Hollyoaks 28th June 2024

  • 3 months ago
Hollyoaks 28th June 2024
00:00You're supposed to write about me, the things I've done to you, the ways I've hurt you, and I'll never hurt you again.
00:05Only the job starts in a couple of days.
00:07I'm ready for a new life. I want to move to Scotland.
00:11Whatever it is Warren is up to, I need to know.
00:16Is it all this? For our baby?
00:18He wants you to have a safe, secure home.
00:21I don't know, maybe Warren's a changed man after Hunter died.
00:24Since you killed him, you mean?
00:26I just need some more time to think.
00:29Don't lie, don't. If you won't help me get rid of him, then I'll do it myself.
01:46Is it okay?
01:47It's gonna be okay.
01:50There's been a shooting.
01:52Hollyoaks Village. You need to send help. Now.
01:57I love you.
01:59Seriously guys, get a room.
02:01Sorry, but we have some exciting news.
02:05What news?
02:06We are moving to Scotland.
02:10Scott what?
02:11Edinburgh. Zane's got a job in a new mosque.
02:14Edinburgh's amazing.
02:19I'm sorry. I'm really happy for you guys, I am.
02:26Staying here with Donny, Vicky and Aja is gonna be weird.
02:28Staying? You're coming with us.
02:35I told you he's been shot. So are you coming or not?
02:40Warren? Warren, are you okay?
02:42Oh, my chest.
02:43Oh, we need to get you to the hospital.
02:45I'm fine.
02:46I heard shots. What happened?
02:48Someone pulled up on a bike.
02:51Started shooting.
02:52What? And you're not hurt?
02:55I've racked up a lot of enemies recently.
02:59So it's up to cautious.
03:01Smart boy.
03:09Could you give me a call when you get this? I'm sorry you've not been in touch.
03:16I thought we were going to the shop, not doing the hundred metre sprint.
03:19What was so important on this shopping spree that you had to drag me out of the house?
03:22I need to speak to you about all this Nancy mess. In private.
03:25Well, there wouldn't be a mess if you weren't fighting with Nancy.
03:28Hannah, she threw my daughter down the stairs. What do you want me to do? Roll out the red carpet?
03:32Mum, Nancy's not a monster.
03:34Oscar doesn't even want to live with her.
03:36Look, I need your support on this.
03:40You have it.
03:42And I need to know that it's over between you and Mr. Midlife Crisis.
03:48For Cindy's sake.
03:49Of course we are.
03:51How is Cindy?
03:52Well, she's devastated and who can blame her?
03:55What would you feel if your fellow was going off with some sleazy escort?
03:59Some escort to PhDs?
04:02STDs more like.
04:04So if you were seeing him whilst he was getting jiggy with some lady of the night, you need to get yourself checked.
04:09I will.
04:10And I need to know if it's over or not.
04:13Yes, I've told you for the hundredth time, it's over.
04:16Okay, I need to go to work, Mum. I love you.
04:18I love you too.
04:19Hannah, me and Darren are under a lot of pressure at the minute.
04:24So no more dodgy behaviour.
04:32Dylan, I promise you, there's so much to see and do in Edinburgh.
04:36There's the castle, the Fringe Festival, the National Gallery, which is stunning.
04:42Those dungeons.
04:43You guys are really selling it to me.
04:45Guys, there's been a shooting in the village.
04:47What? Who?
04:49I don't know. I'm going to find out, though, okay?
04:51Hopefully it's not too serious. I'm sure I'd have heard from someone at work.
04:55Well, if that's not a sign we're making the right choice.
04:58Guys, I love that you're grabbing life and going after your dreams.
05:03Zane, especially after your health scare, but this is your dream, not mine.
05:11Soak it up and have the time of your lives, but I'm staying.
05:16I made a promise to your mother that I'd make sure you see your education through.
05:21So you're saying I have to go?
05:23I'm saying this is what's best for you.
05:25A whole world of new experiences, opportunities, new friends.
05:31Why on earth would you want to give that up?
05:33Because my life is here, in this village.
05:35It's ridiculous. You've got no ties here.
05:38I have Lucas.
05:40And I'm not leaving him.
05:47If something's the matter, you can talk to me.
