Locked In Syndrome - Howard Wicks writes his story using only his eyes

  • 3 months ago
00:00Howard Hicks has a rare neurological disorder which has been life-changing.
00:05A stroke in 2011 meant he was diagnosed with locked-in syndrome.
00:09He relies on a computer to communicate.
00:12This condition has profoundly impacted my daily life,
00:16making every physical activity or job impossible
00:19and preventing me from communicating impulsively with those around me.
00:24Howard has taken control of his own care
00:27and wants to use his experience to advocate for others.
00:30I started Wix Enterprise, a private care service,
00:34to manage my own care and support team.
00:37He's obviously got the locked-in trust which is fantastic
00:40and he helps people all over the world
00:43and he'll give them copies of his list of eye movements that he's got for instance,
00:47how he takes his medication, anything that is just going to make their life easier.
00:52The hope is sharing his experiences with other people
00:55will lead to better care and support for others.
00:58Emma Reminsky, BBC Spotlight.
