
  • 3 months ago
00:00The question will be, whose rule is it today?
00:03The answer will be Allah's.
00:05The one who is alone is very powerful.
00:08Today, every person will be punished for his deeds.
00:12Today, there will be no injustice for anyone.
00:15Undoubtedly, Allah is going to take account soon.
00:18And make them afraid of the coming day,
00:20when their hearts will be filled with sorrow and coming to their necks.
00:23There will be no friend of the oppressors,
00:26nor any advisor whose words will be accepted.
00:29Those who have rejected our book and whatever we have sent to the Prophets,
00:34they will come to know soon,
00:36when their necks will be chained.
00:40They will be dragged into boiling water.
00:43Then they will be thrown into the fire.
00:46Then they will be asked,
00:48where are those whom you used to make partners of Allah, i.e. non-Allah?
00:52They will say, they used to leave us.
00:55In fact, we never used to call anything before.
00:58In the same way, Allah lets the disbelievers be misguided.