00:00:37like that happens take me inside the ring here as never having worked if you
00:00:41can believe that do you just powder and and and say to get a signal to them
00:00:46somehow through the ref or whatever that you're you're off track here no you
00:00:50fucking blast them fucking with enough fucking live rounds and throw them the
00:00:55fuck out on the floor and tell them you dumb motherfuckers what didn't you get
00:01:01about not fucking starting this hot
00:01:05that which doesn't do a whole lot for the baby faces let's shit can the baby
00:01:13faces to start the match shouldn't flare have known better was he just following
00:01:19Piper's lead what happened fuck no so we get into the locker room and I hear the
00:01:25fucking Piper's down in Hogan's locker room run his mouth about me that you
00:01:31were stiff with him yeah so if I can walk down there and I said
00:01:36motherfucker you just would listen and he fucking popped up fucking like he was
00:01:41gonna jump and you wanted to land the first shot well where I come from I'm
00:01:53pretty much sure that anything he got on your body ain't gonna be longer than what
00:01:57I got on mine so I just I hit him I hit him I respectfully hit him with an open
00:02:02hand you come back nope sat down left the room what looked up at me like oh
00:02:13shit I'm gonna fucking telling people for fucking 30 fucking years how bad I
00:02:20am who was in the locker room to see it Hogan Bischoff macho Scott kid Wow
00:02:32then he got a podcast and told everybody that he leg dove me and threw me out of
00:02:37the locker room oh did he yeah and I started to shit up again well he had an
00:02:44amateur boxing background yeah rat-a-tat-tat we all did I fucking got a
00:02:51black belt garage Edo
00:03:03did you work what did you work with Scotty before this we worked he was
00:03:09Scotty the body and first off our first run he was he was sky the body it was
00:03:18Dallas and I were like his corner guys against Johnny be bad yes so that we had
00:03:24that Scotty lived out like in Buckhead he lived down the street from from me and
00:03:32my wife he was like one of the like one of the first guys like in 90 that was
00:03:40because he wasn't in WCW yet he was doing Indies or whatever but he was like
00:03:46just it was at the gym and stuff so I mean it was like one of those guys I
00:03:50knew kind of before the business mm-hmm take me into a long car ride with Scott
00:03:56leaving not but I'll tell you one thing you will not fall asleep at the wheel I
00:04:04mean will you learn a lot maybe will you be educated about some things you'll
00:04:12you'll definitely you'll definitely have insights how he feels about things and
00:04:17maybe how you're wrong about things well that's where you're wrong did you like
00:04:25having him come in it's a WCW at this time see that Scott and I will say the
00:04:30exact same thing the reason fucking Scott Levy always works in the heel
00:04:36persona is because he's generally very easy to dislike I love him I mean I love
00:04:44him to death I get him but most people he's a very very very high IQ guy he's
00:04:53probably a 160 and if you if you don't have the ability to step outside of the
00:05:02box of your own thinking to accept his thinking he's he's the dentist and
00:05:09marathon man but if you understand Scott Levy he's I mean I was afraid I love the
00:05:21fact he got over with the Raven gimmick at ECW you know that he became a star I
00:05:26always thought I always thought he was underutilized his entire career he's a
00:05:31guy that will probably never get that Hall of Fame nod but was it as as
00:05:37innovative in certain creative aspects of the business than anybody
00:05:51there's only one Kurt Henning Kurt was well as Kurt was a guy that broke in
00:05:59Scott and Shawn Michaels so you know that whole like the click philosophy of
00:06:07work was basically as told by Kurt Henning like Kurt was like the father of
00:06:13you know Kurt was great Kurt did Kurt did with Shawn with Scott take every
00:06:21fucking thing the guy has kick out of him beat him with your finish you know
00:06:26that was you know kind of the way you did things but give you know don't you
00:06:31know always give you know when you're when you're the heel fucking make the
00:06:35baby face I remember on a Saturday night made event he made Hogan look like
00:06:39fucking Hogan could work his fucking ass off because he took such an amazing
00:06:44fucking bumps and it wasn't that standard Hulk Hogan you know Sal come
00:06:49back big boot drop the leg it was a different match and it was you know back
00:06:57then I just thought Hulk was having a great night you know I didn't know any
00:07:02better than I got in the ring with Kurt and I build him out of the corner I went
00:07:06like oh it's pretty much that motherfucker does he have the the
00:07:14heavyweight title for ribs I mean straight out yes but cerebral Owen Hart
00:07:27okay interesting because Owen would would would it would be the Kurt was
00:07:34like like let's rib the Japanese and drop a bomb on Hiroshima Owen would be
00:07:42hurt with shit in your hat maybe no Owen would be like let's just put like shit
00:07:46on a toothpick and you'll get septic
00:08:00who first comes up with this idea of bringing them in making part of the
00:08:03NWO had to be bad beer I mean it was were you down with it
00:08:09well were you a Rodman fan yeah I was a Detroit kid he was a he was he was a
00:08:16piston before he was with the Bulls so and what about him coming in someone
00:08:23easy to he's a bit little eccentric but cool but cool and you gotta realize at
00:08:28this point he is you know hooking up with Carmen electric so he's he's got
00:08:33some street creds yes right away yeah is he difficult to work with down with
00:08:39anything that you guys suggest he's so undifficult he misses practice during
00:08:43the playoffs to fucking smoke he was on nitro do you remember that I do remember
00:08:48that yes that's pretty fucking cool thank you for the ESPN opening story
00:08:53Dennis that's worth the fucking price whatever they paid him what about in the
00:08:58ring good athlete yeah good athlete it's one thing to be a good athlete but
00:09:04there's a there's a natural make the transition I think could make the
00:09:08transit didn't take him long to you know he took an arm drag first time I was
00:09:13gonna say you could probably tell with one or two benchmark moves like even a
00:09:17punch probably yeah whether somebody's gonna be believable now and he was all
00:09:21right and they were both fans him and Malone were both fans there's gotta be a
00:09:27great behind-the-scenes Rodman story that we've never heard
00:09:34didn't take you guys out one night to a bar somewhere no we had we had the bash
00:09:39at the beach and he was he was doing the Rodman world tour and he had that tour
00:09:43bus and I'll get myself in trouble I just you mean so careful just edit no
00:09:55names somebody I was I was I was offered a gift close to his heart my follow-up
00:10:08question is did Carmen Electra come on the tour bus for the Dennis Rodman tour
00:10:12that was her not she might have been there I might have been her phenomenal
00:10:18but you didn't partake obviously no I blew Rodman that's why you won't use the
00:10:28n-word you down way down down way down
00:10:33what did you think first of all the concept of having the hip-hop dance girls
00:10:44come out on the wrestling show is it too much pomp and circumstance should we
00:10:47should it be a little more like a competitive boxing realize like you go
00:10:52to the WWE now and there's like 350 hot girls at TV for the first 12
00:11:03years of my fucking career it is the world's largest sausage fest to add six
00:11:12vaginas to the mix in any form or fashion is beyond a brilliant idea and
00:11:20have them not have a god they're lighting themselves on fire okay so it
00:11:28was a necessity in many ways and it was great because it was a great segue it
00:11:33like back to the show who's in charge of all that I can't imagine Bischoff
00:11:38coming out and giving them no they hired a girl she was a black lady that was in
00:11:45charge that had worked with the Falcons cheerleaders cheerleaders okay who was
00:11:51not a fan of mine not a fan no because she had these strict rules and one of
00:11:56the girls got like preferential treatment well you know they say in the
00:12:01NFL that there is kind of a code of separation whether it's true or not
00:12:05we're dishing to NFL ball I was gonna say she was trying to enforce those
00:12:12rules with a bunch of horny fucking wrestlers it was kind of like when they
00:12:16put the WWE brought in Linda Wolfe who it was she was like the yes she was a
00:12:22NFL NFL like she did something with the NFL and she sat down and she's I was the
