Braquer des banques en tant que policier corrompu dans GTA 5 !

  • il y a 3 mois
00:00Today, I'm robbing banks as a corrupt cop, and it's my goal to accumulate
00:03ONE MILLION DOLLARS so I can buy the golden concept car.
00:09Well, let's see if the car is for sale!
00:12Car's for sale! Car's for sale!
00:15We got the entire police stuff, we're selling it all!
00:17I would like to get the million-dollar concept car!
00:20Oh, hello! You look like a very wealthy individual to me!
00:24It's one million dollars, please.
00:26As you can see, it's beautiful, it's nice, it's concept-y, it's golden...
00:29I don't really have the money! Do you have a way for me to get the money?
00:33Oh, well, we don't really serve people that don't have any money, man.
00:36You should really get rich soon! You look like someone who is rich, man!
00:39Just go and get yourself some money, man, good luck!
00:41Yeah, I'll find a way to get some money, of course, no problem.
00:44Aw, hell with this plan! This station sucks!
00:48I don't wanna work that job anyways! Who are you?
00:50Do you wanna make some money with me?
00:51Uh, sure! I know all the secrets to the police department!
00:55Oh, that's gonna be perfect!
00:57Okay, let's go make some money!
00:58Maybe we can rob some banks!
01:00What?! Ow, you're corrupt! Okay, yeah, let's do it!
01:03Let's do it!
01:04Whoa, whoa! I'm late for this delivery, man!
01:06Oh, it's going to the bank!
01:07Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Let's follow it!
01:09Wait, how did you know my name? I mean, you're a corrupt cop, of course you know my name!
01:12It's right on your badge!
01:14Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go rob the bank!
01:17Come on, I think he went right here, let's just go around the corner!
01:20Okay, okay, let's chase the vehicle!
01:22Oh, this thing is full of cash!
01:24Don't get too close, Jordy! They're gonna know!
01:26No, they'll think we're escorting them!
01:28We're part of the police! We're helping you out!
01:30We're helping you out, of course!
01:32Dispatch, I got a pink car on my tail, I think...
01:35Dispatch, we are dispatch! We are dispatch!
01:37What?! You're the police?!
01:38Yes, of course we're the police! We're here to help you!
01:40Okay, you're protecting me! Okay, good! I didn't know!
01:42I didn't know there was gonna be a pink car today!
01:44We're very nice police officers helping you out!
01:47We're just gonna park right over here, don't worry about us!
01:50I can't be, uh, you know, attached to any crimes with my name!
01:54Don't worry, we're not gonna get caught! We're not gonna get caught!
01:56Oh, we better not!
01:57Get out of my way!
01:58Oh, watch for the car, Jordy! Don't you know to look both ways?!
02:02Okay, oh my goodness, okay, you just got rid of her!
02:05Yeah, okay, shall we just get the car, or what do we do?
02:08Wait, Jordy, I think it's being robbed!
02:10Wait, they're robbing it, too?!
02:12We can take the car! Try to get in the car! Let's get in the car!
02:15Okay, okay, okay!
02:15Just take this SWAT car!
02:17Open the door! Open the door!
02:19This thing is not opening up!
02:20Bulletproof windows!
02:20This thing is full of money!
02:22Alright, well, maybe they have the keys inside!
02:24Everyone, stay calm!
02:26This is not a robbery! This is not a robbery!
02:29We are all good!
02:30It looks like the robbers have already left!
02:32Oh no!
02:33Whoa, there was a robbery here?!
02:34Yeah, there was a huge robbery!
02:36It's good that you guys are here!
02:37Are you the backup we called for?
02:38Uh, yeah, definitely backup!
02:40Yeah, we weren't gonna rob anything!
02:42Okay, maybe go check into the vault, see if everything is still there, uh...
02:45The vault, of course!
02:46I'll go to the vault on my own! How about that?
02:48Sergeant Patty here, keying into the vault!
02:51Open the door, please!
02:51Yep, yep, yep, we're opening the door right now!
02:54Oh, just a moment, I forgot the code!
02:55Wait, it's 0-0-0, right?
02:57Oh, there you go, it's open!
02:59Oh, hey there, fella!
03:00Hey man, good to see you guys!
03:02You need to leave us alone!
