مسلسل الطيبة 2 الحلقة 31 الحادية والثلاثون مدبلج HD

  • 3 months ago
مسلسل الطيبة 2 الحلقة 31 الحادية والثلاثون مدبلج HD
00:00I swear to God, I'm not used to this place, but something inside me is telling me, get used to it, Zohor, get used to it.
00:20I mean, it's a good idea to sell the house, but what's going to happen next? And I don't understand why you changed your mind so suddenly.
00:28Because he's still thinking about Nariman.
00:30Are you serious? Didn't you tell us to kick him out of the house?
00:34Isn't that what Najati told us? She told us to kick him out, and even Hana too. What changed?
00:39What changed? Huh? Nothing.
00:41Maybe he's regretting it. I mean, he went his way, and now he's jealous of Murad.
00:47But he's still with you.
00:49It's okay, it's okay. No matter what he does, it's impossible for Nariman to come back to him.
00:53Do you understand? Didn't you see how she and her mother treated him outside the house, like dogs?
00:58It's okay, and we're done. Be careful, my daughter.
01:00Yes, it's over. But Mr. Fawaz hasn't signed the divorce papers yet.
01:05So try as hard as you can to convince him to sign them.
01:08The important thing is that I have to go before Fawaz comes back, without arguing with him.
01:12Look at me. It's obvious that this man is dangerous and not easy.
01:15Okay, I'll go. And don't argue with him. Take care of yourself.
01:45What happened to you? Are you okay?
01:47I'm fine, I'm fine.
01:49Finally, we're done.
01:53Fawaz, I want to ask you a question, but please don't get mad at me.
01:59Ask me to see.
02:01When are you and Nariman going to get divorced?
02:04I mean, okay, you broke up, but as a result, you're still married.
02:09I'm scared.
02:11Tomorrow or the day after, you'll do things behind my back,
02:14and you'll say, I'm Fawaz's wife.
02:16Look at me.
02:18These things are only dangerous to you.
02:21Nariman doesn't do such things, Noob.
02:23He has nothing to do with us getting divorced or staying together.
02:27You married Mourad. I didn't ask you why you didn't divorce him.
02:31Because Mourad is definitely going to divorce me, and he's going to tell me about it.
02:35I don't care about Noob at all.
02:40You know, Dima, I'm really fed up with your excuses.
02:44From now on, you're not going to open up about Nariman again, and don't ask me about him.
02:48Look, I told you to come live in this house just so you could have kids,
02:52but don't give me this stupid headache.
02:57Are you okay? Come here.
03:00Take your time, sit down.
03:03Take your time, sit down.
03:05Stretch your legs, you'll feel better.
03:07That's better.
03:09Every now and then, this happens to me.
03:12Do you want to go to the doctor now?
03:14I'm used to it.
03:16Why don't you tell me you have a headache?
03:18I'm not feeling well.
03:21Okay, I'll get you some water.
04:02Get in the car.
04:04Come on.
04:08One, two, three.
04:14Stop! Don't move!
04:16Hands up!
04:17You too, hands up!
04:18Come on!
04:20Search the whole place!
04:22Come on! Search the whole place!
04:24And you, search that corner.
04:26Yousef, search over there too.
04:27I told you to search the place, don't you understand?
04:29Can I understand what they're doing?
04:31Shut up and don't talk.
04:33Now we'll see what they're doing.
04:35Sir, there's a bag here.
04:36Open it quickly.
04:40Kinan, call my assistant.
04:42Yes, sir.
04:44Shuhad, where did you get this money?
04:46This money is our money, we didn't take it from anyone.
04:49Search all of them in the cars.
04:51And now we'll listen to everything you say about us.
04:53Sir, we searched the place and there's no one there.
04:58Come on, let's see. Search them.
05:00Can you explain to me where they took us?
05:02Go, don't make any noise.
05:11I hope the gang has confessed now.
05:14I hope so.
05:15My daughter, how could you go to that place?
05:18What if they kidnapped you or did something to you?
05:21Really, your mother is right Nariman.