00:12:30world champion and she sat there and she laid this out and she's looking at me
00:12:37and what a fucking cunt this lady is please leave that in the fucking tape I
00:12:42think that was in the WWE edition of timeline because I think it was the year
00:12:46we did 95 but anyway just like I've told the story I'll tell it again she's like
00:12:53and of course you're like the quarterback which usually that wife is
00:12:59in charge of the rest the wives so we guys all do events that way you know
00:13:04your wife will be interested bitch if you play for the Denver Broncos you play
00:13:11the season in fucking Denver everybody lives there nobody lives in Phoenix but
00:13:16me you're out of your mind you ain't gonna last long like what did she
00:13:22literally literally wanted your wife she was thinking like it was gonna be
00:13:26like we're gonna make this like the NFL have picnics and stuff and like you know
00:13:31I can run like it's like do you realize that like we're TV right now and like no
00:13:38when we leave here we nobody lives in this motherfucker there are no home
00:13:43games like how does she get fucking I don't know how long she last after the
00:13:51food I I made it my personal I know that she didn't last six months I made it my
00:14:03personal goal to get her fired and I just I said as many fucking traps up and
00:14:08every time I got Vince's ear I was just like you got to get rid of this fucking
00:14:12what was the first thing that that engendered such such anger it couldn't
00:14:18be the the she just fucking thought she was my boss you know it's one thing when
00:14:26you know when somebody comes in they look at you and they go well Kev I have
00:14:34had 11 years of business with Bartman Bailey all right that's great once again
00:14:41you set up a tent for 10 days in a parking lot motherfucker we're not in
00:14:47the parking lot for 10 days we're in a parking lot for a night doesn't work you
00:14:53know it's like everybody wants to equate something to something else I wiped my
00:14:58ass the other day speaking of open-heart surgery you know it's like fuck you this
00:15:07is what it is I don't know how you got hired if they have to have some quotient
00:15:12but you ain't it who were some executives that did the job well let's
00:15:19give them some airtime who were the suits that were that were okay I mean
00:15:25but it's a WWF at that point I mean there's you gotta realize like how did
00:15:32we get from from from a business that Vince McMahon and Pat Patterson booked
00:15:40for a year how did that how did we get from that to 29,000 writers and I don't
00:15:53know about you man but I go down the fucking barbecue joint on the south side
00:15:57they're still making ribs the same fucking way they've been making ribs for
00:16:01fucking 100 years there ain't fucking 640 motherfuckers in there there's two
00:16:06dudes they're cooking ribs the ribs taste the same and the lines just as
00:16:11long but the chef's getting old yeah chef might be getting old but fuck it
00:16:16man till he fucking dies don't fucking put a bunch of motherfuckers over
00:16:21fucking say I think we should sprinkle paprika but does the chef not want to do
00:16:25the job because the chef's in fucking charge the chef could say get out of my
00:16:28kitchen this is my kitchen but he's not doing that he hasn't done that for a
00:16:31long time well there's a chef there's there's a
00:16:35fucking chef on fucking online that would when he when he gets his fucking
00:16:42gets the apron fucking he'll do that yeah it'd be like there'll be a lot of
00:16:47motherfuckers looking for jobs well but maybe that's it too maybe he wants to
00:16:51give that younger chef in training some autonomy so you step in right a fucking
00:16:57sitcom there's a lot of channels out there
00:17:10does this have any significance for you it was a church of the business for a
00:17:17long time yeah the Thanksgiving Day Omni right show was huge I mean when I was a
00:17:24mark I went to it and it was like it was I think I participated in like three of
00:17:29them so yeah I was yeah I mean was he on me you know I'll tell you one thing if
00:17:37fucking Phillips arena has the obvious of a fucking nut but that old Omni had
00:17:43it just had a feel to it was that a part of the was the arena a part of the
00:17:48complex or was it set aside it was a hotel there yeah I think there was a
00:17:53walk where maybe something I don't really recall the way it's built now you
00:17:57walk into the Phillips from the I mean the CNN tower yeah everything
00:18:01everything's connected the World Trade Center connects to fucking the Georgia
00:18:05Dome connects to when we when we did mania there four or five years ago for
00:18:10WWE it was just like that whole thing was just it was like a Megapolis like
00:18:15everything just stuck together
00:18:24that was our we pushed and pushed and pushed for that because we had we we
00:18:34were working with Luger and the Giant during a lot of that time and like
00:18:38Luger was fucking red-hot and Sting was pissed you know because nobody was
00:18:44supposed to beat Hogan until Sting did at Starrcade and we lobbied that would
00:18:51like Luger it was time for Luger to fucking win like it was time and you
00:19:00know Hulk listened to us and he said but let's do it brother so he was easy with
00:19:06stuff like that but I think because we when we told him that to do the thing
00:19:10for to Piper in Nashville to put Piper over because he wasn't too sure about
00:19:15that they were like no man we just said well fucking the next day we'll go steal
00:19:20the fucking tape and nobody that didn't see the pay-per-view ever see you get
00:19:25beat like we'll take the master yeah and we did and they never showed him get
00:19:32beat so if you didn't buy it fuck it you didn't see it
00:19:37now who's Steve who is Sting being vocal to is he saying it right to you guys
00:19:44does he know you're behind I just I mean I doubt we gave the initial push of
00:19:51Luger and then there was a backlash of well you know we've been doing this
00:19:55thing with so I knew that if they ran it you know because it wasn't the
00:20:01conversation wasn't rapid-fire the conversation was segmented throughout
00:20:07the day and you know as we always said it's just our opinion please dear God
00:20:21tell me what it's doing for us why are we so adamant about Lex getting the belt
00:20:31what does it do for Hall and Nash and when you actually talk logic to people
00:20:38while everybody else is trying to fucking harbor a fucking angle or
00:20:44something for them and two guys are just saying we've been doing this a long time
00:20:49we've been pretty fucking right a lot of the time trust us on this one like it's
00:20:56time and fucking that the rafters exploded that night in Auburn Hills was
00:21:02it just that day you said it had been building all day was it just that day
00:21:05that you made the decision we had we had been we had been talking about in the
00:21:09car for a while you know we've been you know we but we had been because it was
00:21:15just because it was a grassroots thing that that you know there was the Lex
00:21:20Express which was the complete formulated push down your throat and
00:21:29then there was this grassroots thing that just people were getting behind Lex
00:21:34and you could feel it every night it was the ovation was louder he just looked
00:21:41apart it was just it was it was just time
00:21:51you're wrestling outdoors I mean you're surrounded by the bikers and they're
00:21:56revving the engines during the matches there's rocks is anyone saying it's a
00:22:02bad idea before you get there but just hearing this pitch I probably wouldn't
00:22:07be down with it's brutal but there's like 11 guys that drive bikes and the
00:22:12boss is one of them and all they're worried about is making this pilgrimage
00:22:18on their bikes to Sturgis well can't they do that and not put their wrestlers
00:22:25in that situation well that if but you have to realize like I'm sure that if
00:22:33you feel like you can't find sexual satisfaction unless your body's being
00:22:44touched with latex and you get a chance to be in power in bed the minimum you're
00:22:52gonna have is a latex like bottom sheet so what if you're like if you think
00:22:56biking is like the ultimate thing and you have this ability to cross over
00:23:02something that's like nwo is hot I think biking is really fucking cool right
00:23:09while the rest of us think biking is a good way to lose a leg or your life it's
00:23:17just like all I know is Scott and I got our itinerary we're staying in Custer
00:23:23Wyoming or someplace at a Best Western and the door to the room was a sliding
