• 3 months ago


00:00:25media post was encouraging people to storm Area 51 to see if the aliens were really there.
00:00:32More than a million signed up. Area 51 was big news.
00:00:43America's vast Mojave Desert holds mysteries and secrets both ancient and modern. From
00:00:49the remains of past civilizations to the trails of pioneers. From once thriving ghost
00:00:56towns to the decaying remnants of old mines. From modern cities to strange military bases,
00:01:04the Mojave is at the center of some of America's most persistent mysteries. At its heart is
00:01:12the most infamous, deepest, driest, and hottest desert in the world. Death Valley. I'm Ted Fay,
00:01:20and for nearly two decades we at Gold Creek Films have researched, investigated, and told the stories,
00:01:27myths, and legends of this notorious desert. But one subject has persisted since the beginning.
00:01:35Rumors and tales that beneath its grand bordering mountains there exists a colony of Death Valley
00:01:44aliens. For a lot of reasons it seemed that now was the time to explore the subject. I brought
00:01:58on Gold Creek team member Tim France. Tim's first-hand knowledge of the places and stories
00:02:03of the Mojave is second to none. He seems to have been to nearly every corner of its vast
00:02:09expanse. And when I called him to set up a meeting he said the timing was perfect. He'd
00:02:14been researching the subject extensively and he wanted to meet in a park. I've been noticing an
00:02:21uptick in these stories and these legends or tales for the past year and a half. And then
00:02:28after the Senate hearing with DOD on the subject of UFOs there seems to be even more interest in
00:02:34this subject. Some people are even saying that the earthquakes have something to do with it.
00:02:40I honestly I was I was going to talk to you about that. Because you know we just had the big 7.1
00:02:46earthquake. I mean we haven't had an earthquake for 20 years. And here we go Ridgecrest and Trona
00:02:52all little desert towns are shaking. Is that significant? To some people it is significant
00:02:56because I started seeing an increase in videos on YouTube of people saying that this is because
00:03:04of the alien underground base under China Lake. And it's our government fighting this alien
00:03:10presence that are hidden underground. Well so there's an underground battle going on between
00:03:15aliens and the military and that's causing this whole uproar in the in the Earth's crust? It could
00:03:23be because one of the stories that I've actually been noticing lately that kind of blew me away
00:03:29when I saw that is there was this group called Majestic 12. Majestic 12 basically made an
00:03:34agreement with aliens that we will give them land in exchange for technology. The government's
00:03:39allowing them to abduct a certain amount of people for testing. Before we get too far along
00:03:49let's review the basic foundations of UFO and alien conspiracies. The first thing to know is
00:03:55the Roswell incident. In 1947 near the Roswell Army Airfield in New Mexico a rancher found the
00:04:02wreckage of something on his property. It wasn't long before the Air Force showed up and recovered
00:04:08it. They issued a press release stating that they had recovered a flying disc or flying saucer.
00:04:15Within a day the Air Force revised the story describing it as just a weather balloon. It
00:04:24probably would have been forgotten if not for UFO researchers like Stanton Friedman. Between 1978
00:04:30and the early 90s he and others interviewed eyewitnesses to the Roswell event including
00:04:36the rancher who had discovered the wreckage. There were enough inconsistencies with the government
00:04:40account and enough corroboration of witnesses to suggest that the wreckage was that of an
00:04:45extraterrestrial spacecraft and that the aliens were indeed here. And most importantly it suggested
00:04:52that there was a cover-up by the government. Friedman and the researchers used the Freedom
00:05:02of Information Act to gain access to government papers. Former insiders also leaked documents. One
00:05:09of those leaked was an alleged executive order by President Harry Truman in September 1947 shortly
00:05:16after the Roswell incident. That order formed the Majestic 12, a codename for a top-secret committee
00:05:24of scientists, military leaders and government officials to facilitate recovery and investigation
00:05:30of alien spacecraft. Its mission has since expanded over the years including cooperation
00:05:36with aliens, creating alien colonies and reverse engineering alien technology. Reverse
00:05:42engineering meaning that engineers can take an existing spacecraft and figure out how it was
00:05:48built and how it operates. Enter Area 51. Though no one's quite sure how it got its name, the official
00:06:06designation is Groom Lake, named for the dry lake bed salt flat that made it the perfect site for a
00:06:12new airbase in 1955. The facility was established by the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA, to
00:06:21develop a high-flying spy plane called the Lockheed U-2, a quote strategic reconnaissance
00:06:28aircraft, end quote, as it was officially called. From the days of this first project the base has
00:06:35been top-secret. It's run by the U.S. Air Force and is within another facility called the Nevada
00:06:41Test Site. In 1955 the Cold War was intensifying and both the U.S. and Russia were trying to spy
00:06:49on each other without detection. Secrecy was top priority. Groom Lake, or Area 51, surrounded by
00:06:57several ranges of mountains and isolated in the Mojave Desert, was the perfect place to keep new
00:07:03technology out of sight. During the late 1950s and 60s there was an increase in sightings of
00:07:22unidentified flying objects, UFOs, particularly in and around Groom Lake and the Nevada Test Site
00:07:28area. The Nevada Test Site was also where above-ground nuclear testing was being conducted,
00:07:34so Nevada residents in Las Vegas and rural communities around the base could watch giant
00:07:39mushroom clouds from what they knew were nuclear tests. But at other times there were objects flying
00:07:45in the sky that were seemingly of unknown origin, UFOs, but there was never any reference or
00:07:52acknowledgment of these unknown flying objects. Then came Bob Lazar. In 1989 Lazar was interviewed
00:08:01and claimed to have worked at Area 51 on reverse engineering alien spacecraft. He told of
00:08:07underground facilities and multiple alien ships being worked on in giant hangars beneath the
00:08:14desert mountains. In addition, allegedly aliens known as the Grays have been working with humans
00:08:20for thousands of years and are presently at Area 51. The stories over the years have grown to include
00:08:29other bases and even parks where aliens have colonies. One of these is Death Valley. Stories
00:08:36have persisted of an underground civilization there, encountered by both early Native Americans
00:08:42and later by pioneers, prospectors, and even promoters. Death Valley is surrounded by military
00:08:49installations and other sites where underground colonies of aliens are alleged to exist. There's
00:08:55the army base of Fort Irwin to the south, a strange place named Lida to the north, the
00:09:01Nevada Test Site to the east, a seemingly innocent ranching location to the northwest
00:09:07called Deep Springs, and a naval base in the desert to the west that is just as secretive
00:09:13as Area 51, called China Lake.
00:09:25Well, supposedly, the aliens under China Lake and under Deep Springs have been violating their agreement. So the U.S. government has started taking care of the issue, supposedly.
00:09:40So you mentioned those places and you've even said that there's a network of underground
00:09:47tunnels and underground transport systems for aliens and bases and that kind of thing?
00:09:52Yeah, so that you know, a little back story. I have a friend who's really into this stuff.
00:09:59With me, I take it as any type of legend. Native American, urban legend. I just take
00:10:04it as a legend. To me, I see it as face value. But again, because of the uptick, I went to
00:10:10my friend and I asked him about the supposed underground bases. And this is what he gave
00:10:17So what in the world is this?
