Milano Pride, assessora Riva: “Serravalle Designer Outlet grande alleato anche su turismo”

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Siamo una città orgogliosa di poter accogliere tutti e di voler accogliere tutti e siamo ancora più felici di farlo con con Serravalle Designer Outlet”. Così Martina Riva, assessora allo Sport, Turismo e Politiche Giovanili del Comune di Milano, a margine del live show organizzato al Parco Ravizza a Milano da Serravalle Designer Outlet in occasione della Pride Week. La serata di musica, danza e comicità è parte della rassegna culturale diffusa ‘The district of joy’, organizzata e ideata da Serravalle Designer Outlet. Inserita nel programma ‘Milano è Viva’, promosso dall’assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Milano, è nel palinsesto di iniziative del Milano Pride.


00:00It's an important week that has distinguished us for many years now, we are a city that wants to be inclusive first of all, where everyone can and should feel at home.
00:17District of Joy is a wonderful event that lasts the whole week of Pride, this evening is a party night, of music, but also of a Milanese culture of alliance between the public and the private.
00:31Serravalle Outlet helped us to build this event, which is part of the largest event followed by Milan and Viva, and this event was built with the help of the administration.
00:45We are at Parco Ravizza, which is a place that the administration wants to promote, we talk about inclusion with a quality event, because we are a proud city to be able to welcome everyone and we are even happier to do it with Serravalle Outlet,
01:05which is also a great ally on a fundamental issue for the city of Milan, which is tourism. Obviously, many Milanese visitors also come to Serravalle, and we are happy to be able to work on the issue of tourism, but also on inclusion with a partner like this.