00:23:29glass door I'm just like this fucking blows no locker rooms they brought in
00:23:37storage units like you would put on a fucking boat not trailers that are
00:23:47air-conditioned I'm talking about storage units that you would like steel
00:23:52fucking storage units you would put on a boat with containers like yes metal
00:23:57containers and you would with plastic chairs in it port-a-potties holy fuck
00:24:03shower 55 miles back at your hotel just like the NFL oh and my wife would have
00:24:11been in charge of the fucking wires they're bringing the cakes perfect who
00:24:15had the hardest time for this event maybe with the fans Harlem Heat anyone
00:24:26take some rocks everybody did really it was just like what are you kidding me
00:24:38is anyone vocal to Eric yes and is he just come on guys it's a great time
00:24:45come on easy oblivious to the you're talking about if you want you want to
00:24:49talk about things that if you go back and watch the work rate at that at those
00:24:56fucking pay-per-views because at that point it becomes okay so we're gonna do
00:25:03what the fuck you want to do but we're sure as fuck not gonna do it I'm more
00:25:08than about a fucking two out of ten I'm pretty sure that one of them it's a
00:25:13battle royal the bell rings and I step over the rope and eliminate myself
00:25:26this is what a one-day title change here out of five days he loses to Lexi
00:25:34gets it back was it planned to come back to him so quickly yeah that was a whole
00:25:39thing because they wanted the long build-up to for the Starrcade okay so
00:25:48Steve could say something in Spanish after not speaking for two years do you
00:25:54want to see
00:26:05he was so good like when he first started like color and I've got nothing
00:26:12back I couldn't fucking utter a bad word about fucking Mongo there's just nothing
00:26:18I don't like about that guy how about his in-ring performance so who gives a
00:26:22fuck my next question was was anyone in the locker room opposed to him winning a
00:26:28belt or is that something only fans give a shot not to his fucking face that was
00:26:36that fucking Steve McMichael is a fucking man
00:26:49what did you think about the tapings in Universal it's a good setting well we
00:26:56would we would go down and do like it was for a lot of guys I think it was a
00:27:02nice a nice gesture because it was like two weeks in Florida and they would
00:27:08bring their wives and kids and you know the kids could go to Lisa Wolfe should
00:27:15have ran that now that's something she could have pulled the wives were
00:27:18together and together one spot bring the kids to the fucking theme park right
00:27:22while the guys go out and perform on the gridiron right that was more of a least
00:27:27see Lisa you stupid bitch you just applied to the wrong company that's it
00:27:33we got to find her well please if you do if I can tell me so I can drive a
00:27:38stake through our debt already you're really already living in Florida I have
00:27:43a place in Florida so you were able to stay but we would do it where we would
00:27:48come down and we would do fucking eight squashes in two days right like we would
00:27:58and then we just take the time off so I would just go to the beach and not make
00:28:02the travel back and forth like we had that enough cloud at that point we're
00:28:09just like you got enough other motherfuckers around here need TV time
00:28:12we sure as fuck though so you packed yours into maybe the first two days of
00:28:16shows yeah I just met up with it got back on the road afterwards very good so
00:28:20it was a nice little vacation that was cool Eric to do that because he didn't
00:28:25have to but you know he was he was nice enough to I take it out to write didn't
00:28:30get the same no but at the same time though it was one of those deals like
00:28:34so Hulk doesn't have to come at all and we got it so you know that was kind of
00:28:40that use use Hulk as you're always the leverage barometer so that I can look
00:28:45like you're getting all can drink why can't Hulk and Randy drink beer
00:28:58was there legit emotion in the locker room where's this for television was for
00:29:05television I mean I think that I mean everybody knew it was coming
00:29:08did Ric Flair cry all night I mean I think he was upset I mean it was one of
00:29:14those things that you know when you talk about when tide change it when tide
00:29:23changed like losing Arne like that hurt like people don't realize how good our
00:29:32was on so many levels aren't you know remember when when Arne was like the TV
00:29:37champion and fucking he would like go through with guys you know he had that
00:29:42spot for you know maybe a year on WCW there was a little center stage man a
00:29:47big 953 950 you know and Arne would fucking barely hold on to that fucking
00:29:53TV champion but he'd go through and he could make everybody look good and had a
00:29:59great mind I you know I for a while during one of my hiatuses between
00:30:06gimmicks they put me on the road with Arne and I remember just fucking
00:30:11learning so much just in the ring with Arne on a daily basis you know just a
00:30:16little things like how did it how to work like a guy and keep him cornered
00:30:22off into your corner in a tag match and you know how to do fucking the false tag
00:30:26the right way and I mean he was just he was brilliant on the little nuances that
00:30:32made something you know something good become great
00:31:02I think maybe the first parody in wrestling history well or the this did
00:31:10this precede the nacho man and all that stuff or where did that all fall in was
00:31:16this after that before I mean with the one that they actually did well they
00:31:20filmed they used the they used the but they didn't use they use actors yes yes
00:31:27yeah this is the first one with the boys were the participants um you obviously
00:31:33remember it I don't have to go through the details how long did it take you to
00:31:35get into the arm get up I watched it I watched it over our gimmick Andre did
00:31:41that maybe an hour and a half who comes up with the idea for this I do did the
00:31:50horsemen really not know this was gonna happen oh they do oh they did they
00:31:55actually they all thought it was funny until they called home that night and
00:31:59their wife said you look like a bunch of boobs and Arne's wife said you fucking
00:32:03made you look like a stupid fucking drunk it was the it was a retributional
00:32:08heat from the wives that caused the heat fucking Lisa Smith should have been on
00:32:14that Lisa Wolf well whoever the fuck she should have got a hold of Arne's wife
00:32:18and had her talk to my wife and they could have had fucking throwing a mixer
00:32:22or something at the event everybody's enjoying it everybody's laughing yeah I
00:32:29walked right by and looked at it looked at those guys and I swear to God I asked
00:32:36Arne for his cooler that's Arne Anderson's cooler in my
00:32:42fucking hand that I knew he had it's like it's it's life imitating art art
00:32:48imitating life imitating art imitating life it's this the beauty it's ah is it
00:32:56the following day that somebody says no that night even I'm walking we're in
00:33:03Pensacola staying at this nice hotel and Arne walks up to me fucking with like
00:33:09five beers in his hands looks up he says why'd you do that I just looked down his
00:33:15fucking hands press the fucking button and got on the elevator like are you
00:33:18fucking shitting me like you guys like it would have been like if they would
00:33:23have done a fucking parody on the click with soma's in 94 and we would have
00:33:30been there with the pill bottle ass why they we would have said foul you know I
00:33:34was like you guys fucking drank everything you fucking used to use TV
00:33:38and tell him what mariachi were so the rats would show up is is on the most
00:33:47vocal or who else has changed the pay-per-view who else comes up to you
00:33:54that or says something to you are nobody's fucking went over the edge with
00:33:59it you know it was just like it's just like the fucking curtain call Vince said
00:34:06it was fine until all the boys went okay then hunter got his head chopped off
00:34:13you know it's always a good idea until fucking everybody bitches like a bunch
00:34:17of fucking cunts then Lisa Wolfe gets involved the next thing you know you got
00:34:22a fucking mixer
00:34:32should we talk about I did not book that should we talk about buff ending the
00:34:39undefeated streak or should we talk about Glacier having an undefeated
00:34:43streak which is the more noteworthy event
00:34:51I'll use a lifeline it's a close one ah you know come on what was it blood runs
00:35:02cold or blood runs cold was the quote yeah blood runs cold it's like anything
