FTS 20:30 27-06: Pres. Arce held press conference to discuss coup attempt

  • 3 months ago
FTS 20.30
*2nd CELAC Social Forum kicks off in Honduras.
*Biden and Trump to face off in first presidential debate.


00:00The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, held a meeting with several journalists about the
00:12failed coup d'etat against his government.
00:17The second Select Social Forum began on Thursday in the capital of Honduras, where delegations
00:22from several countries will address the efforts to fight poverty and social justice.
00:30And U.S. Democratic President Joe Biden and former Republican President Donald Trump will
00:35hold on Thursday the first debate ahead of November's contested presidential elections.
00:45Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Alejandra Garcia from Telesur Studios in Havana,
00:51We begin with the news.
00:52The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, held a meeting with several journalists about the
00:56failed coup d'etat against his government.
00:58In the statements offered from the Casa Grande del Pueblo, the president made statements
01:03related to the failed coup attempt led by the former Army Commander General Juan José
01:09In his speech, he made a detailed review of what happened during the failed coup d'etat,
01:14which threatened to destroy democracy in Bolivia.
01:17In some moments of his speech, he compared the violence generated during this act with
01:22previous actions.
01:23He also highlighted the conviction of the members of his cabinet in defense of the democratic
01:28process in Bolivia.
01:30The press conference concluded with a round of questions from several journalists.
01:41And during an exclusive interview for our multiplatform Telesur, the Bolivian Minister
01:46of the Presidency, MarĂ­a Elena Prada, informed that at least 14 citizens were injured as
01:51a result of the recent coup attempt.
01:56I want to inform the people of our great homeland about the wounded during this failed coup.
02:04Here I have some images.
02:09We can see.
02:11So far we have registered 14 wounded, 14 wounded from firearms shots, 14 wounded who were in
02:21the Murillo Square, walking around, resisting, actually trying to enter to safeguard the
02:27life of our president, our democracy.
02:34In that sense, I'm very concerned about what has happened.
02:43We were one of the countries that has suffered the highest number of coups, about 40 in our
02:49nation's history.
02:52The Minister of the Presidency also gave details about the attempted coup carried out by former
02:57Army Commander Juan ZĂșñiga against President Luis Arce.
03:07Then when he managed to open the doors of the Palacio Quemado, what happened is that
03:11there was our president.
03:13I was with him.
03:14And he tells me, Comrade, I'm going to face ZĂșñiga, and I'm going to do it to avoid
03:19a bloodshed, assuming all the consequences.
03:22And those are the images that are made public.
03:25The vice president went with the president, and I also went with the president, and we
03:30went down.
03:31When ZĂșñiga was already entering the presidential palace to later seize the Casa Grande del
03:36Pueblo, and our president confronted him directly, the first thing he told him was, the president
03:43was holding the baton of Comrade Deliverer to him as president.
03:47And he says, as your Captain General of the Armed Forces, I order you at this moment to
03:54demobilize the troops, demobilize the armored vehicles that are in Murillo Square, and complete
04:00with our constitution, and don't put the Bolivian people at risk.
04:08Also in Bolivia, the government revealed a new arrest of military personnel involved
04:12in the attempted coup against the government of President Luis Arce.
04:16During a press conference, the minister of government, Eduardo del Castillo, informed
04:20that the military group led by Juan JosĂ© ZĂșñiga had been planning an insubordination
04:25for almost a month.
04:27Del Castillo confirmed and presented around 17 implicated people arrested after the criminal
04:32acts in Murillo Square.
04:34Meanwhile, the minister urged the Bolivian population to leave aside their differences
04:39and fight for the unity of the country.
04:46The second Select Social Forum began on Thursday in the capital of Honduras, where delegations
04:51from several countries will address the efforts to fight poverty and social justice.
04:56The event is attended by several former presidents, among other personalities, that will discuss
05:00the challenges of regional integration, the role of social movements in the defense of
05:05democracy, revolutionary processes, and the fight against Cops de Tat, making a special
05:10reference to the coup attempt against President Luis Arce in Bolivia.
05:14According to the program, the plenary session of Select Social will be held on the 29th,
05:19followed by the working tables, and it is expected that the day will conclude with the
05:24presentation of a final declaration.
05:33Let us take into consideration that today, although the left, progressivism and revolution
05:39is a strategic project, there is also a dispute between the global north and the global south.
05:45And there are coincidences today with countries that cannot be in our America, or are not
05:50even geographically in the south, but they believe in sovereignty and they do not want
05:56to let themselves be dominated, as President Nestor Kirchner would say, by the north, by
06:02the west, by the United States, by Europe.
06:06And that is where we must make an alliance.