00:10:20Supposedly, this is a map showing the actual underground bases, the circles are the actual
00:10:25bases, and the lines are the generalized location of where these tunnel systems that connect
00:10:31these underground bases are located.
00:10:33Wow. So they go all over. I mean, from Tulsa to Colorado Springs to Carlsbad to Chihuahua,
00:10:41Mexico. And it looks like Tonopah, Nevada is kind of a hub.
00:10:47Yes, there is a mountain up there called Quartzsite Mountain that it's rumored to be a multi-level
00:10:54underground alien base, which is Quartzsite Mountain is actually located in the test site.
00:11:00Huh. So let me ask you this. Before we get into the test site and some of these locations
00:11:07and where some of these bases may be and everything, you had said there could be a connection to
00:11:13ancient writings on rocks that would actually indicate where some of these tunnels might
00:11:20There's a lot of petroglyphs here in the southwest.
00:11:22Well, it's interesting because if you're talking about petroglyphs, you're talking about things
00:11:27that are very old, right? I mean, that even predate the Native Americans here.
00:11:31Many of them do. The groups that are currently here in the Nevada and eastern California,
00:11:37they came here roughly around 1100 AD, give or take a few hundred years. But you can tell
00:11:43the difference between which ones predate the groups that are here and which ones are
00:11:50done by the groups here by how bright they actually are in the rock.
00:11:54Well, I guess my point is that if some of these hints are hundreds of years old, which
00:12:01predates any American sightings of UFOs and aliens and that sort of thing, how do we make
00:12:10the link between an ancient tunnel and an alien civilization? Or is there no time to
00:12:17It's because you've got to figure time is a construct that we've actually developed
00:12:21mainly for the planting of crops. When we started agriculture tens of thousands of
00:12:27years ago, we needed a way to determine when it's best to plant the crops. And that's basically
00:12:35when time started. So a civilization may get to the point to where it doesn't need the
00:12:41time anymore.
00:12:42Some years earlier, I interviewed author and researcher Michael Cremo on the relationship
00:12:47between ancient civilizations and present-day alien bases.
00:12:52In some cases, we find accounts of these sorts of things, lost civilizations being found
00:13:01in caves beneath the earth as at Death Valley, changing over time. People initially attributing
00:13:08them to remains of some ancient civilization, perhaps in more modern times attributing them
00:13:13to the influence of UFOs and extraterrestrials. I think at some deeper level, the two things
00:13:20aren't that much different. Whether we're talking about ancient wisdom traditions that
00:13:27speak of us being in a cosmic hierarchy of beings, or if we talk about the modern UFO-alien
00:13:33abduction type of phenomenon, I think they're just two versions of the same thing. The idea
00:13:38that we live in a multi-level cosmos, with each level inhabited by different kinds of
00:13:44beings, and with also the possibility of beings on our level interacting with beings on other
00:13:51levels, or vice versa. I think this is essentially the same kind of phenomenon, just going under
00:14:00different names.
00:14:09It begins to pose a really interesting question that, are there trails that Native Americans,
00:14:15or even the petroglyphs, would indicate to us that overlap with a map like this that
00:14:22somebody made that would be based on more current technology?
00:14:27Since I started looking into this phenomenon of underground bases and such, I've noticed
00:14:32a link with the traditional ritual sites, or spiritual mountains here in the southwest,
00:14:39and followed their links. It's amazing how many times they actually will cross over a
00:14:45particular point on this, or be very close to an existing underground base.
00:14:51That's amazing, and that actually gets to exactly what this project is all about. Really
00:14:56finding those links between the old technology, as it were, to try to discover and connect
00:15:08with these alien tunnels and bases, and the modern technology, and what we know about
00:15:13where these places might be.
00:15:16In our travels, I understand you're going to be our tour guide, basically, and take
00:15:22us to these places where you believe they not only overlap, but they kind of come in
00:15:27sync and we actually may be able to see both layers of the ancient and the modern technology
00:15:35in one place. Is that what we're talking about?
00:15:37I'm so intrigued with the Native culture, and legends, and stories, because I'm a firm
00:15:46believer that every legend has a grain of truth. There are legends, or there's even
00:15:51petroglyphs of alien or UFO encounters. The petroglyphs are just amazing, because that's
00:15:59just written in stone. That's not forgotten. It's not a foregone conclusion. It's not where,
00:16:04oh, did he remember correctly from his grandfather this story? No, it's actually carved in hard
00:16:13It's carved in stone, written in stone. Tim, this adventure that we're going on actually
00:16:18takes us to some of the most secure, guarded, and potentially some of the most dangerous
00:16:24places in the world, right?
00:16:27We are actually going to be spending time along the northern border of the test site,
00:16:32or Area 51, as people call it, because a lot of these spiritual sites are just north of
00:16:39the test site, or literally just over the border in the test site.
00:16:43Wow, so we're actually going to sort of be ... We don't want to get in trouble with anybody.
00:16:48That's not our intent. We're not those guys that go out and try to cross the border and
00:16:52see what's going to happen, but we are the guys that want to circumnavigate this base,
00:16:58try to see as much as we can, and try to see what, in terms of the base itself, with where
00:17:04there are rumored to be tunnels and colonized areas of aliens that line up with the ancients,
00:17:14There is one particular mountain. It's a sacred mountain, and I'm going to keep the name a
00:17:21surprise for right now, but we are going to actually be so close that you probably can
00:17:26hit it with a spitball.
00:17:28My quest to find out about Death Valley aliens is taking us to regions around Death Valley.
00:17:34What seemed to me would be a direct visit to the Valley of Death is turning into anything
00:17:40But we head to eastern Nevada, then we go north.
00:17:44So you say right now we are actually running parallel to Area 51, is that right?
00:17:51Yeah, Area 51 is due west of us. Right now we're heading north, so we're going to actually
00:17:56be on the northern border of Area 51.
00:18:00So how secure is this? I mean, as I look across the mountains there, and I see sort of this
00:18:08green here in front of us because we're in sort of an oasis area in the desert, right?
00:18:14Right now?
00:18:15Right now we're in Brannigan Valley. There's a lot of ranching, a lot of farming went on
00:18:19this area for years.
00:18:21Right. There's a wildlife refuge right here?
00:18:25Yes, it's further south of it.
00:18:27So there's a lot of tourism and everything that goes up and down here, right? Highway
00:18:3093 in Nevada here?
00:18:31Yes. This is also one of the main trucking routes to get to the remote areas up at Nevada.
00:18:37How much of it do you think is sort of a buffer between here and what some would consider
00:18:46the most secretive base in the world?
00:18:50Quite a bit of a buffer. To get to Groom Lake, you have a minimum of four mountain ranges
00:18:56to your west, and these are little mountain ranges. These are actually very followable.
00:19:02So Groom Lake is what exactly in relationship to Area 51?
00:19:06There's not a lot of military aircraft or tests in this area because it's just the
00:19:10perfect area. You have a nice wide open range of this ancient lake bed.
00:19:15It's a dry lake.
00:19:16It's a dry lake.
00:19:16There's not a lake at Groom Lake.
00:19:19Right. So you have this beautiful wide open area, far from peering eyes, and a better
00:19:28place to test aircraft.
00:19:30Right, right.
00:19:32Right now what you don't realize, we are totally in controlled airspace right now.
