• letztes Jahr
Alan Bender ist der Beste der Besten, der erfahrenste Unterhändler bei Geiselnahmen. Doch der härteste Fall seiner Karriere hat er noch vor sich: Der Präsident von Mexiko und seine Ehefrau werden entführt und die Geiselnehmer wollen ihn als Unterhändler. Während er für das Leben des Präsidenten und seine Ehe kämpft, muss er lernen: Nicht alles ist verhandelbar.


00:00I'm Alan Bender. I'm a negotiator for the Special Operations Group.
00:05Whenever there's an emergency, well, his job is much more important.
00:09He promised to let me do the field work when Juana was born.
00:12That's what I'm doing.
00:13The girl is eight years old.
00:16Come here.
00:17I have to go. It's a national emergency.
00:19Did they kidnap the president or what?
00:22You're going to die.
00:23Shut up.
00:25The kidnapper wants to talk to you alone.
00:30Is everyone okay?
00:33Are there any wounded?
00:38If we go in by force, what are the chances of getting him out alive?
00:42I don't think he wants to kill.
00:44Trust me.
00:45Bender, what's wrong with your influencer psychology?
00:48Get ready to enter.
00:51Either I talk to Bender or I give you the pig made of pork.
00:55If you specifically ask to talk to me, this has to be personal.
00:59Before they cut the signal, I want to show you something.
01:01Are you ready?
01:06My wife is in there.
01:08I have to get out of here alive, please.
01:10Give me more time.
01:11Good evening, beloved Mexican people.
01:13Today we need you to give us some answers.
01:19They're going in and there's nothing I can do to stop them.
01:21I don't give a damn about getting out.
01:23We're starting a countdown.
01:26They're going to kill us all.
01:28Let me through.
01:32Alan, if I don't get out of here alive, please.
01:34You're going to get out of there alive, my love.
01:36Don't interrupt me.