00:35:08else there was nothing on earth that you could have put out there that would
00:35:16have fucking lived up to the hype except maybe Alex Wright dancing behind Glacier
00:35:26and Oz fucking twirling Oz on fire ass runs hot yeah
00:35:43is this a testament to the heat I mean it's never something you want obviously
00:35:49but is there a part of it that lets you know you're doing something right is it
00:35:55ignorant to say that well it's a testament that you're fucking probably
00:36:03below the Mason Dixon line working granted but they're still angry at you
00:36:11no one hates a wrestler now by the way no one yells at a wrestler no one's
00:36:15angry with anyone on the WWE roster but fans were angry at wrestlers back then
00:36:22yeah their emotions were stirred up in their panties were in a snit and they
00:36:25had to throw something at you because they couldn't get in the ring and fight
00:36:28you that kind of passion was what you worked for so long to try and evoke
00:36:32from people it's gone now you guys had the gift then safe to say I think that a
00:36:39few cups flying you do turn to someone I go oh we got some heat here a few cups
00:36:45is one thing when fucking your ankles deep in cups it's another thing you know
00:36:53but at the same time it's projectiles and you're out there going you know
00:36:59fucking they only got two eyes
00:37:11this is a war games match do you enjoy them I always thought they had because
00:37:18they're always in Winston it was it was a WCW like trademark event you know war
00:37:25games you're going to Winston-Salem it's war games you know but did you mind
00:37:33them were they tougher to work then if you anytime you put up an actual cage
00:37:42and you realize that okay how much time do we have to put in before I sell the
00:37:49cage because as soon as you hit the cage now you drop it 50% and now you
00:37:55basically I mean the psychology of a cage match is simple you know it's you
00:38:01know the first one that uses a cage as an instrument or a weapon I mean that
00:38:08just that's the tide changer you know it's like the old Japanese matches where
00:38:13you know the guy goes for his finish so you know you block boom block boom up
00:38:17down this one here you don't have the ability to go out of it right you know
00:38:22so that takes that perspective out takes that psychology out so now it's just but
00:38:28because you've got guys coming in it's a hurried up you know way of doing things
00:38:35what about Henig turning and joining you thought that was good the way it was
00:38:41done was Greg's it looked like you know him and they set the prop up I don't
00:38:46know if it was Ellis did it or whoever they set the prop up but it looked like
00:38:49like Flair got his head smashed and you know it was a good turn you know it was
00:38:55another maybe it was another shocker we'd followed into Monday it was and it
00:39:04was an A-list guy wasn't just some you know it was Mr. Perfect
00:39:16who's responsible for the push and the streak thing he traveled with Scott and
00:39:25I at the beginning the push you know the push happened because I mean the fucking
00:39:39dude was six foot four three hundred pounds he looked mm-hmm yeah they
00:39:43definitely had to look I mean he was limited to what he could do but what he
00:39:49could do was was effective but how about that's the streak this well you know my
00:39:55whole thing was always this with the streak how a guy on Monday is 11 and O
00:40:06and the next Monday is 23 and O like anybody else just not counting this
00:40:20besides me because I was on the road all weekend he didn't work a match you know
00:40:26so all of a sudden this streak thing becomes of some significance if that
00:40:34motherfucker was 52 and O and I beat him I'd been surprised well it's it's a
00:40:39device it's how many times does it work Tatanka Ludwig Borge beat him I don't
00:40:46hear Ludwig Borge getting any fucking shit God rest his soul somebody's got to
00:40:52beat you fucking I got an idea I'll start being a pro wrestler and I'll go
00:40:58undefeated for my entire career well you went right to the end you went right
00:41:03I wanted to start sorry let me just say what the fuck I mean boy what a fail safe
00:41:11but I got an idea I'll never lose think that'll work think that'll fucking get
00:41:18me over I'll be a baseball pitcher I'll be 395 and O okay we know how you feel
00:41:28about the end of the streak how about the start of the streak were you on board
00:41:32with the beginning of the straight but he turned into the Yankees how about
00:41:39him personally though I love Bill as it was going on was he didn't it's hard not
00:41:48to get sucked in because you know what people don't realize how good of a
00:41:52football player Bill Goldberg was Bill Goldberg was a Georgia Bill Goldberg was
00:42:00a fucking all SEC stud stud he would have been an NFL stud had he not he got
00:42:08injured he fucking tore pelvis and fucking had to get a sheath put in him
00:42:13Bill Goldberg was a fucking you watch films of Bill Goldberg I knew Bill I
00:42:19used to fucking hang out at a place called Confetti's and we had a mutual
00:42:25friend Reza that ran it in Atlanta this is when he was playing at Georgia and
00:42:30Bill would come after the games from Athens and get fucking drink tequila
00:42:37with me when he had fucking hair I mean I knew Bill you know those are good
00:42:42fucking bills the heat this business when it boils down to it like we're all
00:42:50friends now but there's just some heat this doesn't ever go away like some heat
00:42:57just is just that people just won't but like Brett and Sean are cool now you
00:43:04know like eventually that's because that was a work but he's a hundred miles an
00:43:15hour here you know right from the go with the push there's got to be some
00:43:19resentment with the other guys no cause he ain't making no money yet oh is that true
00:43:27he's making like fucking 75 80 grand whenever he comes through the door it's
00:43:33not until we he gets in our car and we give him Barry Bloom's phone number so
00:43:39that you could elevate your favorite nation status he didn't get what we got
00:43:43but he got he got paid that he got paid then he got paid he kept getting paid
00:43:51which if he's getting that push he should be here of course 170,000 was he
00:43:59dangerous in the ring I he wore those martial arts gloves I guess because he
00:44:08couldn't feel it he thought that they were fucking light but I'm not a bitch I
00:44:14don't mind getting tatered he never hit me in the fucking nose or mouth so but
00:44:18some of those shots were fucking live but I'll tell you one thing man that big
00:44:22strong motherfucker when he grabbed me I knew he was gonna I mean he's like
00:44:26Taker wasn't it when Taker was in his prime there was nobody on earth who was
00:44:31gonna tombstone pile drive me except Taker cuz I fucking knew when that big
00:44:36motherfucker snatched me and picked me up and turned me and planted me that my
00:44:41fucking head was gonna be fucking six inches from the fucking ground right you
00:44:44know there's just certain guys that you just when they pick you up and Bill was
00:44:48one of those guys when Bill picked you up fucking you he was whatever he was
00:44:55gonna do tilt the world squirrel whatever the fuck he was gonna do Bill
00:44:59was gonna land you flat that's all I ask impacts part of the game
00:45:12change the business we just worked with Glenn we did a guest booker and we
00:45:17listened to some of his booking ideas like the invisible man building the evil
00:45:22architect the 300-pound Hasidic tag-team the Jew tank land and the Martian
00:45:33invasion of ECW spearheaded by Mike Tinei with antenna on his head what do
00:45:40you think of disco love him I'm not bird a great never have seen him not with a
00:45:49smile on his face you know I just saw him a little while ago I was out in
00:45:56Vegas and we hung out for the day and went to the gym and had sushi and drank
00:46:01beers and just kind of hung out and just you know he's one of those guys
00:46:05that when I had that 16 months off or whatever it was that I was getting paid
00:46:09he was getting paid to like he was on the same deal I was he didn't jump and
00:46:17we just started I was separated so my day would consist of meeting at caribou
00:46:24coffee at like 1130 to 1 o'clock depending on what we called the night
00:46:29you know we would go to main event fitness we train a body part do an hour
00:46:35cardio go eat sushi split from their shower reconvene at one of the others
00:46:45house either retire sushi or get a steak get our beers take our somas start the
00:46:54next day groundhog day just that we did that and on the weekends I'd have my son
00:46:58you know so when I have when I have my son you know I would you know Glenn
