• 4 months ago
00:01:46World War two was in its fifth vicious year of conflict
00:01:50The German war machine controlled by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party had a stranglehold over much of Europe
00:01:57From the Atlantic coast of France to the Russian Urals
00:02:00Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler was head of an armed division called the Waffen SS
00:02:06who were responsible for brutal crimes against humanity the Waffen SS were ruthless and
00:02:13indoctrinated Nazis who fought in the front lines alongside the regular army many of who were not Nazis and
00:02:19despised the inhuman treatment
00:02:21Inflicted on civilians by the SS as a result the relationship between the two was often hostile
00:02:29Himmler also controlled a pseudoscientific
00:02:32Institute of the SS known as the Annenerbe
00:02:35which was dedicated to researching the
00:02:37archaeological and cultural history of the Aryan race a special division of which was responsible for
00:02:44investigating the use of occult forces for the Third Reich
00:02:491944 the tide in Europe had turned the German army was in full retreat through Romania ahead of the massed ranks
00:02:57pursuing Russian Red
00:03:35Russian execution squad
00:03:38Three SS also the kill yes, that's bastards. There's still German soldiers
00:04:58Fucking rapist
00:05:55The blood rush we need pressure
00:07:48Did anyone see that in Cape feedie bastard
00:07:51I'd like to see a man happy as work
00:07:54Those that's a scum deserved it. No one should be killed like that
00:08:00Don't worry Dieter, no Russian cartridge could ever penetrate your skull. It's too damn thick
00:08:05Maybe it could it won't reach his brains too nice small. She's an 18 millimeter
00:10:15You see major pleasure
00:10:24Curious what would like to see you sir
00:10:32Urgently sir
00:11:33Look terrible
00:11:35All intents and purposes good. I'm already dead my body. However has yet to appreciate the fact that I'm replacing you
00:11:43It's no one to replace me with
00:11:46HQ's withdrawing the offensive is coming if we're lucky. It'll be in days
00:11:50It's any precaution, of course as I have every confidence our frontline will hold
00:11:59You know major Metzger
00:12:05Gentlemen please be seated
00:12:16You lost a man today trauma
00:12:20Pity we all have to make sacrifices for the greater good. Who's greater good. I
00:12:27Want you to lead a mission
00:12:28one that is
00:12:30Slightly out of the ordinary. Are you familiar with the forest of Hoya virtue a
00:12:36Little what do you know?
00:12:38That is behind enemy lines as a result of yet another well-planned strategic withdrawal
00:12:44and the stories of course
00:12:49You're not afraid of ghosts
00:12:51Are you major?
00:12:53The living scare me more. You're going into the forest major and
00:12:58You will be escorting a civilian a scientist actually for what purpose?
00:13:05You will take this civilian to a specific location within the forest then make your way back to our lines
00:13:12This civilian must be returned unharmed. Is that clear?
00:13:17Nothing is clear. You said yourself the offensive is starting within days. The colonel asked you a specific question major
00:13:24And what does that lunatic have to do with this suicide mission?
00:13:27May I remind you he is a major in the SS and must be treated with respect
00:13:44Don't know. Yes. Yes. All right. Show him in the lady, sir
00:13:56Professor couple
00:13:58Forgive me. I was expecting a man naturally Colonel. Sorry to disappoint you
00:14:02May I introduce major Metsko? There's certainly no disappointment on my part professor
00:14:08Your presence on this little escapade will make it that much less dull and major flash
00:14:16This is a civilian
00:14:19You want me to escort this woman 20 miles behind enemy lines. Do you know what the Russians will do to her?
00:14:24She's captured you have your orders major. This is madness colonel. I
00:14:30do not presume to tell you your duty, but
00:14:34I've had men hanged for less. I
00:14:37Thought you only hanged children major
00:14:41You were lucky enough to get away with treason once stopping you butchers doing your work is not treason
00:14:48Are you questioning your orders gentlemen, please? We shouldn't reprimand the major for being overprotective of his charge
00:14:54Respect professor. It is not your decision to make
00:15:02Read this, please
00:15:10You saw the signature
00:15:13Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler major Metzger
00:15:18Which means it is my decision. And yes, we will be successful in our endeavors
00:15:24Isn't that so major Metzger?