05:51I won't tell anyone.
05:53I'm okay.
05:58How's it hanging?
06:00Well, apart from the fact we have an old custom called knocking.
06:03Have you lot heard what happened in the village?
06:06Someone tried to assassinate Warren Fox.
06:10Is he dead?
06:12Er, looks like he had a lucky escape.
06:15I guess all the bad guys do.
06:19So, what can we do for you?
06:22There's a leak on the boat. Water everywhere.
06:24Should be sorted by tomorrow morning.
06:26I just need a place to crash for tonight.
06:28Right, well, right now's not a good time, alright?
06:31Freddie's family.
06:32This gaff's been flooding and there's a murder on the loose.
06:35Give the guy a break.
06:37Yeah, you know what? You're right.
06:40One night, okay?
06:43Come here.
06:45So, erm...
06:48What do you know about this shooting, then, eh?
06:50First I've heard of it, why?
06:52Well, apart from the fact that you hate Warren's guts
06:55and you got previous as a wannabe gangster.
06:59Does it mean I want to kill the guy?
07:07What's in the bag, then?
07:09Clothes and a toothbrush.
07:12Alright, mate, we've got a lot of drama in this house right now
07:15and we don't need any more.
07:17Got it?
07:26You need to stay back behind the line.
07:28Stop. Calm down. Calm down.
07:32You were dead.
07:33Do you care? You've been missing me for months.
07:35Of course I care.
07:37I opened up to you about my Lizzie.
07:40Letting you in on my deep...
07:42Why would I do that?
07:43Because I thought we had a connection.
07:45We do have a genuine connection, Dave.
07:49Why did you tell Cindy that you slept with a prostitute?
07:53Is that what you think of me?
07:54Well, you care about cash.
07:56You're nothing but a cold-blooded money-grabbing...
07:59What? What am I?
08:02I told Cindy...
08:04What am I?
08:06I told Cindy that I slept with a prostitute
08:09because that's what you are.
08:12Someone just shot Warren Fox.
08:15Yeah, yeah, it's a black motorcycle,
08:17but it all happened so fast, I didn't get the reg.
08:20Pull up some cars.
08:22See if anyone's got any information.
08:24Of course.
08:25But you do realise this could have been any number of people?
08:29Just give me a name. I'll do the rest.
08:31Do you mind if I should go see if he's OK?
08:36I need to take a statement.
08:38I don't talk to coppers.
08:40That's fine by me.
08:41Warren, just do a statement.
08:43I said no.
08:44What if they come back tonight?
08:45They won't.
08:46OK, well, they'll hit you up in broad daylight.
08:48They clearly mean business.
08:50They want you dead.
08:51If they want me, they know where I am.
08:53You don't care, right?
08:57What's that supposed to mean?
08:59What do they want?
09:02Fraser's cash.
09:04We need to talk.
09:13Right, how about a nice cup of tea to calm everyone down?
09:16We've got packing to get on with.
09:18Guys, can we please just talk?
09:20Resolve our differences?
09:22I'm not breaking up with Lucas.
09:23Oh, funny that.
09:24Last week you said you had broken up.
09:26Oh, yeah, to get you off my back.
09:28So you lied to me.
09:29He probably didn't want you worrying.
09:31Well, I am worried, Zane.
09:33Lucas has been through a massive trauma
09:35and he's not ready to be in a relationship,
09:37and neither is Dylan.
09:39What are you talking about?
09:41I love him.
09:42You're 17.
09:44You don't know what love is.
09:47I know that Lucas puts a smile on my face every time I think of him.
09:50My heart bursts when I see him.
09:52I feel safe with him.
09:53Everything you feel when you're with Zane, right?
09:59Yes, that's right.
10:00That is why I am moving to Scotland with him.
10:03For some reason you need me to come with you.
10:05You're still a child.
10:07It's my job to care for you.
10:09You're not my mum.
10:10I'm your legal guardian.
10:11And I'm sorry it has to be like this, Dylan,
10:14but you're coming with us whether you like it or not.
10:30How long are we going to be closed for?
10:32As long as it takes forensics to do their work.
10:38When Hunter died, I wanted to hurt you.
10:42Go on.
