
  • 4 months ago
follow all of these or i will kick you


00:00My friend Mac is about to experience the scariest moment of his life.
00:04I'm just gonna let you know, I'm not afraid of anything.
00:06We'll see.
00:07You cannot scare me.
00:08Seal them up!
00:09You have to survive ten minutes with a thousand spiders to move on.
00:13Release the spiders!
00:16Start the timer!
00:21The reason we're doing this is because Mac said no matter how hard I try, I can't scare him.
00:26Would you say you're scared now?
00:27Uh, getting there a little bit.
00:28A little bit?
00:29And this is only one of many fears Mac will face in this video.
00:34Oh god!
00:35And if he can successfully face all of the fears, he will win $800,000.
00:40I'm not gonna lie, this was way more gnarly than I thought it would be.
00:433, 2, 1, lift it up, lift it up.
00:47Oh yeah.
00:48Congratulations on passing the first challenge!
00:51Let's go!
00:52But Mac has to finish all of these fears if he wants to win the $800,000 prize.
00:57Mac, I know you're blindfolded, but trust me, just walk up this ramp.
01:00Raise us up!
01:03Why are you taking a knee?
01:05What is...
01:06Stand up, hand up.
01:08You're fine, you're fine.
01:09No, no, no, no.
01:10Okay, you can hold on to it.
01:11That's cute.
01:14Oh my god.
01:16Mac, take off your blindfold.
01:18Welcome to challenge number two.
01:22The next fear is the fear of heights.
01:25You're gonna stand on the end of that plank, unclip this, you'll be connected to nothing.
01:29Not a...
01:30Press that button, and then free fall 200 feet.
01:33And without knowing how, trust I'll catch you.
01:37You're shaking!
01:38Yeah, of course I'm shaking!
01:39I'm gonna fall off of this without a harness on?
01:43I can't even see the ground.
01:45Be very careful.
01:46Mac, I'm just gonna tell you, even though you can't see the ground, you are very, very high up.
01:50Oh my god, Mac!
01:52All you have to do is unclip it and press that button.
01:55Oh my god.
01:57I want you to look at me in the eyes right now and tell me that I'm gonna fall and something's gonna catch me.
02:03Something will break your fall.
02:04I promise.
02:05Oh my...
02:06You're literally attached to nothing.
02:08Oh my god.
02:09The clip is gone.
02:10Oh my god, dude.
02:13You don't have to do it.
02:14If you want to, you can tap out and just admit that you were wrong and you do get scared.
02:22No way.
02:26God, dude.
02:29I would have to say you look pretty scared.
02:32Oh my god.
02:57Let's go!
02:59I can't believe you did it.
03:00God, he's a psycho.
03:03And if you're wondering who my psychotic friend Mac is, he's actually a contestant from a previous challenge video.
03:08And sadly, he ended up losing $800,000.
03:11But now, he is on challenge three of six to attempt to win that money back.
03:15Here we are.
03:17The next challenge.
03:19Why don't you get a $5 car?
03:20Put $800,000 inside of it?
03:22As you can see, this car is pointed towards a lake.
03:25I'm guessing you're going to want me to drive the car into the lake?
03:29That would be dangerous.
03:30As you can see, there's no gas pedal.
03:32Obviously, you can't drive it in the lake.
03:33Yeah, I'm so stupid.
03:34Why would I think that I could drive it into the lake?
03:36Yeah, yeah.
03:37I'm stupid, yeah.
03:38Which is why we're going to drop him in the lake.
03:39Bring in the crane!
03:40Oh, oh, Jimmy.
03:47Oh, my God.
03:48Oh, my God.
03:49All right, Mac, listen up and listen good.
03:52Once we drop you at this lake, the car will quickly begin to sink.
03:56And in the back seat is the $800,000 you've been competing for divvied up into eight duffel bags.
04:01However many bags you can save from this sinking car determines how much money you'll continue competing for in this video.
04:07And whatever you leave behind is gone forever.
04:09Oh, my gosh, dude.
04:11I will never tell you that I'm scared.
04:13But I'm about as close as you can be right now.
04:16How are you feeling?
04:17I can tell.
04:18Before we drop your car, I'm going to give you one offer.
04:20If you quit right now and admit I scared you, I'll give you $100,000, and we call it even.