00:19:36Now when you say totally controlled, what does that mean?
00:19:39This is what they call an MOA. It's a military operation area.
00:19:43This is airspace that is controlled by the military.
00:19:46So I guess what I'm getting at is even though you may stop at some place and things look
00:19:51nice in your little restaurant or whatever in this neck of the woods, everything is really
00:19:56kind of controlled and under the Department of Defense, right?
00:20:00Nellis, that actually controls this airspace.
00:20:03And Nellis is the Air Force base here.
00:20:04Yes, north of Las Vegas.
00:20:05Is Nellis the entire base under which Area 51 falls or is that a separate base?
00:20:13That's totally separate.
00:20:14Now Nellis is different from the test site.
00:20:17It is different from the test site.
00:20:19I see.
00:20:19Not only do you have the Department of Defense, you also have the Department of Energy and
00:20:23a couple other agencies that operate out here.
00:20:25All of that kind of technology, all of that just sort of comes up when you're in this
00:20:32neck of the woods talking about Area 51, the test site, Nellis Air Force Base, all of those
00:20:41military operations that are just hidden from us that we don't know about and that go on
00:20:50on a daily basis.
00:20:51I mean, they must be doing something.
00:20:53Well, yeah, it's the largest base that doesn't exist.
00:21:01Okay, this is where I want to take you.
00:21:03Now those Indian legends about craft and beings from beyond the stars.
00:21:11It was just up here.
00:21:12So just through the fog wire fence.
00:21:15Which we get to disengage.
00:21:18So let me go ahead and open this up and we'll head right in.
00:21:21All right.
00:21:21Sounds good.
00:21:23When Tim got out to open the gate, I knew we were starting on an adventure.
00:21:28Remote fenced gates are designed to keep most people out.
00:21:31But Tim had been up in this area enough times.
00:21:33So I figured he knew what he was doing.
00:21:36Not only that, but even though we were seemingly far from Death Valley, we felt it was important
00:21:41for us to go to this place to understand anything at all about Death Valley Alien.
00:21:48Is that Area 51 on the other side there?
00:21:50No, we're a little bit too far north right now.
00:21:53We are about, oh, I would have to say about 10 miles north of Area 51 right now.
00:21:58So where we're headed right now has to do with the Indian lore, the petroglyphs you've
00:22:05talked about, and all of that kind of thing.
00:22:08That is absolutely correct.
00:22:10This whole area is really beautiful.
00:22:15I mean, every time I come to Nevada, I really fall in love with the landscape,
00:22:23how so quickly you can become so remote.
00:22:27Like back there is the paved highway, but we've just gotten off for a few miles and
00:22:33we don't think we've got a few miles yet.
00:22:36And I feel like I'm in the middle of nowhere.
00:22:38Like you said, I mean, I think our quest is more to really determine if there's evidence
00:22:44for the underground tunnel transports and the bases, and if there's any evidence at
00:22:51all from history, prehistory, petroglyphs, Native American stories, wherever the information
00:22:58might come from that would help us with this.
00:23:01Okay, we are in the petroglyph area, so let me find myself a parking place.
00:23:05Okay, you remember those Indian petroglyphs I was talking to you about?
00:23:09Right, right.
00:23:10Well, I have something very special to show you.
00:23:13Well, always looking for a new angle, I put on a chest mount camera to follow Tim towards
00:23:18the petroglyph site.
00:23:21So Tim, you're saying that these petroglyphs are unique, and all the petroglyphs you've
00:23:27seen, they're unique, right?
00:23:29You're saying that these petroglyphs are unique, and all the petroglyphs you've seen through
00:23:36Nevada and through your wanderings through the West, that these are special?
00:23:41They are very special, especially if you're a UFO investigator.
00:23:46And trust me, wait until you see these.
00:23:49What am I seeing here?
00:23:50You have this craft here.
00:23:52You have this very large beam with what looks like a third leg or third appendage.
00:23:57Here, you have two other people or two other figures that don't look the same.
00:24:03They're a little bit bulkier.
00:24:05One of them looks like he's actually carrying a shield.
00:24:08Ancient drawings thousands of years old seem to show what looks like a saucer-shaped disc.
00:24:15The skinny creature next to the disc is clearly a different being than the figure to the right
00:24:20with what appears to be a shield.
00:24:23Was this an ancient confrontation with an alien?
00:24:26Is the figure on the far right running away?
00:24:29These are the types of surface indicators that we were looking for.
00:24:33So far, I have found 18 of them.
00:24:36Like this?
00:24:37Similar to this, but with craft that look very similar to this,
00:24:41all the way up to about 600 miles away.
00:24:43We saw on that map that Tonopah was kind of the hub of these tunnels.
00:24:48So let's say within a radius of Tonopah, is there any connection there?
00:24:54Does it look like there's anything in that sort of radius like we saw with the tunnels?
00:24:58Where I found these petroglyphs, you have Groom Lake, Quartzsite Mountain,
00:25:03the Leida area, which is extremely spiritually charged to Shoshone and Paiute,
00:25:08the Tonopah airfield, and a couple other zones
00:25:12that supposedly there are underground bases located at.
00:25:15Oh, wow.
00:25:17Tim, so I see this here.
00:25:20That is, that's amazing.
00:25:21Now, remember when I said pay attention to the third appendage.
00:25:24Look at that right there.
00:25:26I see.
00:25:27Now, what's neat about this is you have the body.
00:25:32Then you have a hard peck on the legs, the third appendage, and the arms.
00:25:37Look at the eyes.
00:25:38And then you have the body.
00:25:40And then you have a hard peck on the legs, the third appendage, and the arms.
00:25:46They left the eyes alone.
00:25:47So it's almost kind of like a ghostly haunted look.
00:25:50They're like there, right?
00:25:51But they're like hollowed in a little bit.
00:25:54That's crazy.
00:25:55But does this relate to our alien petroglyph?
00:26:00It does, doesn't it?
00:26:01I believe it relates to the alien petroglyph mainly because of the third appendage.
00:26:05This is really fascinating.
00:26:07It's like you don't really know what to do.
00:26:09This is another good time to check in with Michael Cremo on the connection
00:26:13between ancient writings and modern UFOs.
00:26:18If we listen carefully to the accounts of various Native American peoples,
00:26:24we'll see that they speak about such things as flying canoes and different kinds of craft
00:26:30that they've seen moving in the air or that are part of their traditional understanding
00:26:37of how the world operates.
00:26:39And I think we find this in many ancient cultures.
00:26:42For example, in the ancient Sanskrit writings of India, we find accounts of what are called
00:26:47vimanas, which are described as spaceships that can move from planet to planet.
00:26:54Or they even speak of more subtle kinds of vehicles that can move from dimension to dimension
00:27:01in the cosmos.
00:27:02And according to most of these ancient traditions, there have been interactions between beings
00:27:12higher in the cosmic hierarchy and beings existing at our terrestrial level.
00:27:21So this is something that we find evidence for in the wisdom traditions of various people
00:27:28down through history.
00:27:30We also find evidence for it in the modern UFO and alien abduction kinds of reports.
00:27:37For example, John Mack, who was head of the psychiatry department at Harvard University
00:27:44Medical School, started studying alien abduction reports.
00:27:49He concluded that the people reporting them were not psychotic or neurotic.