00:15:26Naturally professor major Metzger will be accompanying us in order to ensure everything runs smoothly
00:15:32Colonel who's in command of this mission as long as you follow your orders
00:15:36You are major and your orders are to get me to where I want to go and get me back
00:15:43Otherwise, I'm sure major Metzger will be content to assume the responsibilities and bearing in mind
00:15:49The signature on this piece of paper, I'm sure we're all aware of the implications of failure
00:16:02Get some sleep professor we'll be rising early
00:16:20Don't know
00:16:42We have patchy forest
00:16:45This whole mission is crazy
00:16:47We should not be taking women behind enemy lines. It's not the Russians. We should be worried about
00:16:52Not on this trip
00:16:53What's he talking about?
00:16:56Nothing. There was a whole company of paratroopers vanishing into thin air. Nothing
00:17:02That's ridiculous it didn't happen what didn't happen
00:17:07It was in 42 come on Nick a company
00:17:11Parachuted into the way by two forest at night forest and I
00:17:16No wonder they
00:17:18Disappear see the pilot fucked up. He got lost
00:17:21Kick them out before their intended position
00:17:24Only one of them's ever seen again a sergeant
00:17:27Pardon to the rest
00:17:29the sergeant
00:17:31No longer speak. He was too old
00:17:34Still wearing the same uniform, but he dazed 80 years in three days
00:17:37But I've aged eight years just listen to this stupid story
00:17:42Forest is possessed now. That is crazy. Maybe not so much
00:17:47North American Indians believe in forest spirits
00:17:50Forest spirits good and bad right Roth exactly
00:17:54You take the form of little hairy men generally they are good natured, but sometimes they throw stones at you
00:18:00maybe sticks
00:18:03Suppose you think that's funny
00:18:07The forest is possessed we're going with the right person. What do you know Carl the woman she's a scientist a professor of some group
00:18:16Tell us
00:18:18She's from the other Nabi
00:18:25What's an enemy the other Nabi is a myth it doesn't exist nothing so ridiculous could exist
00:18:37What is it him that's a cult department, what's a cult how come you haven't shot your own foot off with that rifle yet
00:18:46What are they looking for what does it matter whatever it is there is all be the same
00:18:58Direct orders from him who cares who gives the order because if anyone returns from this mission alive and doesn't have what him no once
00:19:08What lieutenant Emily doesn't like failure
00:19:20We'll be with those we have long missed
00:19:49Lieutenant you know what we're looking for in the forest you speak to me again, and I'll cut your throat open
00:20:26She's the professor Christ, I know I should have studied more
00:20:33This is where we're going
00:20:36We'll cross here
00:20:38Intelligence reports have been quiet there for three days now
00:20:41It's the best we've got from there. It's five miles to the forest. I would have been the trees before dawn
00:20:47We only engage the enemy if it's absolutely necessary clear yes, sir
00:20:56This mission it doesn't make any sense well that matters is we get there and get back
00:21:01I don't want any of my men killed as a result of this madness
00:21:03We get there do as we ordered and we get out, that's it
00:22:31Do exposed
00:23:10Where are you from lieutenant?
00:23:13I'm from Potsdam. You know
00:23:17Last week I doused 15 Romanian Jews in petrol and set some alight
00:23:22Some took 30 minutes to die
00:23:25Many were children
00:23:27Do you want to know where I come from now?
00:23:30You even know where you do these things
00:23:32Because I am strong and they are weak
00:23:34You're a German soldier. You should know this I would rather shoot myself and commit such an atrocity
00:23:41Why don't I save Germany's a bullet?
