Aşkın Zaferi - HD Türk Filmi

  • vor 4 Monaten
00:02:37Look, son!
00:02:44Which is the house of Muhtar?
00:02:47Come with me!
00:02:51What's your name?
00:02:52Yanık Bekir
00:03:36Muhtar Efendi, I am the new teacher of your village. I would like to talk to you.
00:03:45Come in, teacher. Come in.
00:03:48Let's go!
00:04:07Thank you!
00:04:11Why are you looking at me as if I swallowed your tongue?
00:04:13Why don't you say welcome to my teacher?
00:04:19Oh my God!
00:04:21How can a teacher be like this?
00:04:23You are still a child.
00:04:25And your face is swollen.
00:04:27Oh my God!
00:04:28Do women always walk around like this?
00:04:31Yes, they do.
00:04:32On the street?
00:04:34Oh my God!
00:04:36I think this is the end of the world.
00:04:39Don't mind my wife, teacher.
00:04:43Please, come in.
00:04:48Come in.
00:04:57Here is my document.
00:04:59Let me show it to the chief.
00:05:01Which chief?
00:05:03The chief of the village gendarmerie.
00:05:05He is in charge of everything here.
00:05:07What are you talking about?
00:05:09I am a teacher.
00:05:11A gendarmerie chief can't interfere with my work.
00:05:14The chief of the village gendarmerie is in charge of everything.
00:05:16The chief of the village gendarmerie is in charge of everything.
00:05:19I am sorry, dear.
00:05:21I don't have a teacher.
00:05:35To the chief of the village gendarmerie of Söğüt.
00:05:37To the pregnant teacher Ahmet's daughter Oya.
00:05:41According to our administration, you have been appointed a teacher in your village.
00:05:45You will assist her in the education of a school building.
00:05:49And it is appropriate for you to encourage the children of the villagers to go to the new school.
00:05:56I am glad to hear that.
00:05:58Chief of the village gendarmerie of Marif.
00:06:00Chief of the village gendarmerie of Tahrirat.
00:06:02Chief of the village gendarmerie of Neyazet.
00:06:09Okay, teacher. I will try to do my best.
00:06:12Have you ever seen a teacher with his eyes open?
00:06:14He is a big sinner.
00:06:16He is a big sinner.
00:06:17He is a big sinner.
00:06:19He will ruin the reputation of the children.
00:06:23Do you want to disgrace the village?
00:06:26It would be great if this teacher taught us how to live like a citizen.
00:06:29Shut up!
00:06:30Did you hear what he said?
00:06:36This is the best place for you to do your job.
00:06:41Don't look for another place in the village.
00:06:45Did you find my barn to build a school?
00:06:49Don't call it a barn.
00:06:52They wanted to build a gendarmerie here, but I didn't give it to them.
00:06:55I am giving it to you for your memory.
00:06:58Since there is no other place, we will open the school here.
00:07:02But it is necessary to clean and paint it.
00:07:05Is there anyone who can help me?
00:07:07Don't ask for help from the villagers.
00:07:10You will have to do it yourself.
00:07:15What about the animals?
00:07:17I will take them somewhere.
00:07:20Now I will find you a house.
00:07:22I will carry your things.
00:07:24Good luck!
00:07:55I came to help you, teacher.
00:07:58Me too.
00:08:00When you can't find what you are looking for, you shouldn't give up.
00:08:04For those who want to learn, every corner of this country is a school.
00:08:07Now, get to work.
00:08:54The school is being built.
00:09:11We did it, children.
00:09:13It turned out better than I expected.
00:09:16But there is no place for the children.
00:09:20What are we going to do with the places?
00:09:22Can't they sit down?
00:09:24No way, Fatma.
00:09:26They need a place.
00:09:28There is no school without a place.
00:09:30You are right, teacher.
00:09:32What are we going to do?
00:09:34Did you read all these books by yourself?
00:09:37I couldn't bring all of them.
00:09:40Most of them are in Istanbul.
00:09:42Don't call me teacher anymore, Fatma.
00:09:45My name is Oya.
00:09:47You are my elder.
00:09:49Don't call me by my name.
00:09:51Then you can call me Oya.
00:09:55What does Oya mean?
00:09:57Oya, which is called Yemen.
00:10:01You are so beautiful.
00:10:03My name is Ayse Fatma Emineoglu.
00:10:05We all have the same name.
00:10:07Your name is beautiful too.
00:10:09What are these books?
00:10:11English, French, history and geography.
00:10:15I did my high school in England.
00:10:18I know their languages well.
00:10:20In a Christian school?
00:10:22My God!
00:10:23Didn't they steal your mind, Oya?
00:10:26No one can steal the mind of a patriot, Fatma.
00:10:29When I got to know them,
00:10:31I liked my country more and more.
00:10:34Don't tell this to anyone in the village.
00:10:36They will be your enemies.
00:10:38I don't care about that now.
00:10:40I am thinking about how to solve the school problems.
00:10:43We will find a solution.
00:10:45When the school opens,
00:10:47you will teach me too, right, Oya?
00:10:49The school will be open to everyone.
00:10:52If it wasn't for that pig Ombashi,
00:10:54we would have sent him to Dülger Osman.
00:10:56Are you angry with Ombashi too?
00:10:58Of course I am.
00:10:59He has an eye on me.
00:11:01He will stay here when the gendarmerie is over.
00:11:04I won't go to him.
00:11:06Is Ombashi such a bad man?
00:11:09What do you mean bad?
00:11:11He drinks all day long.
00:11:13He has an eye on every girl and woman in the village.
00:11:16What a trouble!
00:11:19Fatma, who is this boy called Yanık Bekir?
00:11:23He is a poor, lonely boy.
00:11:26His mother and father died in the earthquake.
00:11:29Who raised him?
00:11:31The villagers.
00:11:33Even dogs don't die in our village.
00:11:35Some are fed with a spoon.
00:11:37Some are fed with a bucket.
00:11:40Where does he stay at night?
00:11:42In the cemetery.
00:11:45In the cemetery?
00:11:47What harm can he do?
00:11:49In the summer, some sleep in the mountains,
00:11:52some in the forest.