00:27:53He said they were reporting something real.
00:27:56Something that they had actually experienced and that he found they were displaying symptoms
00:28:00of post-traumatic stress, which you would expect in cases like this.
00:28:05So even some scientists in the modern Western world have acknowledged the possibility that
00:28:13there may be interactions between terrestrial humans and extraterrestrial beings.
00:28:19So I think we shouldn't be surprised by this.
00:28:23So I think it's a possibility that we have to consider that these are not just fictional
00:28:28accounts, but they are real accounts.
00:28:31How close are these surface indicators to the tunnels that we're trying to find underground?
00:28:40A lot of times, we're trying to find the tunnels that are underground.
00:28:45So how close are these surface indicators to the tunnels that we're trying to find underground?
00:28:51A lot of times, they're right on top of them or within about 20 miles.
00:28:58What about right now?
00:29:00We are quite literally only about 10 miles from an actual underground or supposed underground
00:29:08Hold on.
00:29:08Hold on a second.
00:29:10Right now, these are within 10 miles of what could be an underground base.
00:29:17And there would be an underground tunnel leading to that.
00:29:20Is there any kind of route that we're close to, do you think, pertaining to that map,
00:29:25like we saw the hubs out of Tonopah?
00:29:27We are close to the Tonopah Airport hub.
00:29:31We're also close to the Groom Lake.
00:29:33Now, what's also interesting is not only are we 10 miles away from a supposed spiritual
00:29:38site, we are currently standing on a spiritual mountain.
00:29:42We're going to stay in this area.
00:29:43We are staying in this area.
00:29:45I knew it was going to do this.
00:29:46I knew it.
00:29:47I knew it.
00:29:47So we're going to stay in one of the areas that possibly is one of the most susceptible
00:29:52to alien visitation and possibly within reach of alien colonization on the base that's nearby.
00:30:02And matter of fact, this is only the first site.
00:30:05All right.
00:30:06Well, I think what we need to do is get camp set up.
00:30:09I agree, because it's starting to get dark.
00:30:11It's starting to get dark.
00:30:13And whatever it is that we're going to encounter tonight or not, we need to at least be prepared.
00:30:28The sun was setting as we headed up the mountain, trying to find a camp with a level spot in
00:30:33our tents.
00:30:35The fact that ancient people here on this site may have recorded actual accounts of
00:30:40alien encounters made me wonder if where we were might actually be a meeting ground or
00:30:47even a mountain that might hide a tunnel for alien transport.
00:30:55Our camping place was near an old cabin where men once lived while working a silver mine
00:31:01Of course, I had to make an Instagram post from here.
00:31:04We're currently in remote Nevada and came across this extraordinary old log cabin.
00:31:10Look at the size of these timbers.
00:31:14This is amazing right here.
00:31:16The size of each one, hand-huge, it's pretty incredible.
00:31:22But inside, there were clues as to the cabin's age and when it may have been inhabited, like
00:31:29this cardboard used for insulation, which still had a date on it.
00:31:35The men who posted this never could have known that just one month later would be the greatest
00:31:41stock market crash in history.
00:31:44Maybe in some way this cabin is like what Michael Cremo was talking about.
00:31:48Multiple phases had taken place inside the cabin over time, but it was all here and it
00:31:54was still the same cabin.
00:31:57As it was getting dark, we set up camp in the most level spot we could find.
00:32:02With so much talk of aliens, both ancient and modern, I felt like I needed to sleep
00:32:07with my boots on in case they paid us a visit.
00:32:10Tomorrow was going to be a big day.
00:32:18We headed out the next morning.
00:32:20It seemed like endless driving through valleys and through low passes in the mountains.
00:32:26And finally, we hit the highway and headed to the little town of Rachel.
00:32:45So Tim, this is the Little Alien.
00:32:48It's a landmark here in Nevada, right?
00:32:50Yes, it is.
00:32:56A lot of people don't realize it, but Rachel is actually the youngest town in Nevada.
00:33:10So when we came in, we kind of came in from the backside.
00:33:14Like most people come in on the highway called the extraterrestrial highway, right?
00:33:18Yes, we actually cut off half the trip by just taking the back dirt roads from where
00:33:24I took you from the petroglyphs.
00:33:26Well, you know what's interesting about Rachel is I was here about 10 years ago,
00:33:31and we did an interview with Pat, who owns the Little Alien.
00:33:36And it was actually Pat that said under Area 51 are bases, additional bases, which connect
00:33:44to bases in Death Valley.
00:33:47And that's where we first got this whole idea and heard this whole notion about Death Valley
00:33:52aliens, that there really would be a connector of some kind.
00:33:57There's a very good probability that tunnels from several places will go into the Death
00:34:04Valley area.
00:34:06I've heard about a colony of beings supposedly that are there.
00:34:10I can't prove it because I've not seen it.
00:34:13I've been told that there's some on Mount Irish also in a tunnel.
00:34:17Can they go that far?
00:34:19I'm sure it could be done.
00:34:20What I hadn't paid attention to in Pat's interview until I heard it again for this
00:34:25project was that she mentions Mount Irish.
00:34:29That's where the cabin was and where we had spent the night.
00:34:33So we are here at the Little Alien, and we were seeing if we could go in and talk to
00:34:40Pat again.
00:34:41It's been 10 years later, but Tim, you were telling me something came up.
00:34:45I actually overheard them saying that some people with top-secret security clearance
00:34:49are actually coming here to eat later on, and so we cannot film inside.
00:34:54So people coming here to the Little Alien with top-secret clearances, and they don't
00:35:01want anybody else in there.
00:35:03Well, it makes sense because we are literally just a hop, skip, and a jump away from the
00:35:06base right now.
00:35:07Right, right.
00:35:08This is why this is the epicenter for ufologists and also for people who are trying to discover
00:35:14the conspiracies that are hidden over in Groom Lake.
00:35:17And when you say the base, we're talking about Area 51.
00:35:21Right, right.
00:35:22And so that's why this place is here, is sort of a tourist attraction, the Little Alien,
00:35:28and it's on the extraterrestrial highway.
00:35:31So they really play it up, right?
00:35:33Yeah, sure, sure, play with the extraterrestrials.
00:35:36Think about it.
00:35:37The state of Nevada is playing it up.
00:35:39Because the extraterrestrial highway is not just a local designation.
00:35:43It's actually the name that the state has given to the section of the road.
00:35:47This part of the road.
00:35:49So sure, the aliens are here.
00:35:51Of course, enjoy them.
00:35:52The secret in plain sight, right?
00:35:54Oh, yeah.
00:35:54Right, right, out in the open.
00:35:56Well, we have our next destination is where again?
00:36:01It's Quartzsite Mountain.
00:36:02Quartzsite Mountain.
00:36:03And it's believed to be, an alien underground base is actually believed to be in that mountain.
00:36:08And what's interesting is, is if you go off of, follow Sacred Mountain Top to Sacred
00:36:13Mountain Top, Quartzsite Mountain actually perfectly intersects with a direct line from
00:36:19the mountain we were just on to another mountain range that is considered sacred.
00:36:23Wow, wow.
00:36:25Well, I'm looking forward to that.
00:36:26So let's go and talk about this a little bit.
00:36:29We're actually going to follow a GPS map?