06:09Hopefully, one day, the ALBA countries will join the BRICS, and all the strong countries
06:14of our America will forge a path with the countries that want to do things differently
06:19in our world.
06:21And we will remain at the forefront with the collective projects leading those global processes.
06:28The government of Venezuela denounced that the extreme right wing has activated a plan
06:33of violence to destabilize the country ahead of the presidential election to be held on
06:37July 28th.
06:39President Maduro was visiting the city of Quibor in the state of Lara, from where he
06:43pointed out that the Venezuelan fascist right wing has carried out sabotages to the national
06:48electric system, besides attacking the Angostura Bridge over the Orinoco River.
06:53President Maduro assured that the Venezuelan people will not allow to be robbed of their
06:58right to a peaceful future before, during or after the presidential elections.
07:03I have stated in recent days, they have activated a plan of violence, they are not campaigning,
07:16the cowards are preparing the Guarimba, electric ward, sabotaging bridges, and many other things.
07:23But I tell you surname feches, if you eat the light, if you eat the light, these people
07:29will go over you, like the people of Bolivia.
07:33We will not allow it.
07:37China reiterated on Thursday its interest to strengthen and boost its bilateral relations
07:42with Venezuela.
07:43The statement was made by the Spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Mao Ning,
07:48in the context of a historic moment between both countries, which are marking their 50th
07:53anniversary of diplomatic relations.
07:56Mao Ning reaffirmed that Beijing is working for the unwavering development of relations
08:00with Caracas, from a strategic and long-term perspective.
08:22In Cuba, 27 political caricatures paying tribute to the revolutionary commander-in-chief Fidel
08:28Castro have been showcased during the first international Biennial of Political Humor
08:33that will be held in Havana until Friday.
08:36The portraits are complied in an exhibition called High Fidelity, inaugurated at the headquarters
08:42of the Union of Journalists of Cuba.
08:44The works belong to the recognized graphic artists dating back to the 1950s, published
08:49by different Cuban media outlets.
08:51Within the framework of the event, there were debates around the effective communication
08:56of caricatures and memes with the workshop Political Humor and Communication in the 21st
09:01Century, being held through a videoconference with the participation of national and international
09:12In Argentina, the second edition of the Cinema and Reflection Cycle kicked off on Wednesday
09:17with the screening of the Mexican documentary The Train and the Peninsula.
09:21The documentary film proposes an immersive journey across the roots of the Maya train
09:25project in Yucatan, Mexico.
09:28The cycle, framed in the activities celebrating the Environment Month, is part of the Undersecretariat
09:33of Culture's initiative to keep the Chubut Cultural Center active by promoting talks,
09:39exhibitions and literary discussions.
09:41The cycle, that includes the attendance of Joel Hume from the International Patagonia
09:46Ecofilm Festival, aims to boost environmental education and to help inform, raise awareness
09:52and improve the life quality of the local and international community.
09:56Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at TeleCity English
10:03where you will find news in different formats, news updates and more.
10:07Other stories coming up, stay with us.
10:17Welcome back.
10:19U.S. Democratic President Joe Biden and former Republican President Donald Trump would hold
10:25on Thursday the first debate ahead of November's contested presidential elections.
10:30The debate, to be held in the city of Atlanta at 9 p.m. Eastern Time, is the first between
10:35a sitting president and a former president, as well as the earliest U.S. general election
10:40presidential debate in modern history.
10:42With less than five months before voting day, the stakes are high for the candidates
10:47as they try to inspire their supporters and hood the undecided voters.
10:53The economy, reproductive health rights, immigration and the January 6th riots are expected to
10:59be the hot topics of the debate.
11:01Both candidates will meet again in September.
11:12In Gaza, Israeli shelling on the Havalia camp leaves at least eight dead.
11:34Palestinian authorities reported on Wednesday a bombing by the Israeli occupation forces
11:38in Havalia refugee camp in the north of Gaza City, where in addition to the eight deaths,
11:44several people were wounded.
11:45Since Israel's attacks began, more than 37,000 Palestinians have been killed and more than
11:5186,000 wounded.
11:53In addition, at least 10,000 people are reported missing, presumably under the rubble resulting
11:59from the bombings.
12:01Palestinian and international organizations claim that most of those killed and injured
12:05are women and children.
12:11The rescue missions that have been working nonstop in Gaza since October 7th, 2023, warned
12:17that their work could stop at any moment.
12:19In this regard, they alerted in a statement that the fuel is running out, including the
12:23reserve, adding that on Thursday they were only able to go to two missions due to the
12:28lack of fuel.