03:02Here, watch that way!
03:03Oh, perfect!
03:04Alright, Jordy!
03:05You, uh, get in here and grab some money!
03:08Alright, don't be too loud!
03:09Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, pick it up!
03:11Get it all in your pockets, Jordy!
03:12Yes, I mean, this is definitely like a million, right?
03:15I hope so!
03:16We're gonna have to count it afterwards!
03:17More money, just pick up everything!
03:19Yep, get it!
03:20Come on, we need to be a little quicker, Jordy!
03:23Alright, now, before we go outside, you gotta grab his uniform!
03:27His uniform?
03:29Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
03:30I'm gonna grab one on the way out!
03:32Woah, okay, there you go!
03:33I got his uniform on!
03:35Hello guys, is the money still there?
03:37Swat team, we're coming for you!
03:39Alright, eliminate him!
03:41Don't worry, I got that!
03:42Don't worry, I got it!
03:44Take this guy out, too!
03:45He's in!
03:46I got his keys!
03:47Okay, let's take the car!
03:48Let's get out, let's get out!
03:49We need to get out!
03:50Let me put on an outfit, too!
03:53Okay, we are so in disguise right now!
03:55What's that guy doing over there?
03:58Don't worry, I tased him!
03:59He's done!
03:59Okay, ow!
04:00I almost tased you!
04:00Alright, Jordy!
04:01Get in the car, get in the car!
04:02Let's get out of here!
04:02We got all that money!
04:03What do we do now?
04:04Do we buy the car right away?
04:05Oh man, Jordy, that's not filling up the truck yet!
04:08We gotta get some more money!
04:09More money!
04:10That's not a million dollars!
04:11The truck is like, not even halfway full!
04:13Oh, okay, okay, okay!
04:14We need more money!
04:15Gotcha, gotcha!
04:17Where shall we go?
04:18New bag?
04:18I'm getting a call right now!
04:19We're gonna go to a new bag!
04:20We're tuned in to the radio station!
04:23There's another bank robbery!
04:24Dispatch, there is another bank robbery!
04:26Another bank robbery!
04:27There's fake police robbing a bank!
04:30So you guys need to go there, get out of your way,
04:32shoot them all down, kill them, whatever!
04:34Do anything you need to do to get your money!
04:36Sounds good, Jordy!
04:38This is sweet!
04:38We get to get tied into all the actual police and SWAT radio!
04:43Perfect, perfect!
04:44Oh my goodness!
04:45Okay, bye bye, police officer!
04:46Who just hit my bike?
04:47Wait, back up!
04:48Support, SWAT, support!
04:49Are these guys police?
04:50SWAT, support!
04:51You're the police!
04:51Get out of the ground!
04:52These are the robbers!
04:53Get out of the ground right away!
04:55Get out of the ground!
04:56Guys, watch out, they're here!
04:57Stop right there!
04:58They're here, guys!
04:59This is a SWAT!
05:00Put your hands up!
05:01We're here to support this bank and make sure it doesn't get robbed!
05:04We will come in!
05:05Let's go rob a bank!
05:07Okay, this is a double robbery!
05:08This is a double robbery!
05:09This is so cool!
05:10This is amazing!
05:10Oh, this is so cool!
05:12I love being a corrupt police officer!
05:13Let's take him out, let's take him out!
05:15Alright, the door's closed!
05:16Open the door, open the door, open the door!
05:19Open the door!
05:20Just go, go aggressive!
05:22I got the code!
05:23Oh, there you go, the door's open!
05:24Don't shoot me!
05:25Yes, I will!
05:25Yes, I will!
05:26Take him out!
05:27Put your hands up!
05:27These guys, they can't do anything to us!
05:29What are you doing in here, man?
05:30I said, put your hands up!
05:32He didn't put his hands up!
05:33Okay, we're good, we're good, we're good!
05:35Let's take some more money, if there is money!
05:37Oh, that's not that much money!
05:38Oh my goodness!
05:39It's just in that box right there!
05:41Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah!
05:42Got it, got it!
05:43We need to get out, we need to get out!
05:44Before we get busted!
05:46That was a double robbery!
05:47Oh my, oh!
05:48Oh, okay, follow me, follow me!
05:50Oh, hi, police!