10:44Then I found out somebody else was doing it.
10:49Grace got in touch.
10:50I knew she was behind this.
10:52She's in jail, and I promise you she had nothing to do with this.
10:55Then there's someone close to her.
10:57I heard the news.
10:59Hope you're doing OK, fella.
11:01No, I'm OK.
11:03I don't even know you.
11:04Sorry, sorry, he's just still in shock.
11:12What did Grace say to you about the money?
11:14That it was her dad's and she wanted it back.
11:17She wanted me to help her get it.
11:19And then we'd stop you from ever hurting my family again.
11:23You were going to help Grace try and kill me.
11:26I've got to go.
11:30That's why you helped me get off the hook for beating up Dave.
11:33Because I was desperate.
11:35You have been conning me all this time.
11:37You wanted me dead.
11:39Because of Hunter.
11:41But today, today, everything has changed.
11:44What does that even mean?
11:57Right, listen, Zoe.
11:59Word on the street is, yeah,
12:01shooter pulls up next to Warren on a bike,
12:03shoots him twice, and the guy's back on his feet already.
12:06That guy's like the Terminator or something.
12:09What's the story?
12:11Have you heard about all that Warren goss?
12:13Yeah, it's insane.
12:14Is that what you want me to talk to you about?
12:16No, there's other breaking news.
12:18What's the breaking news?
12:20I don't know.
12:22Is that what you want me to talk to you about?
12:24No, there's other breaking news.
12:26Misba and Zayn are moving to Edinburgh.
12:29Yeah, Misba wants me to move with them.
12:32It's ridiculous, isn't it?
12:33I mean, if it's any consolation, Dylan,
12:35I think you'd look absolutely fabulous in a kilt.
12:39Right, well, I'll just leave you guys to it, then.
12:45Lucas, I'm just as angry as you are.
12:47Wait, so that's it? You're actually going to go?
12:49No, I'm just telling you what Misba told me.
12:51Lucas, I don't want to lose you.
12:53I don't either.
12:54So what do I do?
12:55You need to tell Misba. Just talk her out of it.
13:01You took your time, didn't you?
13:03Finally, a bit of excitement round here.
13:05Warren just got shot.
13:08He's alive.
13:10You want it to me?
13:12That's why I've been texting you non-stop.
13:14Dave's back.
13:15Right, so what are you saying?
13:17You want to get back in the game?
13:18No, that's not what I'm saying, Robbie.
13:19I don't know, do I? What do you need?
13:20A friend.
13:21I've been taking care of Lexi, OK?
13:22A kid you hardly know.
13:23She's my niece, and she's vulnerable.
13:25I'm vulnerable!
13:27Hannah, I've been at your beck and call 24-7, yeah?
13:29Rocking up your mess for mums, and what thanks have I got?
13:33Do you know what? Forget it.
13:34All right, well, do one, then.
13:36Listen, if you're going to make me pick between someone like you and my niece,
13:39then I choose Lexi every time.
13:45Are you kidding me?
13:47Two bullets fired and you've only managed to find one?
13:50Round of applause for the Deep Valley Police.
13:52Round of applause for whoever tried to kill Warren.
13:54What did you say?
13:55Look, if you want to help us catch whoever did this,
13:57how about you stop having a go at me
13:59and talk to your son about helping us with the investigation?
14:01Because relying on the police to solve anything around here
14:04is a complete waste of time.
14:05So, thanks. We'll sort it ourselves.
14:07Norma, whoever did this is probably on their way out of the country.
14:10How about you just let us do our jobs?
14:21When you said today changed everything,
14:23what did you mean?
14:25Before, I got your keys and went to Cindy's old place.
14:30I went to find proof that the drugs that Lizzie and Hunter took were from you.
14:35But Norma caught me, so I didn't find anything.
14:39I didn't find anything.
14:41I didn't find anything.
14:43But Norma caught me, so I didn't find anything.
14:48But I found Project K.
14:53When did you do all that?
14:56After Lizzie and Hunter.
14:59I didn't want any more innocent kids getting hurt.
15:04Trying to make up for all the pain that I'd caused.
15:08I just want for you and the babies to have somewhere secure and safe to live.
