【全网唯一】【4K修复】 走向共和 4K 高清 11

  • 3 months ago
00:00Our two armoured ships from Dingyuan and Zhenyuan
00:05have 10-inch cannons.
00:07They are indeed unparalleled.
00:10But I ask you,
00:11what about the bombs?
00:14There's no need to discuss the bombs.
00:16The war is not over yet.
00:17What's the point of discussing such trifles?
00:21What Ji Zhi said is definitely not trifles.
00:25I'm not afraid of being accused of deceiving the emperor today.
00:28Your Majesty,
00:30last year, Prince Chun inspected the Beiyang Navy.
00:33Dingyuan's cannons suddenly exploded.
00:34The ship overturned.
00:36The whole world was shocked.
00:38But do you all know?
00:40The ship was buried in the jade.
00:44It was detonated with the flesh and blood of our Beiyang Navy.
00:49What's going on, President Li?
00:51The two warships of our Beiyang Navy
00:53have only one 10-inch cannon.
00:58What kind of warship is such a big thing?
01:02It's a dead fish floating in the sea.
01:06What about the bombs?
01:07What about the bombs?
01:12Your Majesty, please ask Master Weng.
01:21Go ahead.
01:23Your Majesty, although I am in the position of the Prime Minister,
01:27I have always been in the position of the Prime Minister.
01:31However, the war broke out suddenly.
01:33Who can think of...
01:36You bastard!
01:47Your Majesty, I am drunk and can't speak.
01:51I have nothing to argue with Qiushan.
01:55However, the Ministry of Revenue has indeed not paid the money for several years.
02:04Even the grand celebration of the Empress Dowager's birthday
02:09has been suspended.
02:12Your Majesty, please investigate it.
02:19Get up.
02:21Thank you, Your Majesty.
02:32Let bygones be bygones.
02:37President Li, from today on,
02:41I promise you all the requirements of the Beiyang Navy.
02:46Whether it's warships or bombs,
02:49whatever you say, we will buy them.
02:52As long as we can defeat Japan,
02:54I will sell this throne at any cost.
02:59Your Majesty is wise.
03:14The Empress Dowager also has a will.
03:16From today on,
03:18we will allocate 3 million taels of silver from the cost of the birthday celebration
03:22to make up for the military expenses.
03:23Your Majesty is wise.
03:31Get up, all of you.
03:32Thank you, Your Majesty.
03:38Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager's move
03:40will definitely inspire the loyalty of our soldiers in Luhai.
03:44It's too late to buy warships with money now.
03:51I still say the same thing.
03:53On the one hand, we should ask the British and Russian courts to fight for time.
03:56On the other hand, we should strengthen the war preparation.
04:00How sure are you that the British and Russian courts
04:04will trust the foreigners?
04:14Your Majesty, I have been in contact with the ambassadors of the British and Russian courts.
04:18They all agreed to appear in the court.
04:22I request to issue an edict.
04:24There is a matter of the special court of the General Office.
04:26It makes the Viceroy of Li State have no other intention but to prepare for the war.
04:30All right, let's do it.
04:34Viceroy of Li State, peace and war should be based on war.
04:39Don't lose the chance of war because of the foreign courts.
04:44Yes, Your Majesty.
04:48Zhang Zhidong, the Governor-General of Huguang, congratulates Li Dan
04:52on the 100th birthday of the White-Horse Man of Shoushan.
04:59It's a rare good thing.
05:03I told you Zhang Zhidong is the most sensible.
05:07Li, read his edict.
05:11Yes, Your Majesty.
05:14I, Zhang Zhidong,
05:18have been in contact with the Japanese pirates for a long time.
05:21We have been in good relations for a long time.
05:23We should not talk about peace, but only war.
05:27Wait a minute.
05:29It doesn't sound like Zhang Zhidong.
05:32Li, are you sure?
05:36Yes, it's Zhang Zhidong's edict.
05:41Forget it.
05:41Look at Liu Kunyi's list.
05:44Yes, Your Majesty.
05:50Liu Kunyi, the Governor-General of Liangjiang, congratulates Li Dan
05:55on the 100th birthday of the White-Horse Man of Shoushan.
06:00He is really thoughtful.
06:12Read Zhang Zhidong's edict again.
06:16Yes, Your Majesty.
06:23In a war with Japan,
06:24you can win but not lose.
06:27If you lose in a moment, you lose in tactics.
06:31But if you persist for a long time, you will win in the end.
