• 6 months ago
During a press conference on Wednesday, Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA) spoke about the need to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in inherent contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena.

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00:00Well, I want to thank Congresswoman Luna for highlighting this important issue.
00:09Compliance with subpoenas is a responsibility of the executive branch that they cannot ignore,
00:16that they cannot wish away.
00:17It is part of the co-equal balance between the branches of government that was put in
00:22place by the founders in the Constitution.
00:25I carry a Constitution with me all the time.
00:27It is not just advisory.
00:30It's not just a suggestion.
00:33It's actually the rules of the road.
00:35And just as we are required to comply with the rules, so is the executive branch.
00:41And when subpoenas are issued for information that we are entitled to as a co-equal branch
00:48of government to provide that oversight that is necessary to conduct the business of Congress
00:54passing laws and legislation, the administration must comply.
01:00So this is not a suggestion to the administration that they have to comply.
01:05This is a mandate, just as this is a mandate for both all three branches of government,
01:11but especially for the two that are being addressed today, the executive and the legislative
01:19You know, I'm honored to be on the Judiciary Committee.
01:22I'm honored to be a subcommittee chairman.
01:25The subcommittee I chair is one that was just created this Congress by Chairman Jordan.
01:30It is compliance and accountability to oversight.
01:33So over the past year and a half, I have been having hearings, bringing administration officials
01:39up, asking them why they are failing to comply with various subpoenas or information requests
01:45from the Judiciary Committee.
01:47And sometimes we get more compliance.
01:51Sometimes we need that additional time to negotiate.
01:55This negotiation over the H.E.R. transcripts has been going on for several months behind
02:01the scenes with staff and in front of the American people because we need to see the
02:09actual recordings to make sure that it matches up with the transcripts.
02:14As Ms. Hageman said, we understand that they have doctored transcripts in the past.
02:19So we need to make sure that it matches up.
02:22And there are certain nuances within the recordings that don't come to light in transcripts.
02:30So having that recording is critical for the Judiciary and Oversight Committees to do their
02:36It is incumbent upon the Attorney General to comply with the subpoena.
02:42The excuse of executive privilege does not exist when you waive it.
02:48And they did waive it by providing us with the transcript.
02:51And my colleagues are here to insist on the prerogatives of the House.
02:57It is within our authority to exercise this inherent contempt authority.
03:04And I commend Congresswoman Luna for bringing this to the public's attention.
03:08Thank you.
