The Life and Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson | show | 2024 | Official Trailer

  • 4 months ago
Nicole Brown Simpson's sisters and closest friends break their silence about her murder and O.J. Simpson's controversial | dHNfV19fUFRCRW1tVEE


00:00Bye-bye Sydney. We'll see you again real soon.
00:14It's been 30 years. Maybe it's time to rekindle the flame of Nicole.
00:21I think it's important that people get to know my sister, our sister.
00:26She was my best friend and the one thing I could not protect her from was the monster
00:34she was married to.
00:35We have it on film. OJ, you look gorgeous right now.
00:40You could just feel it when somebody has chemistry for another person and that's what it felt
00:48They just seemed very loving with each other. Was there something I should have picked up
00:54There were so many secrets.
00:57She would see shadows. He was like stalking.
01:02She said that the kids broke the screen door. No one knew how dark it could get.
01:08She had a diary, essentially a list of abuse by Simpson. This still gives me chills.
01:14I said, why are you with him? What are you doing?
01:18Can you get someone over here now to 325 Bretton Green? He's back.
01:25She always thought he was going to hurt her. She always knew it.
01:30He said, your sister's been killed.
01:32My mom's holding my hand and she goes, that's my kid.
01:36Oh my God, I said he did it. He said, who? I said, OJ Simpson.
01:44The police had spoken to us and said, we're watching him. He leaned forward, looked down.
01:51I just loved her too much.
01:54He's going to tell her he did it.
01:56Absolutely, we're 100% not guilty.
01:59It is the most notorious, most highly publicized trial of the century.
02:05The media descended like vultures.
02:08I mean, my God, it was everywhere you went.
02:11The trial went from justice to a business opportunity.
02:15You didn't know who you could trust. Who's talking to the media?
02:18It wasn't about Nicole. It wasn't about Ron. It was about who could win.
02:22Who played the best game?
02:24If it doesn't fit, you must acquit.
02:26Let's get away with murder.
02:27We, the jury, in the above entitled action, find the defendant,
02:30Orenthal James Simpson, not guilty of the crime of murder.
02:37There's nothing to cheer about. Nothing.
02:42A statement from my father.
02:43My first obligation is to my young children,
02:46who will be raised the way that Nicole and I had always planned.
02:50The fact that he is a convicted wife batterer means that he may present a risk of harm to these children.
02:55I just thought, wow, it's still continuing.
02:58How do these children grow up to be normal
03:02if the person that murdered their mother was caring for them?
03:08Who is Nicole? Who is she? Because she got lost in this whole thing.
03:11She wasn't a headline of a tragedy. She was so much more.
03:16Hello, Sidney.
03:19Her children missed out, her family missed out on the woman that she was becoming.
03:26We are here to vindicate her.
03:30Don't get in our way.
03:33I honestly believe that this world does not know
03:38who Nicole Brown was.
03:47Where are you?
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