00:23:44Let me one of those again, and I'll go
00:24:05See I told you this forest is possessed no, it's not
00:24:32Major there's nothing lieutenant
00:25:02You're angry with me no
00:25:04I'm sorry
00:25:07It doesn't matter
00:25:09I'm a soldier and I take orders
00:25:12You needn't worry professor. I will get you to your objective in the meantime. Why don't you remain with you little SS friend?
00:25:21They are not
00:25:35Tank Panther identity papers. No, sir. Only this
00:25:47German clothing good Taylor expensive
00:25:55Good God
00:26:07Jesus Christ
00:26:10Come on professor, let's get you out of here
00:26:15It's all right
00:26:22Who is he someone with the initials BD
00:26:28You recognize this
00:26:30Do these initials mean something to you?
00:26:33You seem distressed professor
00:26:38Do I?
00:26:40May come as some surprise to you major, but it's not every day that I see a man
00:26:44We went over by a tank. This man wasn't one over professor. Don't be ridiculous. Just look at him. How else would this happen?
00:26:52How could a tank enter here?
00:26:54It's around about trees like it was just dropped from the sky
00:27:15If you say it's to work out the climb, isn't that solid
00:27:21Was being disrespectful to you professor, I'm going to teach him a lesson in manners leave him I said leave him
00:27:29How is he being disrespectful?
00:27:32He made a comment about your
00:27:34Well about you professor. I see
00:27:39Well, I'm very fortunate to return the head of such a handsome young man, but professor on your way lieutenant
00:27:49Why do you carry that bullet
00:27:54Come there must be a reason it has my name on it. I engraved it myself. Why?
00:28:02Meet me an idiot
00:28:08Thought if I had the bullet with my name on it, then no one else would that's very clever
00:28:14Would you do one for me
00:31:33Good how do you cut your arm like that without damaging the tunic? You're the scientist you told me
00:31:39I'm sorry about your man. That man would still be alive. It wasn't for you in this insane mission
00:31:46I want to know what we're doing in this forest. This has to be done. It's our orders
00:31:51Why to satisfy your bosses how many more men have to die to gratify their stinking ideology?
00:32:02Those Russians are scared of what's out there? I don't know
00:32:19Remember what I told you
00:32:39I think you're forgetting your orders major, please release him
00:32:48Shall we proceed
00:33:03Will be dark in a couple of hours Eric we need to push on so then it's
00:33:16Believe in the soul, don't you both?
00:33:19Yes, I do
00:33:21When you die, you think you come face to face with all those who killed all those souls
00:33:27That would be a little awkward
00:33:29So you think they'd be angry with you?
00:33:32You think they'd seek retribution
00:33:34You'd be dead they couldn't kill you again, so I
00:33:38Wouldn't worry. I've been having this dream. I am dead
00:33:42Surrounded by all the souls of the lives. I've taken
00:33:45Clawing at me smothering me. You think that's what hell is. No
00:33:50This is hell. We're in it. If you die on this trip, you'll be going somewhere better
00:33:56Would you be angry with the person who killed you?
00:34:00If somebody killed me fair and square man to man, that's war
00:34:04I shake the man's hand to be done with it
00:34:07What if it wasn't fair?
00:34:09What if you felt you'd been killed and justly would you want to redress the balance?
00:34:14We should get going
00:34:18With luck will be on our objective by midday tomorrow
00:34:25To wait and see
00:34:27No, I know she's full of surprises so it's seen
00:34:56You know him
00:34:59Are you sure he recognized you professor? Why would he attack you?
00:35:06He's gonna be mad. Where's your come on Colonel?
00:35:10What are you doing here? Release me. It must go back. It must be returned
00:35:15Why did you take this woman? You have just received a direct order from a senior officer major
00:35:21You cannot treat an SS Colonel like a common criminal. Where did you come from?
00:35:36So I'd see the role for the major so
00:35:50Ackerman's orders come with me
00:35:57His name was Ackerman and he had the same orders as me only he was escorting professor Dietrich professor burn Dietrich BD
00:36:05Ring any bells? No
00:36:07professor Dietrich for the honor be
00:36:10Now I'm gonna take a wild guess the man crushed by the tank was Dietrich Ackerman attacked you because he liked his shitty mission
00:36:16About as much as I do the first mission failed. So you thought what the hell?
