Cow for sale

  • 3 months ago
Cow for sale in Pakistan
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00:00Assalamualaikum viewers, I am your host Zohaib Akhtar from Insaaf Cattle Farm.
00:07Today I have brought for you Jersey and Freshen Calf Cow.
00:11This is second timer.
00:13It takes about 15 days to give birth.
00:16First time milk card was 24 to 25 liters.
00:20InshaAllah this time till 25 plus this animal will milk.
00:24MashaAllah you can be assured of the animal.
00:27MashaAllah very big and beautiful animal.
00:32We have brought for you.
00:34For price and more information you can contact our number.
00:40Our contact number is 0307 491 956.
00:45I repeat the number 0307 491 956.
00:50You can be assured of the animal.
00:52We have guarantee of the animal from all sides.
00:55Second timer is Jersey and Freshen Calf Cow.
00:59It takes about 15 days to give birth.
01:02Price is very reasonable.
01:04For price you can contact our number.
01:07As you know we sell online and offline animals.
01:12For buying online animals you can contact our number.
01:16For buying offline animals you can visit our farm.
01:20You can select the animal of your choice.
01:23Location of our farm is Laiya Taseel Crore, Fatehpur.
01:28Check number is 98 ml.
01:31You can visit our farm.
01:33You will get all types of animals.
01:35Jersey Freshen Calf, Jersey Cholistani Calf, Freshen and Australian Calf.
01:41You can get all types of animals from our farm.
01:47MashaAllah you are checking the animal.
01:50We have brought the animal of very good price for you.
01:56With this I request your permission.
01:59InshaAllah Allah.
02:00We will meet in next video.
02:02I will try to bring better quality and good price animal for you.
02:09Remember in your prayers.
02:11Thank you Allah Hafiz.
