Alina Lopez on Growing Up Mormon, Becoming a Hoe Anyway interview / Podcast

  • 3 months ago
Alina Lopez on Growing Up Mormon, Becoming a Hoe Anyway interview / Podcast


00:00Hello everybody and welcome back to plug talk. I'm Adam 22. This right here is one of the
00:05plug and today we have one of our favorite dime pieces on the scene. Alina Lopez is on
00:11the show with the braces. Exclusive content. And so you're, you're the first porn star
00:17to get braces for real and not get these fake braces that I hear that they're using. Is
00:21that a thing? Are people really doing that? Wait, really? Did I make that up? Do they
00:25have fake braces for like movie sets and stuff? I guess they must. I thought that there was
00:28a thing where like girls were out here wearing fake braces to look like they're barely legal.
00:33I mean it's, it's smart. You can like sell a lot of content while you have braces. It's
00:38a very specific, I mean like it's a little, how has your life changed since you got braces?
00:43People like I, I literally just flew to Seattle and I had my mask on on the plane and like
00:49they come by like, okay, what drink do you want? I'm like Jack and Coke. They bring it
00:52and I hand it to me and I pulled on my, they didn't ask for my ID and then I like took
00:55off my mask, take a drink and the guy like doubled back. Can I see your ID? Like straight
01:00up. And I'm like, okay, cool. Yeah, here it is. Like, and he literally said it's because
01:04of like, he said, I wasn't going to ID you until I saw the braces. Like he said that.
01:08I don't blame him either. Cause like there's something about braces that just makes you
01:10look like five years younger. Well, I know how old you are and I saw that. I was like,
01:15I remember having braces. I was 14. I was 12. You know, this is my second time having
01:19them. I'm an 80. I don't know how to take care of my teeth obviously. Is it fun picking
01:23all the colors again? Cause I remember that was like my favorite part. I've done, I've
01:26only changed them twice. I'm like, I gotta do pink. It's so cute. Rainbow. Don't go neon
01:30green. That is not sexy. I feel like pink is just so cute cause they're like girly and
01:35cute and fun. I'm like, it's gotta, you gotta do pink. Wow. Hey, do you ever hurt yourself
01:39doing porn with the braces? Because I remember I was 14 and I was getting in fights like
01:44all the time and you get punched in the face and you got braces, it cuts the inside of
01:48your cheek up really, really bad. And I figured that in porn you probably basically get punched
01:53in the face sometimes. Not that, but like when I'm sucking dick and I like suction my
01:58mouth and you're trying to like get like, get like a good gluck gluck going and you're
02:02like squeezing your cheeks in and like trying to make good, like all, I won't even notice
02:06cause I'm so in the moment. And then I've all like ghosts like wash my face and like
02:09spit blood into the sink because it just cuts all the, yeah, like back here on my cheek.
02:14So it's definitely a challenge. And you didn't think about getting the, uh, the kind that
02:20wearing right now? I had invisible. Yeah. See that? I had it for four years. I was supposed
02:25to only have it for nine months and four years go by and I just like kept losing it. So I'm
02:31just not responsible enough. How long do you think you're going to have these ones? Only
02:34like three more months. Okay. Yeah. Thankfully three more months. Yeah. Oh wow. So like I
02:39said, look fine to be honest with you. No, they're still crooked. They do look really
02:43good to me. Like any content I shoot while I have these, it's going to be like fucking
02:48great. Because yeah, because it's very limited. The era of your career. There's not many things
02:55like that. It's not like you like have fake boobs for a little bit and then you get them
02:58taken out. I've been in for four years. You got to do something new and exciting at that
03:01point. I can't believe it's been four years cause I remember meeting you at AVN. You had
03:04just signed and we're hanging out in someone's hotel room and I was like that girl is so
03:09cute on the couch. Who is that girl? When we were signing for Vixen. Yeah. So when we
03:12signed for Vixen. Was that the first time we met? I think so. Yeah. At the AVN. Wow.
03:17Yeah. That was like 2018. I think so. Yeah. I'm like, wow, it's been so long already.
03:22Bananas. Anyway, so let's talk about your upbringing because you did grow up in a very,
03:28very traditional Mormon household, right? Yes. Are you embarrassed to say that? I think
03:38it's a big part of your identity. I know it is. It really is. So like, I feel like I can
03:44find new things to talk about each time because there's so much crazy shit. So I mean, give
03:50us like a little slice of life that'll help us understand because I'm sure that in the
03:54Mormon community, there's a whole spectrum from people who are, you know, normal to people
03:58who are pretty out there. Yeah. I mean like, it's like a thing in the Mormon church where
04:03there's like Mormons and then there's Utah Mormons. Like Utah Mormons are a full different
04:07breed. Like if you meet a Mormon here, you might not even know if you meet a Mormon in
04:10Utah, you know, like, but it's more extra. They're just like, more committed. You just
04:16have to come, just come see me in Utah and you can see for yourself. Really? We did come
04:21see you that one time. Oh yeah. You guys came to Zion. Yeah, we went hiking. Yeah. Is there
04:24anything from your childhood that stands out to you as particularly weird that you weren't
04:29allowed to do, let's say? Um, I wasn't allowed to have sleepovers at non Mormon people's
04:35houses. Really? Yeah. Because like, I guess my parents were afraid that other parents
04:40would like maybe have a glass of wine in front of us or something or smoke a cigarette. And
04:43even that was completely off limits. Oh yeah. For you to even see someone drink wine. Yeah,
04:47they didn't want us to see it. So we could only have sleepovers at Mormon people's houses,
04:52which completely backfired because we're still there just like, you know, typical kid things,
04:57practicing making out on each other and all that. Like how did this work out for you?