05:24You put yourself in danger.
05:26And I thank you very much for that.
05:28I didn't do anything to thank you, Sumaya.
05:31What I did, I did for Masoud.
05:33Not because you helped us or supported us.
05:35If time comes back, I'll do the same.
05:38I know.
05:43This is Qadir.
05:45Yes, Qadir.
05:46What happened?
05:48Any good news?
05:50Thank God, I have good news and I want you to hear it.
05:52One of the gang members confessed.
05:54He said that Fawaz was the one who made them do that.
05:57I knew from the beginning that Fawaz was involved.
06:00One of the men confessed.
06:02Fawaz is the one who made them do it.
06:06Is he okay?
06:08He's fine.
06:09The court has acquitted him.
06:11Thank God.
06:13Thank God.
06:14Are you coming to receive him?
06:16Of course, I'll come.
06:18I'll go to receive Adel.
06:21When will they release Qadir?
06:24Yes, Sumaya.
06:26Of course, Qadir will receive the punishment he deserves.
06:29Masoud won't lose his right, God willing.
06:49Adel, come in if you're ready.
06:52I'm ready.
06:55Yes, of course, I'm ready.
07:01God bless you, guys.
07:03Thank God.
07:16Thank God.
07:17Thank you.
07:22Thank God.
07:26Thank you, Qadir.
07:28Give me the bag.
07:36Thank you.
07:38Thank you for coming.
07:50Aren't you going to expose yourself to the danger for me?
08:05Adel, I really don't know how Fawaz could do this to you.
08:11Maybe you won't believe me if I tell you I was surprised.
08:16We'll find out.
08:18Of course, we'll find out.
08:23I'm not sure if Fawaz killed Masoud or Dima, but I'm 90% sure Dima killed Masoud.
08:30But why would Fawaz change the evidence and frame you for a murder? I don't know.
08:37Maybe because he's jealous of me.
08:44Is there a problem?
08:45Yes, there is.
08:46Immediately issue a warrant for Fawaz's arrest.
09:04I don't understand.
09:06Arrest warrant?
09:09You mean Adel got out of prison?
09:17You said Adel got out of prison?
09:20Isn't that the reason he left us?
09:22Yes, that's the reason.
09:24The lawyer told me he couldn't see the warrant because the file is still in the case.
09:27What does this arrest warrant mean?
09:33One of the men in the gang confessed.
09:37That's what the lawyer told me.
09:39He issued an arrest warrant for Dima.
09:43What's going on?
09:44Hey, stop on the right.
10:01Don't come.
10:02Don't come down, Dima.
10:05Stay here.
10:14We're together.
10:26Fawaz is calling me.
10:33Answer, but don't tell him you know anything.
10:36Maybe he still doesn't know about the decision he made.
10:38So he doesn't try to escape.
10:46Yes, Fawaz.
10:48I didn't kill him.
10:50I swear, I didn't kill Masoud.
10:57You don't believe me, do you?
10:59No, Fawaz. I always doubt Dima.
11:01Even if I wanted to, I was sure she did it.
11:04But someone was trying to accuse someone innocent.
11:07In my opinion, it could be the killer.
11:11Do you really think I killed Masoud?
11:13I don't know.
11:14Maybe you're upset with him, or you were fighting with him and killed him by mistake.
11:18Maybe it happened by mistake. I don't know, but it could be.
11:21Are you serious?
11:23So you think I'm the killer.
11:37As you wish.
11:39As long as you think that way, I'm going to see you and give you the real killer in my hands.
11:44And you'll know it wasn't me.
11:48Come to the casino next to Rifa, now.
11:52Okay, I'm coming.
11:56What did he say?
11:58He said he was going to bring me the killer in my hands.
12:07Get out of the car.
12:10Take a taxi and go home.
12:11Okay, Fawaz.
12:12Why are you sending the driver home?
12:13Come, Dima. Get out.
12:14What's going on?
12:15Where are we going?
12:16Stay here.
12:17What, Fawaz Jannat?