04:29Yeah, all right.
04:30He's not going to take it.
04:31There's not a God, dude.
04:32I knew that was coming.
04:33Hey, no one take that.
04:34I knew he was going to do that.
04:35I lost it all last time.
04:36It's not happening again.
04:37Three, two, one.
04:41Oh, my God.
04:42Drop him!
04:51Hey, Mac!
04:52You've got about 20 seconds to break out of that car before it sinks under the water.
05:03Mac, your car's going under.
05:04Hurry up!
05:06Come on!
05:14Oh, God!
05:15Get out!
05:28That car is gone.
05:29That sunk so fast.
05:31Oh, my God.
05:33He's out.
05:34He's alive.
05:35Get back.
05:36No, go grab that back row.
05:37All right.
05:38Somebody grab it.
05:40The scariest part about this challenge is every second the car sinks deeper into the water,
05:45making it harder to get to and harder to see.
05:48So if Mac wants to keep all of his prize money, he really needs to be moving as fast as possible.
05:53But as you can see, that's not going to be easy.
05:57Come here!
05:58Take it!
06:01Mac continued saving bag after bag after bag.
06:06Mac, you are crazy.
06:08But on top of the fact that the car is sinking deeper and deeper,
06:11what Mac hasn't realized yet is that the last two bags of money are actually going to be his prize money.
06:17He's going to have to keep going.
06:19He's going to have to keep going.
06:21He's going to have to keep going.
06:23He's going to have to keep going.
06:24He's going to have to keep going.
06:25The last two bags of money are actually seat belted into the back seat of the car.
06:43Dude, Mac could be in an action movie, honestly.
06:45He was like a borderline Olympic swimmer earlier in his life, which is why it did this fear.
06:50Wait, but it's like 40 feet down and the water is freezing cold.
06:53How can he hold his breath that long?
07:01Oh, he got another bag.
07:02Bro, you got 700 yards on the boat.
07:04Just stop now.
07:05Just stop now.
07:06Just leave it on the bottom of the lake.
07:07We can do the next one.
07:10Alright, he doesn't care.
07:11At this point, the car was literally at the bottom of this 45 foot deep lake,
07:16making it almost impossible for Mac to retrieve the last $100,000.
07:21Hey, look.
07:22It's black down there.
07:23There's nothing.
07:24Are you officially calling it?
07:25I can't see the car, Jimmy.
07:26It's gone.
07:28Oh, the boat's tilting.
07:29Wow, you are very athletic.
07:30Do you like this video better or the other video better?
07:32Dude, this video is like 10 times as intense.
07:35I know.
07:36And even though this looked very crazy, there was actually seven safety divers on standby
07:40to make sure Mac didn't die.
07:41Your prize is now 700 grand.
07:43But from here on out, it's all or nothing.
07:46Mac has to face the three remaining fears to walk out of this with his 700 grand.
07:50This one might be the hardest one.
07:53Is it grosser than spiders?
07:54Just come on in.
07:55Inside this room is a metal box.
07:57In order to progress, you'll need to reach inside the box and pull out what's inside.
08:01And before you put your hand in the box, we're going to need you to sign this.
08:04It just basically says that you can't sue me if anything in there hurts you.
08:08Just sign right there?
08:11Alright, we got it signed.
08:12What is it, like an animal or something?
08:14There are things in this box.
08:17Just step up here.
08:18You put your hand in one of these holes.
08:20And there's a thing in here you need to pull out.
08:22Oh, dude, that is freaky as duh.
08:25I'm just going to make sure it's moving.
08:27Okay, go for it.
08:28It clearly has not touched him yet.
08:30No matter what, once you grab onto it, you have to pull it out.
08:33Pull it out.
08:42What you grabbed is our brand new Feastable Wars.
08:46We got all new branding and a better tasting formula.
08:49Let's try it together.
08:50I am not going to go soft on you.
08:51I'm going to tell you honestly what I think.
08:55Okay, that's pretty good.
08:56The new formula is milkier, creamier.
08:58We have our all new crunch flavor, the milk chocolate flavor, almond flavor, my personal favorite.
09:02And peanut butter.
09:03These new and improved Feastable bars are rolling out now.
09:06Give us a couple of days to get them on the shelves at your local Walmart, Target, 7-Eleven.