00:36:32We're going to actually be doing that?
00:36:34Yeah, we're going to follow a GPS to the location to make sure we don't get lost.
00:37:13So we're turning off the extraterrestrial highway?
00:37:15And so we are now heading which direction?
00:37:18We are heading southwest right now.
00:37:21And we're heading towards Area 51?
00:37:25So what point do they start, do you start getting security and that sort of thing?
00:37:29It's like right on the border.
00:37:31So they don't really, they don't really do anything unless you really cross right over
00:37:35where the sign is?
00:37:37Well, it looks just as innocuous and kind of pretty as the other valley we were coming
00:37:42through that wasn't Area 51.
00:37:44Now, how many times have you been on the border of Area 51?
00:37:48A couple times.
00:37:49So does it ever make you nervous?
00:37:51Like, I feel a little nervous right now.
00:37:54This is something I've always heard about, Area 51, but I've never really ever gone to
00:38:02the border or seen where it is.
00:38:06It doesn't make me nervous for two reasons.
00:38:09I'm not doing anything wrong and I'm not crossing the border.
00:38:12Well, my friend that I've been talking about, he...
00:38:15Your friend that's going to do the interview with us?
00:38:17Yeah, I can't keep dreaming.
00:38:19Oh, my friend, he actually was greeted by a gunship, an Apache gunship.
00:38:26You mean a helicopter?
00:38:29But he was kind of an idiot and drove a little bit further in than he should have.
00:38:35Well, we're not going to do that.
00:38:36We're not going to test the boundaries.
00:38:38We're not going to do any of that stuff.
00:38:40What our goal is, is to really find, as we've said a number of times,
00:38:45to really find these tunnel connections, these locations, both above ground and potentially
00:38:52underground, that would give us some indication that there are tunnels that go from Area 51
00:38:58to Death Valley and to other places and potentially having that hub up there in Donabash.
00:39:04That would be interesting.
00:39:06We got cows.
00:39:07So, are they grazing on DOD land?
00:39:10Are they grazing on Department of Defense land?
00:39:12No, they're actually grazing on BLM right now.
00:39:14This is Bureau of Land Management.
00:39:18So, are we heading straight to Area 51 now?
00:39:20We're heading straight for one of their remote gates.
00:39:22Straight for a remote gate.
00:39:24Oh, man.
00:39:26This is kind of nerve-wracking.
00:39:28It's like, oh, God, we're too close.
00:39:31We got to find out.
00:39:32Now, can we shoot on this side?
00:39:34We can shoot on this side.
00:39:35We can shoot on this side.
00:39:37So, we're actually looking at Area 51 right there.
00:39:39We are looking right at it.
00:39:41That mountain way off there in the distance, that's Quartzsite Mountain.
00:39:45That's Quartzsite Mountain.
00:39:47Are we being watched right now?
00:39:48We are most likely being watched because there's a camera up there, way up there on that facility.
00:39:55There's probably cameras up over there.
00:39:57Yeah, so they know we're here.
00:39:59That's crazy.
00:40:01It's crazy because it makes my stomach flutter a little bit, you know, because you've heard
00:40:04about it, you've, you know, and you've seen documentaries about Area 51.
00:40:10It's so famous.
00:40:12It's so well known.
00:40:13And here we are at the border.
00:40:20So, my question is, when they say photography of this area prohibited, like, would they
00:40:24see us shooting here and shooting into the area?
00:40:28Would that be a problem?
00:40:30No, it isn't.
00:40:31The photography actually pertains to people that are physically on the base.
00:40:34So, they can't do anything if we're on this side?
00:40:37No, they can come out and question us, but that's about all they can do.
00:40:42Because we haven't done anything.
00:40:44Well, I guess let's get out and take a look.
00:40:45Okay, I'm going to go ahead and pull around.
00:40:48All right.
00:40:49So, we're not blocking the road just in case they do come by because you can see by the
00:40:52tracks that they are traveling it.
00:40:54And that's another road.
00:40:56It's a fence line road.
00:40:57Ah, so they can monitor this fence.
00:40:59No, it's so that they have to repair the fence because of the cattle.
00:41:02Because the cattle is going to bust up the fence.
00:41:06You know that saying, everything's greener on the other side.
00:41:08Yeah, yeah, of course.
00:41:10Cattles are the epitome of that.
00:41:11Right, right.
00:41:16This is the gate to Area 51.
00:41:18Well, this is one of the gates.
00:41:20One of the gates.
00:41:21But it's got enough signs to let you know.
00:41:24Oh my gosh, Tim, so this is it.
00:41:27This is Area 51.
00:41:29So, Tim, I'm actually quasi trespassing here, right?
00:41:35I'm partly in Area 51.
00:41:36That just means they'll arrest your hands.
00:41:39But clearly they don't like pictures around here.
00:41:42No, and that's why I kind of like to have us hurry up and finish this.
00:41:46Because we don't know how they're going to react to us.
00:41:48They may be nice.
00:41:50They may be a little bit mad.
00:41:54Mad, yeah, yeah.
00:41:56But it's incredible, though, that we're here.
00:41:59And you pointed out, you said that mountain down there,
00:42:02that's Quartzsite Mountain there that we can see?
00:42:04Yes, that is Quartzsite Mountain.
00:42:07And that is where the supposed underground alien base is located.
00:42:11I see.
00:42:14So we could actually be looking at an area right now where they have stored the aliens.
00:42:20Not really store them.
00:42:21It's supposed to be the location where we've given them an underground base.
00:42:25An active base, like a colony.
00:42:27So we've allowed them to sort of colonize Quartzsite Mountain.
00:42:30For our purposes, and what we're concerned about,
00:42:33is the potential that there might be tunnels that lead from the colony of Quartzsite
00:42:40into various areas around here.
00:42:42And even all the way to Death Valley.
00:42:45That these tunnels might be corridors for transporting aliens
00:42:49so people can't see them, that kind of thing, to various bases.
00:42:51Yeah, and where we stayed the night, like I said, that's Spiritual Mountain.
00:42:57If you actually take the UFO petroglyph that I showed you,
00:43:00or the unidentified petroglyph.
00:43:02And you actually run a straight line, it actually goes through Quartzsite,
00:43:08right past LIDA, through Deep Springs in California,
00:43:12over to where there's another UFO petroglyph.
00:43:15So it's like a straight above ground ancient pathway.
00:43:21And we believe that that may parallel an underground pathway
00:43:25that either may be as ancient or follows that path.
00:43:29Yeah, because it has two focuses.
00:43:32First is, you have these weird alien UFO type glyphs.
00:43:36That you really can't explain.
00:43:38And then on top of it, you listen to the Shoshone Paiute legend,
00:43:41it's following the spiritual lines.
00:43:45I can't believe we're out here.
00:43:47I've never been to this border of this base, of Area 51.
00:43:52You had said there was a series of lakes,
00:43:54you said there were sort of concentric circles.
00:43:56So describe that to me, and so we can kind of visualize that.
00:44:01Essentially, they're circles that come out from a central point,
00:44:05and a lot of ufologists who see these...
00:44:09These are like little lake beds?
00:44:10They're dry lake beds.
00:44:11Dry lake beds, and they're in circles, and they're varying sizes.
