সম্প্রীতির বাংলাদেশে আমার বাংলাদেশ পার্টি কেমন সম্প্রীতি করবেন?

  • 3 months ago
সম্প্রীতির বাংলাদেশে আমার বাংলাদেশ পার্টি কেমন সম্প্রীতি করবেন?


00:00Starting from Uttar Pradesh, Pakistan will join forces with other Muslim countries as a federation.
00:08Where Muslims will be able to live and survive under their rule.
00:16They knew that the Brahmins were coming from the Brahmins.
00:21And the Brahmins knew about the rule of the Congress.
00:26They understood that there is no difference between different castes in this society.
00:33And in this context, Allah has to say that India must be born in a separate Muslim community.
00:42This is the first message.
00:45Otherwise, there will be no politics.
00:48Otherwise, you will go to politics with the secular Indian National Congress.
00:53You will create a constitutional representation.
00:56Why can't we have that in England?