00:47:06would go like to the Friday night dinner with us and then you know we'd split
00:47:12from there and then I'd had me and my son would would chill for the rest of
00:47:16the weekend but like you know Glenn was like always like around when my son saw
00:47:21him last time he's just like you know he remembered him from from back of the day
00:47:34why didn't Garza get over following the angle were there any plans for him he
00:47:44was my he was like that he was a good-looking guy but he just like Al
00:47:51Perez remember Al Perez yeah cuz that same kind of guy just really never got
00:47:57over but should have got over mm-hmm it's a good point it was over W world
00:48:04class and then never anywhere else and Al Perez was supposed to be the black
00:48:11scorpion when I first walked in the door and he walked away from the gig he was
00:48:16actually worked under the hood I think he worked under the hood at night of
00:48:20champions I broke in talk about talk about Scott for a minute and his
00:48:25willingness to do stuff like this to put a young guy over to to I was gonna
00:48:32say at his expense but I guess in the long term it's not at his expense it's
00:48:36that's to his advantage but he's always willing to do that kind of stuff you
00:48:40mentioned before with Jericho because he's he's he's truly one of the smartest
00:48:50guys in the business and he always he he loves this business like why I mean I
00:49:01understand from a standpoint of you know he still fucks up here and there and
00:49:06they they're politically correct and but if you want to fucking if you want to
00:49:13make sure your next generation is fucking ready you put Scott Hall down
00:49:19in that Performance Center in Orlando well because you think because of the
00:49:25challenges of you know if he could but at the same time fucking I would
00:49:32definitely fucking you know fly him in once a month you know just what he
00:49:41brings from psychology to fucking the ability to do just those things you know
00:49:49yeah you know it's it's a work and you know it's one thing if you're throwing a
00:49:5795 mile an hour fastball like you kind of have your spot you know if you bat
00:50:03fucking if you if you hit fucking 40 dingers you have your spot if you're
00:50:07able to go out and get 10 and 10 in basketball every fucking night we don't
00:50:11we don't have that ability in our sport or in our business you know it's it's
00:50:16pretty much if they want to fucking beat you every fucking night they beat you
00:50:20every night either you take it or you leave you do whatever the fuck you want
00:50:24to do so it's you've got to you've got to know how to protect your your your
00:50:34character but I remember one time I thought it was after a match and I
00:50:38fucking posed I did like a fucking bodybuilding shot and we were fucking
00:50:43walking back down the rampway and Scott looked over at me just said never
00:50:50fucking pose body's first thing to go don't make your body your gimmick
00:50:58well just this isn't that casually yeah just matter of factly yeah yeah and not
00:51:07like stop and just as you're walking never make your body again a big man
00:51:12simulator that buys him a girl she's his first thing where does Scott's wisdom
00:51:16come from is is it a training thing is it a just being around somebody thing
00:51:24being around Vern where does it come from I think I think he broke in I think
00:51:34one of his early influence was Murdoch if you ever watched like Murdoch didn't
00:51:40give a fuck he wasn't worried about his body no and he wasn't getting he wasn't
00:51:44afraid to fucking give you know Murdoch gave and then Murdoch Murdoch knew the
00:51:50difference between fucking doing comedy and fucking turning it on like Murdoch
00:51:55was you know Murdoch fucking you know there's a reason why that Scott's
00:52:01fucking go-to guy and when Scott got a chance to bring somebody in he brought
00:52:05Murdoch in
00:52:15there's no we didn't like Brian that was um that was one of those ones that was
00:52:23kind of a kind of from there it just that was like the floodgate yeah Brian
00:52:31died it was just kind of like it just started to roll from there you know it
00:52:39just seems like a fucking wrestler died every fucking three weeks after that is
00:52:43it serving as a cautionary tale for you guys about lifestyle choices I think
00:52:49Brian's fucking problem was he got in that fucking hummer rack he fucking tore
00:52:53his ankle up so bad he fucking he was in pain you know I think crush you know
00:52:59like Brian for all the guys that was the one that when they told me that Brian
00:53:06had passed that was the one wouldn't in Brad Armstrong too it's just like the
00:53:11those are guys were just one like what
00:53:16like crush like I never even fucking saw him fucked up but I knew you know that
00:53:26he had his back was so bad he was wearing those fucking shoes with like
00:53:30the springs in them and him and much were around a little bit of TNA when
00:53:34much came in and Brian had tried to do some boxing and you know but Brian was
00:53:41always a friend of mine when we didn't we actually would talk on the phone
00:53:45occasionally but he was a golfer and shit and I think that's what happened
00:53:50was he got fucking some some back injuries in the ring and then you know
00:53:55people don't understand the torque that golf test your fucking you know you're
00:54:00spine back yeah you know until you see fucking you watch these people like what
00:54:04the fuck's with Tiger Woods and these back problems you're watching fucking
00:54:07swing a golf club and he fucking looks like a fucking cartoon somebody ringing
00:54:12out a fucking rag you know just like and he just I think when you you get hooked
00:54:19on a pain medication and then you realize that fucking those two fucking
00:54:25Vicodin man with six beers boy the fucking pain really goes away not only
00:54:31that fucking man it's it's a pretty good fucking buzz the next thing you know
00:54:36it's just like well that fucking twos not doing it so now it's three that's a
00:54:4112-pack and you know I'll throw some somers into the mix you'll fire and ice
00:54:47someone to do the fucking somers to fucking tater you down and take the
00:54:53bikes to pick you up word for Elvis for a while yeah
00:55:08what happens with Jared he leaves WCW goes back to the WWE is there a rift he
00:55:16was playing he was doing a pretty good job playing like proper positioning
00:55:21because he wouldn't put China over and he held them up and got a payday that
00:55:25came and he did a pretty good job you know of kind of playing gaps somebody
00:55:32got hurt he pulled he was close got a good payday got a good spot to go back
00:55:38over just just smart it was business yeah what about you guys do you
00:55:46generally care when someone jumps ship or is it is it all is it like a good
00:55:51for you the only time that it really had any effect on me was when Randy left
00:55:57when I was at WWF the first time and Randy left right after after TV and he
00:56:08was he was our color guy but he was also our captain because he was kind of like
00:56:12the last guy from that era you know from the fucking the big Hogan run he
00:56:20was the last guy left of that era it was kind of like he was our captain he was
00:56:24our team captain he just you know it would have been one thing I think if he
00:56:29would have pulled four or five of us in a room and just said because I thought
00:56:32we were friends you know and we were friends but they did business different
00:56:37in that era mm-hmm you know that every fucking it was always cards here and you
00:56:43know so I guess my maybe I was a bitch my feelings got hurt because I thought
00:56:47we're close enough we would have said you know no offense dude but I'm gonna
00:56:51take greener highways because everybody knew me and Scott were leaving you made
00:56:58that no yeah right we made him know how much we're getting to hey McDonald's is
00:57:06higher half as many days three times as much pay
00:57:20there was had been so many I remember one point like it was like it was like
00:57:30five guys one of them was chic that this is my first run in WCW or like 91
00:57:41maybe and like five or six guys they didn't get the notice to him in time to
00:57:51terminate the contract so they all just got paid forever yeah it was like it was
00:57:55like all of them were like three grand like 156 like a hundred fifty six
00:57:59thousand dollar your guys and instead of like bringing them in and jobbing them
00:58:05to fucking death they just okay so anything that that happened like that
00:58:15was the whole thing I've never had a problem with anybody's deal you know