00:36:20Let's send some more good men to the meat grinder. That's not true
00:36:25Sometimes one is forced into a situation beyond their control
00:36:28I never wanted this to drag you into it
00:36:31But I had no choice you have to do what they want if you don't then
00:36:42Yes, I met with Colonel Ackerman three weeks ago
00:36:46with my superiors
00:36:49with my friend burnt
00:36:52Professor Dietrich
00:36:56Knew that the forest was going to be overrun with Russians at any time and they were desperate and they sent burnt in
00:37:02With Ackerman and a group of SS. What are you people after?
00:37:06What's gonna sound crazy to you? Tell me?
00:37:11Burnt was studying the existence of proto Aryans. There are pure race from whom the German people are supposedly evolved
00:37:20Eventually, he lost all sight of reality and his theories became more outlandish theories
00:37:27That the German people were the descendants of a race of Aryan godmen
00:37:31Aryan godmen
00:37:33superhuman beings with immense psychic ability
00:37:37The Anunnaba is a breeding ground for madness. You wouldn't believe it Kurt
00:37:42Their aim is to recreate the godman a new species how by interbreeding those of pure Aryan stock
00:37:50over hundreds of years
00:37:52Towards the end Burnt's mind verged on the psychotic. You see
00:37:56He came to believe that the godman still existed that it would be possible to communicate with them and you believe all this shit
00:38:03Jesus Christ
00:38:06What are you gonna do
00:38:09What were Ackerman's orders I
00:38:12demand to know
00:38:13Lieutenant we're heading back. Get ready
00:38:16Private get down. Sir. What do you mean?
00:38:18We have not reached our destination. We have not completed the mission
00:38:24Professor what's happening? Why are we going back? We are not going back. Watch us
00:38:41Warned you I
00:38:45Will have you shot for this I
00:38:48Hear the SS have psychic abilities. Isn't that right major?
00:38:53So tell me you're going to die now or not
00:38:57If we return now without completing our mission Himmler will have us all shot
00:39:01Show no mercy you your men major Metzger me we'll all die
00:39:08You may not care about yourself. But the only way to keep your men alive is to get us to those coordinates. I
00:39:15Don't know about you major, but personally I'd really like to live to see the end of this war
00:39:35Don't tell me you believe this madness
00:39:37I don't know what to believe major
00:39:39But if it's true if these beings didn't exist and we could communicate with them, would you want him there to start the conversation?
00:39:45Let's get something 100% clear lieutenant. Whatever anyone says the Third Reich is finished
00:39:50We'll be lucky to have a nation left once the Russians are finished with us
00:39:54You know something?
00:39:55In a way, that's good
00:39:57You know what my worst nightmares that Germany win this war and people like Metzger prevail that would be truly unbearable
00:40:04All I want to do is get this job done get the hell out of this forest
00:40:27Think so
00:41:02Got major it's that Russian girl I chased
00:41:13Just she's been dead over a week this doesn't make any sense
00:41:40I know she killed Carl, but
00:41:46What terrible way to die?
00:41:48One second she was there the next she was gone
00:41:52There's nothing you could do wasn't your fault. No professor
00:41:56You don't understand
00:41:58She turned to dust right in front of my eyes
00:42:03She just burned up
00:42:06You believe me don't you
00:42:09The others
00:42:11They think it was the head on my head, but I know what I saw
00:42:15I do
00:42:21Come we must go
00:42:28Well, I've never asked you this before I've always thought it to be your business such
00:42:35What do you say to them, you know
00:42:38the dying and the dead I
00:42:43Tell them that death is rebirth
00:42:47They will go to those they have long missed
00:42:51Those that pass the other side before
00:42:55And you believe that
00:43:00Used to believe in heaven
00:43:04Now I'm not so sure
00:43:12When you die leave me a sign
00:43:15What leave me a sign?