05:51Yeah, we already took care of it over here!
05:52Yeah, we took care of everyone!
05:54There is no one inside anymore!
05:57No, but...
05:58What is that?
05:59It was a setup!
06:00Mr. Chief, sir, please!
06:02Out of my way!
06:03Yeah, I'm the police chief!
06:04Oh my goodness!
06:05Guys, come on, relax!
06:06Let's clear this area!
06:08All right, I'm the police chief!
06:10Police chief, Daryl!
06:12How you doing?
06:12Daryl, Daryl, stop right there!
06:14We're getting a lot of reports of fake police going around, okay?
06:18What's going on?
06:18That's what we heard too!
06:20Look, we've killed all of them, don't worry about it!
06:22Let me see your badge in a minute, okay?
06:24Let's just get rid of this area!
06:25I don't know who's who anymore, I'm getting very paranoid!
06:27Of course, my badge, yeah!
06:29Um, I am undercover, I can't show you that!
06:31Officer Mikey, I got some criminals right here!
06:33Oh, they're right there, the criminals!
06:34We caught them!
06:35We're gonna put them in the back of the truck and take them downtown!
06:38Yes, sir!
06:38We're doing our job!
06:39We are doing our job!
06:40Guys, hop in the truck, you're under arrest!
06:42He's kidnapping us, huh?
06:43No, you're under arrest!
06:44Under arrest!
06:45Close the doors!
06:45All the money should be in the vault, definitely didn't take any from there!
06:49You can check the vault, we did not take any of the money!
06:51Not, nothing!
06:51The fake police, help!
06:53Don't worry about it!
06:54Thank you, alright, bye guys!
06:56Okay, man, we barely made it out of there!
06:59That was a little bit too dangerous, uh, what should we do next?
07:01Well, we need more money still!
07:02Yeah, we didn't get that much money there!
07:04We still need more money!
07:05Wait, look at that!
07:06That's a cash truck!
07:07Oh, man, there's just money flying out the back!
07:10Oh, perfect, oh, perfect!
07:12Catch it!
07:13Okay, catch it, yeah, I'm trying to catch it!
07:15I'm trying to catch it, I can't open the window, this is a SWAT truck!
07:18Well, if only we didn't have the prisoners in the back, they could catch it too!
07:21Well, I don't think they, they, they want to help us at all!
07:24Why do you want me to catch?
07:25Uh, catch some money!
07:25Slow down up there!
07:27Wait, did he steal that truck?
07:29Wait, wait, another bank robber, are you kidding me?
07:31Oh, no, that ain't the police, right?
07:33Stop this truck right now!
07:34Oh, I also forgot to close my doors, I better put it on the pedal, man, I gotta go!
07:38Pull over your vehicle!
07:39Pull over, this is the police!
07:40I'm pulling over right now, guys!
07:41This is the police!
07:42Alright, Jordy, get out and try to get him out of his vehicle!
07:45Get right out of there, we gotta get right out, now!
07:47Whoa, whoa, whoa, why are you screaming?
07:48Get out of the truck right now!
07:49I'm not coming out, I'm just staying right here!
07:51Stop resisting, get out of the truck, this is the police!
07:53Oh, oh, oh, get out!
07:54Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, what's up, what's up?
07:56Please just tell me you're still in the car!
07:57Okay, please get out of the car right now!
07:59He's reaching, he's reaching, he's reaching!
08:00Get back in the car, we gotta chase him!
08:02Get him, get him, get him!
08:04Okay, that guy's definitely a criminal!
08:06Shoot on sight, shoot on sight!
08:08Shoot on sight!
08:09Oh, wow, we got a nice little booster right here!
08:12Take him out!
08:13Stop that cat!
08:14Take out his tires, take out his everything, his consciousness!
08:18Take him out!
08:19Oh, no, what am I doing?
08:20He's losing so much money, this is the money we need!
08:23We're bulletproof, buddy, get out of here!
08:24Here, here, look at this, look at this!
08:26Yeah, yeah, I'm trying to shoot his tires!
08:28He's losing money by the second!
08:30Come on, have you seen the car we're driving?
08:32How much money do I have left, guys?
08:33Can you please check from the back?
08:35Well, if you park the car, we'll check it for you!
08:37Oh, that's nice!