00:58:22cuz everybody we're all like we're 1099s right everybody makes her own deal
00:58:30what about redoing the gorgeous George I mean it's one of the most iconic figures
00:58:35in wrestling there's some like some characters on TV you should really never
00:58:39put another actor you don't have another Louis de Palma you can't have another
00:58:43Ralph Crandon you can't have another Archie can't have another fucking dirty
00:58:46Harry right unless it's Clint Eastwood's kid who looks just like him or Lenny
00:58:50Poffo I was gonna say that Lenny Poffo is gorgeous George Lisa Wolfe is
00:58:58gorgeous George during a fucking mixer
00:59:04yeah crowd is chanting we want sting coincidentally a couple of minutes later
00:59:21a fan charges the ring in sting makeup and he's beaten by security and the
00:59:26wrestlers um be delicate here guys like Hogan and Piper they lived they lived
00:59:35through 1984 and 85 and and here we are and so do they internally have a meter
00:59:41that says that was terrible after a match taking into account where we are
00:59:48today versus maybe where we are in 1985 I would hope so the thing that I because
00:59:59I know like when I had the ladder match with with Triple H so didn't have it
01:00:04with Paul when I had them at ladder match with Triple H I had not worked a
01:00:10match and probably like a year or two so I mean and from a booking standpoint I
01:00:19know that if somebody's hasn't like worked in a couple years that a put him
01:00:27in a ladder match of fucking 53 years old well I don't know many days at 13
01:00:34the operation to not fuck it because he's not gonna go over which means he's
01:00:40going to fall off the ladder so he's broke his neck twice but that's that's
01:00:45good booking no I know but at the same time in your mind you really think that
01:00:51you can go out there and you can still that's my point do it yeah but after the
01:00:57match oh when I watched it back I was just like you know I still looked the
01:01:07part but I mean I beat the fuck up it's just like and I'm gassed you know I'm
01:01:16tired as fuck I mean ask Steve if it was a good idea to do
01:01:25WrestleMania and fucking this thing with Rollins I mean I don't know I don't
01:01:30know if it's a work with his neck or what it is but you know you get your
01:01:37fucking 50s man like you go to Walgreens most 50 year old guys are limping around
01:01:42they fucking worked at IBM you know just it's it's it's hard it's it's should you
01:01:48say no when they come to you with it depends on what the payday is how bad
01:01:54you are like me at this point if they told me fucking we'll give you five
01:02:00million dollars to wrestle it fucking WrestleMania coming up in the semi-main
01:02:07if it ain't Hulk across from me I ain't getting in the ring I'm done it's more
01:02:14important for me at this point to be able to lift weights than it is to
01:02:17fucking have one more match one more run fuck that you know if it wasn't a
01:02:25Hulk across from you yeah because someone in a similar age bracket you
01:02:29mean why Hulk of all because you want to do it in blackface what do you know
01:02:35because that would be epic right okay I see what you're saying that would be
01:02:40fucking the grandeur of the match it would be and I would just I would be
01:02:47that fucking guy that just was there just to fucking feed to come back and do
01:02:54the shit mm-hmm you know I would be there for the moment not for myself but
01:03:00I think it makes it mean the world to him especially I mean this before this
01:03:06situation that we're now facing occurred that I think that be I think it
01:03:12would been would have been epic to have had Hulk at the show that's going to be
01:03:20the largest WrestleMania ever this will out out attendance that the Pontiac
01:03:26Silverdome so to be it would be nice to have Hulk a part of that so he could have
01:03:33at least been in both of those because there's a reason he would that the
01:03:37fucking there was 97,000 people in the first one mm-hmm and I don't think most
01:03:43people were there to see Andre God rest his soul
01:03:46I'm fucking you put fucking Lisa Wolfe in that fucking mash was 103 but that's
01:03:50a different story Lisa's a way bigger person than Andre
01:03:54poor girl was she pretty at least Oh pretty ugly
01:04:04you weren't involved in this broadcast even discos there and you're not there
01:04:11you're sick you injured probably it didn't pay
01:04:16okay it's probably those options it's probably like this probably like that
01:04:21fucking the last when Vince bought the company and they called us and said we
01:04:27know we no longer in charge the company but if you'd like to show up in Panama
01:04:32City are you fucking kidding me yeah exactly what I want to do
01:04:49how is the deal made to take him from WWE and get him on TV so quick because
01:04:57that kind of stuff has to happen undercover of night yeah I know those
01:05:01those clandestine I it's like you have to ask Cheney on that I think I did
01:05:09smell thermite on fucking rude when he walked by me is a if you look at the
01:05:14Ashcroft walked by very quickly yeah in the tunnel yeah it was it was great that
01:05:20because he fucking had a beard on raw and he was clean-shaven on but that's
01:05:25really yeah that was but the thing about Rick Rude was if I can Nick during this
01:05:30conversation you could have walked in there with a fucking clean face and had
01:05:34a beard by the end of this conversation did you guys watch the other broadcast
01:05:41backstage yeah yeah there was a monitor that was down at the truck that always
01:05:48had that was on the outside of the truck they kind of steel flap that went down
01:05:55and buttoned up and it was their their show was always so you guys could see
01:06:01yes we could see it what type of discussion would usually go on around
01:06:06it just like very few people gave a fuck but was there were there timing things
01:06:11that that people were trying to get like oh this would be a good time to well you
01:06:15know it was like got there for a while like one of the fucking daggers when the
01:06:21war was going back and forth was fucking wherever Sable went like Sable's
01:06:28fucking quarter-hour that fucking thing would like you didn't fucking you know if
01:06:34you could get if we could get Intel when that was gonna go we've definitely not
01:06:37put anything against it
01:06:41what's the money structure with those back then are you seeing any not a
01:06:52residual diamond that that's impossible that thing no no no that's why I sued
01:06:57him that's why I sued the other merch t-shirts and nothing nothing dolls
01:07:06nothing it's I just was one of them that was my that was my golden parachute
01:07:17when I for the minute they fucking shut that company down it became
01:07:21international fucking wrestling holdings or whatever fucking John Taylor fired a
01:07:26fucking lawsuit the next fucking day cuz I said all right ATM is closed now it's
01:07:34time to go after that chunk of money so you're talking exclusively for WCW you
01:07:38got you got stuff for your time in WWE oh fuck broken down to the fucking okay
01:07:43unit but never anything when you were trying to with fucking thing WCW anybody
01:07:48that white when I put let me put it this way when the WCW world headquarters on
01:07:56log cabin Avenue I'm sure I knew Smyrna Georgia and you got Gary Juster in
01:08:04charge of shit you fucking kidding me I said to disco when we started the show I
01:08:11said where are we but at the booking meeting here in Titan in CNN Tower he
01:08:16goes no no no because you're you're on log cabin Drive or there was a Hyatt that
01:08:21sometimes we sat in the conference room yeah that was that's what Nash took over
01:08:25you lobbied for the Hyatt we got the fucking Hyatt cuz I was staying at the
01:08:29Hyatt man I got the fucking I got the thing catered every day
01:08:41who had the better physique Lex with a lot of body marks walking around in 97
01:08:51was there an unspoken competition maybe to have the best body between how
01:08:56important was that I think it's I think it was it's been since I mean I guess
01:09:06the first but the first body guy was was was Billy Graham I would say then Jesse
01:09:16kind of was the next kind of guy that then Hulk was even though it's like
01:09:21Billy Graham and then everybody's Tony yeah yeah but there was and Billy Graham
01:09:26was you know like he was fucking he was a he was big by professional bodybuilding
01:09:34standards at that point he was a you know there's a picture of him hitting a
01:09:39side chest shot with Arnold in the background that's kind of a classic shot
01:09:42and Arnold's actually kind of give them like the big fucking dude like you guys
01:09:48see our one gotta get you know so you know I think it's always been like that