00:11:54He can sleep in the cemetery where his mother and father are buried.
00:11:58It's not easy to be alone, Fatma.
00:12:01I know his pain very well.
00:12:04What is that, Oya?
00:12:06A camel.
00:12:13Can you steal it?
00:12:17I play it when I sing.
00:12:19Oya, sing a song for me.
00:12:24I'll sing something for you.
00:12:27Oya, sing a song for me.
00:12:57Oya, sing a song for me.
00:13:27Oya, sing a song for me.
00:13:57Oya, sing a song for me.
00:14:27Oya, sing a song for me.
00:14:58Did you do all this?
00:15:00Yes, teacher.
00:15:03In one night?
00:15:06You made me so happy.
00:15:09I can't believe my eyes.
00:15:13I don't know how to thank you.
00:15:18Can I help you?
00:15:21Can I do something for you?
00:15:25What is it?
00:15:28Can you teach me?
00:15:31Of course.
00:15:35You're welcome.
00:15:53Is this place heavy?
00:15:56Motar, announce it,
00:15:59our school will open tomorrow morning.
00:16:02Jeder soll sein Kind anrufen.
00:16:07Liebe Leute!
00:16:09Ihr habt es gehört oder nicht?
00:16:11In unserem Dorf ist ein neues Schulgebäude.
00:16:13Wenn ihr eure Tochter in den Frühstück bekommt,
00:16:16dann soll sie vor meinem Haus sitzen.
00:16:18Der Gerechtigkeit dieses Dorfes wird von uns gefragt.
00:16:21Seht ihr ihr Gesicht und die Augen offen?
00:16:25Unsere Kinder können keine Lehrer werden.
00:16:27Sprecht nicht so!
00:16:29Meine Brüder! Hört mal auf mich!
00:16:32Ich sehe, dass ihr mich anstrengt.
00:16:35Natürlich ist das Leben in den großen Städten und den Vierteln nicht gleich.
00:16:40Ich bin nicht hier, um euren Lebensstil zu verändern.
00:16:44Ich bin hier, um euch zu lesen und zu schreiben.
00:16:49Wir können nicht von einem Buch lesen,
00:16:51aber wir lesen von euren Gesichtern.
00:16:54Ja, aber ihr lest falsch.
00:16:56Deshalb wartet ihr auf mich.
00:16:59Aber ich bin hier, weil ich euch lieb bin.
00:17:03Ich möchte,
00:17:05dass jedes Dorf in unserem Land
00:17:08das Lesen und das Wissen der Bevölkerung hat.
00:17:10Ein Mensch, der kein Lesen und kein Schreiben kann,
00:17:12ist ein halber Mensch.
00:17:14Er kann sein Land und seine Heimat nicht benutzen.
00:17:17Er sagt das Richtige.
00:17:19Das sind die Hauptsätze.
00:17:22Wir lassen unsere Kinder nicht weg.
00:17:24Wenn er zurückkehrt,
00:17:26schießt er dir in den Arsch.
00:17:28Komm schon!
00:17:30Wer an meine Frau Hocke glaubt,
00:17:32schickt ihr Kind zu ihr.
00:17:34Ich erwarte das Kind jedes Dorfes
00:17:37in unserer Schule am Morgen.
00:17:40Ich wünsche euch alles Gute für eure Schule,
00:17:42eure Städte und eure Heimat.
00:17:44Vielen Dank, Frau Hocke!
00:17:46In meinem ersten Lesen werde ich euch
00:17:49erzählen, wo unsere Heimat ist
00:17:51und wo die Türken vor Jahren gelebt haben.
00:17:54Ich werde ihnen erzählen,
00:17:56wie wir hierher gekommen sind
00:17:58und woher wir gekommen sind.
00:18:12Dein Dorf ist sehr schön, Muhtar.
00:18:15Es ist genau, wie ich es will.
00:18:19Die Soldaten sollen jetzt in einem sauberen Ort schlafen.
00:18:28Wer sind Sie?
00:18:31Wer sind Sie und was wollen Sie?
00:18:35Ja, Sie!
00:18:36Ich bin der Hauptmann.
00:18:38Was wollen Sie?
00:18:39Meine Aufgabe ist es, überall zu schauen.
00:18:42Du hast keine Aufgabe hier.
00:18:45Wenn du eine Aufgabe hast,
00:18:47musst du zuerst die Tür schlagen
00:18:49und wenn ich dir verzeihen kann,
00:18:51kommst du hier rein.
00:18:52Das hier ist die Schule.
00:18:55Jetzt geh raus!
00:19:18Du hast den Hauptmann ins Wasser gefallen
00:19:20und ihn in einen Katzenstamm gelegt.
00:19:22Wenn du nicht aus diesem Dorf gehen würdest,
00:19:24würdest du uns alle in Ruhe bringen,
00:19:26Frau Oya.
00:19:28Hast du ein Problem?
00:19:30Nein, warum nicht?
00:19:32Ich bin so traurig, Frau Oya.
00:19:34Erzähl mir, was dich traurig macht.
00:19:36Mein Vater will mich dem Sohn von Hurschita
00:19:39zahlen für den Hauptmann.
00:19:42Aber mein Herz...
00:19:45Aber mein Herz...
00:19:47für Ali...
00:19:49Oh, Fatma.
00:19:50Keine Sorge.
00:19:51Ich spreche mit deinem Vater.
00:19:53Ich versuche, eine Lösung zu finden.
00:20:14Ich versuche, eine Lösung zu finden.
00:20:29Ich versuche, eine Lösung zu finden.
00:20:38Du denkst dir mich ein, hm?
00:20:42Lass mich los, sag ich dir!
00:21:12Sag ich dir, sag ich dir!
00:21:32O lan iteni, o lan iteni!
00:21:35Du bist ein Schlamassel!
00:21:37Du kommst mir nicht zu, was?
00:21:39Wie viele Male hast du mit dem Schlamassel geschlafen?
00:21:42Sag es!
00:21:43Sag es!
00:21:46Bist du aus der Menschlichkeit gekommen?
00:21:48Bist du ein Monster oder was?
00:21:50Geh von hier, Kahpe!
00:21:53Oder ich werde dich jetzt...
