On Thursday, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries held his weekly press briefing and spoke about Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) losing his primary.
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00:00What message do you think it sends that Jamal Bowman lost his primary?
00:11From the very beginning of my journey in Congress
00:14There hasn't been an electoral cycle
00:18where a sitting member of
00:20the House Democratic Caucus
00:23hasn't lost
00:25It only happens
00:27In a handful of occasions each and every
00:31Congress it's only happened once in this cycle
00:35So in my view, it's hard to draw any
00:39General conclusion
00:42when the overwhelming majority of
00:45Incumbent members of the House Democratic Caucus from the moment that I first showed up in Washington DC have been reelected
00:53Each district is unique each campaign is unique and
00:59As we do every cycle at the end of the cycle
01:03We try to figure out what lessons can be learned
01:07From the decisions that have been made by the voters that were privileged to represent