12:29The missions also highlighted the dramatic situation faced by dozens of men, women and
12:34children condemned to a slow, agonizing and painful death if they cannot be extracted
12:40from under tons of rubble.
12:42It should be also noted that in addition to the scarcity, the rescuers are being increasingly
12:47targeted by the artillery of the Israeli army.
12:56In Syria, on Wednesday, an Israeli missile struck the south of the capital city of Tabasco,
13:01claiming at least two lives.
13:02The Syrian air defense forces managed to shoot down some shells fired from the occupied
13:07Golan territory, but the impact of the remaining ones left a military injured and significant
13:12material losses in the area.
13:14The aggression targeted a center that houses heavy vehicles specialized in the construction
13:19and rehabilitation of service installations.
13:23Iran has been an ally of the Syrian government in the fight against the Daesh terrorists,
13:27some of whom seek refugee in areas under occupation.
13:34The United Nations assured that the planet faces alarming rates of violence against children
13:39living in countries in conflict.
13:41The report prepared by experts of the organism reiterates that the current situation is only
13:46comparable to the years of the Second World War.
13:49The United Nations Security Council has been convened to analyze the extreme situation
13:54in Palestine, Myanmar, Somalia, Nigeria and Sudan, which are the countries with the worst
13:59indicators after analyzing the level of suffering of minors in the nation's conflicts.
14:05In this sense, the representative of the United Nations Secretary General for Children in
14:09Armed Conflicts, Virginia Gamba, said that children have suffered a flagrant disregard
14:14from their rights and protections.
14:20We have a final short break coming up, but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp
14:24community for our English speaking audience, you can scan the QR code on screen to join
14:29directly and share the link to reach more people.
14:31Constant news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean as well as the rest of the world.
14:36Stay connected and informed with Telesur.
14:38Final short break, don't go away.
14:49Welcome back to From the South.
14:51Dozens of hospitals and medical facilities are damaged or out of service in Sudan after
14:56more than 14 months of war.
14:58The Sudanese health authorities pointed out that the high levels of violence in the African
15:02nation have generated deterioration of the health system and created difficulties for
15:07patients to access timely medical attention and treatment.
15:12On the other hand, the United Nations revealed that more than 14,000 people have been killed
15:16and 33,000 others have been wounded during the conflict.
15:20The international organization does not rule out an increase of these figures as clashes
15:25between the warring parties continue.
15:34For its part, the United Nations organization denounces both sides of the conflict for using
15:39hunger as a weapon of war.
15:41Experts affirm that hostilities between armed forces and quick support forces contribute
15:46to the aggravation of the food crisis, since, among other effects, they block the arrival
15:52and distribution of human rights aid, resulting in the displacement of more than 25 million
16:16The UEFA EURO 2024 group stage came to an end on the final day of Group F, with Georgia's
16:23shock 2-0 win over Portugal, making it the only group to feature three qualifiers in
16:28the round of 16.
16:29This way, the bracket's next stage is set as the competition divides into two groups.
16:34Thus, Spain will face Georgia and Germany will play Denmark, while Portugal will take
16:40on Slovenia and France will match against Belgium.
16:43On the other side, Romania will play the Netherlands, while Austria will face Turkey and England
16:49meets Slovakia, with Switzerland measuring against Italy.
16:52In this context, the Belgium-France match looks to be the toughest one.
16:56Let's see what some of the protagonists have to say about it.
17:04About the Belgian players who said that their team did not fear France.
17:08We are not afraid of Belgium either.
17:09We are not afraid of anyone.
17:11And if they are not afraid of us, good for them.
17:14We'll see on Monday.
17:15We will do everything we can to win.
17:19We go for winning.
17:21We go to win.
17:23We are here and we qualified for this Euro to be part of these best teams.
17:28Now we are part of the best 16 teams.
17:31We will face a top team.
17:33And this is the reason why we qualified, otherwise we could stay at home.
17:37So these are the games we are looking for.
17:43On Thursday, the action continues in the 2024 Copa America, being held in the United States,
17:48specifically with two matches in Group C, where the Uruguayans who are leading the group
17:53will face Bolivia, while the United States, who won in their defeat, will take on their
17:58CONCACAF rivals, Panama.
18:00It should be noted that if Uruguayans win, it will advance to the quarterfinals, solidifying
18:06their candidacy to take home the most coveted trophy in the American continent.
18:18We have come to the end of this news brief, but you can find this and many other stories
18:22on our website at www.telesudyinglish.net.
18:24And join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok, where you will find different
18:30contents and news, like this piece of the statue revealed in France for the upcoming
18:35Olympic Games.
18:36For Telesudyinglish, I'm Alejandra Garcia, thank you for watching.