00:21:55Ich werde dich nicht töten!
00:21:57Ich werde dich töten!
00:21:59Ich werde dich töten!
00:22:01Ich werde dich töten!
00:22:04Oder ich werde dich jetzt unter meinen Füßen nehmen und töten!
00:22:08Geh weg! Geh weg!
00:22:29Istanbul, the capital of the state,
00:22:32to the commander of the gendarmerie.
00:22:38This woman who comes to our village as a teacher
00:22:41takes her house.
00:22:43Is that true, Urshita?
00:22:45It's true, chief, it's true.
00:22:50She walks around the village naked
00:22:53and takes the men out of their heads
00:22:55and destroys the stoves.
00:22:57Is that true?
00:22:58It's true, chief.
00:22:59It's a lie!
00:23:00Shut up!
00:23:01This country is not that unruly.
00:23:03Of course, there are also conscientious and patriotic people.
00:23:10What are we going to do now?
00:23:13You will help me.
00:23:15I will do whatever you want.
00:23:17I will write a letter
00:23:19to the commander of the gendarmerie in Istanbul, Ali.
00:23:29This letter must go in a hurry.
00:23:32It can't be sent by post.
00:23:34That bastard may tear and destroy the letter.
00:23:38What should we do?
00:23:40Is there anyone you trust who can ride a horse well?
00:23:43Ali is there.
00:23:45He can ride a horse well.
00:23:47He's a little tight. I'll send him.
00:23:50I'll send him, Fatma. Don't worry.
00:23:52Don't show up to anyone.
00:23:54Don't say anything to anyone.
00:23:56I told it to the teacher.
00:23:58Maybe she will unite us.
00:24:00She gave me hope.
00:24:01Is that true, Fatma?
00:24:02It's true, Ali.
00:24:03Go now.
00:24:04God bless you.
00:24:05Say it!
00:24:06Say it!
00:24:19Is it true what you wrote in the letter you sent me?
00:24:24It's true, commander.
00:24:27Tell me, Muhtar, how do you know the new teacher?
00:24:31Like a light, like an angel.
00:24:34God sent him to us as a blessing.
00:24:38If he was a villager, why did you stamp his seal?
00:24:45Yes, you.
00:24:47I didn't stamp the seal.
00:24:49I don't have a complaint against the teacher.
00:24:52I don't have the seal.
00:24:54Then who has it?
00:24:55He has it.
00:24:56He said he would fill up the army ranks.
00:24:59He took it from me.
00:25:03So you have such skills, too.
00:25:09You called me, sir.
00:25:11My dear lady, please sit down.
00:25:18Where are you from?
00:25:19I'm from Istanbul.
00:25:20Who are your parents?
00:25:22I don't have anyone in my life, sir.
00:25:25In these villages, you are so young, beautiful and independent.
00:25:31I'm doing my job, sir.
00:25:35How do you know the teacher?
00:25:37Tell me now!
00:25:43Tell me again what you wrote in your letter, my dear lady.
00:25:47He was a village headman.
00:25:49When he told me that he knew his limits, I became his enemy.
00:25:53He entered my house and attacked me.
00:25:56I complained about it all, sir.
00:26:03You put your signature on his letter.
00:26:06I didn't put my signature.
00:26:08I didn't put my signature.
00:26:09I don't know how to read and write.
00:26:11The school needs ceramics and wood.
00:26:14And you put your finger on it, didn't you?
00:26:17Your finger was as big as a donkey.
00:26:20Why did you put your finger on it?
00:26:23I have a brother who is a soldier.
00:26:25What happened to your brother?
00:26:27The village headman was going to take him to the hospital.
00:26:30He said he would do it if I put my finger on it.
00:26:33God damn you!
00:26:35This country is suffering because of people like you.
00:26:39Hey, village headman!
00:26:41If I don't make you pay for what you've done,
00:26:44don't call me Palasoad.
00:26:47Hit me with a club.
00:26:49Yes, sir.
00:26:52People like you deserve to go to the court.
00:26:56Put this on your forehead.
00:26:58Put it on your forehead.
00:27:00Wait in the police station until I come.
00:27:02Get my car ready.
00:27:04Yes, sir.
00:27:05Are you going to leave now, sir?
00:27:08Yes, dear.
00:27:10You should have a cup of coffee, village headman.
00:27:13You put up with so much fatigue just for us.
00:27:16What you've done is much harder and more tiring than ours, dear.
00:27:21While ignorance is like a wolf gnawing at this big country,
00:27:25this sacred duty that you carry on your young shoulders is heavier.
00:27:30As soon as I'm done here, I'll come for your coffee.
00:27:40I want order and order in this village.
00:27:43All of you will help Mrs. Oya.
00:27:47The children of every family will go to school and study.
00:27:51Yes, sir.
00:28:01How did you spend the night, Fatma?
00:28:05She burned in the fire.
00:28:08She was wheezing.
00:28:10She was wheezing?
00:28:19She was always wheezing at you.
00:29:01What were you looking for in the garden when the village headman came home?
00:29:09Tell me, Becker.
00:29:11I beg you, tell me.
00:29:19I don't know, teacher.
00:29:21I don't know.
00:29:23Did you want to see me from afar?
00:29:27Tell me.
00:29:30Tell me.
00:29:32Tell me.
00:29:34You've got a neat house.
00:29:40But dark days are approaching.
00:29:43You have to work.
00:29:45There's no money to spare.
00:29:47You have no money.
00:29:49You have no money.
00:29:51You have no money.
00:29:53You have no money.
00:29:55You have no money.
00:29:57You have no money.
00:29:59You have no money.
00:30:01Aber wenn wir in den nächsten schwarzen Tagen warten, wenn wir in der Nationalgruppe benötigen,
00:30:08können wir in diesem Dorf nicht leben.
00:30:10Gibt es schlechte Nachrichten, Herr?
00:30:12Ein Serbischer Student hat den Imperator aus Austria und Macedonien getötet.
00:30:17Die Krise hat in Europa wie Kugelkirche verbreitet.
00:30:21Die Deutschen versuchen, das Dorf zu verurteilen, um sich zu unternehmen.