00:43:17So I know everything is as you say is what sign I don't know
00:43:22Something only you could have left me
00:43:25Sarge I don't think that might be possible if what you're saying is true
00:43:32All right, I'll leave you this
00:43:35Hey, what makes you think I'm going to die before you
00:43:58Are you asleep?
00:44:11We've changed a lot in five years, I wouldn't recognize you
00:44:17Five years of war
00:44:20It's a lifetime obviously agrees with you a lot more fun these days I
00:44:28See your conversational skills haven't improved over time. I really I don't recall you complaining too much
00:44:36It's because the only way I could shut you up was by taking you to bed
00:44:40So you weren't in love with me. You're simply tired of my conversation
00:44:49They are kept by show you are
00:45:11You and professor teacher
00:45:17At the beginning, how did you know?
00:45:22Saw your face when you realized who he was
00:45:27He was already at the end of that
00:45:30You made it sound so exciting
00:45:34When I was involved I wanted to be with him
00:45:39And then it all changed I
00:45:43Saw your picture newspaper receiving the Knights cross from the fear I was most impressed
00:45:53Know that officially makes you a war hero
00:45:58Well these days they give it to war heroes you're paying the most civilians
00:46:04Takes the shine off a little
00:46:14Was something
00:46:20This is major what
00:46:26Where are they everywhere major
00:47:18With the Russians
00:47:21No one returned fire no one shot we need not worry ourselves about the Russians any longer
00:47:26What did you hear sergeant voices first whispering then screaming, but we didn't hear anything inside. What did they say?
00:47:32There was no language. I ever heard major
00:47:35People should get out of this forest as soon as we complete this mission
00:47:40Is there so major we've made it this far. We push on we get the job done and we get out fast
00:47:47All right, let's move
00:48:04Asked how much instead she was scared of what they were running from and did she enlighten you
00:48:14Scared of the voices
00:48:16She said that they needed to get out of the forest. She had sense
00:48:20We on the other hand to keep walking deeper into this forest like lambs to the slaughter
00:48:25We must have shot up at 200 pounds back there. You can't kill what isn't living
00:48:32You think they were ghosts of course you were what else could they be
00:48:38We've had a kill I told you before this forest is possessed
00:48:45Can't be true sighs no you saw recommend he was possessed
00:48:50He saw an attack the professor possessed by an enraged spirit. That's the only answer. It's crazy for sure
00:48:55Use your brain, you know sometimes
00:49:45Killed you you bastard you're dead
00:50:22Your dad
00:51:38Sorry my friend
00:51:58Young's not possible nevertheless it is his dagger
00:52:16Young's dog tags
00:52:18Maybe someone took them from young's body
00:52:22Use the knife to kill Nick
00:52:24Planted the dog tags. Why would anyone do that?
00:52:28very good lieutenant
00:52:30You're right in a way. It would have been a great pleasure of mine to execute sergeant
00:52:38Fact I had the intention of hanging him myself and I'll return
00:52:41However out here. I would say there's a great need to retain the men we have left. Don't you agree?
00:52:50Major massacre didn't do
00:52:53Nor with the knife. He's not good enough
00:53:00Possessed the forest
00:53:02It happened right in front of my eyes same thing happened to the Russian snipers and it happened to the Sarge
00:53:12You saw the ashes now listen all of you I
00:53:17Do not believe that a person can turn to ashes and mysteriously reappear
00:53:21I do not believe a forest can be possessed and I do not believe this place is inhabited by ghosts
00:53:29demons and hob fucking goblins
00:53:32So, let's get something straight
00:53:34Sergeant Lang died at the hands of a man. Let's get this supernatural shit out of your heads
00:53:40We have a mission to accomplish and the quicker we do this mission the quicker we get back to our lines
00:53:47So we move fast and we move in pairs. I don't want anyone left alone. Is that understood?