09:09And I cannot wait to see what you think of them.
09:11All right, Mac, you ready for the next fear?
09:13Jimmy, I've been in this exact same room and I've had a bunch of money on the line before.
09:18I'll tell you what.
09:19If you give me 500 grand right now, I'll walk.
09:21Do you guys hear this man?
09:24Who asked for 500 grand?
09:25400 grand.
09:27Hear me out.
09:28If you said 200, maybe 250 I would have considered it.
09:30All right, how about 350?
09:33All right, let's go.
09:34Next challenge.
09:35I knew he'd break.
09:36All right, I might have lied.
09:38That one wasn't actually that hard.
09:39But this next one is actually based on one of the scariest things I've ever done.
09:43Oh, there's no way.
09:45Smell how quickly he pieced it together.
09:47No, no, no, no, no, no.
09:48There is actually no way.
09:49Come on.
09:50There is actually no way, Jimmy.
09:51Is it that obvious what it is?
09:52What gave it away?
09:53The tombstone with your name.
09:55Oh, Jesus.
09:56For the next challenge, we are going to bury you alive for 24 hours.
10:01God, no way, dude.
10:03And you can get out whenever you want, but you don't know what time it is.
10:07And if you leave before the 24-hour mark, you lose everything.
10:10It's a good fear.
10:13For once, I'm on the other side.
10:15Yeah, bro.
10:16Oh, my gosh.
10:17It might get a little cold.
10:19Nolan, don't mess it up.
10:20I'm trying not to.
10:22This is from my nightmares, man.
10:24It feels wrong being on the other side of this, but also fun.
10:28Oh, what the?
10:29Oh, this is so freaky.
10:32The funny thing is that the timer hasn't even started yet.
10:34Because you aren't fully buried.
10:35It feels wrong saying this, but can you bury me faster?
10:39As you wish, Mac.
10:40Bring in the extra hands.
10:42Stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it.
10:46Let's officially start the timer.
10:48Looks like 24 hours just started.
10:50I'm already freaked, so this ain't going to be good.
10:53Mac, see that rope above your head?
10:55Can you pull it from me real quick?
10:56Is this a trick?
10:59Next time you pull that bell, we will dig you up.
11:01And if it does not say above 24 hours, you lose everything.
11:05I will burn your house down.
11:08And also the $700,000.
11:10Yeah, I was like, everything?
11:12Sweet dreams, Mac.
11:14Don't throw the walkie-talkie.
11:16Was it that predictable?
11:17I already know they threw it, and I'm not even up there.
11:20It's so much more fun to be on this side of it.
11:22And to make sure Mac doesn't die in his own grave,
11:24he's going to be wearing this wristband that directly tells us his heart rate and vitals.
11:28And no, it does not give him any way of knowing what time it is.
11:31Basically, I need to figure out how to keep track of the time.
11:33So here's my strategy.
11:34I could try to stay awake for two hours,
11:37sleep for 10 hours,
11:39and then I would be halfway done with the challenge,
11:41and I could just do that twice, and then I'd be good.
11:44With Mac's plan now in place,
11:45his first step was to pass the time for the next two hours.
11:48Well, it's no feastful bar, but I guess it makes hunger stop.
11:51But it was pretty obvious he was quickly getting bored.
11:55Uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh.
11:58Yeah, gonna be honest, not much going on inside this room.
12:01That's the whole point.
12:02And Mac being bored this early is a pretty telltale sign that he may not be too good at this.
12:07Because already within 45 minutes, Mac's idea of time was horrendously off.
12:13I think it's been about two hours.
12:14I'm gonna try to get about 10 hours of sleep,
12:17which should put me at the halfway mark.
12:19Even though the pro to sleeping is it will help Mac pass the time faster,
12:22First night sleeping in the coffin.
12:24the con is it's very difficult for him to keep track of how long he's been buried,
12:28especially when he's not even able to stay asleep for more than 30 minutes at a time.
12:32I have no idea what time it is right now.
12:35I'm a little creeped out.
12:38I'm hoping for the love of God.
12:39It's been over 12 hours.
12:41I think that's where we're at.
12:43And because when I did this challenge, I was constantly woken up by my friends,
12:48Jimmy Jam!
12:49I thought I'd give Mac the same joyful experience.
12:52Wake up Mac, are you okay?