06:34The so-called strategy wins.
06:42I heard that Rong Lu also has an edict.
06:47General Xi'an Rong Lu congratulates Li Dan
06:51on the 100th birthday of the White-Horse Man of Shoushan.
06:54He Lanshi, 8 pieces, Goqizi, 100 catties,
06:57and ten sheepskin coats.
07:05It's a good time.
07:12Rong Lu has been in Xi'an for more than ten years, right?
07:16Who says it's not true?
07:20Read Zhang Zhidong's edict again.
07:24Our Qing Dynasty was defeated by the Westerners,
07:26but we can't be defeated by the Japanese pirates.
07:28Defeating the Westerners is not as good as defeating us.
07:31Defeating the Japanese pirates is a great humiliation.
07:34People's hearts will be lost.
07:35The country will be destroyed,
07:37and the officials will die.
07:42It's a happy day.
07:44But it's tiring and bloody at the same time.
07:48Why doesn't it sound like Zhang Zhidong's words?
07:56Does Li Hongzhang have an edict?
08:03It seems that Li Zhongtang is in a bad situation.
08:07Li Zhongtang is in a bad situation.
08:11He doesn't even care about me.
08:16What else do you want?
08:19Oh, no, don't get me wrong.
08:22We don't have any territorial claims over China.
08:24We just want to help you build some railways,
08:27deploy personnel, promote trade, and strengthen the defense.
08:31I think it's good for Chinese and Russian friendship.
08:34If so,
08:37I'll take your offer.
08:40Once it's done,
08:41I'll talk to you in person about the Dongsan Province.
08:44It's a promise?
08:46A promise is a promise.
08:48It's the virtue of the Chinese.
08:51My country has always been interested in keeping the present situation in the Far East.
08:55And Your Excellency has made such a promise.
08:58I take personal responsibility
09:00that my country will start negotiations today.
09:03It's a deal.
09:05My strategy of one-on-one
09:09is quite good, Your Excellency.
09:13It's the best way to eliminate the war
09:17without losing a single soldier.
09:18But Your Excellency,
09:20you still don't know why.
09:25My strategy of one-on-one
09:28is inspired by the theory of joint-strategy.
09:34It's also in line with the military theory of the Western world.
09:41I dare not say it's a big deal.
09:44It's also my pleasure to do it.
09:50Have you ordered the ship?
09:51The order has been issued.
09:53It must be fast.
09:55Otherwise, I'm afraid it's too late.
09:57Your Excellency,
09:58if you have any questions,
10:00please feel free to ask me.
10:04A guest wants to see you.
10:06I don't have time.
10:08He said he was a medical doctor.
10:10I'm afraid he's here to see a doctor.
10:12Jingsun, did you ask a doctor for me?
10:16Then let him go.
10:23And the bomb is very urgent.
10:27It's more important than ordering a fast ship.
10:30And the mediation of Britain and Russia.
10:33Tell Prince Qing to hurry up.
10:37The last thing I want to say is
10:39if your government is unwilling to mediate,
10:42our government will find other options.
10:46Are you implying Russia is an option in this agreement?
10:50Why not?
10:52If the Russians are willing to help us,
10:55but what does this mean to your interests?
11:00I'm afraid your Excellency is much more clear than me.
11:03We are your strongest allies.
11:06But it would be wrong for us to ask for something in return.
11:13if you were to help us
11:15develop territories along the Yangtze River,
11:18I'm sure we would be happy to help you.
11:21Does your country have enough interests in the Yangtze River?
11:25Your Excellency,
11:26the missionary represents little significance in that region.
11:31The business community
11:33is far more interested in helping you with the modern industry.
11:36Silk, textiles, transport, telegraph.
11:40Those sorts of areas.
11:42Lots of businesses they can help you with.
11:45The business community is
11:47very well connected and influences our government.
11:50If you can see a way to help open their empire,
11:54I can promise you
11:55that the Japanese will soon be back on their island.
12:01Good, your Excellency.
12:03If you could be of help,
12:04I will go and take care of the Japanese government.
12:24First of all, there are too few people
12:27who can lead the country to self-improvement.
12:29Of course, the Chinese don't know what self-improvement is.
12:32Nor do they know how to improve themselves.
12:36I'm afraid that the person who leads the way is also leading the wrong way.
12:39Your Excellency, ever since you took office,
12:41you have been working tirelessly
12:43to build the navy and the railway.
12:46Although it is difficult,
12:49you have accomplished many great things.