00:30:27Ich erinnere mich an unseren Historiker aus der Schule in Erenköy.
00:30:31Er sagte, diese kranke Heimat würde zu einer neuen Kriegsschwelle aufhören.
00:30:35Hast du in der Schule in Erenköy studiert?
00:30:38Ja, vor Jahren.
00:30:40Meine Tochter hat dort studiert, vielleicht kennst du sie.
00:30:47Warte mal.
00:30:48Oder ist es die Blume Lamia?
00:30:50Blume 121.
00:30:52Genau sie.
00:30:54Seine Freunde nennen sie sie Blume.
00:30:57Sind Sie der Vater von Blume?
00:31:00Sie war mein liebster Freund.
00:31:03Warte mal, er erzählt mir einen Namen.
00:31:06Grüner Licht?
00:31:08Ja, ja, ja, okay.
00:31:10Das ist er.
00:31:11Sie haben ihn Grüner Licht genannt.
00:31:14Wenn er hört, dass Sie mich hier finden, weiß er nicht, wie er sich freuen wird.
00:31:17Ich weiß nicht, ob er sich freuen oder traurig wird.
00:31:21Er ist nur hier.
00:31:26Also, war es nicht möglich, in der Stadt zu studieren, meine Schwesterin?
00:31:32Ich habe die Stadt entschieden, Herr.
00:31:35Nein, du bist meine kleinste Freundin.
00:31:38Ich lasse dich nicht mehr in dieser Stadt.
00:31:40Pack deine Sachen, wir gehen morgen Morgen.
00:31:43Ich habe Freunde in Marif.
00:31:45Ich habe gerade angefangen, wie geht das?
00:31:47Das geht sehr gut.
00:31:49Mach dich bereit.
00:31:50Bitte bleib dran.
00:31:52Viele Menschen in dieser Stadt haben ihre Hoffnung auf mich gelegt.
00:31:55Ich gehe nicht von hier aus.
00:31:56Na gut.
00:31:57Dann verbringst du den Feierabend mit uns und gehst zurück.
00:32:00Nächsten vier Tagen ist Feierabend.
00:32:02Ich gehe nicht, ohne dich.
00:32:04Keine Sorge, Fatma.
00:32:05Ich werde wieder in die Stadt kommen.
00:32:06Das geht ein paar Tage schneller.
00:32:19Ich war so glücklich, als ob meine mutige Mutter aus dem Tod geraten wäre.
00:32:24Wie waren unsere Schülerjahre?
00:32:27Wie lebst du jetzt dort?
00:32:30Du weißt, was ein arme, arme, schlafende Stammküche-Lehrerin kann.
00:32:37Aber ich bin kein Stammküche-Lehrerin, Lamy.
00:32:40Ich bin eine Lehrerin.
00:32:43Ich bin eine Lehrerin.
00:32:46Ich bin kein Stammküche-Lehrerin, Lamy.
00:32:49Das ist unmöglich.
00:32:50Wir lassen dich nicht mehr dort.
00:32:52Nicht wahr, Papa?
00:32:53Ich habe es sehr anstrengend gemacht, aber er hat es nicht akzeptiert.
00:32:56Du bist so ein armer, armer, schlafende Stammküche-Lehrerin.
00:32:59Wie ich verstehe, wird Oya die Arbeit, die sie angefangen hat, bis zum Schluss beenden.
00:33:04Herr Nejdet hat es gut vorgestellt.
00:33:06Wir waren sogar zu spät, um diesen Menschen Hilfe zu geben.
00:33:11Nun, wir haben immer über mich gesprochen.
00:33:13Erzähl mal, wann ist der Weihnachtsfeier?
00:33:16Ich weiß es nicht.
00:33:19Was meinst du, Herr Nejdet?
00:33:21Wenn es mir bleibt, möchte ich morgen heiraten.
00:33:24Aber Lamy hat neue Ideen.
00:33:26Die Weihnachtszeit muss lange sein.
00:33:29Herr Vedat, sie sind gekommen, Herr.
00:33:38Entschuldigen Sie, ich habe Sie unangenehm gemacht.
00:33:41Du hast mich überhaupt nicht angestrengt.
00:33:43Komm, Vedat, ich zeige dir meine zweite Tochter.
00:33:47Frau Oya, die Lehrerin.
00:33:50Ich wusste nicht, dass Sie noch so eine schöne Tochter haben.
00:33:53Das weißt du natürlich nicht.
00:33:55Sie ist ein bisschen wild.
00:33:57Sie lebt in den Bergen, in den Völkern.
00:34:01Herr, ich habe sehr wichtige Nachrichten.
00:34:05Dann sehen wir uns im Zimmer.
00:34:07Die kleinen Frauen haben auch viel zu erzählen.
00:34:15Seine Nachbarn sind sehr nett.
00:34:17Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Lamy.
00:34:22Erzähl mal!
00:34:24Wir haben vor einer Stunde offiziell in der Krise teilgenommen, Herr.
00:34:28Was sagst du, Vedat?
00:34:31Es ist schade.
00:34:33Die Kirche zieht das Land in die Hölle.
00:34:37Es ist schade.
00:34:39Es ist schade.
00:34:43Was denkst du jetzt, Herr?
00:34:52Und Sie?
00:34:54Was denken Sie, Kinder?
00:35:01In einem Teil des Landes wird mein Leben gebeten.
00:35:05Ich bin auch alleine.
00:35:08Wenn uns diese drei mit diesem Lieben umgefallen sind,
00:35:12dann gehen wir weiter, Kinder.
00:35:14Hast du dir auf Vedat geachtet?
00:35:17Nein, ich weiß es nicht.
00:35:19Was ist, gibt es jemanden, den du nicht vergessen kannst?
00:35:22Nein, meine Schatz.
00:35:24Sag es mir.
00:35:26Nein, wirklich.
00:35:28Nein, wirklich nicht.
00:35:30Okay, okay, ich glaube es.
00:35:32Also, wir gehen morgen reisen, oder?
00:35:34Es ist nicht wahr, dass ich zwischen zwei neuen Nachbarn treffe?
00:35:37Wollten wir dich zu Hause alleine lassen?
00:36:28Bitte redet nicht mit mir so, Mr. Vedat.
