Quirky 8ft BOA snake greets human mom at door after escaping enclosure

  • 3 months ago
Kelsey recently shared a hilarious video that's sure to give anyone a good chuckle.

She and her husband, proud owners of 30 different snakes, are no strangers to slithery surprises. Her husband, a licensed venomous snake handler, keeps their serpentine family in check—or at least tries to!

"So, I went to feed the lizards and was greeted at the door by our eight-foot-long BOA who likes to escape her enclosure," Kelsey shared with WooGlobe.

The video is a perfect blend of unexpected comedy and the quirky reality of living with a reptile with a sense of humor.
Location: Quinlan, United States

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00:00oh are you serious ma'am are you for real