12:51This is your greatest achievement.
12:53The people of the country and the people of the world admire you.
12:59But this is just half of the Central Hall.
13:03The other half of the Central Hall
13:04is still sleeping soundly.
13:07It's time to eat, Master.
13:24Get some food for this young man.
13:26I've got it all ready.
13:34Young man, let's eat together.
13:53The people of the country and the people of the world admire you.
13:55The people of the country and the people of the world admire you.
13:57The people of the country and the people of the world admire you.
13:59You don't like to listen to what I'm saying, do you?
14:04I'm listening.
14:06Go ahead.
14:07The reason why I'm telling you this
14:11is because only you can understand
14:13these words in the whole country.
14:17The origin of the European and American rich and powerful
14:21is not all in the ships and cannons.
14:23The people are strong.
14:26If the people have done it,
14:28the people can do their best,
14:29the land can do its best,
14:31the goods can do their best,
14:33and the goods can do their best.
14:34Only the ships and cannons are willing to do their best.
14:40Send this dish to Madam.
14:47Go ahead.
14:50The ships and cannons
14:51are what Zhongtang has been pursuing all his life.
14:55But it's hard for Zhongtang to go one step further.
14:59The difficulty lies in the system of the Qing Dynasty.
15:02It's too conservative, so it's not self-sufficient.
15:06It's not transparent and it's not fair.
15:10It's like a black cloth covering the sky.
15:13It's hard for the people to breathe a little fresh air.
15:17It's hard to enjoy the brilliant sunshine.
15:20Even you, Master Zhongtang,
15:23it's hard for you to do more.
15:26Before I came to see Zhongtang,
15:28I had met Mr. Kang Youwei.
15:32Mr. Kang has always been
15:34active in upholding the government.
15:37But I think
15:40what Mr. Kang wants to do,
15:42you have already done, Master Zhongtang.
15:45But what Mr. Kang doesn't want to do
15:48and what he doesn't dare to do,
15:49it's hard for you to do, Master Zhongtang.
15:55What's so hard?
16:06Do you want to die?
16:07The welfare of the people is far-reaching.
16:09A republic revolution like the French Revolution,
16:12don't you have any desire?
16:15Young man,
16:19I'm tired today.
16:22Otherwise, your head would have been gone a long time ago.
16:25I'm not afraid.
16:26You'd better go.
16:28Hurry up.
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18:32Chinese TV Series Exclusive YouTube
18:37Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
19:04ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
19:11ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
19:20ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
19:28ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
19:35ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
19:42ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
20:12ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
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21:20You can tell the young shooters that damn it
21:35Sorry, sorry, Yuan Shikai to get you can't you can't eat my dachshund
22:18I've made up my mind. I'll fight the Japanese pirates to the bitter end.
22:21Your Majesty is wise. Our Qing Dynasty will win.
22:24Your Majesty, you mustn't do that.
22:26The enemy's situation is still unclear. Our army mustn't act rashly.
22:30The Japanese pirates have already bullied us to the doorstep.
22:32Our army is weak. Where is our national prestige?
22:36The Empress Dowager has arrived!
22:42Greetings, Empress Dowager.
22:45Okay, okay. Everyone, get up. Get up.
22:48Get up, get up.
22:49Thank you, Empress Dowager.
23:01Whose family is this?
23:08Whose little girl is this?
23:10Greetings, Empress Dowager.
23:12Greetings, Empress Dowager.
23:14Hurry and get up. Hurry and get up.
23:17Little Li, reward her.
23:18The Empress Dowager has given us money.
23:21Give us money.
23:23The Empress Dowager has given us money.
23:26You all came.
23:32Greetings, Empress Dowager.
23:33This girl looks so pretty.
23:35Empress Dowager, let me tell you.
23:37Today, so many princesses and concubines came.
23:40Compared to you, none of them are as young and pretty as you.
23:45You really know how to talk.
23:50Your Majesty, when two armies are at war,
23:52it's not about loyalty.
23:54It's about strategy and tactics.
23:57Right now, Ying'e is recuperating.
23:59Although I don't have any hope,
24:01but if I can delay it for a day,
24:04delay it for a long time,
24:06Your Majesty, only by delaying it,
24:09can we have a sure victory.
24:12Did you see that?
24:14They are all hiding from me.
24:20What's going on?
24:23This matter...
24:28You say that the ministers are not sensible.
24:30Then His Majesty shouldn't not be sensible, right?
24:39I won't wait any longer.