12:55Dude, you look like you just got hit by a truck.
12:57It kind of feels like I did just get hit by a truck.
12:59If I was to legitimately guess how many hours in I am, I think it's like...
13:05The longer Mac stayed in the coffin, the less he seemed to know what time it was.
13:11Might be hour 16.
13:14And because we like to build a lot of suspense on this channel,
13:17for the remainder of this sphere, you're not going to know how long he's been in there either.
13:23And even though Mac wanted to ensure that he was going to be there long enough,
13:27it was clear that claustrophobia was getting to him.
13:29Being in this coffin is scary.
13:35And the longer I'm in here, the worse I feel.
13:38It's a crazy feeling.
13:39But eventually, when we saw Mac begin to grab that rope,
13:42we knew he was thinking about ringing that bell.
13:45That's the face of somebody that's about to ring this bell soon.
13:47There's no way it's been under 24 hours.
13:51God, I'm nervous.
13:52I've been in one of these videos before.
13:54And I've lost everything.
13:56And the only reason I even am back here at all and got a second chance
13:59is actually because of you guys.
14:01Me screwing up that second chance all comes down to if I know for a fact it's been 24 hours.
14:07I really hope I'm not making a mistake right now.
14:11Mac, buddy, pal.
14:14How you doing?
14:16Jimmy, I'm pretty nervous.
14:18I don't want to accidentally reveal the time, so no comment.
14:21Jimmy, I don't know how you did this for seven days, dude.
14:23I do not feel well in here.
14:25Yeah, have you got to the point where you start to lose blood flow in your legs
14:28and you feel like your back is going to fall out of your body?
14:32Jimmy, I'm thinking about pulling this thing.
14:34No comment.
14:35Jimmy, I'll give you 50 bucks back if you tell me the time of this.
14:38No comment.
14:39All right, well, I got a comment for you.
14:40Just get a shovel ready, all right?
14:43Oh my gosh, he's about to do it.
14:46This is it.
14:51Stop the timer!
14:52And now that Mac has made his decision, there was just one last thing I had to do.
14:57Do you mind if I tell them about Shopify while we unbury you?
15:00You have got to be kidding.
15:01Shopify is a platform that helps entrepreneurs get started down the path they want.
15:05Sometimes starting a business can be scary, like getting covered in spiders or being buried alive.
15:09I can tell you, you do not want to be buried alive.
15:11But Shopify is here to help.
15:12If I hadn't started my own business, I wouldn't have been able to go to all the crazy places like Antarctica
15:17and make videos like these for you guys.
15:19And just like millions of other people have done with Shopify, you can get started today on your business right now.
15:24Mac, do you want to know how long you're in there?
15:26I have a feeling you're not going to tell me until you dig me up.
15:28You are correct.
15:29And one of the perks of owning my own business is I can do fun things like send one of my friends to the Super Bowl.
15:34Mac, Carl, and Nolan each have their very own football for sale.
15:37And whoever's football sells the most, I'm going to give you tickets to the Super Bowl.
15:41And I'm going to bury the other one alive.
15:43All that matters is that you download the Shop app and vote for one of them by buying either Nolan's or Carl's football.
15:48And now that I can afford this video, let's see if Mac loses $700,000.
15:53Hi, Mac!
15:54Hey, Jimmy.
15:56There you go.
15:57Welcome to the outside world.
15:58Now that you are out of the coffin, let's see if you were in there for 24 hours.
16:02If the number I reveal is lower than 24 hours, then you lose 700 grand.
16:07I feel like I'm going to throw up.
16:093, 2, 1.
16:1436 hours.
16:17That is what I am talking about!
16:22He scares me.
16:23Congratulations, Mac.
16:24This means that you are now just one challenge away from winning all this money.
16:28Let's go.
16:29You should probably go shower first.
16:30Yeah, I smell not great.
16:32So far in this video, Mac has shown me it is very difficult to scare him.
16:36But the final challenge of this video may just be Mac's worst fear ever.
16:40And that's because the final challenge of this video is a one-to-one recreation of the challenge he failed on last time.
16:48The last challenge.
16:49Hold this in front of your face. Don't look.
16:50Hey, I'm not looking.
16:51Don't look.
16:52I'm not looking.
16:53Keep your eyes closed.
16:54Don't open them.
