সম্প্রীতির বাংলাদেশে আমার বাংলাদেশ পার্টি কেমন সম্প্রীতি করবেন?

  • 3 months ago
সম্প্রীতির বাংলাদেশে আমার বাংলাদেশ পার্টি কেমন সম্প্রীতি করবেন?


00:00The politics of BGP is coming to Bangladesh.
00:03In the name of the culture, in the name of the culture, in the name of the 1000 year old Bengali tradition,
00:08I will take my character, my heritage, my faith, my life, my identity, everything.
00:15Some of my people are cultural and some are non-cultural.
00:19The whole area is Bengali Muslim.
00:21I have no doubt about this.
00:23I have recognized the roots of that life.
00:25They told me, you can fight against the Eastern Islam of India,
00:28you can fight against the Ancestral Islam of India,
00:32you can fight against the Western Islam,
00:35Western culture, historical and civilized culture etc.
00:39How can you fight against those?
00:41This was what they said before.
00:43What is the place of the Hindu nationalism?
00:48They said, you can fight the Hindu Nationality.
00:52When did they say this?
00:54the world.
