• last year
00:00So Paige, how has Mr. McDade made a difference to the school?
00:04He's been like a really nice janitor to everyone, he says hello to everyone and he lets people call him funny names
00:10because people in our class have called him Patricia or Pat and he's like really nice to everyone in the school
00:17and he's made a good impact to the whole entire school.
00:20And is there anything you'd like to say to him as he retires?
00:23I wish him the best wishes to him and his dog and his wife Mrs. McDade
00:28and I hope he has fun gardening and going on holidays and cruises.
00:33Amazing. And you are going to be going off to academy.
00:37What do you think you're going to miss most about primary?
00:39The teachers because they're so kind.
00:42And what are you most looking forward to about academy?
00:45Different classes and learning different stuff like science and different math and different English.
00:52So Eden, how has Mr. McDade made a difference?
00:55He's just been a very great janitor.
00:58He, last week I think it was, he was doing bowls with us as a competition
01:04and the girl called Lily in our class, she won it.
01:09And he's just very, you know, enthusiastic and he always helps if something's like stuck on the roof
01:16or if anyone needs help getting, say if like the ball got stuck.
01:22And what would you say to him as he goes off on retirement?
01:24I just hope his best wishes. I hope he's going to be alright
01:29and go on lots of fun trips with his dog and his wife.
01:34Amazing. And you are about to leave to go to academy.
01:38What are you going to miss most about primary school?
01:40Everyone in it because everyone's so polite and kind.
01:44And what are you most looking forward to about academy?
01:46Probably being with all my other friends from where I live.
01:51For more UN videos visit www.un.org
