WIKA Suntik Modal Rp81 Miliar ke Operator Jalan Tol Semarang-Demak

  • 3 months ago
PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (WIKA) menambah modal Rp81 miliar ke PT Pembangunan Perumahan Semarang Demak (PPSD), Badan Usaha Jalan Tol (BUJT) Semarang-Demak.

PPSD adalah perusahaan patungan (joint venture) antara WIKA dengan PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP). WIKA memiliki saham minoritas di entitas asosiasi tersebut.


00:00Yes, the next information comes from PT Wijayakarya Persero TBK.
00:03My colleague added capital to his son's business worth 81 billion rupiah.
00:08There is also an addition of the capital to avoid dilution.
00:15PT Wijayakarya Persero TBK added 81 billion rupiah capital
00:18to PT Pembangunan Perumahan Semarang Demat or PPSD,
00:21Badan Usaha Jalan Tol Semarang Demat.
00:24PPSD is a joint venture between WIKA and PT PP Persero TBK.
00:29WIKA has a minority share in the association.
00:34Corporate Secretary WIKA Mahendra Vijaya said
00:36the capital contribution was made to avoid dilution
00:39due to the ownership of WIKA's share in PPSD.
00:42The consideration of this transaction
00:44is for the fulfillment of the equity portion
00:46of Perseroan as the holder of PT Pembangunan Perumahan Semarang Demat.
00:50PPSD previously offered additional capital to the mother of business,
00:54namely PT PP and WIKA.
00:56With the presence of the capital balance,
00:57the share of PT PP and WIKA in PPSD remains at 75.1% and 24.9%.
01:04The injection also increased the equity of PPSD to 327 billion rupiah.
01:10Mahendra explained that the additional capital will be used by PPSD
01:14to pay for the current or just completed project.
01:18As information, PPSD has just completed
01:20Jalan Tol Semarang Demat Ruas Sayung Demat along 16.31 kilometers.
01:26The highway has been in operation since February 25, 2024.
01:30The construction of the highway is planned to be continued
01:32for the Semarang Sayung area which is the government portion.
01:35The length of the highway is 10.64 kilometers
01:39which was targeted by Rampung in 2027.