00:36:54Entschuldige mich, wenn meine Worte euch anstrengen.
00:36:57Ich habe euch sehr aufgeregt, Mr. Vedat.
00:37:01Ihr seid so ehrgeizig, dass ihr eine traurige Frau mit schönen Wörtern zu beruhigen.
00:37:07Ich hätte diese Wörter vielleicht Jahre zuvor gehört.
00:37:12Aber jetzt...
00:37:14Habe ich euch jetzt verletzt?
00:37:16Ich möchte, dass ihr wisst, dass...
00:37:19Wenn wir euch vor Jahren kennenlernen, hätte das vielleicht einen Sinn.
00:37:24Aber das ist für heute unmöglich.
00:37:28Vedat hat nichts anderes gesehen als Oya.
00:37:32Mein Vater wird sehr glücklich über die Nachricht.
00:37:35Vedat kennt unsere Jungs und wir lieben sie sehr.
00:37:38Ich sage es einfach, ohne es auszudrücken.
00:37:41Ich habe mir überlegt, überlegt...
00:37:43Ich habe mich mit Vedat verabredet.
00:37:47Okay, aber...
00:37:51Du sagst, du wirst niemals in diesem Dorf bleiben.
00:37:56Mr. Vedat ist ein unbeschwerter, sehr neugieriger Mensch.
00:38:01Aber wir kennen uns noch nie.
00:38:05Das ist besser.
00:38:07So habt ihr die Chance, euch zu kennenlernen.
00:38:10Ihr wisst, dass ich nicht sofort aus dem Dorf gehen kann.
00:38:13So ein Verheirat...
00:38:16Ich werde auch bald nach vorne, Frau Oya.
00:38:18Ich werde mich sehr freuen, wenn ihr ein Brief schickt.
00:38:25Lasst uns das hier nicht zu lange überdenken.
00:38:29Lamiya, Nejdet, ihr seid auch Zeugen.
00:38:33Vedat, komm, hol die Ringe.
00:43:50Oh, willkommen, meine Schatzin, komm her!
00:44:10Seien Sie frei, meine Schatzin!
00:44:12Sind sie zu Hause?
00:44:13Ja, sie sind zu Hause, bitte, meine Schatzin!
00:44:16Oya, wir haben die ganze Zeit über dich gesprochen. Du weißt nicht, wie traurig ich war.
00:44:22Es war unmöglich für mich, dort zu bleiben. Der Feind hat die Stadt besiegt.
00:44:27Okay, ich fahre sofort.
00:44:38Ich freue mich, dass du wieder sauber bist, mein Schatz. Wie geht's dir?
00:44:42Sie haben mein Hochschulgebäude besiegt. Ich habe mich vom Feind schwer gerettet.
00:44:51Ich gehe nach einem Ort, du musst mit mir kommen.
00:44:54Auf geht's, Schatz!
00:45:12Nach diesen dunklen Tagen...
00:45:14... wird der Sonne natürlich erscheinen.
00:45:42Die Stadt wird gesiegt.
00:45:56A14 wurde gesiegt, binbaschim, eine Stunde zuvor.
00:46:04Ich höre dich, erzähl, Hüse!
00:46:07Kommandant, die Javuz-Gruppe konnte diesmal nicht erfolgreich sein.
00:46:12Als wir die Waffen genau besiegt haben...
00:46:14... haben die Engländer Maschinen in den See getötet und den Motor in den Feuer gelegt.
00:46:20Wir haben die A14 leider nicht gerettet.
00:46:24Meine Freundin Vedat, die A14-Frau, ist meine Freundin.
00:46:28Ich bedanke mich, Schatz.
00:46:36Öffne die Brande, Hüse!
00:46:38Aber, Kommandant...
00:47:12Auf geht's, Hüse!
00:47:15A14 wurde gesiegt, binbaschim, eine Stunde zuvor.
00:47:18Ich höre dich, erzähl, Hüse!
00:47:20Kommandant, die Javuz-Gruppe konnte diesmal nicht erfolgreich sein.
00:47:23Aschermann, die Javuz-Gruppe wurde gesiegt, binbaschim, eine Stunde zuvor.
00:47:26Ich hoffe, dass die Erste-Bundeskanzlei in der Luft noch einmal erfolgt.
00:47:33Ich hoffe, dass die Erste-Bundeskanzlei in der Luft noch einmal erfolgt.
00:47:37Ich hoffe, dass die Erste-Bundeskanzlei in der Luft noch einmal erfolgt.
00:47:40Ich spreche nur meinen eigenen Sprachen.
00:47:42Meine Hilfe kann Ihnen helfen.
00:47:49Kannst du das tun?
00:47:51Ja, Herr Oberstleutnant.
00:47:53Ich bin bereit, mein Leben für die Güte zu verbringen.
00:47:56Okay, meine Schatzin.
00:47:58Komm mit mir.
00:48:00Hältst du deine Hand auf unsere Flagge und erzählst, was du sagen wirst?
00:48:16Auch wenn ich unter den schlimmsten Bedingungen stehe,
00:48:19auch wenn ich unter den schlimmsten Bedingungen stehe,
00:48:22werde ich nicht aufhören, mein Leben zu retten.
00:48:28Ich werde nicht aufhören, mein Leben zu retten.
00:48:33Ich werde nicht aufhören, meine Freunde, die in derselben Organisation und demselben Ziel arbeiten,
00:48:43ich werde nicht aufhören, meine Freunde, die in derselben Organisation und demselben Ziel arbeiten,
00:48:51Ich werde nicht aufhören, meine Freunde, die in derselben Organisation und demselben Ziel arbeiten.
00:49:01Hierzu warte ich jetzt allein,
00:49:05verbrauche die Hilfe ihres W Tact douches im Flur.
00:49:21Nachdem die Briten in die Militärhospitale gingen, haben sie nicht gelernt, wann und auf welchen Weg die Waffen und Gewehrschaften fliehen werden.
00:49:36Die Mustafa Kemal-Kräfte vorbereiten sich auf einen großen Angriff. Diese Information ist für uns sehr wichtig.
00:49:51Miss Betty James, where are you going? English Military Hospital. Your papers.