12:18Oh, God. Can you tell me where we're going?
12:21Oh, God. What's going on?
12:23What's going on?
12:25Can you tell me what's going on and where we're going?
12:29We're going to the place that belongs to us.
12:32We're going to prison today.
12:35What did she say?
12:37Fawaz, what are you saying?
12:39Fawaz, get me out of the car, now!
12:41Fawaz, what are you saying?
12:43Fawaz, where are we going?
12:45What's going on?
12:54What's going on?
12:58Sir, is this the place he told you about?
13:00Yes, yes, this is it.
13:05Attention, attention to all units.
13:07Listen to me carefully.
13:08I want you to send a support team to the prisoner who is on his way to prison.
13:12I need a support team, immediately.
13:14Yes, sir.
13:15Qadir, stay in the car and stay away from here.
13:17But be careful not to let anyone see you, okay?
13:19Okay, sir.
13:21And you, stay here and wait for me.
13:23And I'll wait inside so they don't see us, okay?
13:29Listen, don't be afraid.
13:33I'm not afraid.
13:34Let's go.
13:35Let's go.
13:49What are you doing?
13:50Tell me, what are you doing?
13:51Do you want to take me to Nariman and tell him everything?
13:53Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do.
13:55But, you're not going to let anything happen to the boy, Fawaz.
13:59Of course I'm not going to let anything happen to him.
14:01But I'm going to prison.
14:02And you're also going to prison.
14:04I don't have time for this.
14:05Look, Dima.
14:06This boy will grow up and be fine if he's far away from me and you.
14:08Do you understand?
14:09I want to have my son and raise him like this?
14:12Do you want my son to grow up without a father and a mother?
14:15You wrote in your hand that this boy will live like this.
14:17You should have thought about this from the start.
14:20And now, the three of us are going to live this life, whatever it is, and we're done.
14:23We're done. We're on the last leg.
14:28I'm not going to prison.
14:30I'll die and I'm not going to prison.
14:32Dima, no.
14:33Dima, what are you doing?
14:35Dima, what are you doing?
15:03What happened?
15:05Call him.
15:07Call him now.
15:33Call him now.
15:43Call him now.
15:57My son.
15:59My son.
17:57We will go inside. Park the car and follow us.
17:59Yes, sir.
18:07God bless you.
18:15Remove the cover.
18:19Remove the cover.
18:29Cover it.
18:31Cover it.
18:49Fawaz is dead.
18:51Fawaz is inside.
19:01Bring some water.
19:03Come on.
19:07Come and sit down.
19:15Don't worry. I am fine.
19:21Was he alone or was there someone with him?
19:25He was alone.
19:27But he told me that he will bring me the real killer.
19:33If there was someone with him and maybe it was Dima,
19:35could it be that she left the car and went before or after the incident?
19:41God bless you.
19:43Drink some water.
19:53I know that this incident is hard for you.
19:55But maybe the killer is not Dima.
19:59Maybe the killer we are looking for is Fawaz.
20:33What happened to you?
20:37What happened to you?
20:39What happened to you?
20:43Come here.
20:45What happened to you?
20:47I am in trouble.
20:49What happened to you?
20:51I am in trouble.
20:53What happened to you?
20:57Fawaz died.
21:01Fawaz died?
21:03What do you mean Fawaz died?
21:05Are you crazy? Did you kill him too?
21:07I didn't kill anyone.
21:09Let's go.
21:11Bring me my uncle's clothes.
21:13Throw these away.
21:15Don't throw them away.
21:17We have to throw everything away.
21:19Take this.
21:21Let's go.
21:25Tell me how he died.
21:27We were in the car.
21:29He wanted to give me to Nariman.
21:31I told him to stop.
21:33But he didn't let me sleep.
21:35He wanted to tell her that I killed Masoud.
21:39I tried to stop him.
21:41But he didn't believe me.
21:43I cried and begged him.
21:45But he didn't believe me.
21:47I tried to stop him.
21:49I tried to stop him.
21:51I didn't want anything else.