05:01So from like a kid perspective, were you always somebody who was questioning what you were being
05:09told? You strike me as a free spirit. I didn't give a fuck. Like literally, I remember being
05:16like, so you get baptized when you're eight. And like, before you get baptized, they send
05:22the missionary like, it's like this whole process. And I remember like doing the lessons and getting
05:27ready to get baptized and preparing for it. And just being like, let's just hurry up and do this
05:31because like, we were so poor and like, I never got new clothes or nothing nice and like nothing.
05:36I didn't get like a lot of attention because I was the fifth kid of seven. So like, but baptism
05:41day, you get a pretty new white dress, you have a party and everyone's like, giving like, it was
05:46like this all about you. And I'm like, that's what I want. I just want like the pretty dress
05:50and the attention. So that's why I got baptized. And I just had to be like, yeah, okay, yeah,
05:54this is great. Like, even though you weren't like, I didn't give a shit about any of the like,
05:58actual religious like stuff and be like, Oh, you're you know, God's so proud of you. I'm like,
06:04Okay, cool. I don't care. Where's the dress? Yeah. But you were still kind of like, okay, well, if
06:07I'm going to get attention and try to become like popular in my own little world through this
06:12community, well, I guess that's enough. Yeah, I mean, it's just like, you have to do that to fit
06:18in like any kid who I've never heard of a Mormon eight year old kid who like denies getting
06:24baptized. Like, it's just what you do. It's like what's expected. So when do you start to like
06:30Forever? Like, I it like my mom would literally drag me by the hair to church like like I would
06:38stay in my room and like stay in bed and not want to go. And she would straight up like kick down
06:42my door like grab me like this like by like the back of my hair, grab a dress on my closet, throw
06:48me in the car, throw the dress on me and like be like if you don't have that dress on by the time
06:51we get to church like
06:52did you guys ever miss a Sunday? Like if you're sick, could you not go?
06:55Um, sometimes it depends because like she knew we didn't want to go like me and my sister. So we
07:03we definitely went to some extremes at times to get out of going to church. But I'm just so mad if
07:08my parents make me wake up early on a fucking Sunday to go somewhere.
07:11Oh, my God, that says a lot because I was the same way where I used to cry and I would be so
07:15upset when my parents are making me go to church. But think about that. You're raising a kid from
07:21birth to believe that this is the only way for you to go to heaven. Yeah. And kids still don't
07:28want to go that much. That says a lot about like the spirit of a child not wanting to do something
07:34that they inherently know is unpleasant. Even though really like you're sitting in a like for me
07:39going to church was like you go sit in a in a pew for like an hour. You gotta stand around you
07:46gotta wear a stupid shirt. How long will you be there?
07:49Mormon Church, I think they've changed it now. But when I was going it was three hours. Oh, yeah. Three
07:55hours. And it was brutal, like all different types. So you have like sacrament meeting where you like
08:00sit in the congregation, congregation, and then you go to like, primary or young women's or young
08:05men's. And then you go to like individual Sunday school classes, like it's three different things
08:10and an hour for each. Right? So yeah, it was pretty brutal. Do you think you were like, sexually
08:16curious from early on? Absolutely. Yeah, I would sneak like I would literally be like, okay, I'm
08:20gonna go to the bathroom when I like go into the church classrooms because they were empty while
08:24sacramenting what's going on and just masturbate. Really? Yeah. Church. What age would you say you
08:30started jerking off? Oh, I mean, like, puberty. Okay. So like, yeah, like, young in church. Yeah.
08:38Like it was like, it was so boring. And I remember sitting there and like, they had like, they had
08:44these lights hanging down, like, and they look like boobs. I would just be like looking at them.
08:50And I just feel like fantasizing when I started to realize I was like, bisexual, too, because I just
08:54feel like staring like bored staring at the ceiling. I'm like, these boob blades are hot.
08:59Not in church. No. Wow. When did you get caught though? You did get caught? Um, like in school a
09:04few times.
09:05You got caught masturbating in class? Wow. You just have your hand in your pants going like
09:11I think I was in the bathroom. And you got caught. Oh my god. Yeah.
09:16If a kid wants to jerk off in the bathroom, aren't you supposed to just let them? Yeah, in the
09:20bathroom. It's like taking a shit kid. It was like another kid, a girl that came in. And I think I was
09:25like, probably moaning or something. And I think she just like moaning on the door and I just like
09:31ran away. No, I caught you. You can't have kids moaning in school for sure. I feel like you know,
09:36if you want to go do your thing in the stall fine, but you stay quiet when you masturbate. Yeah. Like
09:42fully quiet. I mean, if I was in a public place, yes, like not even heavy breathing. If I'm alone,
09:48maybe I'll let a little. Yeah, see, but that's enough to give you away. If you're in a bathroom
09:52when you did that people would still know. No, it's like a poop moan. I have. I have balanced out
09:56the sound of my to like be the same pooping or masturbating so that no one could tell the
10:02exact. What if you're doing them both at once? That would not happen. No, but I think that's like when I
10:10started to realize that I liked anal. Like when I would like you'd masturbate while shitting. Not
10:17well, but like I would like shit and then I would be like, Hey, I'm horny now. And I never connected.
10:23I'm like, Oh, it's because I like something in my butt. You guys are foul.
10:27interview really long. You'd like to have her tongue in my vagina. Well, if you guys would like to do
10:31that, then I will clearly step aside. Yeah, I'm like only doing lesbian sex now. Like, did she tell
10:37you? You know how many people just canceled their plug? They're fucking furious. A bunch of guys
10:44boners just weren't. All right.