15:15I thought you hated me.
15:17I know that things have been crazy since the crash.
15:20And I have done things that I regret.
15:24But I have never stopped loving you.
15:27Look, I have hated not having you in my life.
15:32And I still hate you for what you did to Hunter.
15:36But deep down I hoped that that loving man I fell for was still in there.
15:45When I saw that room.
15:48What you did for these babies.
15:53I realised that he was.
15:57Why can't we just be together?
16:01There is a hundred reasons why.
16:03Name one.
16:04Really? You never made the bed.
16:06I'm a great bed maker.
16:07Well you chose not to.
16:10My family hate you.
16:11And we'd end up tearing each other's hair out.
16:13Oh, I don't know.
16:17So do you want to do it?
16:19Move in together.
16:21Our very own little love nest.
16:23Petrol and fire don't go together.
16:29We can never.
16:35Will you bring the world to me?
16:45Someone just called the club.
16:46The black bike has been spotted.
16:48What? And what?
16:50Now be careful.
16:58Can you believe this happened on our doorstep?
17:00Well, the more reason to get out of here.
17:03Once we get news on the apartment I've viewed,
17:05we can sort out a removals company.
17:10Are you sure you're still up for this?
17:14Why wouldn't I be?
17:16Because I saw your face when Denham was saying how much you looked Lucas.
17:21And if I'm honest, I still doubt.
17:28We'd both be lying if we said our marriage was perfect recently.
17:32But as your wife, I promise you,
17:34I'm more determined than ever to make this work.
17:38And putting down roots in a new and exciting place like Edinburgh,
17:43it's just the start.
17:45Well, I don't want you to come to Scotland with me out of some sense of duty.
17:49I'm coming with you because I love you.
17:52And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make our marriage work.
17:57You guys not packing?
17:58Oh, some loose ends to tie up first.
18:01Then Dylan's throwing a spanner in the works about going.
18:04He's a teenager. It'll take time.
18:07Once he settles, he'll love it up there.
18:12Rental agency.
18:15You're terrible about the shooting, eh?
18:18Yeah. Shocking.
18:25Don't leave.
18:26Don't leave.
18:27Hey, you're doing the right thing.
18:30Am I gutted that you're gone?
18:32It's who I say I am.
18:34Am I going to try and talk you out of it?
18:37Absolutely not.
18:39But I wish you all the luck in the world.
18:41And I mean that from the heart.
18:45We got the apartment.
18:47No way.
18:49Congrats, guys.
18:52I can't believe it.
18:54We're moving.
19:35Wadden, how are you doing?
19:37Who is this?
19:38Oh, just a message, yeah?
19:40Yeah? Well, I've got a message for your boss.
19:43Tell him that I'm coming for him.
19:46What, you think this is funny?
19:48You think it's what a curse he called me?
19:50Oh, so it was you who called the club?
19:53So what's this about Fraser's money?
19:55You might have touched a bullet today, Wadden,
19:57but next time you won't be so lucky.
20:01What, you want to shoot me?
20:06Go on, then.
20:09Do it.
20:12Do it!
20:15You know what I think?
20:17I don't think you've got the ball.
20:21The boss will be in touch.
20:24So who's your boss?
20:26Come on, what are you scared of?
20:28Who is it?
20:30You'll see.
20:36It better be good, cos I'm not in the mood.
20:53I've had to lie low for the night.
20:55I'm being blackmailed for ten grand.
20:57If they tell my family I'm a prostitute, my life is over.
21:04I got to the bank, but all I found was a ringing phone.
21:08That anonymous tip-off.
21:10It was a trap.
21:12You know, I did find Mercedes snooping around in here, but...
21:15She's not here.
21:17Me and Mercedes are in a much better place.
21:19Warren, we nearly lost you today.
21:21Your children nearly lost their father.
21:23We have got to find out who did this.
21:25I know who did this.
21:27But first we need to make sure that cash disappears.
21:30And we need to make sure it disappears properly this time.
21:33And then?
21:34And then, tomorrow,
21:37I'm going to make sure Freddie Roscoe disappears.
21:45No, no, no.
22:15Oh, my God.
22:45I'm going to make sure Freddie Roscoe disappears.