21:55I hope no one saw you.
21:57Bring me foundation.
22:01That's why I came here.
22:09We have to kill Masoud and bury him.
22:11Otherwise we can't get out of this.
22:17Come closer.
22:19He's dead.
22:21We can't go back to life.
22:25Don't worry.
22:27I'm done.
22:31How are we going to fix it?
22:33He told us that...
22:37It hurts.
22:39Think about it.
22:41I found it.
22:44The cell phone.
22:49Masoud's cell phone.
23:07What's wrong?
23:09Did Adel call you?
23:15Why are you like this?
23:21Let me go inside.
23:23I'll tell you.
23:27Let's go.
23:43Fawazi is the murderer?
23:45We can say that he took his share.
23:47But there's still a lot that's not clear.
23:49I don't know.
23:51I really don't know.
23:53I'm sure that
23:55he's the murderer.
23:57But Adel said that
23:59because I hate her so much
24:01I hope she's the murderer.
24:03That's why I'm so confused.
24:07What are you saying?
24:09I'm sorry.
24:11I told you the whole story.
24:13I didn't tell you everything that happened.
24:15He's been through a lot for me.
24:17And he's still trying to help me.
24:19So please don't say that.
24:21I don't know.
24:23Maybe Adel is right.
24:25All the people that came into my life
24:27Dima hurt them because of me.
24:29And she didn't leave anyone.
24:31Masoud, Adel,
24:33and now Fawazi.
24:35My daughter.
24:37You don't have any fault in them.
24:39The one who's blaming everyone
24:41is Dima.
24:43She's the one who wronged everyone.
24:45Am I right, Sumaya Khano?
24:47Your mother is right.
24:49I mean,
24:51if Dima had anything to do
24:53with this incident,
24:55he would've found out.
24:57The investigation is still going on.
24:59It's not closed yet.
25:01Isn't that right?
25:03Yes, that's right.
25:05Adel would've gone to Dima.
25:07And maybe he's with her now.
25:22So you told me you saw him this morning.
25:29Where were you between 11 and 1?
25:33At home.
25:35At my uncle's and my aunt's.
25:37I even slept there.
25:43Did she sleep at your place?
25:47Answer me.
25:49Did she sleep or not?
25:51Yes, of course she slept.
25:53She was sleeping at my place.
25:55I was going to watch the game,
25:57but she slept in the living room
25:59and didn't wake me up.
26:01That's right.
26:03We can't leave a pregnant woman like that
26:05all by herself.
26:07She's getting tired.
26:09A false statement
26:11is considered a crime.
26:13And a big one.
26:15You know that, don't you?
26:17Do you want to kill me and accuse me?
26:19I'm asking you. I didn't accuse you.
26:21Then don't ask.
26:23Don't ask me and leave me alone.
26:27If you'll excuse me,
26:29the girl is pregnant and very tired.
26:31Go outside.
26:33You'll change her mood.
26:35After you.
26:39if anything happens to her son,
26:41if anything happens,
26:43you'll pay dearly.
26:45Do you know who you're talking to?
26:47Sir, please don't arrest me.
26:49I'm a bit confused.
26:51I apologize.
26:53I'm sorry.
26:57we found a bag in Fawaz's room.
26:59And a cell phone.
27:17Send the bag to the manager.
27:19Let's see what's in it.
27:21And open the cell phone and search again.
27:23Okay, sir.
27:35What's wrong?
27:37What's the matter?
27:39You don't know anything.
27:41What's wrong?
27:43What's the matter?
27:47Fawaz is dead.
27:51I'll go and see.
27:53No, we're not done yet.
27:55Why not?
27:57Come with me.
27:59Send this to the manager.
28:03Let's go.
28:05Hold my hand.
28:07Go to the manager.
28:13Let's go.
28:33You insist on sitting outside?
28:35Drink some water.
28:37Why are you so concerned?
28:39Anyone who sees someone else's misfortune,
28:41is concerned about their own misfortune.
28:43I'm a bit worried about you.
28:45Maybe you'll send me away with a glass of water.
