billionaire true Love chapter 134

  • 4 months ago


00:00I lit the candle in front of my parents and Ate Ara's house.
00:05I stared at the smiling pictures
00:07while I couldn't stop the tears in my eyes.
00:12Time flies.
00:14I admit that my childhood days weren't fun.
00:17They were with me,
00:18but even now, they're my family and they're the reason why I learned to fight for my life.
00:24Ate, how are you?
00:26You must be proud of your son now, right?
00:29It feels like forever, but time flies.
00:32He's going to get married and start a family of his own.
00:36Thank you so much for the trust you gave us when we raised him.
00:41That we're his parents instead of you.
00:45I know what happened to you back then was painful.
00:48When you trusted us,
00:51I know you also sacrificed for the better future of Arabella.
00:55That's why you chose to leave him, even if it was painful for you.
01:00I also know what you felt back then.
01:03Maybe I fulfilled my promise to you when I took care of him.
01:09He grew up to be a good and loving son and brother,
01:12just like how you asked me to guide him on the right path,
01:16just like how I gave him your wish back then.
01:20Thank you for always guiding him.
01:23No matter where you are now, I hope you're happy with Daddy and Mommy.
01:28Don't worry, even if you get married,
01:30your son is still here for me to continue to guide and take care of him.
01:35We won't let him get hurt because we will continue to take care of him as much as we can.
01:41As long as I live, I will never forget you, Ate.
01:44Take care of them, Mommy and Daddy.
01:47Tell them that I love them so much.
01:51Despite our family's hardship back then,
01:54you will always be in my heart and mind for the rest of my life.
01:58Thank you for the good memories you shared with Arabella that made us happy, Ate.
02:04He became a good son.
02:06I was weak-spirited and I immediately wiped my tears from my eyes when I didn't notice it.
02:12Our relationship with Ate Ara didn't get better,
02:15but even so, the world still turned upside down.
02:18I still don't know if he's still my brother,
02:21and sometimes he saved my life when I was in the middle of a disaster.
02:26It's just that fate played a trick on us.
02:30Because when did I ever see him tired and gone?
02:35It hurts, but you have to forget the good memories for the peace of everyone.
02:40I wiped my tears from my eyes and looked at Gabriel.
02:45This is how our son, Rafael,
02:47is while quietly staring at the end of my loved ones in life.
02:51Maybe they're so proud of you, wherever they are.
02:56You fulfilled his wish and I know he will always guide Arabella.
03:00No matter what happens,
03:03Gabriel will always smile at you.
03:05I'll save my smile as an apology.
03:09I think we need to go.
03:11Arabella's wedding is tomorrow,
03:13and we need to save up for the event tomorrow.
03:17Gabriel's invitation came with me.
03:20I was able to save and re-enact the pictures of my beloved ones in life
03:25before it was finally released.
03:28I feel like I want to wait for tomorrow to come.
03:33That's the most desperate day of our lives, Corn.
03:36We got married and I know that's the beginning
03:39so that we can be happier.
03:41In the whole month of preparation for our wedding,
03:44Mommy and Daddy were there to support us.
03:50I was able to prove that they were good to me.
03:55When they didn't, it was true.
03:58Sister and son,
04:00Aunt Amara's care for me is getting better.
04:04In fact, she doesn't want me to call her Auntie,
04:07but Mommy because I'm going to be her son's wife.
04:11There are many things I should thank God for.
04:15I was able to overcome many trials in life that came my way.
04:19I know that I can use those happy or sad moments
04:23to be more steadfast in life.
04:25I was also able to talk to Cort about continuing my studies
04:29even though we're already married.
04:31He agreed and told me that he will support everything I want.
04:36So even though we're already married, I will still force him to become a doctor.
04:40Not for me, but for my family.
04:43Mommy and Daddy did nothing but understand me.
04:47Arabella, are you there?
04:50Can I talk to you for a moment?
04:53I turned to the door when I heard Mommy Carissa's voice.
04:57I immediately stood up from my seat in my bed
05:00and quickly went to the door to open it.
05:04It opened.
05:05Mommy's smiling face was mine
05:07so I immediately asked her to come into my room.
05:11I was surprised because there was a small envelope.
05:14Are you excited for tomorrow?
05:16Mommy Carissa immediately asked when she could come into my room.
05:20I was very soft when she hugged me.
05:23Thank you, Mommy, and of course, I'm super-duper excited.
05:28Finally, my dream of becoming a witch will come true.
05:32I will become Arabella Villarama Santillan that I'm eager to answer.
05:36Mommy smiled and hugged me on my back.
05:39I also smiled at the hug
05:42and happily smiled at Mommy and the envelope she held.
05:46I think this is the right time to give this to your Arabella.
05:50You will build your own family and you will use it,
05:53not now, but maybe for your future children.
05:57Give this to me and walk to my study table.
06:01She sat there and took out the contents of the brown envelope.
06:05I was surprised when she took out a piece of paper and looked at it.