00:53:57Overlooking the obvious solution to this conundrum. What's that major private Bowne kill sergeant like
00:54:06He was the last to see him alive
00:54:08He was the last to leave the ravine. He could have easily taken the dagger and from what we've just heard. He is clearly
00:54:15Psychotic it's crazy. Why would he kill him for what reason that's the advantage of being psychotic
00:54:21One does not need an excuse
00:54:24Private Bowne has fought this war for so long. He cannot remember what came before it. It's all he knows
00:54:30He's lived with us fought with us and mourned with us. We are his family
00:54:36He would sooner kill himself then kill one of us. Is that clear enough for you major?
00:54:44He is your man major yes, he is
00:54:48Take the lead with not
00:54:53Private you're the professor
00:55:01Keep a watch on well
00:55:04You don't believe me it's good you sir
00:55:07Logically deeds is the obvious culprit
00:55:11Mexico's right there
00:55:13Christ Eric
00:55:15He wouldn't be the first person to go insane because of this war
00:55:18You've seen all this before but but Dieter
00:55:23Part of me hopes Mexico's right sir
00:55:29Because I don't like to think of the alternative
00:55:38Don't worry Peter. No one believes what he said
00:55:41Your flesh you put him straight didn't he there is some hostility between those two isn't there you could say that professor
00:55:52About four months ago the Russians approached us back to Bolsa the SS were killing as many Jews in the town as they could before
00:55:57the Russians arrived
00:55:59We found that scar hanging Jewish children from trees along the main road that runs through the town
00:56:0550 kids were hanging there
00:56:06So the major Tom that's good sister, of course he would so it ended with major flesh kicking
00:56:13Well, he beat him up quite badly
00:56:15The SS picked him up and charged him with treason
00:56:18Two weeks later the major turns up no explanations
00:56:23Private sure I thought that Colonel Swapper put in a good word
00:56:27You could always come and call to get reliable information
00:56:32Thought the Night's Cross probably help himself opinion on it. Did you know that?
00:56:57Check it
00:57:25Where did you get this uniform you're busted
00:57:30He's defiling the uniform of the SS it's a capital offense
00:57:41This man's not capable of dressing himself, he's far too frail someone dressed him in it. So I put the dog tags on
00:57:54Do you remember Nick story
00:57:57About the pirate yes, I
00:58:02I would advise you to keep the mouth shut
00:58:05The major won't thank you for it
00:58:07So tell me
00:58:08You know, I wouldn't question the major's orders
00:58:12this place
00:58:13Why why don't we just get out of here? Surely he can see
00:58:17That's right. Private. We follow major's orders. We complete our mission
00:58:48Saw you I saw you
00:59:22Jim looks like this is a couple of weeks old hasn't healed. Well
00:59:33It's the old man
00:59:36It's the same scar obviously taken
00:59:42Looks younger in this photograph. He's wearing an SS uniform
00:59:51He willingly defiled the SS uniform it was legitimate execution he was SS
01:00:01Can't be
01:00:03It is a different man upon our return. I will have you arrested for murder. And what exactly are you going to tell?
01:00:12Are we going to take the body back with us major lieutenant relieve major Metzger of his weapons. He's under arrest
01:00:25Heard a shot sir
01:00:27Lieutenant were leaving in five minutes. I would have made you on to his feet. Yes, sir a word
01:00:35Nicely done Rolf
01:00:39Don't believe that there was something in this forest at those coordinates something significant what
01:00:49All right an artifact a running
01:00:53Is that it?
01:00:54My men are dying for an ancient piece of junk. They want to put it in a museum
01:00:58I know this mission is absurd, but I've been thrown in this as well as you
01:01:04Do you really think I'm happy to be here for Christ's sakes?
01:01:11I'm just trying to keep my troop together. Keep my men alive
01:01:15That's all you can do what gives them the right to manipulate us
01:01:21Puppet masters making us dance into hell with wide grins on our faces
01:01:27All we can do is find the relic
01:01:31We must find it and get back. It's our only chance
01:01:38I've got a feeling someone or something doesn't want us to find it
01:02:00Sure, where are you Fletcher?