28:47How many are there now?
28:49What are you talking about?
28:51That's right.
28:53You'll have to kill Aseel as well.
28:55I didn't kill him.
28:57His death was an accident.
28:59Even his death was an accident.
29:01But this time, it's real.
29:03An accident or a coincidence,
29:05it doesn't matter.
29:07If you hadn't opened Nariman's eyes to Fawaz,
29:09and threatened him,
29:11and told him I wanted to kill you,
29:13he wouldn't have done that.
29:15Why should I be the reason?
29:17It's all over now.
29:19Forget it.
29:21There's one important thing.
29:23When he died,
29:25he was married to Nariman.
29:27Now, everything is his.
29:29He owns 51% of the shares.
29:31Fawaz owns everything else.
29:33It's all his now.
29:35Do you think I'm stupid?
29:37My son's father died and I'm all alone,
29:39and you're telling me about Nariman?
29:41Of course it's Nariman, Dima.
29:43Listen carefully to what I'm about to say.
29:45I'm going to find out what you're up to
29:47and what you're doing to your son's father.
29:49If you don't do what I'm about to say now,
29:51you'll regret it.
29:53What do you want me to do?
29:55Whatever we do now,
29:57we won't gain anything.
29:59Because you're my wife now.
30:01But the situation is different for your son.
30:03Do you have a DNA test?
30:05Yes, of course.
30:09Then you take him to his mother,
30:13and you keep crying
30:15and saying that your son will die
30:17and you're playing with his mind.
30:19What if he didn't know about my marriage?
30:21You know about your son's story.
30:23Even if you knew about our marriage,
30:25I'd tell her that your late son
30:27didn't ask about his son
30:29and he had no one.
30:31What's wrong with you?
30:33You make up stories and eat sweets.
30:35Understand me for God's sake.
30:37Okay, okay.
30:39Let's solve my uncle's problem first
30:41and then we'll continue.
30:43Won't he say what we agreed on?
30:45If he says what I understood,
30:47he'll get a small punishment.
30:49I warned him.
30:51I warned him well and I taught him the story too.
31:01No, I...
31:03I don't understand.
31:05We all know that he's dead.
31:07And the one who killed him is dead too.
31:09What do you want me to say
31:11if both of them are dead?
31:13I don't understand
31:15what's wrong with me.
31:17I swear to God, I don't understand.
31:19Come in.
31:21Come in, son.
31:23Give me his cup.
31:25Put my cup here.
31:27Yes, sir.
31:31What do you mean?
31:33You brought me tea to drink with you?
31:35Are you welcoming me?
31:37Am I not accused?
31:39Don't you want it?
31:43Drink it.
31:45Yes, I'll drink it.
31:57Yes, okay.
32:01you're going to tell me
32:03what you were doing in the woods at midnight.
32:05Tell me.
32:07Okay, sir. I'll tell you everything that happened
32:09and everything you saw.
32:13Tell me.
32:15But why didn't you tell us everything before?
32:17How can I tell you?
32:19My brother's daughter is pregnant
32:21with this man who just died.
32:23Can't she hear
32:25that her father and son turned out to be criminals?
32:27I swear to God, I'll tell you everything.
32:35If the killer was Fawaz,
32:37I want to know
32:39what you were doing in the woods at midnight.
32:41Tell me.
32:43Okay, sir. I'll tell you everything.
32:45Honestly, Fawaz sent me here.
32:47He said he'd pay me.
32:49But he told me to go to Daqdis
32:51and take a look around.
32:53He told me to look around
32:55but I didn't go.
32:57By the way, I didn't know what was going on
32:59and I didn't know what he was going to say.
33:01I didn't know what he was going to say
33:03and I didn't expect anything.
33:05I said, is it possible that this man
33:07was hiding a treasure or something?
33:11So, you went to the woods
33:13and took a look around
33:15but you didn't understand anything.
33:17No, I didn't understand.
33:19But then,
33:21I started to understand
33:25What I understood, sir,
33:27is that the second victim
33:29and the first victim were buried in the same area
33:31that you saw me in.