24:49I won't wait any longer.
24:51Let's watch the show. Everyone, get up.
24:57Open the gates!
24:59Chancellor Li, this matter must not be delayed.
25:03The Japanese army came without a notice.
25:04It's because of their national strength that they can't wait.
25:06Their desire to have a quick victory has already been exposed.
25:10Our army must not fall into their trap.
25:12If we delay it until the end, we won't be able to defeat the Japanese pirates.
25:14Instead, we will be able to defeat ourselves.
25:43Your Majesty,
25:45our country is different.
25:47Just listen to me.
25:50Your Majesty! Your Majesty!
25:54Empress Dowager is angry.
25:57Let's go.
26:04Empress Dowager.
26:07I have invited them all.
26:11It's really hard to invite them.
26:16Where is His Majesty?
26:18He is really filial.
27:03Empress Dowager is angry.
27:05Let's go.
27:33Empress Dowager is angry.
27:35Let's go.
28:03Let's go.
28:33Empress Dowager.
29:03Let's go.
29:34According to the plan of Emperor Tenryu and Emperor Bansei,
29:40the emperor of the Empire of Japan is loyal and brave.
29:45Japan does not abide by the treaty,
29:47does not abide by the law of war,
29:49and acts arbitrarily and deliberately.
29:52They are self-righteous.
29:54They openly criticize.
29:56I hereby declare war against the new country.
29:59I, Li Hongzhang,
30:01hereby dispatch my troops to attack.
30:06This is a report from Caiwu Times.
30:09On July 25, 1894,
30:12the Japanese army suddenly attacked a merchant ship carrying Chinese soldiers.
30:16What are you doing?
30:17This was the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War.
30:20What is lost?
30:21In 1894, it was China's Jiawu.
30:24Even if you search the whole Forbidden City,
30:26you have to find it.
30:28Let's go. I want your heads.
30:30Hurry up.
30:31Why are you so slow?
30:33Let go of him.
30:36Oh, my God.
30:37Isn't this bullying?
30:39Isn't this?
30:40Where is the Japanese fleet?
30:42Replying to the emperor,
30:43their fleet is now in the sea of ​​Renchuan, Lushun and Weihai.
30:47I can't find the exact location.
30:48How to fight if you can't find it?
30:50Order Ding Yongchang to find it quickly.
30:52Emperor, the map has been prepared for you.
30:55Since the court has declared war on the Japanese pirates,
30:57we should send the Beiyang Navy to the port of Hengbin,
30:59a long-term port of interest to Japan,
31:01and set the first line of defense at the door of the enemy.
31:05It's a good idea.
31:08It's a pity that Li Hongzhang is too superstitious about the foreigners.
31:11He thought he could avoid the war by taking political positions.
31:16As a result, the Japanese pirates controlled the Renchuan Sea of ​​North Korea.
31:19Our army lost the opportunity.
31:23I repeatedly reminded Li Hongzhang
31:25not to be superstitious about the foreigners.
31:28But he just didn't listen.
31:30He really fell into the trap.
31:32Emperor, you don't have to be too anxious.
31:34At present, in addition to adding troops from land,
31:38Emperor, please delay Li Hongzhang and the Beiyang Navy
31:42to go out of the sea quickly to find a chance to fight.
31:45I think so, too.
31:48But the soldiers are outside.
31:51The military order is not accepted.
31:53Emperor, does Li Hongzhang dare to disobey the imperial edict?
31:58In my opinion, we'd better leave Li Hongzhang alone.
32:01Let the emperor direct this war directly.
32:05I, Ding Ruchang, the commander of the Beiyang Navy,
32:09and the whole army,
32:12will guard the sea port and force the enemy to be fierce,
32:15and wait for the opportunity to fight.
32:17You don't want to live.
32:18Anyone who goes out of the sea,
32:20we will follow the military order.
32:26The Empress Dowager has arrived.
32:31The Empress Dowager is here.
32:32Hurry up.
32:36Greetings to the Empress Dowager.
32:53What are you doing?
32:55The Empress Dowager...
32:57The parrot is missing.
32:59I'm looking for it everywhere with the servants.
33:03The Japanese have come to the door.
33:06It's chaotic outside and chaotic at home.
33:10The foreigners make trouble and the servants make trouble.
33:13You just toss it.
33:14Sooner or later, our home will be in the hands of the Japs.
33:20Hurry up and find it.
33:33The Empress Dowager has arrived.