00:44:15Yes, and a lot of ufologists believe these are actually landing pads.
00:44:20This is all getting way, way too interesting.
00:44:24Way too interesting.
00:44:26This is really fascinating.
00:44:28So what's our next destination in relationship to this?
00:44:32So we understand that we're here because of the Native American,
00:44:36the spiritual connection, the connection between the petroglyphs leading us this way,
00:44:42Area 51 being right on the path.
00:44:44What's our next destination now for tonight?
00:44:48Our next destination is to an area called Project Faultless,
00:44:51which was a DOE site where they were detonating nuclear explosions underground.
00:44:57And you think possibly for what purpose?
00:44:59It's not what I believe.
00:45:01It's, again, what a lot of ufologists believe.
00:45:04Your friend.
00:45:05One of my friends being one of them.
00:45:06That we're going to interview.
00:45:09And he believes they're using the nuclear explosion as a cover story for other events,
00:45:18be it a new tunneling machine put in place, a new underground base was being built.
00:45:24This has been extraordinary being here, being right on the border,
00:45:29seeing that it's guarded with just a little padlock there.
00:45:32And a flimsy chain and a little bit of chain link.
00:45:34A little chain link.
00:45:35Well, let's leave the border of Area 51.
00:45:38Let's go see if we can find the connector to Port Sight.
00:45:44All right.
00:45:45Well, it was incredible being at the border of Area 51.
00:45:49Just the idea that we were being watched.
00:45:51That crossing the border as remote as it was could literally end up in a confrontation
00:45:57with the famous commandos or even a Black Hawk or Apache helicopter.
00:46:12We've been driving for a while now.
00:46:13We turned off the camera and we turned off sound and everything just so we can keep driving.
00:46:19But it's been a while since we've seen anything like services.
00:46:23And certainly back here where we are in these dirt roads, this is really, really remote Nevada.
00:46:28Matter of fact, we don't see services until Eureka, which is about another 150 miles away.
00:46:34Now, remember I told you about the network of
00:46:37runways that were used for the projects out here, for the Project Faultless and the other
00:46:42We are currently right now on one of the runways.
00:46:45This was one of the runways?
00:46:46This was one of the runways.
00:46:48It was actually a section.
00:46:49It was actually an X-shaped runway.
00:46:51And then there was another runway that ran parallel over this direction here.
00:46:59Man, it has been such a ride out here.
00:47:01Where are we?
00:47:03Are we getting there, Tim?
00:47:05Yes, we are actually turning right now to Project Faultless.
00:47:10Oh, my gosh.
00:47:10Wait, look at this.
00:47:11This is great.
00:47:12Look at this.
00:47:13This is like a transition into another world.
00:47:16Look at that mountain ahead of us, this dirt road through this little cut in the road.
00:47:23I mean, it looks like we're going into another land, honestly.
00:47:26We'll wait until we get on the other side.
00:47:28Glad I took my nap earlier because I'm wide awake now.
00:47:32But nothing will get me more awake than trying to find these tunnels
00:47:36connected to areas that are not connected.
00:47:39Area 51.
00:47:46And just think of the activity that took place out here.
00:47:49All of the activity, nuclear activity.
00:47:51People are running around with a bomb, a bomb, a nuclear bomb out here.
00:47:58When we get to the point that we are not allowed to dig or pick up any rocks.
00:48:05We can't dig or pick up any rocks.
00:48:08At the location we're going to?
00:48:09Yes, they actually have signs that actually say that because it's still hot.
00:48:14So it's still radioactive?
00:48:15The ground underneath where we're going to be standing is still molten.
00:48:19What's our risk of exposure to that?
00:48:22Very minimal.
00:48:25They say it's safe.
00:48:26Because it's so far underground?
00:48:29But the rocks could be radioactive?
00:48:33I don't know how that works.
00:48:36There is Project Fultless.
00:48:38That's it?
00:48:40That is Project Fultless.
00:48:45That's it.
00:48:46There's a marker on it.
00:48:48Now, before we get out.
00:48:51You see how tall that caisson is?
00:48:54The ground used to be level with it.
00:48:59The ground used to be level with it?
00:49:02So what happened?
00:49:04It's because the ground underneath melted and it sank.
00:49:07So this was all higher?
00:49:10When did they do this?
00:49:11This was in the 60s.
00:49:14So let's go take a look at the plaque.
00:49:16All right.
00:49:17So here is this thing, Tim.
00:49:20Look at that.
00:49:21Marker and everything.
00:49:22A nuclear detonation was conducted below this spot at a depth of 3,200 feet.
00:49:28The device with a yield of less than one megaton was detonated to determine the environmental
00:49:33and structural effects that might be expected should subsequent higher yield underground
00:49:38nuclear tests be conducted in this vicinity.
00:49:41That's a lot of words.
00:49:43That's a lot of words to tell us what they were doing here.
00:49:47They lowered an atomic bomb into the ground right where we were standing.
00:49:54There were measuring devices around the site.
00:49:57They wanted to see how the bomb would affect the surface.
00:50:00And if there were, in fact, faults that would be impacted by the blast.
00:50:05The aerial shot here shows the moment of explosion and how the ground actually sank.
00:50:11Today, it's obvious that Ground Zero sits in what is essentially a nuclear-made crater.
00:50:20But we know there are other reasons why they might have put this here,
00:50:23why they might have done this particular test here, right?
00:50:26There are other reasons.
00:50:28Yeah, it has been speculated.
00:50:29By my friend and some others that this was one of the connecting tunnels
00:50:34to the alien underground base network.
00:50:37A problem arised.
00:50:39They don't know what problem it was.
00:50:41But all they knew was they believed that this was drilled,
00:50:45a nuclear weapon was lowered in there to seal off the tunnel.
00:50:49That was one of the theories.
00:50:50The other theory is that they lowered these new TBMs, Tunnel Boring Machines, underground.
00:50:56Like those really big round ones.
00:50:59Cut away.
00:51:00But what they believed is this, plus also all the other drill holes,
00:51:04were used to lower these new drilling machines to build an underground base.
00:51:08These drilling devices are supposedly new ultrasonic ones that vaporize rock.
00:51:14What's really fascinating is that this place really could be an underground base,
00:51:19could be an underground tunnel.
00:51:22We could have aliens 3,200 feet below us, or at least a tunnel to quartzite, maybe, right?
00:51:27The base over on Area 51.
00:51:29What about our mystical lines over the Native American, the petroglyphs?
00:51:34Now, the petroglyph panel I took you to is a little bit further south than this location.
00:51:38All right.
00:51:38But there is another one quite literally 22 miles over this hill.
00:51:44And its line connects directly up to a spiritual line.
00:51:49So we're pretty close to just being on the route,
00:51:51either to the Nevada Test Site, to Area 51,
00:51:55or within the spiritual connector of the petroglyphs.
00:51:59Now, this part is,
00:52:00no excavation, drilling, and or removal of materials is permitted
00:52:04without government approval within a horizontal distance of 3,300 feet
00:52:09from the surface ground zero.
00:52:11They call this ground zero location, Nevada state coordinates.
00:52:18And so within 3,300 feet, basically two thirds of a mile, right?
00:52:23You cannot pick up anything.
00:52:26You can't dig within a circumference, a radius of here, rather, of 3,300 feet from ground zero.