06:10These are the money and possessions that your Mommy Ara left before she came back to life.
06:16It's all in your name because that's what it should be.
06:21Mommy Carissa smiled at me.
06:24My eyes immediately opened with surprise.
06:27I didn't expect this kind of topic,
06:29especially if it's related to my personality and my past.
06:33I avoid thinking about that thing
06:37because I admit to myself that until now,
06:40I can't accept that I'm the daughter of an Ar-Perez.
06:43I feel like there's a curse on that name
06:46because it's always attached to my true personality.
06:49Mom, I don't need those anymore.
06:52I don't know her and I never met her,
06:55I'm crying to answer this.
06:57I saw the sadness that suddenly appeared in Mommy's eyes.
07:01After I said that, I gave up.
07:05It's true.
07:07I never met her, Mom.
07:10Ever since then, I've known her as Aunt,
07:13and I think that will never change over time.
07:17I've never been jealous of her,
07:20especially when I found out about the crazy things she did while she was still alive.
07:25I never dreamed that she would be a mother
07:28because I was also jealous because of the bad things she did.
07:32It's like it's fixed in my personality
07:35what kind of mother she is
07:36and after I was born, I was given by Mommy Carissa.
07:41Don't say things like that, Arabella.
07:44You're old enough to think about what's right or wrong.
07:47Sooner or later, you'll have a child
07:50and you'll feel what your mother feels.
07:53Don't be mad at her, she's still your mother,
07:56and no matter what happens, you owe her your life now,
08:00is the weak answer of Mommy Carissa.
08:02I gave in because I felt ashamed.
08:06I don't need those things, I don't want to hold on to things that came from her.
08:11I answered and shed tears in my eyes.
08:14Bella, don't be like that to her.
08:17You'll learn to forgive and be proud of her as your mother,
08:20is the answer of Mommy.
08:22I sat on the sofa weakly
08:24while I couldn't stop shedding tears in my eyes.
08:28Don't think that she doesn't love you, Bella.
08:31She loves you so much, and I saw the sadness in her eyes
08:35when she trusted us back then.
08:38Maybe she didn't have a choice back then, that's why she gave you to us.
08:42Reclusion perpetua is her fate,
08:44that's why she knows she can't give you a good future.
08:49When she forced you to be with her,
08:51I saw how she blames and blames her sins.
08:56That's why no matter how much she blames you,
08:58you should at least give her a little respect,
09:01that's Mommy's motto.
09:03I shed even more tears.
09:05I felt like my eyes were closing because of what I heard.
09:08I know that as much as possible, she doesn't want you to be separated from her,
09:12but she doesn't have a choice.
09:15She needs to pay for all the sins that she committed
09:18and I know that she blames those in the last moments of her life.
09:23Maybe if she doesn't have any sins that she needs to pay for,
09:26she'll want to raise you more,
09:29that's Mommy's motto.
09:31I shed even more tears.
09:33You'll be a Mrs. until tomorrow.
09:36If you want to be happy, look for forgiveness in your heart,
09:40that's Mommy's motto, and stand up.
09:42I held on to it and went out of the room.
09:46I was left behind, unable to stop my tears
09:49while I was looking at what Mommy Carissa pulled out of the envelope.
09:54Money from the bank and a house with my name on it.
09:59The picture of Ara Perez was next to it.
10:02I shed even more tears and my hands were shaking
10:05as I looked at the woman in the picture.
10:08Without a doubt, I was good to her
10:10because it was like we were blessed with fruit.
10:12That's why whenever I visit Mommy in the cemetery,
10:16I feel different when I look at it.
10:23Mom, I don't know why, but why is it so hard to accept?
10:28Is it because you were bad back then and you didn't do anything
10:31but make Mommy Carissa suffer?
10:33Or is it because you never really fed me?
10:37I don't know you.
10:39Maybe I came from your flesh and blood, but I'm sorry.
10:43I can't remember you and it's hard for me to accept this.
10:47You just gave me what you gave me when you gave birth to me.
10:50Even if I didn't recognize your face back then,
10:54I will be Mrs. Santilan tomorrow
10:56and I hope you can see what I'm feeling right now.
11:00Maybe Mommy Carissa is right.
11:02I need to forgive you for the peace of mind of everyone
11:05and so that I can feel more happiness in my heart.
11:09We don't have happy memories, but I hope in the next life,
11:13if you are still my mother, I hope you will be kind.
11:18It's hard to accept that the family that raised me
11:21is not my real family.
11:24Even so, I need to move on and accept everything.
11:28I'm weak and I put the documents in an envelope one by one.
11:33I hid it inside my walk-in closet.
11:37I have no plans to use or move the treasures that it left behind.
11:42I took a short nap before I thought of leaving the room.
11:47I wanted to breathe some fresh air
11:49so that my worries in life would be gone.
11:53I reached their living room, Sister Miracle,
11:55and her husband, Brother Roldan.