01:02:39All right, let's go private keep a close eye on him yes, sir
01:03:01What is it that you say to them private
01:03:03There's nothing that should concern you, please
01:03:06Tell me
01:03:08Just keep walking
01:03:11This is something to do with your heritage
01:03:15You know that like Minister Goebbels himself declared that the Sioux Indians are Aryans I
01:03:22How could such a mongolid race be compared to the German people?
01:03:28Did you whisper to your wife and child before they died oh
01:03:35of course
01:03:37They were raped and killed while you were away weren't they?
01:03:42Terrible thing war
01:03:44Not being able to stay at home and protect your family. How do you know this I?
01:03:49Know everything about you and your comrades
01:03:52It's my job to know I know that your grandmother was a red Indian whore and for some reason you decided to carry that stain
01:03:59like a trophy
01:04:01You're on to mention
01:04:04You are derived from an inferior
01:04:08And when we win this war
01:04:11We shall wipe you from the face of this earth I
01:04:16Am an officer in the SS
01:04:20You will not shoot me you are a piece of shit
01:06:11I hope it was those we got long next
01:06:31What happened to him, let's go
01:06:38Watch him
01:06:41Shoot him if he moves
01:06:49Now what happened to him don't you private you just too scared to say
01:06:58If it was Mexico, where's the body why didn't he just run?
01:07:05All right, so where does this leave us
01:07:11And now for my destination
01:07:13We get her there then what?
01:07:16What's the point of this mission sir I
01:07:19Think they're looking for this
01:07:28What the hell is it I
01:07:32Think they want to use this to communicate with the government
01:07:36Where did you get it do you trick
01:07:41You think they exist
01:07:43He's God man. I mean
01:07:46Whatever's doing this to us
01:07:48Isn't human that much I do know. I don't just turn back major
01:07:52because whatever happens
01:07:54This thing has not fallen to the hands of him and his pack of lunatics
01:08:00We find it we bury it
01:08:03Somewhere where no one can ever find it. How do we know it's there these coordinates?
01:08:08Because of teacher found it so can we he found it
01:08:13This is a field
01:08:16He didn't you always better the on and over
01:11:34Teeter bow
01:11:54You good shot Dieter Baum, that's she also
01:12:03You're dead
01:12:07Good weapon, I'll kill a lot of Germans with this
01:12:20There's a
01:12:44Admit it major you are floundering blundering your man dying all around you
01:12:51Would you like me to let you in on a little secret you're all going to die
01:12:57Do you know why?
01:13:00Because you're unbelievers you've given up you are weaklings and you'll be taken by the forest
01:13:22It's been shot in the leg
01:13:27There's multiple fractures he's fallen
01:13:38Jesus Christ almighty
01:14:03Let's move us green let's go we must go professor
01:14:13The forest has a sense of humor I see
01:14:22What is it coincidence how he died, you know how he felt about it good good
01:14:30Then they'll know our intentions. You think they'd be grateful to us for burying that thing. You still know
01:14:36We don't want to take it with us. It may give us a chance. I didn't give Peter much of a chance
01:14:41Did you consider maybe they're just toying with us?
01:14:44Amusing themselves at our expense, but I don't bring the major
01:14:53Get going crazy bastard
01:16:00Why are you here wait
01:16:02I'm a German soldier. You're a deserter. No a spy. I'm lieutenant Eric Fuchs of the 229th Infantry Division
01:16:09serial number two four six seven four eight eight nine
01:16:17Kind of like I'm
01:16:18You know me
01:16:20You must listen to me sir. You must take your men and leave this forest immediately you in great danger
01:16:25What else do you know lieutenant? I know about the mission. I know about professor Dietrich. I know why you're here
01:16:31I'm on the same mission. Why would they send you on the same mission? Where's professor Dietrich? He'll understand professor Dietrich
01:16:38He's no longer part of this operation
01:16:40He disappeared
01:16:42You are suspiciously well-informed for a lieutenant. Did you kill Dietrich? You've got to listen to me, Colonel
01:16:49You must not retrieve the relic. They'll kill you all
01:16:56Your only chance is to get out of his voice as fast as you can how many more of you are there
01:17:01They're all dead
01:17:03This mission was shrouded in the utmost secrecy lieutenant only professor Dietrich was aware of the true purpose
01:17:10So how is it that you know so much?
