Dive into the enchanting world of Netflix's romantic comedy series, Miss Night and Day, directed by the acclaimed Lee Hyung Min. In Season 1 Episode 3, don't miss the captivating "Shocking Secret" clip, featuring the brilliant performances of Choi Jin Hyuk and Lee Jung Eun. This series masterfully weaves romance and mystery, offering a mesmerizing viewing experience. Stream Miss Night and Day now on Netflix and immerse yourself in the magic!
Miss Night and Day Cast:
Jung Eun Ji, Choi Jin Hyuk, Lee Jung Eun, Yoon Byung Hee, Jung Young Joo and Baek Seo Hoo
Stream Miss Night and Day now on Netflix!
Miss Night and Day Cast:
Jung Eun Ji, Choi Jin Hyuk, Lee Jung Eun, Yoon Byung Hee, Jung Young Joo and Baek Seo Hoo
Stream Miss Night and Day now on Netflix!
Short filmTranscript
00:00That's Mijin's bag.
00:01That's my bag.
00:02Why is this your bag?
00:04This is my mom's clothes.
00:05Do you remember?
00:06That's Mijin's mom's clothes.
00:07That's my mom's clothes.
00:09My birthday is March 16th, 1996.
00:11Your birthday is October 3rd, 2000.
00:13My dad's name is Pyonggang.
00:14That's right.
00:16That's right.
00:18How do you know?
00:19I know because I'm Mijin.
00:21So you're...
00:22I'm Mijin.
00:23If my friend is Mijin, where is Mijin?
00:25Oh, my God.
00:28What the hell have you heard so far?
00:30When the sun rises, it becomes like this.
00:32When the sun sets, it comes back as it is.
00:37What are you talking about?
00:41Where is Mijin?
00:44Give it to me.
00:51Do you believe me?
00:52This is...
00:53I've only heard of it.
00:55Is it like this in the electric film?
00:59What are you doing?
01:01Where's Mijin?
01:03What should I do?
01:05Where are you going?
01:06Wait a minute.
01:07Don't touch me.
01:08Stop it.
01:09Don't touch me.
01:11You're really...
01:13Why are you so strong?
01:15What is it?
01:16I'm going crazy.
01:18I don't know.
01:20Why do you keep telling me to go?
01:22Why is your hair so strong?
01:26Is it a hidden camera?
01:30Mijin, come out.
01:31Come here.
01:34I'm Mijin.
01:36Why are you Mijin?
01:38Do you want me to beat you up?
01:45No one knows.
01:46The sun is setting.
01:48Don't touch me.
01:50What do you want me to do?
01:51All right.
01:52Wait a minute.
01:53I'll call you when the sun sets.
01:56Wait a minute.
02:00The sun is setting.
02:01If you tell me to wait, I'll wait.
02:02You can take a picture.
02:04Keep going.
02:06I'll leave a picture.
02:08Don't call me.
02:10What do you want me to do?
02:12What should I do?
02:24What is it?
02:32Are you okay?
02:34I thought you'd make fun of me.
02:38Wow, awesome.
02:46Is it a ghost?
02:48That's right.
02:49If you see this, you'll know.
02:51It's different from before.
02:53That's right.