00:52:33And you can't camp nothing.
00:52:39That's incredible.
00:52:40Because they're afraid that, because of the radiation from underground,
00:52:44where it's seeping up and little rock that you take home for a souvenir,
00:52:50all of a sudden becomes the worst enemy.
00:52:56I cannot pick up the smallest stone, even that one, nor should I be touching it.
00:53:06Because 51 years later, apparently these little rocks here could all be radioactive.
00:53:14Because right there is Project Fallas.
00:53:19And here am I.
00:53:22You can see my foot.
00:53:28None of this can be touched.
00:53:30This rock here, I am prohibited by law from touching that rock right there.
00:53:39And so I didn't.
00:53:40But it really makes you wonder, why?
00:53:42Is it just because all of these rocks are radioactive?
00:53:45And then if they are radioactive, then how is it possible that the site is safe?
00:53:55So it makes you wonder then, well, if it's safe and they're not really radioactive,
00:54:00and I can be in here, but I just can't pick up a rock, did they just make that up?
00:54:07Did they just make that up?
00:54:09Did they just make it up that it's radioactive and I can't touch a rock to distract me from
00:54:14the fact that underneath that thing right there is an alien base or an alien tunnel?
00:54:23Is that what they're doing?
00:54:24Tim was doing the drone shot and I was getting a little behind the scenes while I was exploring
00:54:29the radiation here.
00:54:30But Tim, tell us the problem with you getting this drone shot.
00:54:34The problem is, is when I get above the casing and start hovering above the
00:54:38cement that's over there, the cement plug, all the electronics inside the drone go haywire.
00:54:45Whoa, but then when you get away from it, it's okay?
00:54:49When you get about 25 feet away, there's no problem.
00:54:51But any closer, especially on top of it, the compass goes haywire.
00:54:55The IMU, which is a control system to determine where it is in space, goes haywire.
00:55:01It loses all GPS satellites.
00:55:03It's just very strange.
00:55:04Right now?
00:55:05Right now, this just happened?
00:55:06Actually, it's happened twice.
00:55:08Both times I went up above the drone or above the casing.
00:55:11Because I saw you were frustrated.
00:55:12You were frustrated at one point.
00:55:13You're like, oh, why isn't this thing working?
00:55:15Is that what it was?
00:55:16That was it.
00:55:16So Tim flags me down while I'm out here looking at this thing and says he's got an idea for
00:55:21how to check what's going on.
00:55:23What's going on, Tim?
00:55:24Okay, I have an EM meter, an electromagnetic meter.
00:55:27Basically, it reads how much electromagnetic discharge is coming off of an item.
00:55:33An electromagnetic discharge.
00:55:35What would that be?
00:55:36What would be an electromagnetic discharge?
00:55:39Such as an electrical wire, a paneling, a bad light bulb.
00:55:43Like a solar panel or electrical panel?
00:55:45Electrical panel.
00:55:46Like an electrical panel, okay.
00:55:49Anything dealing with electricity.
00:55:50That generates electricity.
00:55:52Something that generates electricity.
00:55:53Regenerate electricity.
00:55:54The planet itself, its background EM radiation is anywhere from 300 to about 400 milligauss.
00:56:02All right.
00:56:03So I wanted to see what was causing the drone to go haywire.
00:56:09So I pulled out an EM meter.
00:56:10And if you come here.
00:56:14We're pretty high in this area at this point.
00:56:18We're at 900.
00:56:20But watch what happens when we get closer to the caisson.
00:56:29It's going crazy.
00:56:31It's going up the higher we go.
00:56:35And the longer we sit here.
00:56:37The actually the higher it will become.
00:56:39At one point I had it up at about 2900 milligauss.
00:56:43So what does that tell you about this thing?
00:56:45It's generating some type of electromagnetic field.
00:56:48Matter of fact when I did it last time here was about 1200 milligauss.
00:56:53So it's actually dissipating now.
00:56:56So it's some sort of field that goes in and out.
00:56:58It's actually fluctuating.
00:57:01Maybe with aliens beneath us that are generating electromagnetic fields in and out as they go
00:57:08through the tunnels.
00:57:09But what's amazing is the higher you go the more the higher it goes.
00:57:15The higher it goes.
00:57:15And that's where the drone was going anywhere.
00:57:19Because the drone's going to cease working.
00:57:22It's collision avoidance system.
00:57:24It's compass and all that is affected by EM.
00:57:30That's so crazy.
00:57:31This thing.
00:57:32Had you ever seen it go like that?
00:57:33Can we see it one more time?
00:57:35Had you ever seen it go crazy like that?
00:57:37Only when I put it next to an electrical box when I was trying to find a blown fuse.
00:57:41So we got low.
00:57:43In the 500s.
00:57:46We're just steadily climbing the higher we go.
00:57:48Let's see.
00:57:49Let's see when we get in there.
00:57:52That is just like going nuts.
00:57:55Is that going nuts to you?
00:57:56Yeah, it is.
00:57:57Because like I said, background anywhere from 300 to 400.
00:58:02And now we're going down.
00:58:03So we're going down the caisson.
00:58:05And this is the amazing part.
00:58:06When we get down to the ground.
00:58:11So now we're going back up again.
00:58:12Going back up again.
00:58:13Hold it.
00:58:14Hold it.
00:58:14Hold it.
00:58:14There we go.
00:58:16Let's go back to the ground again.
00:58:23It's going back up again.
00:58:24What would explain that?
00:58:25There has to be something electromagnetic in this.
00:58:28That's radiating.
00:58:29Now the nuclear explosion underground.
00:58:33And the reaction since it's molten underneath us.
00:58:36That molten rock can be causing an electromagnetic field.
00:58:40Or if you want to go towards the realm of the aliens.
00:58:43Now you can say maybe there is an underground base down below this plug.
00:59:06Tim, that was incredible.
00:59:07That was one of the most fascinating experiences I've had
00:59:13in the world of aliens here.
00:59:14This is really interesting.
00:59:16It's actually pretty surreal.
00:59:18And to think that this is not on a government facility.
00:59:26That's the amazing part.
00:59:27That is the amazing part.
00:59:28Though we had to go through a government facility to get here.
00:59:31And they still monitor the area.
00:59:34I am sure they do because they have those restrictions.
00:59:36I couldn't touch the rock as you remember.
00:59:38Last time I was out here, they had more signs.
00:59:41More signage.
00:59:42Maybe it was causing too much.
00:59:45People are just starting to see it.
00:59:46And they figured if it's less obvious, less people will come out.
00:59:53So here's my assessment of this place.
00:59:55One, okay, you detonated a nuclear bomb for some reason.
00:59:59Two, your explanation of the reason on this historical plaque makes no sense.
01:00:04Or it's just convoluted enough to be a little confusing.
01:00:08They say it's about could this area withstand more nuclear tests.
01:00:14So it was like a test for tests.
01:00:16So okay, whatever.
01:00:20And then thirdly, you go out and you get this command that you're not allowed to touch these
01:00:25rocks because they're radioactive.
01:00:27But oh, we don't have this fenced off or anything.
01:00:29It's okay for you to come on out.
01:00:31And then you are doing a drone b-roll for us.
01:00:37And I hear you going, what the heck is going on?