33:37Greetings to my father.
33:41Greetings to the Empress Dowager.
33:44Get up.
33:45Thank you, Empress Dowager.
33:48Empress Dowager, I found the parrot.
33:51Empress Dowager, I found the parrot.
34:08Xiao Li Zi.
34:10You taught me well.
34:14No, I...
34:21I'll beat you.
34:24Please forgive me, Empress Dowager.
34:27Hurry up.
34:29Please forgive me, Empress Dowager.
34:35Your Majesty.
34:37It's just a bird, a small matter.
34:40The servants don't know the seriousness.
34:43I remember Li Hongzhang once said
34:46that the Empress Dowager's matter is not a small matter.
34:49The servants made a mistake,
34:51but they are still filial.
34:53Please don't be angry.
34:58All right.
34:59Since His Majesty said so,
35:01then forget it.
35:05Hurry up and write.
35:08Thank you, Empress Dowager.
35:09Thank you, Your Majesty.
35:19Seeing you working day and night,
35:22my heart aches.
35:24Your Majesty.
35:26Although you are young,
35:28you still have to pay attention to your health.
35:30The war
35:32is not over in a day or two.
35:34Don't underestimate it.
35:38The Governor of Shandong is here.
35:49You guys go ahead.
35:51I won't bother you anymore.
35:58Seeing you off, Empress Dowager.
36:04Li Bingheng, the Governor of Shandong,
36:07reported that Ding Ruchang retreated to defend the enemy
36:09and misplaced military supplies.
36:10Please identify him.
36:12I think
36:14what Li Bingheng said makes a lot of sense.
36:16If we kill Ding Ruchang,
36:18we can intimidate those who are afraid of the Japanese pirates.
36:21Therefore, our Qing Dynasty is loyal to our soldiers.
36:28Pass on my decree.
36:30The navy commander, Ding Ruchang,
36:32promised to retreat
36:34and live in seclusion.
36:36He will be dismissed and punished.
36:38He ordered the Beiyang Navy
36:40to go to the front line
36:41to look for the Japanese pirates.
36:42Before that,
36:43he will build a pirate ship outside the state gate
36:45to attack the Japanese pirates.
36:46Pass on my decree.
36:52The emperor wants us to go to the front line.
36:54The governor wants us to stay.
36:57Who should we listen to?
37:00you have to come up with an idea.
37:01Bu Chan,
37:02don't force the soldiers.
37:05on the one hand, it's hard to disobey the emperor's order.
37:07On the other hand, the Beiyang Navy is the highest commander.
37:09Isn't it difficult for us to be in the middle?
37:11According to me,
37:12no one listens to me.
37:13The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly.
37:15What should we do?
37:16It should be decided by our fleet.
37:19It can't be talked nonsense
37:21by the ignorant scholars like the capital.
37:23The enemy has come to the gate.
37:25Not only the emperor,
37:26but also the navy and the pirates
37:28are eager to fight.
37:30It's bad to say that.
37:31The emperor doesn't know,
37:32but you should know.
37:34We use the enemy's
37:35real strength in technical equipment
37:36to fight blindly.
37:38It's a big loss.
37:40Governor Fang, stop fighting.
37:41The more chaotic, the more chaotic.
37:42Soldiers, say something.
37:44We listen to you.
37:50Listen to the emperor.
38:27the enemy is found in the left cave.
38:38Keep the formation.
38:42Keep the formation.
39:03The enemy is in the right direction.
39:05The enemy is in the right direction.
39:12keep the formation.
39:18The enemy is here.
39:21Come here.
39:26The enemy is here.
39:33Come on, come on, come on.
39:39Come here.
39:42Come on, okay.
39:50拳速前进 准备战斗 保持航向 拳速前进 准备战斗
40:05保持航向 拳速前进 保持航向 拳速前进
40:12Keep heading forward at full speed!
40:24Order all cannons to turn to the east and cover the flagship!
40:28Yes, sir!
40:56Are you all right?
41:12Comrades, go back to the camp
41:15Yes, sir
41:17Comrades, go back to the camp
41:21I'm the commander of the Ghost Army
41:22I'm in charge of the battle
41:25How can I sneak in the camp?
41:30Comrades, the Ghost Army is going to die
41:34Okay, I'll sit here
41:39and see how you kill the Japs
41:42You just sit here
41:43and see how we kill the Japs
41:45Comrades, follow me
41:47Yes, sir
41:50Concentrate fire and shoot hard