11:58Sister Miracle immediately stood up when she saw me
12:01and smiled at me.
12:03So, how does it feel to be a bride?
12:07You should take a beauty rest so that you will be glowing tomorrow.
12:09Sister Miracle smiled at me and immediately kissed me.
12:14Sister Miracle smiled at me.
12:17I feel like I want to be jealous of her look right now.
12:20It's like she's not just getting pregnant
12:22because her husband is back to normal.
12:26There's no doubt that she's happy with Brother Roldan.
12:30In fact, if you were to have a millionaire
12:33and a loving husband, I don't know if you would have any more problems.
12:37Maybe having a kind husband is just a bonus.
12:42Brother Roldan smiled and said goodbye.
12:46He said he's going to the Kambalsa Nursery Room.
12:51Sister Miracle doesn't live here in the mansion.
12:54But they assure their mom and dad
12:56that when their grandchildren go to the mansion,
12:59there's a room where they can rest.
13:03In fact, Sister Miracle can stay here in the mansion
13:07because their mom doesn't allow them to move in this room.
13:11I'm super excited, Ad.
13:13I didn't expect that my long-awaited dream of becoming Mrs. Santillan would finally come true.
13:19Imagine it was just my big dream back then
13:21and now my happy answer will finally come true.
13:25I know, little sissy.
13:27No matter what trial comes to you two
13:30if you really are meant for each other.
13:33Look at us and Brother Roldan.
13:35Who would have thought that I would love myself
13:39and that I would be able to continue, right?
13:40This answer made me smile.
13:42I was relieved right away.
13:44After that, we were also immediately stopped
13:47when we saw Brother Christian approaching us.
13:50To all the people here in the house, this is the only thing that is not happy.
13:55This is a mess and it is obvious that there is anger in the world.
13:58Sister Miracle warned me
14:00before she faced the absence of her own husband.
14:04What's your problem, Christian?
14:06Why do you look like you were sent down from heaven and earth?
14:10Don't tell me until now you still haven't
14:13gotten over Carmela's entry into the military.
14:17Oh no.
14:18I'm telling you.
14:20Just look for someone else because you have no hope there.
14:24The majority of the men who were with us in the training
14:27and there were definitely a lot of macho soldiers who liked us there.
14:31Sister Miracle's reply to Brother Christian.
14:35This guy is staring at sister.
14:37Is it okay, Mira?
14:38I'm not in the mood to joke with you right now.
14:42This is an annoying answer.
14:44Sister Mira laughed right away.
14:47Eh, I'm in the mood right now.
14:49Oh no.
14:50It's still too early.
14:52You still lose to a woman when you flirt.
14:55Because you didn't let me down
14:57that Roldan fell into my hands right away.
14:59Look, he's not interested in me right away.
15:02Because I don't have that flirting in my vocabulary.
15:06We even shared in mommy's mattress after that.
15:10You're slow.
15:11Sister will continue to tease you.
15:14I can't help but laugh.
15:17Will you please shut up?
15:19You're getting on my nerves.
15:20Brother Christian shouted.
15:22It looks like he's not in the mood right now
15:24but sister doesn't want to pity him.
15:26He stood up and immediately hugged Brother Christian
15:29and kissed him on the head.
15:30I was the first one to leave you here in this world
15:33so don't shout at me, Brother Christian.
15:36I'm just kidding with you.
15:38You still lose to a woman.
15:40She didn't like the way sister's tongue was moving.
15:44Brother Christian is so annoying.
15:47To be honest, I'm already used to the two of them.
15:50They're like dogs and cats.
15:53I wish they were twins but they always trip on each other.
15:57The only good thing about Brother Christian
15:59is that he never smiles at sister even when she's hurt.
16:03He thinks he's the man
16:05and his patience should be long.
16:08It's a sure thing that he'll be mad at daddy
16:11if his twin hurts him.
16:13Won't you give me even a little bit of silence?
16:17Instead of making me stronger
16:19especially if you're making me down,
16:20Brother Christian's answer was harsh.
16:23Sister Miracle was just being harsh
16:25before she sat on the sofa again.
16:27Fine, what kind of help do you want?
16:30Just tell me if I can help you
16:32with your broken heart, sister's question.
16:35I want to see her and talk to her.
16:37I miss her so much.
16:39Brother Christian's answer.
16:41Sister's eyebrows were raised.
16:43Oh, it's confusing.
16:45According to Aunt Roxy,
16:47Carmela is in the middle of her training right now.
16:50Cellphones are not allowed and the camp is not allowed to go out.
16:54You have no choice but to wait for her to finish,
16:56Sister's answer.
16:58Brother Christian was suffocated.
17:01That's what I'm saying.
17:02You can't help but ask
17:04what you can do,
17:06Brother's answer.
17:08Sister's smile was harsh.
17:10Even when she's hurt,
17:12he thinks he's the man
17:14and his patience should be long.
17:17It's a shame that it will be lost to daddy.