• last year
Sebelum ini, @defamofficial membuat keputusan untuk mengundurkan diri daripada The Hardest Singing Show selepas lima minggu bersaingan dalam program realiti nyanyian itu.

Oleh hal demikian, pelakon @azirashafinaz meminta khalayak menghentikan sebarang spekulasi berhubung pengunduran mereka daripada program tersebut atas alasan kesihatan.

#remaja #majalahremaja #remajamalaysia


00:00Okay, I'm sure everyone wants to know what happened to Azira, right?
00:04Okay, what I can share, I can only say that I got advice from the doctor,
00:09where the doctor advised me to stop performing at The Hardest Singing Show.
00:15And I also met with the team members at FEM and the three of us agreed together to decide to withdraw.
00:29And we also met with ASTRO. Azira also provided a letter from the doctor saying that I can't continue.
00:38And what happened to me, let only me, my team and ASTRO know.
00:44And if possible, I don't want to talk about what happened at The Hardest Singing Show anymore.
00:50That's all.
00:51I think I posted one time, whereby week 3, it happens to me during week 3 and week 5 only.
00:59But if you ask me to elaborate what disease I have, I can't.
01:03For me, it's confidential between me and my doctor.
01:07And I'm not ready to share it with anyone.
01:11Okay, I think I understand why people keep on asking because,
01:14well, recently FEM did a performance, right?
01:18So, I want to clarify whereby, where at The Hardest Singing Show, we need full effort.
01:26Where every week until the end, we have to express ideas, energy and everything.
01:31So, I feel like the intensity is there, right?
01:36So, if I feel like for FEM to perform anywhere,
01:43based on our best efforts, I think there's no problem for now.
01:50It's not long, but for now, if possible, I've already overworked.
01:54Like this, to tell the story of Nafsu, we worked from December.
01:59From December until February, if I'm not mistaken.
02:02After that, I immediately joined for another series, Kiblat Kesyuga.
02:09After Kiblat Kesyuga, I immediately joined The Hardest Singing Show.
02:12So, I feel like I've already overworked.
02:14I think every day I'm tired.
02:17Even now, even I'm at home, I'm resting, I'm tired.
02:19Well, it's normal. As an artist, this is what we have to go through.
02:23So, what I can do is, I just want to keep myself healthy.
02:27And keep myself fit.
02:29Take the supplements that I can take.
02:30And just, if possible, I want to continue my daily routine as usual.
02:36I don't want people to see me like, oh, it hurts.
02:38I can't do anything, right?
02:40If we're sick, we don't want to show that we're sick, right?
02:44We have to be professional in any way possible.
02:46So, in my group, I'm not alone.
02:50There are three of us.
02:51So, of course, I have to keep myself professional in anything that I do.