33:33Then, according to Zanbo,
33:35he said he had to change his location
33:37so he might have let a gang
33:39move to another place or something.
33:41Then, of course,
33:43the gang was in trouble
33:45and I wasn't sure about them.
33:47Did they move him
33:49or did they want to kill me?
33:51Did they want to kill me?
33:53Did they want to kill me?
33:55Did they want to kill me?
33:57Did they want to kill me?
33:59Did they want to kill me?
34:01Did they want to kill me?
34:03Did they want to kill me?
34:05Did they want to kill me?
34:07Did they want to kill me?
34:09Did they want to kill me?
34:11Did they want to kill me?
34:13Did they want to kill me?
34:15Did they want to kill me?
34:17Did they want to kill me?
34:19Did they want to kill me?
34:21Did they want to kill me?
34:23Did they want to kill me?
34:25Did they want to kill me?
34:27Did they want to kill me?
34:29Did they want to kill me?
34:31Did they want to kill me?
34:33Did they want to kill me?
34:35Did they want to kill me?
34:37Did they want to kill me?
34:39Did they want to kill me?
34:41Did they want to kill me?
34:43Did they want to kill me?
34:45Did they want to kill me?
34:47Did they want to kill me?
34:49Did they want to kill me?
34:51Did they want to kill me?
34:53Did they want to kill me?
34:55Did they want to kill me?
34:57Did they want to kill me?
34:59Did they want to kill me?
35:01Did they want to kill me?
35:03Did they want to kill me?
35:05Did they want to kill me?
35:07Did they want to kill me?
35:09Did they want to kill me?
35:11Did they want to kill me?
35:13Did they want to kill me?
35:15Did they want to kill me?
35:45Mr. Adel, we're listening to you.
35:47Nariman, Shadia Khanoum, Sumaiya Khanoum.
35:51The testimonies and the evidence
35:53are pointing to Fawaz.
35:55And honestly, more than one thing.
35:57Of course,
35:59according to all the evidence,
36:03I mean...
36:05Please tell us the truth, Mr. Adel.
36:07I mean,
36:09Fawaz is the one who killed my son, Masoud?
36:17Sumaiya Khanoum.
36:19This is what the evidence tells us.
36:23Sumaiya Khanoum.
36:29Are you going to close the case, Mr. Adel?
36:31I don't want to,
36:33but it looks like the deputy wants to close it.
36:35If at the last moment,
36:37there is evidence related to Dima or someone related to her,
36:39then in this case,
36:41we can file a request to the deputy
36:43so that we can reopen the case.
36:45But now, it looks like...
36:49I handed him over.
36:51He killed my son.
36:53I put my hand in the hand that killed him.
36:55I handed him over.
36:57I touched his hand
36:59with my own hand.
37:01I can't believe it.
37:03I'll come back to you later and we'll talk.
37:05I'm going to close the case now.
37:07I handed him over. He killed my son.
37:09I handed him over.
37:11I put my hand in the hand that killed him.
37:13I can't believe it.
37:17I can't believe it.
37:41I can't believe it.
38:11Can you believe that I put my eye on a little boy's inheritance
38:13just for this marriage, Mom?
38:15Please, Madam.
38:17They're waiting for us.
38:19Can you leave us for a moment, please?
38:21Of course.
38:23My daughter,
38:25I'm sure you don't care about this poor boy at all.
38:29But if you don't accept to take your full right,
38:31you'll automatically become his mother's heir.
38:33And then you'll go to Dima.
38:35Do you understand?
38:37Didn't you see how close they were to each other?
38:39If the money gets to Dima's hands,
38:41she won't give me anything.
38:43She'll take the money from me.
38:45Take care of yourself.
38:47Let's go inside and figure out what's going on.
38:49If you're right and the money goes to Dima,
38:51I know what to do.
38:55Let's go.
39:09Let's go.
39:39Let's go.
40:09Let's go.
40:39Let's go.
41:09Let's go.
