Cecchi (Confindustria nautica): "Cresciuti di oltre 70 punti dal 2021 al 2023"

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Il bilancio è stato approvato, siamo in buone condizioni di salute per quanto riguarda il lato associativo”. Parole del presidente di Confindustria Nautica, Saverio Cecchi, intervistato a valle della Convention Satec 2024 ‘Nautica, rinascimento italiano: dalla città delle arti, la Convention delle imprese della filiera della nautica da diporto lancia un piano per la Blue Economy’, organizzata dall’associazione di categoria a Palazzo Pucci a Firenze.


00:00The numbers are always good, the minor nautical system is suffering, the nautical system
00:12below 10 meters, why?
00:15Because we have also grown from 2021 to 2023 by more than 70 points, so it is clear that
00:23there is also a stabilization.
00:26The balance has been approved, we are in good health conditions as far as the
00:33associative side is concerned, we are preparing for a beautiful show that will not only be
00:41scenographic, but will be innovative in terms of technology, eco-sustainability and as many
00:50people tell me, we are already sold out, we also have companies on the waiting list
00:59because we try to fix them, but I am very very happy to be back at the helm of the
01:08association and this year that remains I will dedicate it even with more passion and more
