• last year
The voice cast of "Despicable Me 4" features an impressive lineup of talented actors, each bringing their unique flair to the beloved animated comedy series. Leading the cast is Steve Carell, who returns as the lovable and occasionally mischievous Gru. Kristen Wiig is back as Lucy Wilde, Gru's equally quirky and resourceful wife. Miranda Cosgrove reprises her role as Margo, Gru's eldest adopted daughter, alongside Dana Gaier and Madison Polan, who voice her sisters Edith and Agnes respectively.

New to the series, Joey King joins the cast, adding her distinct voice to a fresh and exciting character. The comedic genius of Will Ferrell is also on display, as he lends his voice to one of the film's many hilarious roles. Together, this ensemble cast brings a perfect blend of humor, heart, and adventure to "Despicable Me 4," promising audiences another delightful journey with Gru and his lovable family.

Despicable Me 4 Cast:

Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Miranda Cosgrove, Dana Gaier, Madison Polan, Will Ferrell, Sofia Vergara, Joey King, Stephen Colbert, Chloe Fineman, Pierre Coffin and Steve Coogan

Despicable Me 4 will hit theaters July 3, 2024!
00:00Despicable Me 4 is big, surprising, adventurous, silly, villainous.
00:11Fun is always my go-to word for all the Despicable Me movies.
00:14Jackpot! Move in!
00:16Action-packed. I'll say it fast so it's like one word.
00:19I forgot the word in English.
00:21Thrilling, sharp objects, and broken glass.
00:29It is minion-ful.
00:31There's a bit of an edge to it. A soft edge, but an edge.
00:36This movie is warm-hearted and completely satisfying.
00:40Weird, because you never know what's going to come next.
00:45You're going to love it.
00:46True story.
00:47Let's get this party started, people!
00:49I like her.
00:51I think that covers it.
00:54That's what I do at the end when I finish.
00:58Despicable Me.