08:38Stop right there!
08:39Oh, look at that T-bone!
08:41Look at that T-bone!
08:42Oh, he's crashed!
08:43We got him!
08:44Take him out, take him out!
08:45Is he running?
08:45Oh, he got out of the car!
08:46He's running away!
08:47We've got a runner, we've got a runner!
08:48See you later, we'll get the car!
08:50We've got a runner!
08:51Yeah, I don't really care about him, to be honest!
08:53Okay, this is perfect!
08:54Let's take the money truck!
08:55Are the hostages still in the back?
08:56Yeah, they are, yeah!
08:57What should we do with the hostages?
08:59Yeah, just leave them!
08:59Whoa, there's so much money in this truck!
09:01This is definitely enough to buy that concept car!
09:04Well, you know what?
09:05There's not enough space to put the hostages and the money!
09:08So, I think we're gonna have to let them go!
09:08Don't worry, I just took all the money!
09:10I just took all the money!
09:11Yeah, you guys can go!
09:12Thank you, hostages!
09:13Let's drop them off over here!
09:14Oh, thank you!
09:15You guys can go back to your family, hostages!
09:17Yeah, get me out of here!
09:18Let me out of here!
09:19Go back to your family!
09:20I called for backup!
09:21I called for backup!
09:22We should just go over there!
09:23Let's go!
09:23Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
09:53There we go Geordie you hear that beeping sound wait is that money in the plane?
09:58Look, it's a briefcase. Yes. There's more money here, too. Okay. We got the briefcase. That's a lot of money right here
10:07Is this guy doing in the bush I didn't see anything I didn't see anything I promise
10:13Okay, whatever he said he didn't see anything all right
10:16We got the package and we got even more money all the money do we have enough we got enough
10:21I think we have enough just gotta get
10:24Yes, no one knows it's a thing that we're super corrupt the back of our SWAT car is just full of money
10:30This is not enough. We got oh, oh, what is this? Oh?
10:34No, don't get out the car. That's right to rob us. They're trying to rob us
10:38I think they're robbing that oil trucker right get out get out of the way right now. There's money coming out of the door
10:43No, you're gonna try and rob us. No boss. We should get him get out get him boss boys get out of my way
10:50Good well, okay, I'm trying to just stay in the car stay in the car stay in the car
10:55Don't know it's gonna get us. Just stay in here. Let's just get this car
11:01You open the door somehow get back in I'm getting back in get out of the way with the money, okay?
11:08Stop with the car with the money
11:10Okay, I know I know I'm trying my best. He's gonna buy the car before us get out
11:16Whatever you punch you you're gonna eat lead stay in the car
11:20Oh, that's even what's here the real. I mean the SWATs here. Yeah our SWAT. Yeah, let's go SWAT team
11:27Thank you so much for helping us. Hi guys. This is the SWAT. We'll get rid of the mafia for you there
11:32We go. We're just getting him. Oh boy. This is absolute chaos right here shoot him
11:36The SWAT always comes in when you need him you guys are the absolute best. Thank you so much SWAT
11:41Just blend in with them blend in with them. They won't know
11:43Hey, who's who don't shoot the guy at the battle club, I shoot the other one shoot the other one yeah
11:53Yeah, did you take them all out yeah, yeah, I'm pretty sure we took them all out
11:56Oh perfect. Did you take the criminals out criminals? Yeah the mafia there was a mafia there were some some undercover cops
12:02Yeah, I'm pretty sure we sweep the floor with them guys. You just go get your truck get the money to a safe place
12:07Yeah, yeah, we'll get it to a very safe place. It's about a million dollars
12:10Well I trust to you you got the whole nation of America behind you guys
12:14Okay, thank you the nation of America is my favorite nation all right
12:17We got to get this guy off the roof Geordie. Okay. We made it the guy fell off the roof. This is great
12:22Let's go and buy the million dollar car. Yeah, that's fine. I'm just here for a one car, buddy there it is oh
12:30Snap we did it. Hey, I'd like to buy this million dollar car, buddy. Oh, did you just get a new job or something?
12:39All the money in the world wow we are completely bankrupt, but it looks like you got enough to buy this car
12:47Okay, well then I guess this is mine now whoa look at this amazing
12:53Thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video bye-bye