00:50:21Angriff auf die Militärhospitale
00:50:52Excuse me, Donovan. I have a lot of work to do. I'm glad you came, Jackson. I'll be expecting you more often.
00:51:05Come in.
00:51:13I came from Sahra Hospital. My name is Betty, sir. At your service.
00:51:20Welcome, Miss Betty. I'm glad they sent you. They sent me the most beautiful nurse. Isn't that right, Jackson?
00:51:28Yes. A nurse as beautiful as the flowers that grow in the Sahra.
00:51:33Unfortunately, you will only stay with us for 15 days. The head nurse of this hospital has gone to London on leave. I will ask you to work for her until she returns.
00:51:43With pleasure, sir.
00:51:45I would like to show Miss Betty the magnificent beauty of Istanbul on her leave. If you allow me, Colonel.
00:51:52Head nurse Jackson is the chief of the intelligence department. She loves excitement and beautiful women.
00:52:01With your permission, can I go to my room and rest for a while?
00:52:04Of course, Miss Betty. Head nurse Smith will show you your room.
00:52:16Miss Betty, what a surprise!
00:52:18I was taking the reports of the head nurse Clark to the hospital.
00:52:21On the contrary, I have a very important business with General Hamilton. Otherwise I wouldn't have left you alone. Can we go out tonight?
00:52:30I'm sorry for tonight. Maybe a few days later.
00:52:36Have a nice day, Miss Betty.
00:52:38Have a nice day, General.
00:52:41Come in.
00:52:49I brought the reports of the hospital, General.
00:52:51Who are you?
00:52:52Betty James.
00:52:53I don't know you.
00:52:55I came from the Sahra hospital four days ago.
00:52:58I'm the head nurse of this hospital.
00:53:00I'm the head nurse of this hospital.
00:53:02I'm the head nurse of this hospital.
00:53:04I'm the head nurse of this hospital.
00:53:06I don't know you.
00:53:08I came from the Sahra hospital four days ago.
00:53:11Come in.
00:53:12Thank you.
00:53:16Come in.
00:53:19Your husband must have prepared a list of needs again. Come in.
00:53:31I'm sorry. I thought you were alone.
00:53:34It doesn't matter, Barney. Miss Betty is not a stranger.
00:53:38Tell me, Barney, about the password.
00:53:41The weapons and ammunition you asked for are on the way with two trucks.
00:53:46I brought the report on this matter.
00:53:52Good. They are sending more than I asked for.
00:53:56Send a copy to General Hamilton.
00:54:00Yes, sir. I'll send it right away.
00:54:07Do you have a list of needs, sir?
00:54:10Donovan knows his business.
00:54:12He sent a patient with you so that I wouldn't object.
00:54:15Send my regards. I'll do what's necessary.
00:54:17Thank you. Have a nice day.
00:54:59A few days later.
00:55:22What are you doing here, Miss Betty?
00:55:25I looked at Captain Jackson. They said he was here.
00:55:28Captain Jackson left. I don't think he'll come back today.
00:55:31If you have anything to say to me...
00:55:34No, it's not that important. I'll call him tomorrow.
00:55:38I'll tell him you'll call him, Miss Betty.
00:55:59Excuse me, I'm looking for Captain Betty.
00:56:05It's me. Do you have a request?
00:56:08I delivered the milk, sir.
00:56:16After these dark days?
00:56:20Of course, the sun will rise.
00:56:29A few days later.
00:56:42We received word from B-17 about the shipment of weapons, sir.
00:56:47A few days later.
00:56:55Good. He told me everything.
00:56:59Find the commander of the Anatolian Shafak Group, Mirala Yaşar Bey.
00:57:03Let him deliver this information to B-12.
00:57:08The trucks will go to his position.
00:57:11Go back to your position and wait for my order.
00:57:14Yes, sir.
00:57:18I've been wandering in the mountains all these years.
00:57:21I've never met a brave man like you, sir.
00:57:24We fought back-to-back with the enemy.
00:57:27We blew up bridges. We raided positions.
00:57:30But you still have a troubled situation.
00:57:33You don't tell us.
00:57:36What can I tell you, Sergeant?
00:57:39If you have a cure.
00:57:42No, I don't.
00:57:45I don't have anyone like me.
00:57:48But look at young Osman.
00:57:51When I see him, he thinks of his mother.
00:57:54Hasan thinks of his children.
00:57:57Mehmet thinks of his uncle.
00:58:00Kemal thinks of his old father.
00:58:03What about you, sir?
00:58:06You'll meet your loved ones, Sergeant.
00:58:09I don't have a cure.
00:58:12When he looked at me, his eyes were on fire.
00:58:15His eyes were on fire when he looked at me.
00:58:18His hair was on fire when he looked at me.
00:58:21His hair was on fire when he looked at me.
00:58:24He came to our village as a teacher.
00:58:27He was a brave man.
00:58:30His heart was like a diamond.
00:58:33He returned to Istanbul after the occupation.
00:58:36I always think of him, Sergeant.
00:58:39I don't want anything else.
00:58:50Don't worry, sir.
00:58:53I know a lot of people in Istanbul.
00:58:56I'll get information about that young man.
00:58:59We have important news from Miralay Yaşar.
00:59:03D-12 from Shafak Group.
00:59:06The enemy transport will pass through Düzdere tonight.
00:59:09Attack and get a good result.
00:59:12Get ready, my lions. We're going to attack.
00:59:29D-12 from Shafak Group.
00:59:32D-12 from Shafak Group.
00:59:58Osman, I'm a brave man.
01:00:01Tell my mother that I was a martyr for my country.
01:00:04Tell my mother that I was a martyr for my country.
01:00:07Tell my mother that I was a martyr for my country.
01:00:13Here, for your honor.
01:00:20You're like a light that shines in the dark of Istanbul.
01:00:23You're like a light that shines in the dark of Istanbul.
01:00:26You make everything bigger in your romantic imagination, Jackson.
01:00:29I wish I could forget the pain of the war as soon as possible.
01:00:32I wish I could forget the pain of the war as soon as possible.
01:00:35The Turks are attacking us in Anatolia.
01:00:38Will we be able to defend ourselves?
