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00:00This is why you need to know the world's military power rankings.
00:02Who's got the mightiest force?
00:04At number 10, we've got Italy, known for its advanced naval power.
00:07Next up, number 9, Germany, a force with cutting-edge tech.
00:11In the 8th spot, we've got South Korea, always ready for action.
00:14Number 7 is France, with its elite special forces.
00:16Rolling in at number 6, the United Kingdom, a legacy of military prowess.
00:20Number 5, Japan, a tech giant with immense strength.
00:23At number 4, India, boasting one of the largest armies.
00:26Number 3, China, a superpower with massive resources.
00:29In the 2nd place, Russia, known for its powerful arsenal.
00:32And finally, at number 1, the United States, leading the globe in military dominance.
00:36That's the top 10 strongest militaries in the world.
00:38Which country impressed you the most?
00:39Comment below.