01:09:56was you know I know always I've always been into bodybuilding you know I'm
01:10:01like probably one of the freaking few people at 56 years old they can give you
01:10:05the last five finishers of the mr. Olympia from last weekend Wow
01:10:12shout out to Phil Heath but you ever meet Joe Weider yes it's the one name I
01:10:20could throw out you know who doesn't like bodybuilders Brett Hart
01:10:33you obviously know the circumstances behind him coming there what are your
01:10:38impressions of what has just happened and his entrance into WCW number one of
01:10:45a huge fan of his because I had you know I've worked with them probably 50 60
01:10:53times so and my worst match with Brett was you know bad I mean was my worst
01:11:02match with Brett was probably a B you know my probably one of my favorite
01:11:10matches I ever had was the Survivor Series 95 when I lost to Brett and
01:11:16ended when he ended my my title reign but that was Brett and I had it like it
01:11:24was interesting we could sit down he looked at a match almost like a
01:11:32screenplay like it was segmented like when we had we knew we had about 24
01:11:38minutes and we just kind of had like four five minute segments and then the
01:11:44finish and we were on the phone we talked about it if it was 15 minutes it
01:11:49was it was too long it was just like we had some ideas and then we had like some
01:11:57things we had to fill in gap wise day of we walked out there he saw that cord
01:12:02he could tie like we just looked at little things around the ring and then
01:12:07we went to the truck to Kevin and Kerwin and just told him like you know and then
01:12:14like don't like this is a story and Ross was I think I'm pretty sure Jim Ross
01:12:20called that because this the story that we wanted to tell was Brett Hart diesel
01:12:28on his feet Brett Hart was in trouble diesel off his feet Brett Hart had the
01:12:33advantage smaller man the longer the match and went and had the advantage so
01:12:38we not only were we like we had taken it to the point of making sure the truck
01:12:46was gonna cover what we were gonna do made sure the announcers were telling
01:12:51the story that we were gonna tell and you know it makes it I mean the it's
01:12:57like you know you get to the building it's just like you know it's like the
01:13:02fucking the wolf and the sheepdog in the cartoon at the fucking you know hey
01:13:06Ralphie hey you know you're just punching it in because now you just got
01:13:11to go out there and perform and you know when you're working 300 when you're
01:13:15working every night there's no fucking you don't get dry mouth or any of this
01:13:19shit let's just fucking go out work mm-hmm so him coming into WCW is a great
01:13:24thing he pushed the pay up for us again it was another guy that was you know he
01:13:30we made sure that we like dude this is kind of where you need to come in would
01:13:37you call him on the phone beforehand
01:13:41do you anticipate working with him a lot when you're factoring into the play
01:13:45trying to figure out how to angle him into the plans I'm hoping I mean it was
01:13:52I was very excited for him to come in what Montreal discussions did you have
01:13:58with him when he came in no nothing no nothing nothing you being so close to
01:14:03Sean there's nothing to talk about no because it's I I've already got Sean's
01:14:13version I don't need to cloud that version I don't need to stir I don't
01:14:19need to pick up a scab that's you know was everyone playing it legit at that
01:14:25time yeah and my whole thing was you know I knew the minute I saw the fucking
01:14:31footage that if Vince McMahon had the federal government up his ass with the
01:14:37colonoscopy and he walked out of the fucking courtroom we got his fucking
01:14:43neck fucking fused walked out no sold that he's sure as fuck not gonna get
01:14:50punched in the fucking head and walk out and be taped fucking disheveled selling
01:14:53a punch stumbling down the corridor that ain't gonna happen and it ain't sure as
01:14:58fuck ain't gonna be shown right ever and the next night with the black uncle
01:15:15why do you think the ratings drop it's hard to I mean I remember the show it was
01:15:26one of those things where we thought that that just taking it over would be
01:15:31enough and I don't think enough thought was put into the content of the show you
01:15:37don't have me you know people remember the first time my son went to a live
01:15:41event and the match went out there he's like dad nobody's talking about the
01:15:50match oh because you used to hear in commentary right like this fucking sucks
01:15:55it's like this is really going to fucking see Pearl Jam they're up there
01:16:01fucking air guitaring like there's no music I think sometimes you know you
01:16:07forget how those guys kind of you know like you go to the orchestra and you
01:16:13think that that fucking guy up there doesn't matter but you know he does you
01:16:17know that the person that leads that show and I you know you can you can say
01:16:23a lot of fucking things but I think that one of the major things that has
01:16:31affected raw is not having Jim Ross at that table and I mean granted I'm a fan
01:16:43of his but I've always said fucking if somebody's gonna call my match I want
01:16:48Jim Ross doing it. When something like this happens is Eric at this time one to
01:16:58take responsibility for the failure of of the execution of the the idea I don't
01:17:07think that anybody really I mean I don't I don't remember it being like
01:17:14like the next like there being a powwow after it and going oh boy that fucking
01:17:20sucked. Well just because the ratings were so hotly discussed and they were
01:17:24kind of the barometer of the ratings war right here you've got that that reversal
01:17:29made it noteworthy. Yeah I just wondered what I'm wondering what the context of
01:17:34their show was you know. Well does anyone is this a warning flag for anyone
01:17:41that that this war is back on and WWE might someday usurp us on a more
01:17:49consistent basis? I think that anybody that had worked for Vince for any period
01:17:54of time realized that we were the Mets. I mean we're the 69 Mets and if you thought
01:18:02that you're gonna fucking replace the Yankees this fucking New York's baseball
01:18:06team you were fucking out of your mind. Very good. We were a fucking entertainment
01:18:12company they were a wrestling company now they're an entertainment company. We
01:18:20need a wrestling company. I rest my case.
01:18:40First of all what do you think about the match between Larry and Eric? Did Eric
01:18:45hold his own in the ring? Well Granite Man Larry Zbysko wasn't like he was out
01:18:53there fucking it you know like a whirling dervish. Well a couple of words
01:19:00on the 1997 Larry Zbysko. I learned how to take the night off by watching him
01:19:12and I love him for it.
01:19:18Bret Hart is the guest referee now he's just come from WWE. Is this a good use of
01:19:22Bret? Oh absolutely. Again this is something I think that I think anyone
01:19:34even the casual fan would see as a mistake. Why couldn't anyone else? I guess
01:19:41because David Arquette wasn't available.
01:19:49So Courtney Cox did go ringside to one of my matches and stare me for the
01:19:56entire match. I saw it too. That whole MILF what was it Housewives what was that
01:20:05Cougar Cougar Cougar town Cougar Cougar girl. Was she nice in person?
01:20:15She seemed very nice. A little too thin.
01:20:28This is one of the more important matches that we've been working towards
01:20:33here. How did it come out? I mean Sting went over.
01:20:48I would have probably had it in a cage because I think that throughout the
01:20:58night they were waiting for it. I mean we wouldn't have let that happen. We
01:21:05wouldn't have let like Sting get a clean shot. Like all of a sudden what we're
01:21:11playing Marcus the family you know it just didn't make sense. You know it
01:21:16should have been you know there should have been armed guard. I mean it should
01:21:20have been a really big deal that it was going to be mano-a-mano and I think with
01:21:26the cage they could have had they would have had a prop. You know that prop and
01:21:31you know Hulk could have got color. Sting could have got color. I think they could
01:21:37have made it more epic had it been a little bit more smoke and mirrors. But
01:21:42that being said it was still it was what it was and it was you know it was the
01:21:50it was that that thing that anybody that was still a WCW fan wanted got. There is
01:22:00a report about the finish of the match that Nick Patrick was supposed to
01:22:03deliver a fast count so there could be some something to talk about but didn't.