16:55Don't open your eyes.
16:56Keep walking.
16:57Don't open them.
16:58Don't open them.
16:59All right.
17:00Open them.
17:03No, no, no, no, no.
17:04I'm not doing that again, dude.
17:05Come over here.
17:08I do not want to do this again.
17:09Sit in here where the cameras can see you.
17:12The last challenge is the fear of failure.
17:15We recreated the set where he lost $800,000 in this video.
17:20And like last time, the rules are extremely simple.
17:23There are four stages.
17:24Each has its own cookie with a shape on it.
17:26You have to cut out all the shapes without breaking the cookie.
17:29And if you do break a cookie, you lose $700,000.
17:32And for you specifically, it will have been the second time it's happened.
17:36This is from my nightmares, man.
17:38I do not want to be here again.
17:39Well, good.
17:40Because I have an offer for you.
17:41You can quit right now and walk away with this $300,000.
17:44Or risk it for the biscuit.
17:46And if you finish this final challenge, win $700,000.
17:51This is actually like a very, very big decision.
17:55Yeah, because that's not quite enough, is it?
17:57It's less than half.
17:58But if you lose again, that is $1.5 million lost on this set.
18:04Are you sure?
18:06He's hitting it.
18:07Mac, I know this is hard, but you're going to have to make a decision here.
18:10Do you want to go home with $300,000?
18:13Or do you want to risk it all for this final challenge?
18:18All right, fine, I'm doing it.
18:19All right, to be honest, I'm glad.
18:20I want you to win this whole thing.
18:21If you look at this iPad right here,
18:23this is exactly how long it took Mac to get through all four stages
18:27last time he did the challenge.
18:2834 minutes and 54 seconds.
18:30So that's exactly how long I'm going to give you again.
18:34Starting now.
18:39Don't break the cookie while opening it.
18:41There you go.
18:45Even though he's going quick right now,
18:46it might not be in his best interest.
18:47Because if he accidentally snaps the cookie, he loses.
18:5134 minutes.
18:54Oh, wow, you did it that quick?
18:59Scan, scan, scan, scan!
19:02It's green.
19:04This is a much different deal than last time.
19:06I'm going to take my sweet time cutting the circle out.
19:09Look out!
19:11He is flying through this.
19:16Why is it so much harder to open?
19:18Probably because you're, like, freaking out.
19:20You want me to try?
19:21Open it.
19:22Open it.
19:23Okay, hold my iPad.
19:28Okay, it's very hard to open.
19:29What are you guys doing?
19:30I don't want to be responsible for that.
19:34Be careful.
19:36Theoretically, Mac's strategy makes sense.
19:38Getting through the easier shapes fast to save all the time for Umbrella,
19:41which he lost 800 grand on.
19:43You literally still have 32 minutes left.
19:45Yeah, well, I'm going to need all 32 of those for Umbrella.
19:47That is borderline impossible.
19:50Move out.
19:51I'm moving.
19:52Open it!
19:54Allow me.
19:57Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap! Let's go!
20:04Mac, stop breaking my set.
20:06Bro, you guys got to make these easier to open.
20:10There's just no need to rush. You're literally using no time.
20:12I mean, you might need to go slower on this one because it's a lot trickier.
20:16This one's pretty hard.
20:17Not even close to Umbrella.
20:19Trying to get to the race before I start racing.
20:23God, this is so hard.
20:35Oh my gosh.
20:41Well, I don't need that anymore.
20:43I, uh...
20:50And maybe it didn't break all the way through?
20:53Ooh, okay.
20:55He still had 29 minutes left.
20:57He did the first two in four minutes.
21:01I don't know why I did this.
21:04Oh my god.
21:05I did that twice?
21:07Here, give me your hand.
21:09No, Jimmy, please. I don't want to leave yet.
21:12No, Jimmy.
21:13Give me your hand.
21:14No, dude, I don't even know how to feel right now.
21:18Okay, come on.
21:21I had, like, so much time.
21:24I'm still just not sure why you were going so fast.
21:27The Umbrella. I just know that Umbrella takes forever.
21:35Mac told me in this video that there was nothing I could do to scare him.
21:38And after putting him through spiders, a sinking car, and more, I really did start to believe him.
21:46The only thing that ended up getting to Mac was the fear of his own failure.