01:00:40And your drone's going out of control.
01:00:43Zeroed out the ground.
01:00:45And it thought that it was coming in for a landing.
01:00:49And it was coming in for a landing very fast.
01:00:52Right on the top.
01:00:53It would have been on the top of the project faultless marker.
01:00:56Right there.
01:00:57The case off.
01:00:58It would have came right down on that.
01:00:59And it would have hit hard.
01:01:00And then the fifth thing that happens is, well, I decided to take my ghost radar over,
01:01:06which was going spastic, by the way.
01:01:08And then you see me do that.
01:01:10And then you're like, well, let me get the real thing.
01:01:12Let me get this EM monitor, which again is EM stands for?
01:01:17Electromagnetic monitor.
01:01:19And then this is the fifth piece of evidence.
01:01:22The fifth thing that happens is what?
01:01:24It just goes haywire.
01:01:26It goes up.
01:01:27And the higher you go up the case on it, it gets stronger, which in reality should be
01:01:34getting weaker.
01:01:36Project faultless is a mysterious site.
01:01:39Could easily be a portal.
01:01:43Could easily be significant in the world of aliens, extraterrestrials, tunnels.
01:01:50And the fact that evidence six is that it's pretty close to being on the mystic petroglyph
01:01:58Project faultless is an amazing place.
01:02:02And for that reason, we're not going to actually give the exact location of any of these places
01:02:07that we visit.
01:02:08But we feel like what we're doing is gathering evidence to suggest that these tunnels may
01:02:18That aliens are transported back and forth from to these bases.
01:02:23Maybe not on Area 51, but we've come to a very, very interesting part of Nevada and
01:02:31the secrecy behind these bases, tunnels, and aliens.
01:02:47So when we left Project Faultless, we headed back near Area 51.
01:03:04Tim and I agreed that the places we had been all had a weird, dark, even sinister feeling
01:03:10that you could cut with a knife.
01:03:12We stopped for the night in an area with unusual formations, which seemed filled with caves
01:03:18and possibly even portals.
01:03:21We didn't know what we might be in for as night approached.
01:03:24Lights, orbs, or something else.
01:03:27But it was time to review where we had been.
01:03:31Really are right on the right on the boundary there.
01:03:35And it's interesting, all this topography here, those strange rock formations out there
01:03:40that we see.
01:03:43Just all over the place.
01:03:44It is, it is.
01:03:45And it's an interesting place to have the boundary.
01:03:47It's an interesting place to think about the tunnels.
01:03:50It's an interesting place to think about potential bases underneath there.
01:03:54Yes, and right here.
01:03:57Just over the, just literally a half mile away from the test site border.
01:04:01Now if we go ahead and look at where we have been.
01:04:05Okay, so here's Rachel.
01:04:09Okay, we shot on up to the road, came over here.
01:04:15We visited the base here.
01:04:17Okay, the mountain, Quartzsite Mountain was right over here.
01:04:23Okay, then we got back on the highway, went over to Project Faultless, which is up here.
01:04:30Then we came back down across the 6th, went south again, and now we're sitting back here.
01:04:38Again, if we actually look and say we crawled up to the border.
01:04:44Okay, and looked at the ridgeline there.
01:04:46We would actually see Quartzsite Mountain.
01:04:52Quartzsite Mountain.
01:04:56Project Faultless.
01:04:59Area 51.
01:05:03And those unusual ancient petroglyphs.
01:05:09All strange in their own right, but what did they add up to, if anything?
01:05:15Later that evening, Tim thought he saw something, possibly a light disappearing into the formations.
01:05:20He headed out to the backcountry to search for a possible portal in the strange rocks.
01:05:25I stayed at base camp, but he went out quite a ways looking,
01:05:30but soon felt like it would be unwise to go much farther.
01:05:34We were too close to Area 51.
01:05:39Oh, I wish I could shoot out a little bit further.
01:05:54Tim made his way back to camp, and I went out to meet him.
01:05:59And that was the end of the hunt.
01:06:03We do, I mean, we're on the edge of Area 51.
01:06:06We're close to, we are literally at the base of a spiritual mountain.
01:06:15We are on a spiritual track point.
01:06:20To another spiritual place.
01:06:22So what are we chasing here?
01:06:24We've got a lot of exploring to do.
01:06:26Yes, we do.
01:06:26And that should be the end of the show.
01:06:29But when we were editing, I saw something.
01:06:33There it is.
01:06:34Did you see that?
01:06:36Tim had missed it out in the field.
01:06:38So I gave him a call and asked him what it was.
01:06:43I was just wondering if you had seen it, or if it was something we missed,
01:06:47or what the heck it might be.
01:06:48I mean, it just looks really odd, to say the least.
01:06:54The first thing that went through my head was, is we are on a very spiritual mountain.
01:06:57I mean, we are talking about a mountain where a lot of rituals were done,
01:07:00and even vision questing was done.
01:07:03We were very close to a supposed underground base, Quartzsite Mountain.
01:07:08Right, right.
01:07:10Could it have been something else that was emanating from the base?
01:07:14And so a lot of questions were going through my head, too, when I was reviewing the footage.
01:07:19And that's what I was wondering.
01:07:21I mean, we're looking for the big things, right?
01:07:23We're looking for the UFO and the little green guys to come popping out,
01:07:26and the reptilians or whatever.
01:07:28But, you know, I mean, does some stuff,
01:07:31does some evidence show up as just sort of small stuff like this?
01:07:36Well, I went ahead and I watched it several times.
01:07:42Trying to figure out why I didn't see it.
01:07:45So I just kept watching and watching, and so finally I decided to zoom in,
01:07:48and I hate to bust your bubble, but I think it was a moth.
01:07:53A moth?
01:07:54A moth, because you can actually see the wings move in when you zoom in really close.
01:07:59Wow, wow.
01:08:01It just looks so otherworldly.
01:08:03I mean, really, I mean, when you just look at it, it doesn't,
01:08:06it really doesn't even resemble a moth.
01:08:07But now that you mention it, I guess I can see it in there.
01:08:12Yeah, I mean, it's understandable to believe that this could have been
01:08:15something else, because we were on a very sacred mountain.
01:08:19We're not out of the realm of possibilities that it could be,
01:08:22that it could be metaphysical or paranormal or something else.
01:08:27Right, right.
01:08:31But moth or not, is it possible that this place is alive with activity from other dimensions?
01:08:37Maybe other worlds?
01:08:39Are we the newbies on the block?
01:08:42Those in charge at Area 51 would surely know about this,
01:08:45but perhaps there's nothing they can do.
01:08:48They're just employees.
01:08:50Powerless to do anything about whatever is behind UFOs and other phenomenon.
01:08:56And could it be that there's a paranormal aspect to all this?
01:09:00The UFOs apparently interacting with select witnesses?
01:09:04After exploring the bordering formations and phenomenon of Area 51
01:09:09and seeking ancient clues,
01:09:12we come back and the Storm Area 51 thing hit the next day.
01:09:20Coincidence? You never know.
01:09:22But one thing's for sure.
01:09:24There's speculation that the aliens are here and have a base in a valley named Death.
01:09:30While we continue to gather evidence on its borders,
01:09:33it seems that all roads lead there and that we may soon encounter Death Valley aliens.