01:22:10Their double cross. That was one of those things it was just like you know you
01:22:22know you never know. It just but at the same time I never liked Nick Patrick's
01:22:31count anyway. It was always slow. So for him to speed it up would have been you
01:22:42know Coyotes fucking regular count at WWF. You know when you're basing your
01:22:50comeback on false finishes you want one two boom. You don't want that's that
01:22:58fucking Southern you know Georgia South fucking wrestling shit. Does Hogan talk
01:23:05to him at all about it? Yeah I mean I think there was some fucking heat but it
01:23:11was another one of those things it was just like what was a wrestle what year
01:23:18was the WrestleMania with Tyson? 95? No. Oh with Tyson I'm thinking Lawrence Taylor. 98.
01:23:28That to me was that was you know that was oh look Leonardo DiCaprio and
01:23:37Kate Winslet are both at TV tonight. Oh fuck this is the Titanic because I
01:23:43watched that WrestleMania and I went we're dead. That was it.
01:23:49Because Vince was so fucking smart. Vince put a fucking movie quality
01:23:55trailer with each fucking match knowing that people weren't watching the show as
01:23:59much as they were. He knew the fucking world was gonna watch Tyson and fucking
01:24:05it was done. Was that kind of the agreed opinion around you? It was me and
01:24:11Sullivan's. I saw Sullivan that next day crossing by the coffee pot. He goes
01:24:16brother put your hand in the water it's fucking getting cold. One of those things
01:24:26that could be wisdom or just insanity.
01:24:31Now is this a result of the slow count that doesn't happen or it kind of to
01:24:44make amends for that or was this in the plans all along? It was it was one of
01:24:52those things it was at that point there were so many times that you would for
01:25:00the main event that you would go to the ring and not have a finish. On TVs. Why?
01:25:12Shit was just it was just unorganized. Wow. You wonder why they threw that
01:25:16fucking book at me? Is it because it's changed so many times I mean it probably
01:25:25somebody probably started with a finish but then it gets. Yeah it didn't work for me
01:25:28brother. Right. I mean doesn't work for me either brother. Doesn't work for me either brother. There's your music. Let's go.
01:25:36Work it out out there. How were Hulk and Sting at this time with each other?
01:25:41They were fine. Yeah. I don't think there was ever any animosity between those two.
01:25:46Well this is a weird. I think that I always think that Steve thought that he
01:25:51was gonna get fucking dicked. That there'd be no payoff. I'm sure sitting up
01:25:57in the rafters shitting and pissing in a fucking bucket every fucking week
01:26:01would make it you know. He had his Papillon moment every fucking Monday
01:26:06sitting up in the rafters someplace you know. So I'm quite sure that fucking
01:26:14there was a little bit of a voice in the back of his head going am I ever gonna get a
01:26:21fucking payoff on this shit? And I don't care who you are man. I don't care
01:26:26how much you fucking believe. Getting dropped out of them fucking rafters is about
01:26:30fucking 200 miles an hour. Coming to a fucking stop before that cement floor.
01:26:35I mean granted if it didn't fucking catch it. But I mean but you know I'm
01:26:40always the fucking one that survives something like that.
01:26:45Where do you put 97 in your career? Your time in WCW.
01:27:00Like 90 like June 96 to June 97 was that I kind of year it like that. Kind of June
01:27:09to June. So things were still I mean things were still good you know. And
01:27:18people people forget that Nitro was the first show to go to an arena and just
01:27:32put Nitro was coming. Didn't need a headline match. Didn't need a headline match. We were
01:27:39selling Nitro you know. So that's big you know. That's big when you it's also
01:27:50leads to a very chaotic you know. The downside is fucking you're walking in
01:27:56there fucking you know playing Yahtzee. Take your chance. We did the last three
01:28:00times. Big again. So you're the June to June that was your first year of your
01:28:09contract. So you're entering the second year here. Is there any trepidation that
01:28:13this might go off the rails here? And I have two years here. At this point I
01:28:20think we've got another three. Is it three? We've finished a year and we've
01:28:24already got like another three. And my last year's for bank. Right. You know so
01:28:30it's just like I'm looking at it going that was half the problem. Like you know
01:28:36fucking money was guaranteed. You knew fucking Ted wasn't like Ted's checks
01:28:40were gonna bounce. You know so just like a lot of times you'd be like do I really
01:28:48get that? I mean you know I'm looking at a fucking check every two weeks or
01:28:51whatever it was. Sixty, seventy, eighty thousand dollars. And you know and it's
01:28:57coming like clockwork and there's a stack of them that my wife can't even
01:29:01get them to the fucking you know to the bank and to the fucking investment
01:29:06firm on time. My brother came over to our house and fucking looked down so he's
01:29:10what he's what the fuck are these? My wife said I have a couple of your brother's
01:29:13paychecks. He's like how often? She goes every two weeks. He's like are you fucking
01:29:20kidding me? So it was what it was. Now that's wonderful part of it but are you
01:29:26thinking maybe you'll be saddled with some really weird decisions and some
01:29:30Oh we've already it's kind of already have you know like it was always like we
01:29:37didn't get paid dick at fucking WWE you know F E whatever you want to call it
01:29:42you know during during my first run there but man every night you came back
01:29:48through that fucking curtain man it was just like boy that was a fucking hot
01:29:55rail oh like you know like you went out there rocked it and it was like you know
01:30:02when you talk to Scott you know this might be a funny reference too it's just
01:30:08we'd come back and we'd look at each other but Scott would usually say to me
01:30:13Scott would always go oh fuck almost like God and we really thought you know
01:30:22that when when we made this decision to leave that it was just like we are we
01:30:28equated it to we've already done our starving artists you know period of
01:30:33writing careers now it's time to do the numbered lithos so we had come to that
01:30:39analogy it was like you know what man time to make some fucking money so you
01:30:45know and you rarely in life get everything so yeah we're getting paid
01:30:51but we're going out there on the fucking road with Ming and Barb you
01:30:56know it's not fucking Waltman and fucking Michaels right or Hunter you
01:31:01know taker or fucking Brad or you know you know people don't fucking realize
01:31:08that you put Bob Holly on as a 29 year old kid and he's fucking upper midcard
01:31:20right now he's not opening match he's one of the biggest guys on your fucking
01:31:24roster Bob could work mm-hmm you know it's just like it's a different fucking
01:31:31era and I've been just I remember sitting on the road 300 nights granted
01:31:40we didn't have those fucking you know handheld computers that everybody has
01:31:44now that the guys is a phone but you sat there and watched every me would
01:31:53tear the fucking learn where the seam was on the curtain and tear the fucking
01:31:58curtain seam and sit there and fucking John Wilkes booth it fucking for the
01:32:04whole fucking show until it was like an intermission you came back and I mean
01:32:09everybody watched everybody's matches it was just such a different then you got
01:32:16to to Turner and it was just like we're out of beer like there's not even a
01:32:28monitor in the room like we're out of beer so I mean it kind of things change
01:32:35you know the environment I wasn't you were fighting for a spot right if I can
01:32:44Bret Hart would have looked at me and said I'm not taking the power bomb and
01:32:49takers gonna pull you in the fucking hole and I had guaranteed money all right
01:32:56one less move for me but when you're fucking trying to make money and draw
01:33:03it's like oh motherfucker so that's why they don't give these fucking upsides
01:33:09everybody's thinking oh they you know they don't pay these fucking NXT guys
01:33:16anything you know what they still know what what process works you know you
01:33:23don't just you know you don't give you don't have a fucking your bullmastiff
01:33:27walking and shit at your feet on your fucking Picasso rug and fucking go here
01:33:31come here give me a give me give you a treat you're still fucking you know
01:33:35you're operally conditioned these people that you fucking bust your ass and do a
01:33:39good job well if I can give you a bonus well obi-wan thank you for the journey
01:33:46thank you if I can Lisa Wolfe you did give us a lot of you were you were the
01:33:52show miss Wolfe thank you well done thank you my friend 97
