Royal British Legion Industries host annual Ride With a Veteran

  • 3 months ago
A team of 30 cyclists made up of veterans and members of the public, will be taking on the challenge of cycling from Aylesford to Belgium in just two days.
00:00And they're off! It's that time of year again for Royal British Legion Industries to host
00:08their special Ride With A Veteran fundraiser that will raise money to support former servicemen
00:14and their families during Armed Forces Week.
00:17Well as you can see behind me, all these cyclists here are ready to brave a two day trek right
00:24here from the RBLI all the way to Belgium, which is just over a staggering 170 kilometres.
00:34The team of 30 cyclists will be travelling towards the Menin Gate Memorial in Belgium
00:39to deliver a Wraith to remember the fallen.
00:42This event in particular gives us the opportunity to take some veterans with us and they're
00:47taking part in the challenge as well so it's a really big thing for them and it gives them
00:51a chance for others to see what they're doing.
00:54It isn't just veterans rising with us today, we have a whole scope of people from corporates
00:59who have kindly also sponsored the event to members of the general public as well who
01:03just want to support our work.
01:05The honour of placing the Wraith will be held by first time participant veteran Vinod Budadhokhi.
01:12He will be taking part with his friend Trifraj Tappa.
01:16They both served in the Gurkhas and are leg amputees because of an IED explosion while
01:23serving in Afghanistan back in 2010.
01:27Vinod is able to take part using a hand bike.
01:30It's a ride with the veterans, a cycle ride to raise the funds for the veterans and help
01:39those who are in need.
01:43It is a hand bike, you have got a three wheel one at the front which gets power and a rear
01:53two wheel, it's absolutely a wonderful bike and I'm riding this bike since 10 years now.
02:05The main sponsor this year is Chemring Countermeasures who also help veterans transition back to
02:11civilian life.
02:12For me it's extremely rewarding, not only for the cycle ride and meeting lots of new
02:18people but actually cycling amongst the veterans who are inspiring some of the people we meet.
02:23I meet a lot of different people, understand their stories, understand their achievements
02:28and it's something we can do for a bit of fun and pleasure supporting them as they ride
02:33through the ride.
02:36It's a long road ahead for these cyclists, aiming to get to Ypres in time for Armed Forces
02:41Day on the 29th June.
02:44Henry Luck for KMTV in Aylesford.
