The Mudge Boy Bande-annonce (EN)

  • il y a 2 mois
00:30Stop it! Stop it!
00:34Duncan Mudge was never an ordinary boy.
00:37Want to know a secret?
00:38You can calm a chicken by putting its head in your mouth.
00:42My mom showed me.
00:43He has lost the only person who understood him.
00:47Your mom was a weirdo too, huh?
00:50And he was growing up in a place...
00:52How are you ever going to take care of yourself, huh?
00:55...that had no tolerance for those who might be different.
00:58You act like a girl sometimes, Duncan.
01:00Duncan, get your filthy ass off your mother's sofa. Now!
01:04In case you haven't noticed, she's dead.
01:08Take your clothes off.
01:13This is my hideout.
01:14Did you ever bring a girl up here?
01:19He is a spitting image of Lydia.
01:21Yeah, I see.
01:22Try it on.
01:23You really want me to?
01:24I don't want you to. I just thought it would be funny.
01:28Ça a l'air bon.
01:29Duncan Mudge will have to learn...
01:33C'est ça ce que tu veux, hein?
01:36Salut, petit chien.
01:38...that being a man...
01:41...might mean nothing more...
01:45...than being who you really are.
01:49Emile Hirsch.
01:51The Mudge Boy.
01:54Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?
01:57Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?