ICCH porta imprese e istituzioni a confronto sui grandi eventi come opportunità di crescita

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Come creare ricchezza culturale ed economica attraverso i grandi eventi? E qual è il ruolo della comunicazione strategica nell'era digitale?

Questi solo alcuni dei quesiti al centro dell’evento ‘Grandi eventi - Una ricchezza culturale ed economica per il Paese” in occasione della presentazione del nuovo numero The Corporate Communication Magazine organizzato dall’International Corporate Communication Hub a Roma. Al centro del confronto tra diversi protagonisti del mondo delle imprese e delle istituzioni la rilevanza economica dei grandi eventi che attraggono investimenti, stimolano il turismo e incrementano la visibilità, oltre ad attivare la cittadinanza e il tessuto sociale rafforzando la cultura comune del luogo che li ospita."


00:00How to create cultural and economic wealth through major events, and what is the role of strategic communication in the digital era?
00:12These are some of the issues at the center of the event Great Events, a cultural and economic wealth for the country.
00:18On the occasion of the presentation of the new issue of the Corporate Communication Magazine,
00:22organized by the International Corporate Communication Hub in Rome,
00:26at the center of the comparison between different protagonists in the world of companies and institutions,
00:30the economic relevance of the great events that attract investments, stimulate tourism and increase visibility,
00:36in addition to activating citizenship and social fabric, strengthening the common culture of the place that hosts them.
00:42Great events for Rome are fundamental, they offer great economic returns,
00:48just think of the tourist arrivals and all the related services, great social and occupational returns.
00:56It is an impressive fact, the average permanence has gone from that mythological 2.3 days,
01:02so many tourists were in Rome, to 4.1 days today.
01:06Why? Because when you have a great concert, sports, art or fashion event, the tourist stays a few more days.
01:13A solid and historical brand like ours, built in 62 years of history, is a brand that does not need presentations,
01:20so you might think that since we do not need awareness, we do not need forms of communication.
01:27Events, on the other hand, in our opinion, are a way to make this brand live,
01:33make it live daily in the present and above all project it into the future.
01:38So we go to the events in Enel to meet all our stakeholders,
01:45starting with colleagues and ending with external stakeholders,
01:50whether they are clients, institutional stakeholders or partners,
01:54because the best way to live the brand experience is to meet,
02:01because the best way to live the brand experience is to meet,
02:07a unique and unrepeatable experience.
02:09Among the various themes is also that of events, not only from an economic point of view,
02:12but as tools of social cohesion and innovation,
02:15looking at these as catalysts of cultural and social development,
02:19in particular in cities, but also in small towns.
02:22Well, the great sporting events like the Olympics that we are about to organize,
02:27that Italy is organizing, are increasingly characterized as a factor of attraction for international tourism.
02:35The problem is that in order to organize great events,
02:39great and modern infrastructures are needed.
02:42The Sporting Institute has among its tasks to support sporting infrastructures,
02:47which means not only to support small associations, municipalities and so on,
02:52but also to finance or co-finance and co-design new states or the modernization of existing ones.
03:01Well, with ICCH we take care of deepening the themes of communication
03:05that have economic, political and social implications on our country,
03:08and therefore, given the G7 that we have just hosted as Italy,
03:12the Jubilee that we had in 2025, Milano-Cortina in 2026,
03:15obviously it seemed appropriate to do a deepening on these issues,
03:19focusing on the political, economic and social developments that these great events will have,
03:25and how the country system must take this opportunity, this challenge,
03:28putting in place the best excellences that we have,
03:32because these great events can represent a turning point in terms of image for our country.