01:00:41In the face of the British Empire,
01:00:44a handful of Turks can be my words.
01:00:47Let's not spoil the magic of the night with such tasteless topics.
01:00:50Let's not spoil the magic of the night with such tasteless topics.
01:00:53Let's dance.
01:00:56If you want to trick me into coming to your hotel,
01:00:59If you want to trick me into coming to your hotel,
01:01:02you're wrong.
01:01:05You're so cruel.
01:01:08Maybe this will happen in the future.
01:01:11But tonight, if you don't insist,
01:01:14I'd like to go on a horse ride with you tomorrow.
01:01:20Istanbul is really a lonely city.
01:01:23Yes, I can't deny that.
01:01:26The Turks are proud people.
01:01:29But they make mistakes by belittling the British power.
01:01:32If I have to be honest,
01:01:35we invaded a country without sin and fault.
01:01:38The Turks are trying to protect it.
01:01:41Believe me, if I didn't know you,
01:01:44I would have thought you were Turkish, Betty.
01:01:47Is that so? I like people with dignity.
01:01:50Is that so? I like people with dignity.
01:01:56Did you give a Turk a heart?
01:01:59Who knows? Maybe.
01:02:04I found the woman I wanted to inform you about, Captain.
01:02:07I wish I hadn't found her.
01:02:13Yosman is one of them.
01:02:16She's in the arms of the enemy officers.
01:02:19There are women who would do such a thing.
01:02:22How am I going to inform Sergeant Hidr?
01:02:31Sergeant Hidr, you haven't said a word since yesterday.
01:02:34It's like you have something to say, but you don't.
01:02:37Did you get any bad news?
01:02:40I wish I hadn't.
01:02:43I wish you hadn't told me to investigate.
01:02:47So you have some news. What happened to her?
01:02:50She ran away with the enemy officers in Istanbul.
01:02:53She's a bad woman.
01:02:56No, she can't be.
01:02:59Well done, my hero.
01:03:02She took over the B-12 guns in the mountains of the village.
01:03:05She took over the B-12 guns in the mountains of the village.
01:03:08And she sent them to the inner lines.
01:03:11Thanks to you, my dear.
01:03:14Now I have a more important task.
01:03:17The enemy defense plan has also changed.
01:03:20Our forces in Sakarya will be in a difficult situation.
01:03:23Our forces in Sakarya will be in a difficult situation.
01:03:26According to the information I received,
01:03:29according to the information I received,
01:03:32the order about this plan is being sent to Bandirm.
01:03:35According to the information I received,
01:03:38the order about this plan is being sent to Bandirm.
01:03:41This is the order.
01:03:44A leaper called Inayet is on war alliance with Sileb.
01:03:47He is meaning to raid your bandirm tonight.
01:03:50I trust you, Jackson.
01:03:53You will deliver a letter to Lieutenant General Ladashan with your own hands.
01:03:56You will deliver a letter to General Ladashan with your own hands.
01:03:59It contains information very important for the Turks.
01:04:11I'm nurse Betty, come in.
01:04:18Betty, I'm very sorry, we can't go out tonight.
01:04:21I'm going to Bandruma at 2 o'clock.
01:04:24You promised me, Jackson, you were going to take me to a Turkish dance.
01:04:31And it's still 10 o'clock.
01:04:33I'd love to, but it's impossible.
01:04:37But when you come back, I think you won't be able to find me here anymore.
01:04:41We would spend a sweet night together.
01:04:45Did you say alone, Betty?
01:04:47Will you come to my hotel later?
01:04:49Is there a reason why I won't come?
01:04:52Then get ready right away, let's not waste time.
01:05:06He's so tough, he's driving me crazy.
01:05:21Is this trip that important, Jackson?
01:05:24Can't you postpone it?
01:05:26Impossible, Betty, I'm an orderly.
01:05:34So am I.
01:05:38Come on, let's drink to our bad luck tonight.
01:05:44Beauty is driving me crazy, Betty.
01:05:47I've never met a woman like you before.
01:06:05Come on, let's join in.
01:06:35Come on, let's go.
01:07:05Come on, let's go.
01:07:27I'm so unlucky, Betty.
01:07:29I feel like I'm going to die if I stay here with you till morning.
01:07:35That Raki thing made me crazy.
01:07:40But it's not that I don't like it.
01:07:43My feelings for you started to change.
01:07:46My whole body is on fire.
01:07:56My head hurts.
01:07:58It'll be better if you wash your face.
01:08:03By the way, you're my wife, Betty.
01:08:05We don't have much time.
01:08:24What are you doing?
01:08:30So you're a spy.
01:08:32You deceived us all, but this will be your end.
01:09:01Come on, hurry up.
01:09:07Yes, I'm listening to you, Miss Betty.
01:09:10The operation was successful.
01:09:12We did what we could.
01:09:14But unfortunately, we couldn't save Captain Jackson.
01:09:18I see.
01:09:21Barney, if necessary, bring the gold of the city and find this spy.
01:09:26Because he has a very valuable document.
01:09:29As you wish.
01:09:33Thank you for your help, Miss Betty.
01:09:36We've kept you here for too long.
01:09:38Get ready to return to Sahra Hospital tomorrow morning.
01:09:41Thank you.
01:10:00I sent the document you asked for last night.
01:10:03We got it, son.
01:10:05It's in its place now.
01:10:08My hero daughter.
01:10:10What you've done for this country will never be forgotten.
01:10:15You speak as if my mission is over, Captain.
01:10:18It's over, dear.
01:10:20Mustafa Kemal's forces have begun to drive the enemy back.
01:10:23I'm going to the front with this ship, to my new unit.
01:10:27I have one last request from you, Captain.
01:10:30The village where I was a teacher is still under occupation.
01:10:33I want to join the liberation of that village.
01:10:36How can I put you in that danger alone?
01:10:39I won't be alone.
01:10:41I'll help the gangsters from the Shafak group in the surrounding mountains.
01:10:46They'll send me back to Sahra Hospital tomorrow morning.
01:10:50Our way passes through that village.
01:10:52Please, don't refuse my last request, Captain.
01:10:56Send a message to the Shafak group in Anatolia.