01:17:12Our orders were the same
01:17:14When you didn't return we were given the same mission. We've only been gone two days. We're not yet overdue. You are a spy. No
01:17:23We brought our scientist with us professor capital. She worked under professor Dietrich at the Annenerbe
01:17:29You should have accurate information if you're to be a successful spy my friend. It's true
01:17:35Professor capital does not work for professor Dietrich
01:17:39She is the director of the Annenerbe this mission was conceived by her
01:17:44Her foresight will be the savior of the Third Reich
01:17:49Dear God
01:18:01Colonel I don't know how to explain what's happening
01:18:27Don't want to shoot you you can still live you both can I
01:18:33I know you sergeant
01:18:35I've seen the photograph of you and your sweetheart the one in your wallet. Everyone has a photograph instead of wallet
01:18:42You're stolen
01:18:44You've no bullets. She's covering your eyes with her hands
01:18:50How could you know that I
01:18:52Can't explain just drop your weapon and go you're not an SS office
01:18:57It's different for you sergeant don't
01:19:00You'll never see her again
01:19:52You bastard
01:20:20Believe it
01:20:22Don't you?
01:20:25You believe they exist?
01:20:27someone or something
01:20:30It's presiding over these events
01:20:35What they are I do not know
01:20:37call them Godman if you like, but
01:20:40They're not benevolent gods
01:20:42They're 20 with us
01:20:45Maybe it's around like chess pieces
01:21:00It must be a reason
01:21:02It must want something from us. Why the children want anything from the fly when they tear off its wings. These beings are not children
01:21:12Maybe not
01:21:14Whistle flies caught in the web of their making
01:21:17They have immense power
01:21:19If only we could speak to them convince them that we are their friends. Why do you think we are their friends?
01:21:25Is Mexico their friend was Ackerman? How about Himmler?
01:21:28They only want to use them to assist their own nauseating doctrines
01:23:26This will be a moth in the
01:23:44This is incredible
01:23:51All right, I'm going in first watch him if he moves
01:23:57Shoot him
01:27:28Let's take it back
01:27:35Did you manage to communicate
01:27:37What did they say?
01:27:39showed me things
01:27:43Inhuman will they join us? No, we mustn't
01:27:47too dangerous
01:27:49too powerful
01:27:51Destroyed everything
01:27:54Are you saying we can use it?
01:27:58Better much better
01:28:06Tell me
01:28:07Did you explain?
01:28:09Did you tell them that we are creating a new breed in their image? Did you tell them?
01:28:18We must win this war
01:28:20We must annihilate our enemies
01:28:22Wipe them from the face of the earth
01:28:24We are your brothers
01:28:26You must help us
01:28:28How do I use it?
01:28:30How do I speak with them?
01:28:32No, it must be destroyed
01:29:29We have to leave this here, it's our only hope to survive this
01:29:35Abandon what I've been working towards for so long
01:29:40They won't help you
01:29:43When they understand what we are doing they already know they know everything they're inside our heads
01:29:51My stomach turn
01:29:54We will prevail
01:29:57It's inside our heads
01:30:02Our ancestors major those from whom the Aryan race are descended and we will become like them
01:30:24It ends for you
01:33:42Oh, yeah, there's no no good to you
01:34:13What are you doing old man dressed like this you could get yourself shot
01:34:27My chair special visual where did you come from first?
01:34:38Dog tag on
01:34:42That's nice
01:34:46Take off your boots
01:34:49Take them yourself you Russian bastard
