The Most Remote Land in Russia

  • 3 months ago
00:00Welcome to Chukotka's Curiosities.
00:05We're about to embark on an adventure to one of the most remote and extreme corners of
00:09the planet.
00:10Hit that subscribe button and let's dive straight in.
00:13A big shout out to our new subscribers.
00:15You've joined us at the perfect time.
00:17We're about to uncover 10 unbelievable finds in Chukotka, a place where Mother Nature throws
00:22some of her wildest challenges at you.
00:24Get ready to be amazed because this is a journey you won't forget.
00:28So stay tuned, stay curious, and most importantly, stay wild.
00:35We're kicking things off in Chukotka, an unforgiving land shrouded in mystery.
00:39The sun dips below the horizon and for weeks it doesn't rise again.
00:44This is the polar night, a time when darkness reigns supreme.
00:47The temperature plummets to bone-chilling lows and the wind howls like a hungry wolf.
00:53The Chukchi people have thrived for centuries.
00:55They hunt and gather under a sky illuminated by stars.
00:59Their resilience is a testament to the human spirit.
01:02We're about to uncover some unbelievable finds.
01:08Deep within the heart of Chukotka, the Chukchi people have honed their skills over generations,
01:14crafting masterpieces from walrus ivory.
01:17These aren't just trinkets, they're a window into the soul of a people, a testament to
01:22their deep connection with nature.
01:24Each carving tells a story, passed down through generations, keeping their traditions alive.
01:30These carvings, polished to a fine sheen by generations of handling, aren't just beautiful,
01:35they're vital tools for survival.
01:38From the intricate details of a walrus hunt to the delicate lines of a shaman's mask,
01:43each carving is a testament to the Chukchi people's resilience and artistry.
01:48Stay with me as we delve deeper into the wonders of Chukotka.
01:55Now we're venturing beneath the surface into a hidden world carved into the permafrost,
02:00a network of tunnels, a testament to human ingenuity in the face of extreme conditions.
02:06These aren't just holes in the ground, they're lifelines, providing shelter from the biting
02:11wind and freezing temperatures.
02:13These subterranean passages, some stretching for hundreds of meters, connect homes, storehouses
02:19and even entire villages.
02:21Life above ground in Chukotka is harsh, but down in these tunnels there's a sense of security,
02:26a feeling of warmth.
02:28Families gather around flickering oil lamps, sharing stories and laughter, their breath
02:32misting in the air.
02:34These tunnels, shrouded in darkness and silence, are a testament to the Chukchi people's ability
02:38to adapt and survive.
02:40We're now standing on a desolate stretch of coastline, the wind whipping through the air
02:44and before us lies Whalebone Alley.
02:48Giant jawbones of bowhead whales, bleached white by the sun and wind, form a path leading
02:52towards the sea.
02:54This isn't just a graveyard, it's a sacred site, a place where the spirits of the whales
02:58are honored.
03:02The wind bites at our faces as we prepare to journey across the frozen tundra.
03:07Our mode of transport, a Chukchi dog sled.
03:10These aren't just pets pulling us along, they're powerful athletes, bred for generations
03:15to withstand the harshest conditions.
03:17Imagine the bond between a musher and his dogs, working as one across the vast expanse
03:21of snow and ice.
03:23The only sound is the panting of the dogs and the runners slicing through the snow.
03:28These dogs are more than just animals, they're family.
03:31In the unforgiving wilderness of Chukotka, they depend on each other for survival.
03:36As we race across the frozen landscape, the dogs' powerful muscles rippling beneath their
03:41fur, we can't help but feel a sense of awe.
03:44These incredible creatures embody the spirit of Chukotka, resilient, resourceful and fiercely
03:53We're now sailing through the Bering Strait, the wind whipping salt spray into our faces,
03:58approaching a place where time bends to its will, the Diomede Islands.
04:04These two islands, separated by a narrow stretch of water, straddle the international dateline.
04:10Imagine standing on one island, looking across the water to the other, knowing that you're
04:15staring into another day.
04:18Big Diomede, belonging to Russia, is 21 hours ahead of Little Diomede, part of the United
04:24The Diomede Islands are also a bridge between two continents, Asia and North America.
04:29For centuries, the indigenous people of these islands have crossed this narrow strait, trading
04:34goods and stories.
04:36Standing on these windswept islands, we can't help but feel a sense of wonder at the vastness
04:40of our planet and the intricate ways in which it's connected.
04:47Hold on tight, because we're about to plunge into the frigid waters of the Arctic Ocean
04:50for an unforgettable experience.
04:53Arctic surfing!
04:54Forget the tropical paradise.
04:56Here, the waves are ice cold.
04:58The air bites with a vengeance.
05:00And the surfers wear dry suits to stay alive.
05:03Imagine paddling out into the churning water, icebergs looming in the distance, the wind
05:08whipping your face.
05:09The waves here are different, more powerful, less forgiving.
05:12But for those brave enough to take on the challenge, the rewards are immense.
05:17The feeling of riding a wave in the Arctic is like nothing else on Earth.
05:21Arctic surfing is a testament to the human spirit's unyielding desire to push boundaries,
05:26to seek adventure in the most unexpected places.
05:29We're venturing deep into the tundra following nomadic reindeer herders, their lives linked
05:34to nature's rhythm.
05:35These animals are their livelihood, companions and way of life.
05:39Imagine the sound of hooves on frozen ground, antlers silhouetted against the sky.
05:45Herders live a life of constant movement, enduring freezing temperatures and biting
05:50winds, protecting their reindeer from predators.
05:53During a meal, we hear their stories, tales of survival and tradition, a source of pride.
06:02We're now standing on the edge of civilization, or what's left of it, in the abandoned mining
06:07town of Pyramid.
06:09Once a bustling hub of activity, it now stands frozen in time, a ghost town haunted by memories
06:15of a bygone era.
06:18Imagine a town built on coal, its lifeblood extracted from the earth until there was nothing
06:23Pyramid was once a symbol of Soviet ambition, a testament to their desire to conquer the
06:29Now it's a stark reminder of the fleeting nature of human endeavors.
06:33Pyramid serves as a reminder that even in the most remote corners of our planet, human
06:38impact can be profound, both in its creation and its eventual decay.
06:46As darkness descends on the tundra, we witness a spectacle that sets the sky ablaze, the
06:51Northern Lights.
06:53Imagine ribbons of green, purple and red dancing across the night sky, illuminating the frozen
06:58landscape with an ethereal glow.
07:01The Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, occur when charged particles from the sun collide
07:06with the Earth's atmosphere.
07:08And here, in the heart of the Arctic, we have a front row seat to this celestial show.
07:14The Chukchi people believe that the Northern Lights are the spirits of their ancestors
07:18dancing in the sky.
07:19It's a reminder that even in the harshest environments, there is beauty, there is magic,
07:25there is wonder.
07:26The Northern Lights, a symphony of color and light, are a fitting end to our journey through
07:35So there you have it, ten unbelievable finds in the heart of Chukotka.
07:40From the depths of the permafrost tunnels to the celestial dance of the Northern Lights,
07:45this land has shown us the raw power and beauty of our planet.
07:48Remember, out here, in the wild, it's not about conquering nature, but about respecting
07:53it, learning from it and coexisting with it.
07:56The Chukchi people have shown us that survival is possible even in the most extreme conditions.
08:01So until our next adventure, stay curious, stay prepared and most importantly, stay wild!
