At today's House Small Business Committee hearing, Rep. Roger Williams (R-TX) accused the government of censoring small businesses.
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00:00I now call the Committee on Small Business to order.
00:03With that objection, the Chair is authorized to declare a recess of the Committee at any
00:07We are going to do things a little differently today because we are expecting votes to be
00:10called around 10.30, so we will do our best to get through opening statements, introductions
00:15and witness testimony before we recess to go vote.
00:18We will then reconvene when votes are complete and begin member questions at that time.
00:23So I now recognize myself for my opening statement.
00:26We will begin today's hearing, which will examine how the Federal Government is tipping
00:30the scales against certain business online.
00:32I would like to start off by thanking our witnesses for being with us today.
00:35Your attendance and input on these important issues is greatly appreciated.
00:38The online marketplace is essential for small businesses to generate revenue in the modern
00:44Business owners use social media and online platforms to reach their customers, earn revenue
00:47from advertising and promote products.
00:50Over a year ago, it was brought to this Committee's attention that the Government has funded certain
00:53third-party organizations which are making it harder for conservative businesses to succeed
00:59When I first heard about this, it seemed simply un-American and against what we should stand
01:02for as a country.
01:04Our economy is based on competition, where anyone that has a superior product, price
01:08or customer service is able to build successful business.
01:11However, during this Committee's investigation, we found out that this simply is no longer
01:15the case.
01:17The Committee uncovered a vast network of nonprofits, research groups and other entities
01:21that receive Government funding with the goal of stopping misinformation.
01:24As these groups attempt to define what is true, there are many voices in businesses
01:28whose reach is being reduced simply because they believe something that is against the
01:33mainstream narrative.
01:34An example of a viewpoint that would prevent the reach of a business or publisher online
01:39would be that the COVID-19 virus was man-made and came from a lab.
01:44Even though this is now a widely accepted theory about how global the pandemic began,
01:52this view expressed just two years ago would have been censored online and limited the
01:56reach of your business.
01:58The issue has extremely consequential First Amendment implications which are working their
02:02way through the judicial system, and this hearing will examine how the efforts have
02:06been trickling down to affect small businesses.
02:08The Committee uncovered three main ways in which a small business ultimately can get
02:12affected by these censorship efforts.
02:15First, these misinformation organizations flag what content is acceptable to post on
02:19social media websites, thereby eliminating their reach to customers if they get in the
02:23crosshairs of these third parties.
02:26Secondly, there are Government-led pressure campaigns to remove certain businesses from
02:29online marketplaces, preventing them from selling their products over the Internet.
02:34Finally, these organizations hinder businesses from earning in advertising revenue and other
02:38income streams by diminishing a business's reputation, in the case of media outlets,
02:43their circulation.
02:45To put this plain and simple, the Government has been caught collaborating with private
02:48entities to censor narratives they don't like, and yes, your taxpayer dollars are being
02:53used to do this.
02:54The Ministry is constantly working as hard as possible to compete and thrive.
02:58The emergence of online marketplaces has provided millions of small businesses with new ways
03:03to make money and reach customers.
03:05However, we have found out that all businesses online are not given a fair chance to succeed
03:09in this new battleground.
03:10So if you do not agree with a company, the customer can choose not to do business with
03:16But when the Government inserts itself in the process to tip the scales against certain
03:19businesses, it simply is unacceptable.
03:21So finally, I ask unanimous consent to enter into a record a statement from Rumble's CEO,
03:26Chris Pawlowski, emphasizing the importance of free speech to not only this country but
03:31the small business upon which our economy depends.
03:33So without objection, it's so ordered.
03:35I want to thank you all again for being here with us today, and I'm looking forward to
03:38today's important conversation.
03:40And with that, I yield to our distinguished Ranking Member from New York, Ms. Velazquez.
03:44Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and good morning, everybody.