01:11:01B-17 is on its way there.
01:11:04From now on, D-12 is under B-17's command.
01:11:08Yes, Captain.
01:11:10Thank you.
01:11:12You won't be able to leave this great country like me.
01:11:27Have a safe journey.
01:11:30Thank you, Captain.
01:12:09I'm nurse Betty.
01:12:11I wanted to rest a little while returning to the English Sahra Hospital.
01:12:16Isn't she our teacher?
01:12:18Yes, look at her.
01:12:20This time, she's with the enemy soldiers.
01:12:23You know, tonight is Christmas.
01:12:25We'll have a big feast.
01:12:27You'll be honored.
01:12:29You'll spend the holiday with us.
01:12:34Did you see the coffee?
01:12:36It's so good.
01:12:38This is a nice village.
01:12:40I'd like to walk around and see it.
01:12:42With pleasure, Miss Betty.
01:12:49My friends are getting impatient, Captain.
01:12:51They're asking if we're going to raid the village.
01:12:54I can't take action unless I get orders from our friend from Istanbul.
01:12:58We're at his command.
01:13:00Yes, Captain. I'll tell the boys.
01:13:08Captain, I want to ask you something.
01:13:11You've forgotten that woman, haven't you?
01:13:13You'll be mad at me, but I couldn't get her out of my mind.
01:13:18I wish I could tear her to pieces with my teeth.
01:13:21I couldn't do it, Sergeant.
01:13:23This is the warehouse you see.
01:13:25We have valuable armory stock in it.
01:13:27This is a kind of supply center for our motorized troops.
01:13:33I didn't know there was such an important armory in such a small village.
01:14:26Who are you? Who's there?
01:14:30The sun will rise after these dark days.
01:14:33D-12, you have my orders.
01:14:35Turn your back and listen to me carefully.
01:14:53I don't understand why you're behaving like this.
01:14:56If you hadn't given me the password...
01:14:58Wouldn't you believe that I'm one of you?
01:15:00No. I didn't expect a woman to come to the mountains like this.
01:15:04Does it matter to you?
01:15:06Do you hate women?
01:15:09I want to ask you something.
01:15:11Yes, ma'am.
01:15:13What's your name?
01:15:14Bekir. They called me Yanuk Bekir in the village.
01:15:17Are you married?
01:15:19I've heard about your heroic deeds, Yanuk Bekir.
01:15:22You were the one who gave the enemy a hard time after we gave you orders.
01:15:28Have you ever loved anyone in your life, Bekir?
01:15:33I'm ordering you. Tell me.
01:15:35I loved once.
01:15:37Only once.
01:15:39And now?
01:15:41That person is dead for me.
01:15:43Who was the one you loved?
01:15:45A hodja came to our village.
01:15:47He was already a dream of mine.
01:15:49I was nothing more than an ignorant beggar.
01:15:53I was as high as I couldn't reach.
01:15:56I'm telling you, it was a dream that couldn't come true.
01:15:59It's not certain, Yanuk Bekir.
01:16:02Who knows?
01:16:04Maybe one day...
01:16:22How could you do such a thing?
01:16:24Tell me, how did you do it?
01:16:26I had a lover as pure as the clouds in my dream.
01:16:29I had a lover as bright as the sun.
01:16:32I was satisfied with her dream.
01:16:35Did you come here to make her dirty, to make her dirty?
01:16:40Tell me!
01:16:42Tell me!
01:16:43Answer me!
01:16:45How did you become so ignorant?
01:16:47How did you become so ignorant?
01:16:49How did you become so rotten?
01:16:50How did you become so dirty?
01:16:55If you're done talking, listen to me, Bekir.
01:16:58You're under my command right now.
01:17:01I'm B-17 from the Yavuz Group.
01:17:04I've come to save this village.
01:17:07We're going to save this village.
01:17:10On this paper, I've drawn the enemy forces and their positions.
01:17:16While I distract the officers, you attack at 12 o'clock.
01:17:21Our flag will wave again at the village's minaret.
01:17:42What a nice preparation, gentlemen.
01:17:46What a nice preparation, gentlemen.
01:17:48What a nice preparation, gentlemen.
01:17:49What a nice preparation, gentlemen.
01:17:59What a nice preparation.
01:18:12Dress formally.
01:18:15Ich bin der König der Gnade!
01:18:22Was ist das?
01:18:23Halt! Ich schieße den, der bewegt ist.
01:18:33Es ist Zeit, die Türken zu beurteilen.
01:18:36Ihr Gnade hat euch die Augen gesperrt.
01:18:39Ihr dachtet, ihr könntet die ganze Nation zerstören.
01:18:43Was für ein Traum!
01:18:44Nach diesen dunklen Tagen wird der Sonnenschein natürlich erscheinen.
01:19:13Warum haltet ihr? Schießt euch an!
01:19:16Habt ihr Verständnis? Wie können wir den Fähigkeiten beurteilen?
01:19:24Die Unwissenschaft hat euch die Augen gesperrt.
01:19:26Was für Blut fließt in euren Händen?
01:19:29Schießt euch an!
01:19:31Schießt euch an!
01:19:33Lasst uns unsere Stadt retten!
01:19:36Wir bekommen keine Anweisungen von einer Frau wie ihr.
01:19:38Ich werde das tun, was ich gesagt habe.
01:19:40Ich schieße euch an!
01:19:50Schießt euch an, Feiglinge!
01:19:52Schießt euch an, Feiglinge!
01:19:53Lasst uns unsere Stadt retten!
01:19:54Lasst uns unsere Stadt retten!
01:19:55Lasst uns unsere Stadt retten!
01:19:56Los geht's!
01:19:57Los geht's!
01:20:08Schießt euch an!
01:20:38Schießt euch an!
01:21:09Entschuldige mich für alles, was ich dir gesagt habe.
01:21:18Ich habe dich damals entschuldigt, Fekir.
01:21:25Wir werden uns nicht mehr verabschieden, oder?
01:21:29Wir werden uns nicht mehr verabschieden.
01:21:39Geheimnisvolle Musik
01:21:42Mit Untertiteln von SWR
01:22:12Untertitel der Amara.org-Community
